Bergdahl. Remember Him?

Okay, let's clear all of this up. My expertise? I was a Personnel Sergeant and Administrative supervisor with many years working with the UCMJ and the military justice system.

Here is what will happen:

The final report will be submitted to the general officer having courts-martial authority over Bergdahl. He has the sole authority to decide what level of courts-martial, if any, will be conducted.

However, IMHO, with the current level of firings of top officers throughout the military, the general will probably forward the investigation findings up the chain of command to the Pentagon where the JAG will have a team of lawyers go over it with a fine toothed comb. Their purpose will be to decide that, if a courts-martial is conducted, it will not be viable for appeal to otherwise embarrass the administration. And, you can bet it will go to the White House to be vetted.

There is one more scenario: The commanding general can have the juevos to actually decide upon having legal proceedings take place. There are four options depending upon the charges to be brought forward.

Desertion from a place of duty in a combat zone along with treason by conspiring with the enemy - a general courts-martial with the death penalty on the hook.

A special courts-martial with a qualified judge to view the charges and after hearing both sides, handing down a punishment of up to life in prison, reduction in rank, forfeiture of all pay, and dishonorable discharge.

A summary courts-martial with a field grade officer presiding. Lesser charges, lesser punishment, but certainly including reduction in rank, forfeiture of pay, and discharge for other than honorable conditions.

Article 15 by his commanding officer - little more than a slap on the wrist.

It will indeed be interesting to see how this plays out.
Is Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl a hero or a deserter - CBS News
Bowe Bergdahl Deserter or hero MSNBC
Fox News?
After the rightwing witch hunt against Bergdahl you would have thought he would be hung by now
And you don't find it suspicious that this story has dropped off the radar? Two other Americans were beheaded and Obama didn't get them back. Isn't there a solider being held captive in Mexico? Why isn't Obama getting him home?

You'd think that if Bergdhal was innocent Obama would want to make that clear to the Nation. After all he has personally met his parents and played it up to the media. If people think Bergdhal is a traitor he won't have much of a live back home so why not clear his name too? Yet the Obama Administration is silent, why is that? This should be a major victory for his administration getting an innocent solider brought home safe right?

US Marine Held in Mexico Prison for Guns The Case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi - Latin America news -
Bergdhal is innocent until proven guilty

The FoxNews witch hunt has no bearing. If they have evidence, it will come up in a court of law. Same goes for rightwing hero Sgt Tahmooressi
Considering they had to investigate further, according to reports, seems to me it is leading toward that possibility.
This will go on for another six months and the final report will come back as inconclusive as to what actually happened.
Then maybe this guy just gets discharged no charges filed.
This is what will probably happen

The guy has suffered enough.......but not enough for conservatives
Oh I don't think the scum has quite suffered enough yet.
Let's see what happens when he is spotted walking down any street in the US.
Maybe a dozen Gulf War vets will spot him. They'll do a 'Rodney King' on him.

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