Benghazi Victims’ Father: Hillary’s Either ‘Lying, Or Else She Has a Bad Memory,’ ...

Hillary does remember all of the times she has thrown furniture at Bill on PMS weeks
What woman doesn't, one of my ex-wives busted my windshield cause she thought I did something I had not done, Wow she reminds me of Vagisil...of the OP...........
actually, i see Hillary as an angry woman who would eat your pet in one of her outbursts,,,,,would anyone wanna be standing next to her at McDonalds when she takes notice that her burger isnt to her liking?
I'm SURE it's that BRAIN TUMOR that keeps her coughing for a few minutes at a time that caused her to LIE!!!!

Breitbart ^ | August 2, 2016 | IAN HANCHETT
On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” Charles Woods, whose son, Tyrone, was killed in the 2012 Benghazi terror attack stated that Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is either “lying, or else she has a bad memory” about what she told the families of the victims of the Benghazi attack. (snip) After seeing a clip of Clinton’s interview on “Fox News Sunday,” where Clinton argued that some family members of Benghazi victims may not have clear recollections of everything that happened, Woods said, “Well, there are two options, one is either Mrs. Clinton...
If other family members can't remember that were there, how can you conclude there is lying, it was highly emotional meeting.............
So as a good Prog, you are calling Sean Smith's mothers, and Wood's father a LIAR!!! YOU are one large piece of shit
Nope, you're trying to stretch what I said into something I did not, you are the one being dishonest
You mean because you IMPLIED IT as so many of you fuckers do?
I never said anyone lied, that is you imagination, or poor cognitive abilities from being an octogenarian?
So others supposedly don't remember BUT TWO do, so they must be liars by your implied remarks, piece of shit!
Benghazi Victims’ Father: Hillary’s Either ‘Lying, Or Else She Has a Bad Memory,’ ...


OP- Who the feq cares. It almost undoubtedly WAS the video and a terrorist attack, hater dupes.
OP- Who the feq cares. It almost undoubtedly WAS the video and a terrorist attack, hater dupes.

Watch out guys, the hater dupe is here with his OCD, and maggots for brain cells!
You jackasses/dupes are the only people in the world who don't think it was at least triggered by the video. They don't have Fox or Rush. But they have heard you're idiots...
Hillary does remember all of the times she has thrown furniture at Bill on PMS weeks
What woman doesn't, one of my ex-wives busted my windshield cause she thought I did something I had not done, Wow she reminds me of Vagisil...of the OP...........
actually, i see Hillary as an angry woman who would eat your pet in one of her outbursts,,,,,would anyone wanna be standing next to her at McDonalds when she takes notice that her burger isnt to her liking?
Brainwashed hater^^
No evidence of that at all...Being pissed at Bill would be understandable lol...
Hillary does remember all of the times she has thrown furniture at Bill on PMS weeks
What woman doesn't, one of my ex-wives busted my windshield cause she thought I did something I had not done, Wow she reminds me of Vagisil...of the OP...........
actually, i see Hillary as an angry woman who would eat your pet in one of her outbursts,,,,,would anyone wanna be standing next to her at McDonalds when she takes notice that her burger isnt to her liking?
Brainwashed hater^^
Just like the pissed off gold star dupes, no doubt. BS propaganda causes such your big orange idiot candidate...
OP- What lie are you talking about, anyway? That she didn't mention the video, or that the video supposedly wasn't the major problem? Feqqing bs anyway.
If other family members can't remember that were there, how can you conclude there is lying, it was highly emotional meeting.............
So as a good Prog, you are calling Sean Smith's mothers, and Wood's father a LIAR!!! YOU are one large piece of shit
Nope, you're trying to stretch what I said into something I did not, you are the one being dishonest
You mean because you IMPLIED IT as so many of you fuckers do?
I never said anyone lied, that is you imagination, or poor cognitive abilities from being an octogenarian?
So others supposedly don't remember BUT TWO do, so they must be liars by your implied remarks, piece of shit!
You really are an old codger that has mental problems....Again I never said anyone lied, are you retarded?
Benghazi Victims’ Father: Hillary’s Either ‘Lying, Or Else She Has a Bad Memory,’ ...

smart money on lying
Benghazi Victims’ Father: Hillary’s Either ‘Lying, Or Else She Has a Bad Memory,’ ...

After carefully studying all facts,

97% of scientists agree Queen Hillary was lying

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