Benghazi: Was it the Video?

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

oh god...Obama should've known whether it was spontaneous or not and that is what you are now squawking about?

Obama used the video as an excuse to cover the fact that this was planned. If people knew it was planned, which it was, then Obama and Hillary are responsible because requests for additional security weeks before the attack were denied.

So now it was the video and you moved the goal posts.

Good Job....Hey we only wasted a couple mill investigating this. Good Job

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

Well no.

They didn't lie.

Because it was several groups as well as individuals that were involved.

And the group that DID plan the attack? Was mad about the video.

Issa's had two years with this..and he's fed raw emails and documentation to his backers at FOX and Drudge.

Nothing he's fed them..has done anything other than get folks who were cooperating with the US in Libya in trouble, Petraeus fired from the CIA and the CIA in general exposed for their operations in Libya.

Good job guys.

Good job!

There was no spontaneous demonstration. Period. It was planned. Period. State Department denied repeated requests for additional security. Period.
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It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

oh god...Obama should've known whether it was spontaneous or not and that is what you are now squawking about?

He did.

But then again it didn't look too good right before an election, so he dreamed up a fake scenario.
oh god...Obama should've known whether it was spontaneous or not and that is what you are now squawking about?

Obama used the video as an excuse to cover the fact that this was planned. If people knew it was planned, which it was, then Obama and Hillary are responsible because requests for additional security weeks before the attack were denied.

So now it was the video and you moved the goal posts.

Good Job....Hey we only wasted a couple mill investigating this. Good Job


Read my post again. I never said the video caused the attack. I said the video is Obama's excuse for the planned attack.
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

There was no lie. The Obama administration repeated verbatim what the CIA told them at the time, which is that a pretty hastily planned demonstration was fomented because of the video.

The real truth here is that right-wing Americans goaded Islamic terrorists to act out by making that video so they could blame Obama for the attack.

That's pretty ugly but it's the truth, and it's why right-wingers NEED to continue to save face by deflecting away from they did themselves by having Americans killed for knowingly inciting hate against our people serving in difficult places in the world.

I don't know why some Americans decide they're going to incite hate when they know our people are serving over there on our behalf, but that's what shit like that video does and we all know it to be true.

Susan Rice was right; right-wing trolls who invent fairy tales were wrong.
Obama used the video as an excuse to cover the fact that this was planned. If people knew it was planned, which it was, then Obama and Hillary are responsible because requests for additional security weeks before the attack were denied.

So now it was the video and you moved the goal posts.

Good Job....Hey we only wasted a couple mill investigating this. Good Job


Read my post again. I never said the video caused the attack. I said the video is Obama's excuse for the planned attack.

as usual you have nothing but your opinion based on speculation ... aka NOTHING.

nut jobs and their pipe dreams ... change the spin to fit the story, say it long enough and it becomes the truth .. the truth of an idiot.
It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

Well no.

They didn't lie.

Because it was several groups as well as individuals that were involved.

And the group that DID plan the attack? Was mad about the video.

Issa's had two years with this..and he's fed raw emails and documentation to his backers at FOX and Drudge.

Nothing he's fed them..has done anything other than get folks who were cooperating with the US in Libya in trouble, Petraeus fired from the CIA and the CIA in general exposed for their operations in Libya.

Good job guys.

Good job!

Several groups? That's why they set up checkpoints. To keep the number of groups down to only several. Can't have no outsider personnel actually just protesting or taking videos and pictures.. They wanted to shoot up the place without the news spoiling their fun. After all, that's how protests work. They don't want publicity......
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This guy has been running around for two years giving interviews to the AP. Christ almighty the freaking Domino's pizza man could of found him. Now the administration snatches him up before Billary's TV tour? Seems fishy to me. But, we will see what he says about the video...but really that's not the point. Lack of a sense of urgency on behalf of this administration is.
Video | Special Report | Bret Baier | Fox News Channel

This Air Force officer has an interesting story to tell.

He will say what he is told to say.

lol. I was going to make a post yesterday that if this guy says the video was a factor that the RWnuts will simply claim he was forced to say that. Thanks for pre-emptively proving me right.

How would that work? Torture? Are you admitting now that with torture people will say whatever they think you want them to say?
Ya gotta love these whackadoodles.

A conspiracy for every square peg to fit into the empty round holes of their pin little heads.
It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

There was no lie. The Obama administration repeated verbatim what the CIA told them at the time, which is that a pretty hastily planned demonstration was fomented because of the video.

The real truth here is that right-wing Americans goaded Islamic terrorists to act out by making that video so they could blame Obama for the attack.

That's pretty ugly but it's the truth, and it's why right-wingers NEED to continue to save face by deflecting away from they did themselves by having Americans killed for knowingly inciting hate against our people serving in difficult places in the world.

I don't know why some Americans decide they're going to incite hate when they know our people are serving over there on our behalf, but that's what shit like that video does and we all know it to be true.

Susan Rice was right; right-wing trolls who invent fairy tales were wrong.

It's a lie.
Blog: CIA Station Chief confirms no protests before Benghazi attack
So now it was the video and you moved the goal posts.

Good Job....Hey we only wasted a couple mill investigating this. Good Job


Read my post again. I never said the video caused the attack. I said the video is Obama's excuse for the planned attack.

as usual you have nothing but your opinion based on speculation ... aka NOTHING.

nut jobs and their pipe dreams ... change the spin to fit the story, say it long enough and it becomes the truth .. the truth of an idiot.

Oh go whine on your mamas tit.
The key word is MIGHT That means this is a talking point. The video was not the cause. And the conspiracy comment nails it. They covered all the talking point bases.

"The first is that the anti-Muslim video really might have contributed to the deadly violence, just as intelligence agencies suggested in the immediate aftermath of the attack, and just as Susan Rice said on the Sunday shows soon after."
Read my post again. I never said the video caused the attack. I said the video is Obama's excuse for the planned attack.

as usual you have nothing but your opinion based on speculation ... aka NOTHING.

nut jobs and their pipe dreams ... change the spin to fit the story, say it long enough and it becomes the truth .. the truth of an idiot.

Oh go whine on your mamas tit.

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

There was no lie. The Obama administration repeated verbatim what the CIA told them at the time, which is that a pretty hastily planned demonstration was fomented because of the video.

The real truth here is that right-wing Americans goaded Islamic terrorists to act out by making that video so they could blame Obama for the attack.

That's pretty ugly but it's the truth, and it's why right-wingers NEED to continue to save face by deflecting away from they did themselves by having Americans killed for knowingly inciting hate against our people serving in difficult places in the world.

I don't know why some Americans decide they're going to incite hate when they know our people are serving over there on our behalf, but that's what shit like that video does and we all know it to be true.

Susan Rice was right; right-wing trolls who invent fairy tales were wrong.

Wow you are so far off the mark. Susan Rice feed you with shit and you ate it like sugar coated doughnuts.
Liberals will talk about this like it's fact and soon it will be in history books.
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.

Immediately after Obama said it was about the video, news about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

There, fixed it for ya

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." -- Obama memo lying about Benghazi attack
The key word is MIGHT That means this is a talking point. The video was not the cause. And the conspiracy comment nails it. They covered all the talking point bases.

"The first is that the anti-Muslim video really might have contributed to the deadly violence, just as intelligence agencies suggested in the immediate aftermath of the attack, and just as Susan Rice said on the Sunday shows soon after."

When the attack happened there had been only a few hundred hits to the video so how was that a factor at all?? Its not,its was a planed terrorist attack from the moment it started,even Dian Fenstian has public stated such. She has a chair on the senate intelligence comity and a high ranking Dem that isn't always on the cool-aid.
Liberals will talk about this like it's fact and soon it will be in history books.

Yeah well you arent exactly laying out a counter argument or even proving how the guy involved doesnt know what he's talking about so....your bad

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