Benghazi hearings...What a waste of time and money...

Actually the report did find wrongdoing. The problem is that nothing will come of it but more bickering.

Yeah but the wrongdoing pails in comparison of what the Republicans were promising. They promised they would find bodies instead they found weak shit and want to shrug and say "Same thing"
Uh huh. What Hillary did pales in comparison to what some Republican said! After all, it's not like Hillary killed Christopher Steven herself, all she did was laugh off his requests for more security. Sure, republicans said something or other but that is way worse than Hillary ignoring reports from Benghazi security officer who said people will die if changes are not made to security. She didn't act on those changes. People died. Yes, Closed Caption, clearly it is worse what republicans said about it, than what Hillary did and didn't do about it.

She's like a General (SoS). She was asked repeatedly for additional security and either ignored it or didn't give a shit. Therefore, she is DIRECTLY responsible for the death of those she sent there. It's the way government works - unless it's liberal democrats - then, it's NEVER take responsibility. NEVER.
Cutting to the chase, I say Liberals care little of how corrupt our leaders are. They care only that no one upsets their apple cart of receiving subsidized insurance, abortion on demand, and whatever other freebies a corrupted politician can provide them. They even turn a deaf ear to the military men and women who will be forced to serve under a corrupt Commander-in-Chief while knowing they themselves will never be called upon to defend the homeland. Most would readily surrender when the first shot is fired.

Could you point out the corruption the Republicans couldn't find in eleventy investgaions?

I was speaking generally. There is definitely mass corruption in using one's office as Secretary of State to shake down foreign governments and corporations for donations to a family foundation.

Everytime someone asks for specifics of what you claim you respond with back peddling. Do you see why your complaints fall flat?

No I don't. I do see where you would defend Satan himself if he was your corrupt politician though. What I find absolutely appalling about the incident was the fact that the attention was focused upon political cover rather than sending military assets to aid those under fire. That is total incompetence. When my own position was over-run by the North Vietnamese Army forces, my commander called for air strikes on our own position. He acted as a commander should. He did not look for a political excuse. Military assets should have been sent even if they might have failed short in the end. There is no excuse for not sending aid. NONE!
Actually the report did find wrongdoing. The problem is that nothing will come of it but more bickering.

Yeah but the wrongdoing pails in comparison of what the Republicans were promising. They promised they would find bodies instead they found weak shit and want to shrug and say "Same thing"
Uh huh. What Hillary did pales in comparison to what some Republican said! After all, it's not like Hillary killed Christopher Steven herself, all she did was laugh off his requests for more security. Sure, republicans said something or other but that is way worse than Hillary ignoring reports from Benghazi security officer who said people will die if changes are not made to security. She didn't act on those changes. People died. Yes, Closed Caption, clearly it is worse what republicans said about it, than what Hillary did and didn't do about it.

You want to hold Hillary responsible for attacks that had nothing to do with her. That's funny. If only they had more security...everywhere no attacks would ever happen. AWESOME!
Yes. She was Sec of State. It was her responsibility. I don't think it is funny that she ignored repeated requests for additional security. It is not funny at all, that Christopher Stevens asked again and again for more security. He was killed. That is not funny.
The reports shows that while our people were under attack that our leaders in Washington didn't lift a finger to do anything about it. The report shows repeated requests for increased security that went on deaf ears well before the attack. The report also shows how a lie about a video was used to downplay the state of global terrorism long enough to get Obama re-elected.

Nothing to see here.
Actually the report did find wrongdoing. The problem is that nothing will come of it but more bickering.

Yeah but the wrongdoing pails in comparison of what the Republicans were promising. They promised they would find bodies instead they found weak shit and want to shrug and say "Same thing"
Uh huh. What Hillary did pales in comparison to what some Republican said! After all, it's not like Hillary killed Christopher Steven herself, all she did was laugh off his requests for more security. Sure, republicans said something or other but that is way worse than Hillary ignoring reports from Benghazi security officer who said people will die if changes are not made to security. She didn't act on those changes. People died. Yes, Closed Caption, clearly it is worse what republicans said about it, than what Hillary did and didn't do about it.

You want to hold Hillary responsible for attacks that had nothing to do with her. That's funny. If only they had more security...everywhere no attacks would ever happen. AWESOME!
Yes. She was Sec of State. It was her responsibility.

SOS responsibitlity has never been nor will it ever be that no one gets killed and if they do the SOS is responsible for murder. EVER! So its funny to see you try it only now. It looks really credible! :rolleyes:

I don't think it is funny that she ignored repeated requests for additional security. It is not funny at all, that Christopher Stevens asked again and again for more security. He was killed. That is not funny.

She didnt approve extra security. Big happens all the time. You're missing the part where you show everyone that Hillary's actions caused the death of anyone.
Actually the report did find wrongdoing. The problem is that nothing will come of it but more bickering.

Yeah but the wrongdoing pails in comparison of what the Republicans were promising. They promised they would find bodies instead they found weak shit and want to shrug and say "Same thing"
Uh huh. What Hillary did pales in comparison to what some Republican said! After all, it's not like Hillary killed Christopher Steven herself, all she did was laugh off his requests for more security. Sure, republicans said something or other but that is way worse than Hillary ignoring reports from Benghazi security officer who said people will die if changes are not made to security. She didn't act on those changes. People died. Yes, Closed Caption, clearly it is worse what republicans said about it, than what Hillary did and didn't do about it.

You want to hold Hillary responsible for attacks that had nothing to do with her. That's funny. If only they had more security...everywhere no attacks would ever happen. AWESOME!
Yes. She was Sec of State. It was her responsibility.

SOS responsibitlity has never been nor will it ever be that no one gets killed and if they do the SOS is responsible for murder. EVER! So its funny to see you try it only now. It looks really credible! :rolleyes:

I don't think it is funny that she ignored repeated requests for additional security. It is not funny at all, that Christopher Stevens asked again and again for more security. He was killed. That is not funny.

She didnt approve extra security. Big happens all the time. You're missing the part where you show everyone that Hillary's actions caused the death of anyone.
Big deal? Blowing off security requests? She was Sec of State. This was her responsibility. You want to be shown Hillary's actions caused deaths? Read the report.
Cutting to the chase, I say Liberals care little of how corrupt our leaders are. They care only that no one upsets their apple cart of receiving subsidized insurance, abortion on demand, and whatever other freebies a corrupted politician can provide them. They even turn a deaf ear to the military men and women who will be forced to serve under a corrupt Commander-in-Chief while knowing they themselves will never be called upon to defend the homeland. Most would readily surrender when the first shot is fired.

Could you point out the corruption the Republicans couldn't find in eleventy investgaions?

I was speaking generally. There is definitely mass corruption in using one's office as Secretary of State to shake down foreign governments and corporations for donations to a family foundation.

Everytime someone asks for specifics of what you claim you respond with back peddling. Do you see why your complaints fall flat?

No I don't.

Of course you dont. You cant understand why someone just doesnt take your word for it. Gotcha!

I do see where you would defend Satan himself if he was your corrupt politician though.

Calm down Meryl Streep...this isnt an audition

What I find absolutely appalling about the incident was the fact that the attention was focused upon political cover rather than sending military assets to aid those under fire. That is total incompetence. When my own position was over-run by the North Vietnamese Army forces, my commander called for air strikes on our own position. He acted as a commander should. He did not look for a political excuse. Military assets should have been sent even if they might have failed short in the end. There is no excuse for not sending aid. NONE!

You cant prove one thing you just said...thats why you're having a hard time gaining traction. You're fault
Yo, when the Obama Administration refused to hand over proof, and everybody who testified Lies, and the Democrats on the Panel, Lying and blocking everything, no wonder it didn`t get done right! Go back in time if you want true waste of money when the Democrats had the Majority, you basically are a Stupid Puppet repeating what you hear on MSNBC!!!

You really need to refrain from making unsupported assertions about my intellect and to what I heard and where I heard it. I am more than adequately capable of sharing my thoughts, a great many of which I keep to myself. That is a practice you should adopt.

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