Benghazi hero Kris Paronto SLAMS Hillary on Twitter

The Americans in Puerto Rico aren't CIA contractors on a secret mission in a hostile land half a world away surrounded by thousands of armed militia.
The White House noted tersely that this was the eighth congressional committee to investigate the attacks and went on longer than the 9/11 commission and the committees designated to look at Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the Iran-Contra affair and Watergate. It accused Republicans of pursuing “wild conspiracy theories”.

In October, Clinton endured 11 hours of questioning by the House select committee, and was roundly commended for her performance during the marathon hearing while the chairman was criticized for failing to produce any new information about the 2012 attack.

The hearing was a turning point for Clinton’s campaign. On the trail, Democrats still refer to her grace-under-fire performance as a testament to her endurance and ability to withstand and overcome partisan attacks.

The report faults the military for its slow response sending resources to the Libyan city during the deadly 2012 attacks on a US outpost, despite clear orders from Barack Obama and the then US defense secretary Leon Panetta.

House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths
Obama was so traumatized that he went to Vegas for a fundraiser.
Hillary's tweet was: President Trump, Sec. Mattis, and DOD should send the Navy, including the USNS Comfort, to Puerto Rico now. These are American citizens.

Paronto's tweet was: Wish u had that sense of urgency while u were watching the ISR feed during our 5th firefight in B-ghazi
or did u not consider us Americans?

Damn, Hillary might need a skin graph after that BURN. :p
The White House noted tersely that this was the eighth congressional committee to investigate the attacks and went on longer than the 9/11 commission and the committees designated to look at Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the Iran-Contra affair and Watergate. It accused Republicans of pursuing “wild conspiracy theories”.

In October, Clinton endured 11 hours of questioning by the House select committee, and was roundly commended for her performance during the marathon hearing while the chairman was criticized for failing to produce any new information about the 2012 attack.

The hearing was a turning point for Clinton’s campaign. On the trail, Democrats still refer to her grace-under-fire performance as a testament to her endurance and ability to withstand and overcome partisan attacks.

The report faults the military for its slow response sending resources to the Libyan city during the deadly 2012 attacks on a US outpost, despite clear orders from Barack Obama and the then US defense secretary Leon Panetta.

House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths
Faulted the military? It was Hillary and Barry who pointed out in their own defense there was no military anywhere nearby to send in a timely manner.

You would think that knowing there was a call for the ambassador's assassination, knowing that there was still a huge threat of attack on 9/11/12, knowing there were 2 terrorist attacks in the last weeks leading up to 9/11/12, knowing the Al Qaeda-associated militia they hired to protect the Americans in Benghazi had quit, and knowing there was not enough security detail members to protect the Americans in Benghazi - especially after denying more than 50 requests from the ambassador for extra security and after taking away some of his security before the final attack on 9/11/12 ... you would THINK or HOPE The State Department or the Commander of the Armed Forces would have made sure military forces were in position to effect a rescue on 9/11/12 if needed.

I guess that was too much to ask of / expect from Hillary and Barry...
The White House noted tersely that this was the eighth congressional committee to investigate the attacks and went on longer than the 9/11 commission and the committees designated to look at Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the Iran-Contra affair and Watergate. It accused Republicans of pursuing “wild conspiracy theories”.

In October, Clinton endured 11 hours of questioning by the House select committee, and was roundly commended for her performance during the marathon hearing while the chairman was criticized for failing to produce any new information about the 2012 attack.

The hearing was a turning point for Clinton’s campaign. On the trail, Democrats still refer to her grace-under-fire performance as a testament to her endurance and ability to withstand and overcome partisan attacks.

The report faults the military for its slow response sending resources to the Libyan city during the deadly 2012 attacks on a US outpost, despite clear orders from Barack Obama and the then US defense secretary Leon Panetta.

House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths
Faulted the military? It was Hillary and Barry who pointed out in their own defense there was no military anywhere nearby to send in a timely manner.

You would think that knowing there was a call for the ambassador's assassination, knowing that there was still a huge threat of attack on 9/11/12, knowing there were 2 terrorist attacks in the last weeks leading up to 9/11/12, knowing the Al Qaeda-associated militia they hired to protect the Americans in Benghazi had quit, and knowing there was not enough security detail members to protect the Americans in Benghazi - especially after denying more than 50 requests from the ambassador for extra security and after taking away some of his security before the final attack on 9/11/12 ... you would THINK or HOPE The State Department or the Commander of the Armed Forces would have made sure military forces were in position to effect a rescue on 9/11/12 if needed.

I guess that was too much to ask of / expect from Hillary and Barry...

This is from the House report, and the Secretary of Defense and President could have sent military, not the SoS.

House Republicans investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have found no new evidence to conclude that Hillary Clinton, secretary of state at the time, was culpable in the deaths of four Americans, according to the committee’s final report released on Tuesday.

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