Benghazi: Was it the Video?

He will say what he is told to say.


That said, if the New York Times’ reporting on this is correct, it would appear to leave a couple of possibilities. The first is that the anti-Muslim video really might have contributed to the deadly violence, just as intelligence agencies suggested in the immediate aftermath of the attack, and just as Susan Rice said on the Sunday shows soon after. Congressional Republicans have chosen to reject the very idea that the video played a role – they apparently don’t find this ideologically satisfying – but the evidence seems hard to ignore.

The second is that the suspected ringleader behind the Benghazi attack is in on the Benghazi conspiracy. Sure, the sheeple will resist, but don’t you see it? The conspiracy is so broad, so all-encompassing, and so far-reaching in its scope, the White House has even gotten to Ahmed Abu Khattala, convincing an alleged terrorist to stick to the talking points.

MSNBC called it from the gate.. Conspiracy theories is all you have :badgrin:

You Lefty's are strange ducks.

General Ham, the General in CHARGE of Lybia at the time said that there was no demonstration.

You sick people are SO desperate to protect your King you are willing to take the word of a Terrorist over the General.

That truly is sick.
Is it? Khattala is an accused terrorists not an accused liar.
Given that he was at the scene of the crime and Ham was not, I think Khattala is more credible at this time. Ham can only report what he saw on a film or what was reported to him by the CIA; none of whom were there either. There are many scenarios where the attackers could have been mistakenly identified as an extension of protests which were occurring all across the Muslim world in that time frame.

One more thing: Has it ever crossed your mind that Khattala was overheard claiming the video was the catalyst for the attack on the US Embassy while he was still free? Now that he has been captured, it is reported in some circles that he maintains that same explanation of events. Considering he faces the death penalty if found guilty, he has no reason to admit his crime and the details surrounding it. That is a strong case for Khattala's credibility.

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