Bernie Has Heart Attack...Socialist Medicine Pays...Oh, No...Private Plan Does

He had a heart attack campaigning. He wouldn’t make it a year in the White House. Hopefully the Demtard drops out. The Demtards are dropping like flies.

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Hilary will be his named running mate IF he gets the nod. Which means...he will be "helped" out the proverbial door and then guess who will be POTUS?:04:
“I am an old Jewish rich bastard...but I don’t want anyone to tink dat other old Jewish bastards should have a private health plan.”
Bernie will kick Trump's butt out of the White House, take us with him to the white house, snap his fingers, and give everyone free health care, free education, and free money.

“I am an old Jewish rich bastard...but I don’t want anyone to tink dat other old Jewish bastards should have a private health plan.”
the federal government pays for it, what's the difference?

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