Benghazi: Was it the Video?

conspiracy talking points are starting to prove themselves false .. the excuses begin..
I posted this earlier this year:

Some of those religious freaks go nuts after a one-dimensional cartoon is shown depicting their Prophet. Many of these are unstable, uneducated fanatics.

I don't know why people find it so amazing it could be both -- the video and some of the factions in that crowd that preplanned it.

Things can happen concurrently when angry fucked up groups assemble.

To the devout, hearing word their Prophet was depicted as a pig fucker and in the most demeaning way possible certainly will only add to the rage...
And I posted this October of 2012 ::::


There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry. That was from initial eye-witness accounts.
Now we read the Al-Sharia group was gathering restless Muslims from nearby neighborhoods to chant against the film.

"The neighbors all described the militants setting up checkpoints around the compound at about 8 p.m. The State Department’s timeline says the attack itself began at around 9:40 p.m.

Khaled al-Haddar, a lawyer who passed by the scene as he headed to his nearby home, said he saw the fighters gathering a few youths from among passers-by and urged them to chant against the film."

Libyan witnesses recount organized Benghazi attack - Washington Times
(the conservative Moonie Times, no less)

To repeat: There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry - join that up with the Ansar al-Sharia (who first claimed, then denied responsibility) crowd - who no doubt were mightily pissed and ready to do us harm to begin with,

and add the gasoline of that video to their whacked out religious sensibilities, and you get KA-BOOM!

As I said, it's not like the "reasons" can't happen concurrently, and the Intel was, as officials tell us, still fluid.

But still there are folks who are absolutely convinced...the video had nothing - nothing! to do with it.


...and it most certainly played a part in what was happening globally that week, with some 54 countries / locales showing up at our embassies and in the streets to protest...that video, and what "these protests" in that email refers to.

Only someone extremely myopic could not see that.
You Lefty's are strange ducks.

General Ham, the General in CHARGE of Lybia at the time said that there was no demonstration.

You sick people are SO desperate to protect your King you are willing to take the word of a Terrorist over the General.

That truly is sick.

So wait, you dont believe the guy responsible for the attack?

If its the video guy then no not at all.The terrorist cell that planed and carried it out certainly is.

^^ Must be a sentence scramble
The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia

Reports of the video were just beginning to spread on Sept. 9 when Mr. McFarland, then the officer normally in charge of politics and economics at the United States Embassy in Tripoli, had his meeting with the Benghazi militia leaders. Among them were some of the same men who had greeted Mr. Stevens when he arrived in Benghazi at the start of the revolt, including Mr. Gharabi, 39, a heavyset former Abu Salim inmate who ran a local sandwich truck before becoming the leader of the Rafallah al-Sehati. Another was Wissam bin Hamid, also 39, a slim and slightly hunched mechanic known for his skill with American cars who by then had become the leader of Libya Shield, considered one of the strongest militias in Libya.

In an interview, Mr. Gharabi said that he had known about the building rage in Egypt over the video, but that, “We did not know if it was going to reach us here.”
Mr. McFarland seemed most concerned about the big militia leaders. “'How do the revolutionaries feel about having relationships with Western countries? What is your opinion about the United States?'” the Americans asked, according to Mr. Gharabi. It was “an interrogation,” he said.

“We told them that we hoped that the countries which helped us during the war would now help us in development,” he said. “And America was at the top of the pyramid.”

But Mr. Gharabi and two other Libyan militia leaders present said separately that they tried to warn Mr. McFarland. “We told them, ‘Weapons are everywhere, in every home, and there is no real control,' ” Mr. Bin Hamid of Libya Shield said.

Mr. McFarland struggled to make sense of their contradictory signals. “The message was, ‘Don’t come here because there is no security, but come right away because we need you,' ” Mr. McFarland later told colleagues.

The militia leaders seemed unable to get their stories straight, his colleagues said, and the vague warnings amounted to a reminder of what the diplomats already knew: Post-revolutionary Benghazi was a dangerous place.

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.
Wow, so the CIA and Susan Rice were right all along and the GOP Conspiracy TV was wrong. Think they'll apologize to Rice? Don't hold your breath.
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.
We will see when the terrorist speaks. Until then the video excuse is just unbelievable. The people that carried out the attack had been planning it for some time. A protest march over the video provided them cover to launch attack. Then the goons were flown out of the country on a private jet. This was a coordinated attack...most likely carried out by people trained and funded from Iranian special services. Educate yourself liberals.
I posted this earlier this year:

Some of those religious freaks go nuts after a one-dimensional cartoon is shown depicting their Prophet. Many of these are unstable, uneducated fanatics.

I don't know why people find it so amazing it could be both -- the video and some of the factions in that crowd that preplanned it.

Things can happen concurrently when angry fucked up groups assemble.

To the devout, hearing word their Prophet was depicted as a pig fucker and in the most demeaning way possible certainly will only add to the rage...
And I posted this October of 2012 ::::


There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry. That was from initial eye-witness accounts.
Now we read the Al-Sharia group was gathering restless Muslims from nearby neighborhoods to chant against the film.

"The neighbors all described the militants setting up checkpoints around the compound at about 8 p.m. The State Department’s timeline says the attack itself began at around 9:40 p.m.

Khaled al-Haddar, a lawyer who passed by the scene as he headed to his nearby home, said he saw the fighters gathering a few youths from among passers-by and urged them to chant against the film."

Libyan witnesses recount organized Benghazi attack - Washington Times
(the conservative Moonie Times, no less)

To repeat: There were people there in Benghazi who claimed the video was why they were angry - join that up with the Ansar al-Sharia (who first claimed, then denied responsibility) crowd - who no doubt were mightily pissed and ready to do us harm to begin with,

and add the gasoline of that video to their whacked out religious sensibilities, and you get KA-BOOM!

As I said, it's not like the "reasons" can't happen concurrently, and the Intel was, as officials tell us, still fluid.

But still there are folks who are absolutely convinced...the video had nothing - nothing! to do with it.


...and it most certainly played a part in what was happening globally that week, with some 54 countries / locales showing up at our embassies and in the streets to protest...that video, and what "these protests" in that email refers to.

Only someone extremely myopic could not see that.

When I want to protest something I always set up checkpoints around the area to keep out witnesses and folks you don't want joining in on the raping and pillaging.
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

oh god...Obama should've known whether it was spontaneous or not and that is what you are now squawking about?
News about the video was all over the Middle East. There were protests at several Middle East locations.

Perhaps a core group of terrorists used the situation to their advantage. Swelled their numbers with some gullible rubes who had heard about the video. Strength in numbers, and all that.

It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

Well no.

They didn't lie.

Because it was several groups as well as individuals that were involved.

And the group that DID plan the attack? Was mad about the video.

Issa's had two years with this..and he's fed raw emails and documentation to his backers at FOX and Drudge.

Nothing he's fed them..has done anything other than get folks who were cooperating with the US in Libya in trouble, Petraeus fired from the CIA and the CIA in general exposed for their operations in Libya.

Good job guys.

Good job!
Why is it so difficult to understand -- when it comes to crowds gathered / protests / attacks, it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive.

Sure, some where there to attack, some were there to protest, some where there watch, some where there to loot.

This isn't a difficult concept.

That video spurred shit everywhere with extremists and hard line Muslims freaking out because that video was like making a movie about Jesus fucking a pig, to them anyway.

Those nutcakes flip wigs if you depict their Prophet like that -- even in a newspaper cartoon, it sends 'em flyin...It did, in 54 Countries/locales.

Did some of them plan it prior? Sure. Crowds, nutcakes, crowds, encompass individuals.

"However, according to witnesses, a number of Libyans showed up on the day of the attack on their own to protest the video and, later, as a result of rumors that the Americans were killing protesters. Though Abu Khattala and members of Ansar al-Sharia were spotted at the scene, "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan, were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack," the Times reports."

Times Deals Another Blow to Benghazi Truthers -- NYMag
It's not a perhaps; it's EXACTLY how they operate. How right-wing morons continue to deny that this was the case is its own hilarious show. Let's see where their denial takes them next!

It was a planned attack, not a spontaneous demonstration. That's what the problem is. Obama lied.

oh god...Obama should've known whether it was spontaneous or not and that is what you are now squawking about?

Obama used the video as an excuse to cover the fact that this was planned. If people knew it was planned, which it was, then Obama and Hillary are responsible because requests for additional security weeks before the attack were denied.

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