Bernie Donors Sue DNC for Fixing Election

It probably won't go anywhere but I can see why they would want to do it. The more interesting question is how will the DNC respond to this it seems unlikely they would all that being brought into the public eye again so do they fight it or just pay them and be done with it?
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .
It probably won't go anywhere but I can see why they would want to do it. The more interesting question is how will the DNC respond to this it seems unlikely they would all that being brought into the public eye again so do they fight it or just pay them and be done with it?
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .
Newsflash: Trump won, and this about the DNC fixing the election.

They didn't fix the election. If they fixed the election , Hillary would be president.
Shitforbrains doesn't know about Primary elections.
You calling anyone " shitforbrains" is like Trump calling Stephen Hawking a dumbass.
Dnc is a private club. They could screw over Bernie if they want . He's not even a democrat!
THE DNC IS A PRIVATE CLUB whose members are self-serving members of thr Socialist Progressive Elite who have set themselves above the Constitution and law, believing they are NOT 'servants of the people' but instead 'Rulers'.

The Peasants are NOT 'Democrats' any more than the filthy Chimney Sweep is a member of the family.

Thanks to Gruber, we already know Democrats believe their voters are STUPID and that they COUNT ON them to be stuid so they can get away with much as the ACA...'It will pay fo itsef, won't cost a dime, will lower premiums, raise SAT scores, and cure Acne...

Democrats need the SHEEP to vote how they're told to vote, WHEN they're told to vote, where they're told to vote, who to vote for, and how many times.


Jared Beck, a Harvard Law graduate and one of the several attorneys who filed the suit against the DNC and its former chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz, wants retribution for donations made by supporters to the Vermont senator’s campaign, citing six legal claims of the DNC’s deceptive conduct, negligent misrepresentation and fraud. The DNC violated Article 5, Section 4 of its own charter by working with a single campaign to effectively choose who would win the Democratic ballot, the attorneys stated in the suit.

Oh dear Lord, we beseech thee, let this case survive a motion to dismiss and go to discovery.
Your thread bombed In Brutal Takedown, Judge Boots #BernieBackers Fraud Lawsuit Out of Court


Jared Beck, a Harvard Law graduate and one of the several attorneys who filed the suit against the DNC and its former chairperson Debbie Wasserman Schultz, wants retribution for donations made by supporters to the Vermont senator’s campaign, citing six legal claims of the DNC’s deceptive conduct, negligent misrepresentation and fraud. The DNC violated Article 5, Section 4 of its own charter by working with a single campaign to effectively choose who would win the Democratic ballot, the attorneys stated in the suit.

Oh dear Lord, we beseech thee, let this case survive a motion to dismiss and go to discovery.

They don't have a leg to stand on. Even if the DNC were not a private organization, it would still be impossible. Even without the super-delegates, Sanders still would have lost. The DNC supported Clinton in 2008 and Obama still won.
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .
Newsflash: Trump won, and this about the DNC fixing the election.

They didn't fix the election. If they fixed the election , Hillary would be president.
Shitforbrains doesn't know about Primary elections.

They ain't really elections . There's all kinds of goofy rules . Delegates and superdelagates who are free to ignore voting results .

Delegates are not unless they supported another candidate. Democrat delegates are awarded on the basis of proportionality. Sanders got only 19% in the Mississippi primary so he got 19% of the delegates. Whereas if this was Republican rules, Clinton would have gotten all the delegates.
It probably won't go anywhere but I can see why they would want to do it. The more interesting question is how will the DNC respond to this it seems unlikely they would all that being brought into the public eye again so do they fight it or just pay them and be done with it?
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .

And yet the GOP kept Trump. You know very well the DNC was wrong but you will never admit it...
It probably won't go anywhere but I can see why they would want to do it. The more interesting question is how will the DNC respond to this it seems unlikely they would all that being brought into the public eye again so do they fight it or just pay them and be done with it?

Surprised it took this long!
It probably won't go anywhere but I can see why they would want to do it. The more interesting question is how will the DNC respond to this it seems unlikely they would all that being brought into the public eye again so do they fight it or just pay them and be done with it?
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .
It probably won't go anywhere but I can see why they would want to do it. The more interesting question is how will the DNC respond to this it seems unlikely they would all that being brought into the public eye again so do they fight it or just pay them and be done with it?
If it goes to the discovery phase no one will remember anything but how corrupt the DNC is.

Newsflash buddy, trump was in the same boat . The RNC hates him . Remember "never trump" and all the talk of ignoring the primary votes .

Let the RnC release its emails . Then we'd be on level ground .
Newsflash: Trump won, and this about the DNC fixing the election.

Bbbbbbbbut Hillary

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