Bernie gets rousing applause from young people at UK's Oxford Union: study found that from 1975 to 2018 $50Trillion moved from bottom 90% to to top 1%

If you can't afford to invest money in stocks and bonds or some other business venture you are not participating in capitalism.

You are free to choose to work at McDonald’s. I am free to choose not to. What’s the problem?

study found that from 1975 to 2018 $50Trillion moved from bottom 90% to to top 1%​

So, the bottom 90% love what the top 1% is producing and selling?!?

Who knew? :safetocomeoutff:
They don't actually love it but they have been conditioned by our consumerist society to think they not only love it but that they NEED it.
The major fallacy of that study is that there was a flat amount of wealth that moved,

In 1975, there were no cell phone companies…just as an example.

There was wealth CREATED OVER THAT TIME.

”MOVED” is misleading.
Bernie does nothing but appeal to emotions. "Isn't it terrible that people are living paycheck to paycheck". He's insinuating that the problem is the system. But what is not part of his discussion is, WHY? Examine the personal choices of 1000 people living pay check to pay check and tell me this;

  • How many have post high school education or have received credible skills like the trades?
  • How many are single mothers
  • How many are single fathers
  • How many have criminal records
  • How many have significant consumer debt
  • How many have significant student loans but are not working in the field where their education is specialized
  • What is the monthly spend on vices like: Cigarettes, booze and illegal drugs
  • What is the monthly spend on non essentials like: Cable TV, Subscriptions, cell phones, misc memberships, etc;
  • Is the person leveraging a monthly budget?

Should people be paid not to participate in a system they hate?

Wouldn't that be capitalism? :auiqs.jpg:
What's with the word "hate"

Why is it that word is thrown around every time even the most minor criticism is given?

And there's capitalism and then there is consumerism where the mere acquisition of stuff is considered the goal.
The major fallacy of that study is that there was a flat amount of wealth that moved,

In 1975, there were no cell phone companies…just as an example.

There was wealth CREATED OVER THAT TIME.

”MOVED” is misleading.

Of course it is. When your thoughts are controlled solely by your feelings you must refuse to understand.
Bernie does nothing but appeal to emotions. "Isn't it terrible that people are living paycheck to paycheck". He's insinuating that the problem is the system. But what is not part of his discussion is, WHY? Examine the personal choices of 1000 people living pay check to pay check and tell me this;

  • How many have post high school education or have received credible skills like the trades?
  • How many are single mothers
  • How many are single fathers
  • How many have criminal records
  • How many have significant consumer debt
  • How many have significant student loans but are not working in the field where their education is specialized
  • What is the monthly spend on vices like: Cigarettes, booze and illegal drugs
  • What is the monthly spend on non essentials like: Cable TV, Subscriptions, cell phones, misc memberships, etc;
  • Is the person leveraging a monthly budget?

Your scenario would be a step forward to actually solving the problem which would cost democrats votes. Never going to happen.
What's with the word "hate"

Why is it that word is thrown around every time even the most minor criticism is given?

And there's capitalism and then there is consumerism where the mere acquisition of stuff is considered the goal.

Yes, lots of hate coming from the left about all things that make this country great.

Capitalism is just one of the many things the left hates about America. Many of them want to steal other people's wealth, that's their plan to acquire wealth.

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