CONFIRMED… DNC WAS IN ON IT! Hillary Campaign Mgr. Was Pushing Fake Russia Story (excerpt)

Wow, this sounds serious!

Congress can't indict anyone, you fucking dumbass. Most of the indictments and charges in the Russia collusion delusion were for Russians who will never see the inside of a US courtroom.
Indictments are full of sworn testimony for Russian interference dumb ass. Grand Juries are frequently used to illicit sworn testimony.

What sworn testimony? Certainly, none of the accused have testified to anything. When Mueller was told to produce his case, he declined. What they don't have is a defendant in custody, and they never will. They are a con, and you fell for it.

Indictments don't contain testimony, moron. That only happens in a courtroom.
"Indictments don't have sworn testimony"...and you call other people morons. Even two fellow Trumpbots gave you positive ratings. Do you even have a GED Diploma? Do they? You have to be rhe most unqualified, uneducated doofus on USMB, assuming a doofus is dumber than a moron.
You spewed a lot of insults, but no proof that what I said is wrong.

You're an imbecile.
An imbecile is a person who believes like you, that a Grand Jury issuing an indictment does not have sworn testimony.
Wow, this sounds serious!

Congress can't indict anyone, you fucking dumbass. Most of the indictments and charges in the Russia collusion delusion were for Russians who will never see the inside of a US courtroom.
Indictments are full of sworn testimony for Russian interference dumb ass. Grand Juries are frequently used to illicit sworn testimony.

What sworn testimony? Certainly, none of the accused have testified to anything. When Mueller was told to produce his case, he declined. What they don't have is a defendant in custody, and they never will. They are a con, and you fell for it.

Indictments don't contain testimony, moron. That only happens in a courtroom.
"Indictments don't have sworn testimony"...and you call other people morons. Even two fellow Trumpbots gave you positive ratings. Do you even have a GED Diploma? Do they? You have to be rhe most unqualified, uneducated doofus on USMB, assuming a doofus is dumber than a moron.

And just exactly what kind of degree do you have, shitforbrains? No doubt some sort of arts degree in gay art history or the like. That is not a degree, that is a certificate of completion for a brain washing course.
Most degree programs teach you how to spell and write sentences. Back to the subject, what happens when you Google "indictment has sworn testimony"?
Full title ... CONFIRMED… DNC WAS IN ON IT! Hillary Campaign Mgr. Was Pushing Fake Russia Story at DNC Convention – SAME DAY FBI Launched Trump-Russia Investigation!

On July 25th, 2016, the DNC was kicking off its convention amidst the release of thousands of emails showing the DNC working exclusively with the Hillary campaign in alleged illegal ways. Bernie Sanders never had a chance and the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned on July 28th in shame during what was to be her pinnacle moment as Chair.

During this same time as the convention was kicking off, with hindsight, something startling was happening, the DNC started sharing the false Russia narrative that morphed into Trump – Russia collusion. Per CBSnews at that time –

(excerpted, more at link)


Communists/progressives/Marxists/DemonRATS/socialists just HATE free and fair elections.

Their goal, since they know better than we, is to disenfranchise us Citizens and do away with that bothersome elections thingie.....and if they can't do that let's do away with the Electoral College and make the votes of only LA, NYC, Shitcago, Balt. and Boston count in electing a DemonRAT president!

Wow, this sounds serious!

The difference of the deep state protecting one of their own!

Oh! The Deep State...

Can you tell us how we join the Deep State...
How do I know someone is in the Deep State, is there a membership list?
Who founded the Deep State?
Is the Deep State hold charity status or is for profit?

So many questions...
contact obammy

Typical Trumpster....

Blame Obama for the Iraq War and Puerto Rico Aid Relief disaster...

I also hear it was Obama fault Trump's dick fell into Stormy Daniels...
Full title ... CONFIRMED… DNC WAS IN ON IT! Hillary Campaign Mgr. Was Pushing Fake Russia Story at DNC Convention – SAME DAY FBI Launched Trump-Russia Investigation!

On July 25th, 2016, the DNC was kicking off its convention amidst the release of thousands of emails showing the DNC working exclusively with the Hillary campaign in alleged illegal ways. Bernie Sanders never had a chance and the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned on July 28th in shame during what was to be her pinnacle moment as Chair.

During this same time as the convention was kicking off, with hindsight, something startling was happening, the DNC started sharing the false Russia narrative that morphed into Trump – Russia collusion. Per CBSnews at that time –

(excerpted, more at link)


Communists/progressives/Marxists/DemonRATS/socialists just HATE free and fair elections.

Their goal, since they know better than we, is to disenfranchise us Citizens and do away with that bothersome elections thingie.....and if they can't do that let's do away with the Electoral College and make the votes of only LA, NYC, Shitcago, Balt. and Boston count in electing a DemonRAT president!

Wow, this sounds serious!

The difference of the deep state protecting one of their own!

Oh! The Deep State...

Can you tell us how we join the Deep State...
How do I know someone is in the Deep State, is there a membership list?
Who founded the Deep State?
Is the Deep State hold charity status or is for profit?

So many questions...
contact obammy

Typical Trumpster....

Blame Obama for the Iraq War and Puerto Rico Aid Relief disaster...

I also hear it was Obama fault Trump's dick fell into Stormy Daniels...
I never said any such thing. the question was 'how does one join the deep state' I answered. why did you feel the need to lie about my answer? I blame democrats for Iraq, well, more Bill Clinton who claimed they had WMDs.

Puerto Rico? :dunno: I blame local government for failing to invest in the electrical grid and waste money. perhaps stop lying about me.

And you should give up on your fantasy of stormy.
Wow, this sounds serious!

The difference of the deep state protecting one of their own!

Oh! The Deep State...

Can you tell us how we join the Deep State...
How do I know someone is in the Deep State, is there a membership list?
Who founded the Deep State?
Is the Deep State hold charity status or is for profit?

So many questions...
contact obammy

Typical Trumpster....

Blame Obama for the Iraq War and Puerto Rico Aid Relief disaster...

I also hear it was Obama fault Trump's dick fell into Stormy Daniels...
I never said any such thing. the question was 'how does one join the deep state' I answered. why did you feel the need to lie about my answer? I blame democrats for Iraq, well, more Bill Clinton who claimed they had WMDs.

Puerto Rico? :dunno: I blame local government for failing to invest in the electrical grid and waste money. perhaps stop lying about me.

And you should give up on your fantasy of stormy.
Oh my....Cowgirl lied again?

Hey Adam Schiff,

Can we have a actual investigation? Or do we have to keep doing this “loop” ?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
God Damn you people are fucking stupid.
The idiot claim here is that the DNC was talking about the Russian attack on our election in July and somehow that is "nefarious"

Guess what?

They DID attack our election and oh pointed out that the FBI was investigating that attack in July...well before the infamous Dossier was produced/

NONE of the nonsense you people spouts makes any sense
Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?
Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?

He DID act...and would have done more had McConnell NOT said he would use any public action against the Dems politically.

Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?
Gee, Mike, I guess you forgot that Obama sanctioned several Russian Embassy employees from the country over the election interference, and Trump's plea to Putin to not react because he would remove the sanctions.
Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?
Gee, Mike, I guess you forgot that Obama sanctioned several Russian Embassy employees from the country over the election interference, and Trump's plea to Putin to not react because he would remove the sanctions.
Oh bullshit! Trump lifted it because Russia did nothing, as the report on you scum's two year witch hunt has proven!
Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?
Gee, Mike, I guess you forgot that Obama sanctioned several Russian Embassy employees from the country over the election interference, and Trump's plea to Putin to not react because he would remove the sanctions.
Oh bullshit! Trump lifted it because Russia did nothing, as the report on you scum's two year witch hunt has proven!
Dang! You still believe Russia didn't try to influence our elections thru social media by inciting fools?
Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?
Gee, Mike, I guess you forgot that Obama sanctioned several Russian Embassy employees from the country over the election interference, and Trump's plea to Putin to not react because he would remove the sanctions.
Oh bullshit! Trump lifted it because Russia did nothing, as the report on you scum's two year witch hunt has proven!
Dang! You still believe Russia didn't try to influence our elections thru social media by inciting fools?
Dang! Prove something liar.
Now will they believe RT ?
( no....the DNC denial will never die)

RT? Seth Richards?

At least PRETEND you're not a sock puppet eh?

Seth Rich, you bet killed by demoloser hit man. yessiree bob. don't need any investigation. All one needs to know is Seth gave Assange the thumb drive with the hitlery emails.
Why didn't Obama act? You wont answer that will you?
Gee, Mike, I guess you forgot that Obama sanctioned several Russian Embassy employees from the country over the election interference, and Trump's plea to Putin to not react because he would remove the sanctions.
Oh bullshit! Trump lifted it because Russia did nothing, as the report on you scum's two year witch hunt has proven!
Dang! You still believe Russia didn't try to influence our elections thru social media by inciting fools?
well I'll answer that honestly once you tell us what you think they actually did and influenced. you first.
Full title ... CONFIRMED… DNC WAS IN ON IT! Hillary Campaign Mgr. Was Pushing Fake Russia Story at DNC Convention – SAME DAY FBI Launched Trump-Russia Investigation!

On July 25th, 2016, the DNC was kicking off its convention amidst the release of thousands of emails showing the DNC working exclusively with the Hillary campaign in alleged illegal ways. Bernie Sanders never had a chance and the DNC chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned on July 28th in shame during what was to be her pinnacle moment as Chair.

During this same time as the convention was kicking off, with hindsight, something startling was happening, the DNC started sharing the false Russia narrative that morphed into Trump – Russia collusion. Per CBSnews at that time –

(excerpted, more at link)


Communists/progressives/Marxists/DemonRATS/socialists just HATE free and fair elections.

Their goal, since they know better than we, is to disenfranchise us Citizens and do away with that bothersome elections thingie.....and if they can't do that let's do away with the Electoral College and make the votes of only LA, NYC, Shitcago, Balt. and Boston count in electing a DemonRAT president!

Wow, this sounds serious!

/—-/ Was Hildabeast under oath?

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