Bergdahl just a cover to allow release of master terrorists


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
The people who were holding him do not ransom people for anything but cash.

The official is not the first to suggest that a ransom was likely paid. Oliver North, who was involved in the Iran-Contra scandal that freed American hostages in Tehran in exchange for the sale of American weapons to Iran, insisted on Wednesday that cash changed hands.

“Whether the Qataris paid it, or some big oil sheik, or somebody used our petrodollars, there was a ransom paid in cash for each one of them, my guess somewhere in the round numbers of $5 or 6 million to get Bergdahl freed,” North told Newsmax.
Rubin agreed with the assessment, again citing the distinction between the Taliban and the Haqqani Network.

“The groups do have links, but if Bergdahl was held by Haqqani and we released Quetta Shura, it seems Bergdahl’s captors were seeking something other than the Taliban prisoners, got paid off, and Obama simply used the trade as an excuse to release master terrorists from Gitmo,” Rubin said.
The theory has not been confirmed—though State has yet to deny it either—but the senior intelligence official expressed concern that the United States may have “enriched a terrorist network.”

“We just funded them for the next 10 years is my guess,” he said."

Official: Bergdhal Details Don't Add Up | Washington Free Beacon
Some dipstick MAKES SHIT UP OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH, and then, mysteriously, the Pentagon "has not confirmed or denied" this FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Then some tard has to rush here and start a topic about this COMPLETELY MADE UP SHIT.

Why won't the government tell us everything they know about the transexual lizard aliens being held in Area 51? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? We have questions!
No such master plan exists, except for the demented screaming of the far right.
Some dipstick MAKES SHIT UP OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH, and then, mysteriously, the Pentagon "has not confirmed or denied" this FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Then some tard has to rush here and start a topic about this COMPLETELY MADE UP SHIT.

Why won't the government tell us everything they know about the transexual lizard aliens being held in Area 51? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? We have questions!

thats our :up: kg :D
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Wow I didn't mean to make you anti-American shits cry.

I'm sorry!
The point that the article makes is that the group holding Bergdahl were not Taliban, but Haqqani Network..and the Haqqani are motivated only by $$$$. Only one of the prisoners released from gitmo was Haqqani.

The rest were Taliban.

We paid for Bergdahl, and then pretended that we were releasing the terrorist big wigs in order to facilitate his release.

All along it was just Obama releasing terrorists.
"The people that are holding Bergdahl want[ed] cash and someone paid it to them,” he said.
The theory relies in large measure on a distinction that has been lost in much of the press coverage of the Berdahl deal. A number of news reports on the circumstances surrounding the prisoner exchange have used “Haqqani” and “Taliban” interchangeably.
Experts say that obscures very real differences between the two groups that are key to understanding the deal that freed Bergdahl.
The Taliban is an ideologically committed group, they say, while the Haqqani Network is better understood as a tribal crime syndicate using unrest in the region not to advance an Islamist agenda but to further own financial and political interests.
“When Westerners talk [about the] Taliban, we tend to use it as a generic term,” said American Enterprise Institute scholar Michael Rubin, a former Middle East advisor to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. “Afghans are more likely to talk about the Haqqani Network versus the Quetta Shura [also known as the Afghan Taliban] versus the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.”

Official: Bergdhal Details Don't Add Up | Washington Free Beacon
Bill Ayers, birth certificate, fast and furious, benghazi, irs scandal, now Bergdahl. Hey republicans, none of the above works. Only internet junkies get all worked up over these minor issues you try to bring Obama down with. You have nothing like the Iraq war lies, economic meltdown, leaving America unprotected on 9-11 and the great republican sequester. This is what most people noticed. The whole world noticed.
Bill Ayers, birth certificate, fast and furious, benghazi, irs scandal, now Bergdahl. Hey republicans, none of the above works. Only internet junkies get all worked up over these minor issues you try to bring Obama down with. You have nothing like the Iraq war lies, economic meltdown, leaving America unprotected on 9-11 and the great republican sequester. This is what most people noticed. The whole world noticed.

We don't need to bring him down.

He's doing that himself.
"...the senior intelligence official expressed concern that the United States may have “enriched a terrorist network.”
Bill Ayers, birth certificate, fast and furious, benghazi, irs scandal, now Bergdahl. Hey republicans, none of the above works. Only internet junkies get all worked up over these minor issues you try to bring Obama down with. You have nothing like the Iraq war lies, economic meltdown, leaving America unprotected on 9-11 and the great republican sequester. This is what most people noticed. The whole world noticed.

We don't need to bring him down.

He's doing that himself.

By losing in 2012 that you predicted, right? :D
Bergdahl just a cover to allow release of master terrorists
Actually it’s a clever plot by the WH to expose the ignorance and stupidity exhibited by you and others on the partisan right.

And the plot is working perfectly.

It's a plot to show the world what anti-American crapheads, like you and our prez, look like:

"...the senior intelligence official expressed concern that the United States may have “enriched a terrorist network.”
Bergdahl just a cover to allow release of master terrorists
Actually it’s a clever plot by the WH to expose the ignorance and stupidity exhibited by you and others on the partisan right.

And the plot is working perfectly.

It's a plot to show the world what anti-American crapheads, like you and our prez, look like:

"...the senior intelligence official expressed concern that the United States may have “enriched a terrorist network.”

an "unnamed source"? I'm sure one could find a "senior intelligence official" who would claim Saddam was responsible for 9/11 as well. So?

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