Ben Carson Will Crack Down On Non-Citizens Committing Voter Fraud By Revoking Their Citizenship


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The Republican activist bravely offered the very new idea that he wants to “have secure borders,” calling on the government to adopt policies “learned from security personnel in prisons and other secured facilities” while lamenting that children of undocumented immigrants can enroll in public schools, a constitutional right.

Carson also demanded that the government begin deporting undocumented immigrants for the extremely rare incidents of voter fraud… and revoking the citizenship that they do not have: “Anyone caught involved in voter fraud should be immediately deported and have his citizenship revoked.:uhh::uhoh3:

Ben Carson Will Crack Down On Non-Citizens Committing Voter Fraud By Revoking Their Citizenship Right Wing Watch
Maybe he doesn't understand what "citizenship" means?

How does he plan to revoke something that doesn't exist?

What a nut case Carson really is. No wonder ignorant RWs love him.
That one went right over your head too!
I believe it might have gone over yours. How does one revoke the citizenship of someone who is not a citizen?
The word anyone is not limited to illegals. Anyone means anyone. He obviously meant that naturalized citizens should have their citizenship revoked and deported if they have committed voter fraud. Carson's error is in being too optimistic about American citizens. Those born here are just as apt to commit voter fraud. Especially those with dual citizenship.

In addressing liberals it is important to speak slowly and carefully using little words. The liberal mind cannot comprehend complex matters.
That one went right over your head too!
I believe it might have gone over yours. How does one revoke the citizenship of someone who is not a citizen?
How does one vote if one is not a citizen?

Oh gawd.

Don't ask.

Now the low-information nutters will come out from under their rocks to say that millions and millions and millions of illegals are voting.

Better get Lil Jimmy O'Keefe on this .......................................

Oh wait -

That one went right over your head too!
I believe it might have gone over yours. How does one revoke the citizenship of someone who is not a citizen?
How does one vote if one is not a citizen?

Oh gawd.

Don't ask.

Now the low-information nutters will come out from under their rocks to say that millions and millions and millions of illegals are voting.

Better get Lil Jimmy O'Keefe on this .......................................

Oh wait -
Nice deflection and hyperbole, progtard.

We all know why you commie leftists want 12 million illegal aliens granted amnesty. There's no need to beat around the bush and spew inane bull shit like you just did. You want them because you believe they will all automatically vote DEMOCRAT because they'll all be DEPENDENT on the HANDOUTS you promise them to survive. Yup, BUYING VOTES with TAX PAYER MONEY. The DEMOCRAT WAY.

You people are disgusting human trash, and that's why America overwhelming REJECTED you and your LIES and CORRUPTION. They're SICK of you, and they want you STOPPED.

The sooner you figure that out, the less you'll have to LIE to yourself, dumbass.
That one went right over your head too!
I believe it might have gone over yours. How does one revoke the citizenship of someone who is not a citizen?

making sure they never become one is the closet guess...

Nice of you to give him an excuse for his own stupidity but if that's what he meant, why didn't he say that?
He did. Your brain just couldn't understand the meaning of the word anyone. He should have explained the meaning of the word anyone so democrats would understand what it means.
Ben Carson: 2+2=22
Nutters: What he said was 2+2=4 you progressives are just to stupid to understand
Obviously you cannot revoke something that someone does not have.

I've got the answer though that would cover all the bases. Deport anyone who is here illegally, period.
Not only would you never have to then worry about an illegal voting, but you would also eliminate illegals from stealing our blue collar jobs, bankrupting hospitals whose emergency rooms get used as the healthcare system for illegals, etc etc.

In other words many problems that are caused by illegals would be eliminated, if you simply remove the illegals and prevent more from sneaking in here.
That one went right over your head too!
I believe it might have gone over yours. How does one revoke the citizenship of someone who is not a citizen?
The word anyone is not limited to illegals. Anyone means anyone. He obviously meant that naturalized citizens should have their citizenship revoked and deported if they have committed voter fraud. Carson's error is in being too optimistic about American citizens. Those born here are just as apt to commit voter fraud. Especially those with dual citizenship.

In addressing liberals it is important to speak slowly and carefully using little words. The liberal mind cannot comprehend complex matters.

Not so much about speaking slowly.
To many liberals read the way they think.

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