Slain ISIS Victim Kayla Mueller’s Parents at RNC: ‘We Never Heard from Joe Biden’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

28 Aug 2020 ~~ By Edwin Mora

The parents of Kayla Mueller, a young American aid worker killed by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in 2015, excoriated the Obama administration during the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Thursday for doing nothing to ease their daughter’s plight.
Mueller was held captive, tortured, and “raped repeatedly” by the vicious group’s late leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Former “President Obama refused to meet with us until ISIS had already beheaded other Americans,” Carl Mueller proclaimed at the RNC. “To this day, we’ve never heard from [then-Vice President] Joe Biden.”
Democrat presidential nominee Biden’s loss of his first wife, young daughter, and his eldest son has become central to his political persona. The presidential candidate, along with his Democrat colleagues and their mainstream media allies, often tout the tragedy that has shaped his life as a point of connection to those who need help overcoming similar hardships such as the Mueller family. The media has praised the former VP for consoling those who need help overcoming surmounting loss.
Carl and Marsha Mueller stressed that President Barack Obama and his administration could have been heroes and rescued their daughter, but chose not to.
“We endured an agonizing back-and-forth between us, the Obama administration, and ISIS. We put all our faith in the government. But the government let us down,” Carl said, adding:
Obama negotiated the 2014 exchange of five high-level Taliban prisoners held at the Guantánamo Bay prison for the now-convicted U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl while refusing to allow Kayla’s family to pay a ransom for her release.
“The administration showed more concern for the terrorists in Guantanamo than for the American hostages in Syria,” Carl Mueller said at the RNC.
In 2015, a House panel determined that some of the Taliban jihadis released in exchange for Bergdahl had reengaged in “threatening activities.”
The Obama administration denied GOP allegations that before the prisoner swap, it paid a Taliban and al-Qaeda ally, the Haqqani Network, ransom money that failed to produce Bergdahl.
Jordan has vehemently denied ISIS claims that Jordanian airstrikes targeting the jihadi group killed Kayla. Although some ISIS factions continue to pose a threat, the Trump administration annihilated the group’s territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria in early 2019, significantly degrading the organization’s capabilities.

Obama/Biden let ISIS kill Americans at will with little fear of consequences. Trump destroyed ISIS in less than a year, killed Al Baghdadi, his deputy and the next guy after him too. ISIS is not looking too happy lately. They keep praying to Allah every day for Biden to win so ISIS can get back to the good old days of chopping off the heads of Americans on live TV and laughing about it.
The profound sincerity when the Mueller's were speaking about what it meant to them for the mission that was named after their daughter and when they were praising Trump....
How could they ever expect strength from a person who apologized for American strength, bowing and scraping before the leaders of other countries. Are we prepared to go back there with Joey Xi Biden?
It truly is amazing how completely ineffective and impotent the Obama/Biden administration truly was. As more becomes known, it becomes clearer and clearer that Obama was the worst president in the history of America.
We have remember though, that ole Joey B doesn't remember who Kayla was. He has trouble remembering who his wife is. The Obama/Biden administration placed a very low priority on bringing hostages home. Obama and Joey were too busy having Hollywood parties at the White House and now the Democrats complain about Trump accepting his nomination at the White House. Disgusting Democrats...

28 Aug 2020 ~~ By Edwin Mora

The parents of Kayla Mueller, a young American aid worker killed by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in 2015, excoriated the Obama administration during the Republican National Convention (RNC) on Thursday for doing nothing to ease their daughter’s plight.
Mueller was held captive, tortured, and “raped repeatedly” by the vicious group’s late leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Former “President Obama refused to meet with us until ISIS had already beheaded other Americans,” Carl Mueller proclaimed at the RNC. “To this day, we’ve never heard from [then-Vice President] Joe Biden.”
Democrat presidential nominee Biden’s loss of his first wife, young daughter, and his eldest son has become central to his political persona. The presidential candidate, along with his Democrat colleagues and their mainstream media allies, often tout the tragedy that has shaped his life as a point of connection to those who need help overcoming similar hardships such as the Mueller family. The media has praised the former VP for consoling those who need help overcoming surmounting loss.
Carl and Marsha Mueller stressed that President Barack Obama and his administration could have been heroes and rescued their daughter, but chose not to.
“We endured an agonizing back-and-forth between us, the Obama administration, and ISIS. We put all our faith in the government. But the government let us down,” Carl said, adding:
Obama negotiated the 2014 exchange of five high-level Taliban prisoners held at the Guantánamo Bay prison for the now-convicted U.S. Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl while refusing to allow Kayla’s family to pay a ransom for her release.
“The administration showed more concern for the terrorists in Guantanamo than for the American hostages in Syria,” Carl Mueller said at the RNC.
In 2015, a House panel determined that some of the Taliban jihadis released in exchange for Bergdahl had reengaged in “threatening activities.”
The Obama administration denied GOP allegations that before the prisoner swap, it paid a Taliban and al-Qaeda ally, the Haqqani Network, ransom money that failed to produce Bergdahl.
Jordan has vehemently denied ISIS claims that Jordanian airstrikes targeting the jihadi group killed Kayla. Although some ISIS factions continue to pose a threat, the Trump administration annihilated the group’s territorial caliphate in Iraq and Syria in early 2019, significantly degrading the organization’s capabilities.

Obama/Biden let ISIS kill Americans at will with little fear of consequences. Trump destroyed ISIS in less than a year, killed Al Baghdadi, his deputy and the next guy after him too. ISIS is not looking too happy lately. They keep praying to Allah every day for Biden to win so ISIS can get back to the good old days of chopping off the heads of Americans on live TV and laughing about it.
The profound sincerity when the Mueller's were speaking about what it meant to them for the mission that was named after their daughter and when they were praising Trump....
How could they ever expect strength from a person who apologized for American strength, bowing and scraping before the leaders of other countries. Are we prepared to go back there with Joey Xi Biden?
It truly is amazing how completely ineffective and impotent the Obama/Biden administration truly was. As more becomes known, it becomes clearer and clearer that Obama was the worst president in the history of America.
We have remember though, that ole Joey B doesn't remember who Kayla was. He has trouble remembering who his wife is. The Obama/Biden administration placed a very low priority on bringing hostages home. Obama and Joey were too busy having Hollywood parties at the White House and now the Democrats complain about Trump accepting his nomination at the White House. Disgusting Democrats...
You have disgusting confused with treasonous, worthy of hanging.
Biden got slaughtered at this convention.
He did. But the biggest part of the slaughter came from his own positions and how they can't compare with our President's. The demented recluse could never handle the job he's running for. No Presidential choice was ever as obvious as this one. MAGA
Do you actually think the Tramp admin would pay the ransom. I'm afraid not.

Tramps loves good optics.

Kayla Mueller went thru a living hell at the hands of Islamic terrorists, but it will be much worse for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the day of judgement.

Than God we have a President and a military that took down ISIS.

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