Bernanke Hoses Us In the Long Term


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Investors Warned: Step Away From the Kool-Aid - Business News - CNBC

European Central Bank (ECB) President Mario Draghi has said he will do “whatever it takes” to defend the euro and Ben Bernanke’s Federal Reserve has gone to infinity and beyond in an attempt to revive the U.S. economy, but a growing number of market watchers are beginning to doubt unconventional monetary policy will actually work.

“Investors don’t seem to have quite grasped the impotence of monetary policy in a world of supply-side problems. From labor market weakness to fiscal nightmares, our growing economic difficulties cannot be easily resolved simply by a wave of the monetary magic wand,” said Stephen King, chief economist at HSBC in a research note on Thursday.

King believes the U.S. economy is now locked in a low growth environment that cannot be dismissed as cyclical and is accompanied by surprisingly "sticky inflation" driven by high commodity prices, themselves a result of the Fed’s quantitative easing program.

“A massive increase in long-term unemployment has been accompanied by a persistent decline in the participation rate, suggesting that some workers have simply given up looking for employment. This seemingly structural deterioration has left employment depressed, activity weak and the economy seemingly unable to respond to the Fed’s financial temptations,” said King. He noted that the so-called fiscal cliff, or the confluence of tax hikes and spending cuts coming at the beginning of 2013, still hangs over the world’s biggest economy.


All we need to is re-elect Obama and the investing world will turn on us. There won't be an ACA because there will be nothing to pay for it with.

It's to bad the left just can't see the forest for the entitlements.
Bernanke thought he would be keeping banks out of financial calamity.
Bernanke thought he would be keeping banks out of financial calamity.

Its really not complicated. Bernanke is printing money to buy Barry's debt so Barry won't have to declare bankruptcy!! It's a huge huge scam!!

In the end the money has to paid back and it will come out of our standard of living and out of our children's standard of living.

Republicans are now officially, well more or less, commited to ending the Fed's power to to keep giving more drugs to the addict. They know its time for European style austerity.
Far extremist right as well as libertarian delusion running amuck.

The quicker the toxic mortgage mess is cleaned up (the genesises of which were greatly deregulated banking procedures and the mixing of commercial and investment banking houses), the quicker capital can be released safely for investment.
Far extremist right as well as libertarian delusion running amuck.

dear, our founders were extremist and libertarian: they wanted freedom from liberal government

The quicker the toxic mortgage mess is cleaned up (the genesises of which were greatly deregulated banking procedures and the mixing of commercial and investment banking houses), the quicker capital can be released safely for investment.

of course most important genesis was a liberal government regulating to get people into homes the Republican free market said they could not afford. Most obviously, they printed the money needed to buy the homes and then created Fan Fred to buy and insure the mortgages.
Nope, EB, the Washingtons and Jeffersons and Adams and so forth were not libertarians.

You cannot change the historical and political narrative and definitions to accommodate your silliness.

Sorry. You just can't. :lol: Go run along now, dear, and play with bripat.
Nope, EB, the Washingtons and Jeffersons and Adams and so forth were not libertarians.

Jefferson formed the Republican Party in 1792 because he wanted extremely limited libertarian government. He did this when he found out that Washington and Adams were Federalists who wanted the exact opposite. Jefferson then quickly exposed and destroyed the Federalist party forever and freedom or extremely limited libertarian government became the American philosophy and tradition.

Welcome to your very first lesson in American History!
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The quicker the toxic mortgage mess is cleaned up (the genesises of which were greatly deregulated banking procedures and the mixing of commercial and investment banking houses), the quicker capital can be released safely for investment.
The toxic mortgage mess won't clear up, as long as the Marxist central planner douchebags you support continue meddling in the market-driven process of them being liquidated and cleared up.
The quicker the toxic mortgage mess is cleaned up (the genesises of which were greatly deregulated banking procedures and the mixing of commercial and investment banking houses), the quicker capital can be released safely for investment.
The toxic mortgage mess won't clear up, as long as the Marxist central planner douchebags you support continue meddling in the market-driven process of them being liquidated and cleared up.

Great point, I guess thats why the liberal clean forgot to tell us how the toxic mess ought to be cleaned up!!!
And this is why the Board laughs at you. I will bet you $10,000 you can't prove Washington was a libertarian by objective definitions and standards of terms and narrative.

Nope, EB, the Washingtons and Jeffersons and Adams and so forth were not libertarians.

Jefferson formed the Republican Party in 1792 because he wanted extremely limited libertarian government. He did this when he found out that Washington and Adams were Federalists who wanted the exact opposite. Jefferson then quickly exposed and destroyed the Federalist party forever and freedom or extremely limited libertarian government became the American philosophy and tradition.

Welcome to your very first lesson in American History!
Edward, are you really listening to Oddball for advice and reinforcement. No wonder you are such a lost soul.

The quicker the toxic mortgage mess is cleaned up (the genesises of which were greatly deregulated banking procedures and the mixing of commercial and investment banking houses), the quicker capital can be released safely for investment.
The toxic mortgage mess won't clear up, as long as the Marxist central planner douchebags you support continue meddling in the market-driven process of them being liquidated and cleared up.

Great point, I guess thats why the liberal clean forgot to tell us how the toxic mess ought to be cleaned up!!!
Oddball, you embarrass yourself every time as you reveal your lack of understanding of basic economics.
You don't understand language, either.

But, hey, it is a great country.
More Quantative easing without also demanding that the bansters actually lend the money back into THIS economy?

I cannot see how that is going to help all that much.

I can definitely see how that is going to drive up the cost of anything that we IMPORT.
More Quantative easing without also demanding that the bansters actually lend the money back into THIS economy?

I cannot see how that is going to help all that much.

I can definitely see how that is going to drive up the cost of anything that we IMPORT.

That doesn't make sense. If it's not making it out into the economy how is it driving up import prices?

Also, the Fed can't force banks to do anything. The only way to encourage banks to put the money out there is by promising not to yank it away if they try. They're starting to do that with the most recent FOMC decision; saying things like they promise not to tighten until there's substantial improvement in the labour market.

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