Bernie, Just 'Cause You're Paranoid Doesn't Mean They AREN'T Out To Get You...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats voice concerns over Sanders


"Awww shit! Here they come again!"

"Democrats who believe Sen. Bernie Sanders(I-Vt.) had a negative influence on the 2016 general election against President Trump are increasingly expressing worries he’ll hurt the party again in 2020.'

'Sanders had a negative influence on the 2016 election'?!
- What had a negative influence on the 2016 general election for the Democrats was having their private e-mails released to the public exposing racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic content...

- What had a negative influence on the 2016 general election for the Democrats was having those leaked e-mails show the DNC worked with Hillary Clinton to cheat in debates, funnel donations marked for other state/federal candidates into her campaign, and the DNC rigged their primaries to ensure Hillary won the nomination...which they had to GIVE Hillary after she failed to beat Hillary.

Donna Brazile, DNC Chairwoman at the time publicly admitted all of it.

They TORPEDOED Sanders....

And one of the tings that helped Trump win was all the pissed-off Bernie supporters who refused to vote for Hillary, many of whom voted for Trump.

"The Democrats complaining about Sanders, some of whom have histories with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton campaign, argue the rhetoric being employed by the Vermont senator in some cases goes too far in damaging his rivals."

Yeah, despite being a Socialist who made his fortune through Capitalism, despite looking like the host of 'Tales From The Crypt', despite having had a heart attack not long ago, Bernie is a formidable force in the 2020 Democrat Primaries, as shown by his popularity and his massive fundraising recently.

As the quote above states, also, Bernie is successfully hurting his rivals, which is kind of the object of the Primaries - to beat, bloody, and knock your rivals out of the race. (This is another shining example of what happens when the younger Democrat candidates grow up getting trophies just for PARTICPATING and thinking 'winning' and 'dominance' is something GIVEN to them, not earned.

No, Bernie - just because you are paranoid does NOT mean they're NOT out to get you. Just like in 2016 the Democrats are not going to allow a card-carrying Socialist to win their Party's nomination. Lightening DOES strike twice, Bernie. YES, they are coming to get you again, Bernie!


After Bernie is gone, I wonder who the DNC / Democrats are going to GIVE their nomination to this election.

Democrats voice concerns over Sanders

I heard some talking heads opining they believe Pelosi held on to the Articles of Impeachment until now, forcing the Senators like / especially Sanders to be stuck in Washington at a desk with no phone instead of out on the campaign trail, campaigning in Iowa, Biden the edge.
Nah,'s all good! Don't sweat it this time, Bernie - YOU GOT THIS ONE!

Bernie still has nightmares of Hillary
& the DNC pulling 'the football' away
at the very last second

I heard some talking heads opining they believe Pelosi held on to the Articles of Impeachment until now, forcing the Senators like / especially Sanders to be stuck in Washington at a desk with no phone instead of out on the campaign trail, campaigning in Iowa, Biden the edge.

I didn't know that Joe had any edges. Only rounded corners.

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