Benghazi: Was it the Video?

"Durka, durka Jihad, the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, sherpa sherpa, it was because of the video just like Susan Rice said" Abu reading from a prepared statement
There was no demonstration. Period.
Only according to people who were not there. PERIOD!

Okay. Tell us who was there saying there was a demonstration.
Abu Khattala for one, Wanis al-Sharif for another and a friend of Stevens for a third.

Libya consulate attack came after militants joined protesters, say witnesses, officials - The Washington Post

At least an hour before the assault began, a stream of cars was seen moving toward the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. By late Tuesday evening, as many as 50 heavily armed militants had gathered outside its high walls.
They joined protesters outside the consulate who were demonstrating against an American movie that they believed denigrated the prophet Muhammad. But according to one witness, the new arrivals neither chanted slogans nor carried banners.
“They said, ‘We are Muslims defending the prophet. We are defending Islam,’ ” Libyan television journalist Firas Abdelhakim said in an interview.


Stevens, who had spent many years in Libya, had arrived Monday from the embassy in Tripoli for a week of routine meetings. A friend who spent Monday and Tuesday with him said Stevens held meetings with nongovernmental organizations and militia leaders on both days. When the friend dropped Stevens off at the consulate Tuesday afternoon, he said, nothing appeared to be amiss — beyond the protesters.

The first protesters had showed up around noon. Wanis al-Sharif, the deputy Libyan interior minister, said in an interview that the demonstrators were angered by a low-budget American film that portrayed the prophet Muhammad in a blasphemous manner. As the day wore on, Sharif said, the anger escalated and people with weapons infiltrated the crowd.
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I want to know when getting it from the horses mouth was no longer proof of anything
It's been reported that the attacker they captured had told people watching the attack that it was in reaction to the video.

Breaking for Foxbots/hater dupes: Not many in the ME saw the video, but all the other protests and attacks earlier that day were in reaction to calls from the most popular RW fundie "Rush Limbaugh" for protests. If the attackers hadn't heard about those calls and attacks, they must have been listening to Fox, Beck, Rush know, the news blackout.

If they planned these attacks, they did a damn shytty job...if the panic room had a fan, no casualties at the mission.
I'm at a lost..Republicans refuse (or its a secret) to tell why they dont believe someone who was there.
I'm at a lost..Republicans refuse (or its a secret) to tell why they dont believe someone who was there.

You can't possibly be surprised. You couldn't have guessed that he was only going to be believed if he said what they wanted to hear?

Fear not. Normal Americans will get it.
Bottom line is we don't know anymore than we did before.

Yeah if by we dont know you mean its been confirmed by someone involved that it was the video then yeah...

Your original post states according to people who heard him so what you have are some people saying they heard him say it was about the video. If these people said they heard him say it had nothing to do with the video would you still be as accepting of their word?
What was happening all over the globe that week. Somehow Muslims could be incited worldwide by the video, but that little speck in Libya, those folks, nyet. Nope, those guys were immune to news of hearing about how their Prophet was mocked as a pig fucking skunk junker.

You know, those Benghazi freaks were above it all to be incensed about that kind of stuff.

Do you guys even hear yourselves???

Sep 14, 2012 / Global

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World

Reuters / Google Maps

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident."

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - The Wire

Two days later, the Muslim world gets the idea that somebody made a video that makes them look like the murdering fuckers they really are. So they get pissed. Course up until the Obama Administration started broadcasting apologies all over the world on 9-11-12 most of these assholes didn't even know that video existed.

Fact is, you folks are just cattle being led to the market by your Democrat masters. You'll believe whatever they tell you. I bet you even believe that a bunch of IRS computers all crashed at the same time and erased the same emails that have been subpenaed by a congressional committee.
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Gee, Wally. What a coincidence, huh Wally. Yeah, Beav. We better ask Dad about this one.
What was happening all over the globe that week. Somehow Muslims could be incited worldwide by the video, but that little speck in Libya, those folks, nyet. Nope, those guys were immune to news of hearing about how their Prophet was mocked as a pig fucking skunk junker.

You know, those Benghazi freaks were above it all to be incensed about that kind of stuff.

Do you guys even hear yourselves???

Sep 14, 2012 / Global

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World

Reuters / Google Maps

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident."

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - The Wire

Two days later, the Muslim world gets the idea that somebody made a video that makes them look like the murdering fuckers they really are. So they get pissed. Course up until the Obama Administration started broadcasting apologies all over the world on 9-11-12 most of these assholes didn't even know that video existed.

Fact is, you folks are just cattle being led to the market by your Democrat masters. You'll believe whatever they tell you. I bet you even believe that a bunch of IRS computers all crashed at the same time and erased the same emails that have been subpenaed by a congressional committee.
You pinheads are fucking deranged.
Bottom line is we don't know anymore than we did before.

Yeah if by we dont know you mean its been confirmed by someone involved that it was the video then yeah...

Your original post states according to people who heard him so what you have are some people saying they heard him say it was about the video. If these people said they heard him say it had nothing to do with the video would you still be as accepting of their word?

Hypotheticals arent real...This is reality and you reject it for some unknown or secret reasoning
Kroft: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya attack.

Obama: Right.

Kroft: Do you believe that this was a terrorist attack?

Obama: Well, it’s too early to know exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans and we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice one way or the other.

Kroft: It’s been described as a mob action. But there are reports that they were very heavily armed with grenades. That doesn’t sound like your normal demonstration.

Obama: As I said, we’re still investigating exactly what happened. I don’t want to jump the gun on this. But you’re right that this is not a situation that was exactly the same as what happened in Egypt. And my suspicion is, is that there are folks involved in this, who were looking to target Americans from the start.


Clinton: Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.
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Yeah if by we dont know you mean its been confirmed by someone involved that it was the video then yeah...

Your original post states according to people who heard him so what you have are some people saying they heard him say it was about the video. If these people said they heard him say it had nothing to do with the video would you still be as accepting of their word?

Hypotheticals arent real...This is reality and you reject it for some unknown or secret reasoning

Hearsay which is what you posted is proof of nothing which you accept without question for reasons that are neither unknown or secret.
Your original post states according to people who heard him so what you have are some people saying they heard him say it was about the video. If these people said they heard him say it had nothing to do with the video would you still be as accepting of their word?

Hypotheticals arent real...This is reality and you reject it for some unknown or secret reasoning

Hearsay which is what you posted is proof of nothing which you accept without question for reasons that are neither unknown or secret.

Yet you believe the hearsay that the video wasnt the cause from people who werent there..but disregard the reporting from the Times based on nothing but feelings.

Ummm ok buddy
Hypotheticals arent real...This is reality and you reject it for some unknown or secret reasoning

Hearsay which is what you posted is proof of nothing which you accept without question for reasons that are neither unknown or secret.

Yet you believe the hearsay that the video wasnt the cause from people who werent there..but disregard the reporting from the Times based on nothing but feelings.

Ummm ok buddy

I questions the video because of the testimony of the people in contact with the consulate and annex on the night of the attack that is not hearsay that was testimony under oath. As for reporting this guy did more than a few interviews while he was free I don't recall in any of them he claimed it was about a video. So I"m taking the word of people who testified under oath and your going with some people said he said this got it.

Hearsay which is what you posted is proof of nothing which you accept without question for reasons that are neither unknown or secret.

Yet you believe the hearsay that the video wasnt the cause from people who werent there..but disregard the reporting from the Times based on nothing but feelings.

Ummm ok buddy

I questions the video because of the testimony of the people in contact with the consulate and annex on the night of the attack that is not hearsay that was testimony under oath. As for reporting this guy did more than a few interviews while he was free I don't recall in any of them he claimed it was about a video. So I"m taking the word of people who testified under oath and your going with some people said he said this got it.

It would be proof if they were part of the rioting or even spoke to anyone involved.

Since they didnt...its hearsay. But here you are taking one hearsay from someone observing over the hearsay of someone involved in the actual rioting.

And you cant explain why....but we know why.
A little reminder of that rat-fuck "Pastor" Terry Jones on September 12, 2012, puffing up the video and his plans to fan the powder keg

Terry Jones: Florida pastor endorses anti-Muslim film that sparked protests

  • os-terry-jones.jpg-20120912

3:02 p.m. EST, September 12, 2012|By Arelis R. Hernández, Orlando Sentinel

Florida pastor Terry Jones said he supports and is promoting a film criticizing Islam that has sparked worldwide outrage from Muslims, including violent protests in Libya where a U.S. ambassador was killed in a firebomb attack on the embassy Tuesday.

The Gainesville-area pastor, known for his virulent opposition to Islam, issued a statement on his website defending the film "Innocence of Muslims," directed by Sam Bacile of California, who describes himself as an Israeli Jew.



General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the U.S. military's Joint Chiefs of Staff, asked Jones to withdraw his support of the film during a phone call Wednesday, Reuters reported.

Protesters in Libya and Egypt exploded in anger at the amateur film's release and launched assaults against the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, killing Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the attacks but said in a statement that "inflammatory material posted on the Internet" is not a justification for "violent acts of this kind."

"The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others," she said. "Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind."

Jones showed the trailer for the film, which disparages the life of the Prophet Mohammed and his followers, on Tuesday during what he called, "International Judge Mohammad Day."

Terry Jones supports movie behind embassy bombing protests: Terry Jones supports movie sparking worldwide outrage from Muslims that led to embassy bombings in Libya. - Orlando Sentinel
Did a video kill 4 Americans or was it movie critics???

Just imagine if Islamic girl scouts killed 4 Americans, liberal scum would invent knew lies and angles.

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