Bernie refuses to be dragged into the mud by liberal media.

Bernie is more conservative than he realizes. The clue: He tries to be civil with people who don't care about truth or honest debate. This experience will probably turn him into a Republican after seeing what the disgusting left is really like.
How can you say that when you got a clown like Trump in the debate?
That makes no sense. Try again.
You know it makes sense. You're just dodging my point.
You can respect the man while not supporting his policy. I'm old so my comparison may not be known to you. He reminds me a bit of Hubert Humphrey.
Yeah, Humphrey didn't know how whacked out liberals were either.
Remember the last time a riot broke out during their convention.
Chicago 68. The brawl got so bad the police had to be called. Have NO doubt their sh8t stinks. BLM will be AT that convention. The Black Panthers were in Chicago.

Democrats can laugh all they want but they got problems. Tons of problems from ALL directions. IF they choose Sanders they will be socialist democrats BECAUSE that is what HE is. So the moniker is theirs.

The wonks don't want him but the people do. Same issue Trump faces. The wonks want Bush like their wonks want Hillary. Bush AND Hillary need to take the bus home.

It's over for both of them and the wonks just need to start dealing with.

That's probably true, but we both know, in the end, the party bosses will get their way, even if they have to rig the process. Most grass roots observers are pretty sure they rigged the process last time with Romney. None of the "people" liked who they picked. The press made their minds up for them. The folks that read about the candidates, understood their positions, and weren't influenced by the media. . . like, say, the soldiers over seas? You do know who they overwhelmingly broke for? And you do know whose delegates weren't even seated at the convention?

So yeah, in the end, the party bosses decide everything. We might as well get used to the idea of a Bush/Clinton run off now. And a Bush victory already. lol
Bernie is more conservative than he realizes. The clue: He tries to be civil with people who don't care about truth or honest debate. This experience will probably turn him into a Republican after seeing what the disgusting left is really like.
How can you say that when you got a clown like Trump in the debate?
That makes no sense. Try again.
You know it makes sense. You're just dodging my point.
There's no point to your adolescent comment. Sorry to be the one to tell you.
You can respect the man while not supporting his policy. I'm old so my comparison may not be known to you. He reminds me a bit of Hubert Humphrey.
Yeah, Humphrey didn't know how whacked out liberals were either.
Remember the last time a riot broke out during their convention.
Chicago 68. The brawl got so bad the police had to be called. Have NO doubt their sh8t stinks. BLM will be AT that convention. The Black Panthers were in Chicago.

Democrats can laugh all they want but they got problems. Tons of problems from ALL directions. IF they choose Sanders they will be socialist democrats BECAUSE that is what HE is. So the moniker is theirs.

The wonks don't want him but the people do. Same issue Trump faces. The wonks want Bush like their wonks want Hillary. Bush AND Hillary need to take the bus home.

It's over for both of them and the wonks just need to start dealing with.

That's probably true, but we both know, in the end, the party bosses will get their way, even if they have to rig the process. Most grass roots observers are pretty sure they rigged the process last time with Romney. None of the "people" liked who they picked. The press made their minds up for them. The folks that read about the candidates, understood their positions, and weren't influenced by the media. . . like, say, the soldiers over seas? You do know who they overwhelmingly broke for? And you do know whose delegates weren't even seated at the convention?

So yeah, in the end, the party bosses decide everything. We might as well get used to the idea of a Bush/Clinton run off now. And a Bush victory already. lol
Are you forgetting that Trump is funding his own campaign? The status quo is null and void this time.
We badly need more candidates like Bernie: Consistent, on point, on the issues, no mud-slinging, serious.
We badly need more candidates like Bernie: Consistent, on point, on the issues, no mud-slinging, serious.
That's another problem for Hillary. He won't sling mud and she can't. She slings mud which IS her tactic the people and the press will eat her alive and for good reason. I really don't like his politics but I respect him as a man more then Hillary.
I KNOW Sanders is a professional politician and a liar. I saw a piece in a Mediate article where he claimed he didn't know what Hillary's position on the TPP was. Well, he was a Senator while she was the Sec. of State and responsible for the negotiators that got this deal done. I can link you to a Foreign Policy article where she wrote that she was proud of her work on this deal. So he was lying to the press about this. I know he wasn't that uninformed about her work. He was playing stupid and covering for her. He's sheep-dogging for the eventual nominee. As such, I wouldn't trust him. He is just another slimy, smarmy politician.

Likewise, he's just another shill for AIPAC talking down to patriots, telling them how their taxes should be spent. Like they don't know what is going on. Dreadful.

Uhmm--you do know that Sanders is Jewish.

This is like complaining about Obama shouting down a pro-KKK supporter or Rubio shouting down a Pro-Castro supporter.

Whatever dude.
Try as I might not to like this guy, I have to admit, the man has class:

To that end, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell spent much of her interview with Sanders on Monday trying to get him to criticize Clinton on something — anything. But Sanders managed to maintain the high ground, refusing to hit his rival on the email controversy or even a recent poll that uncovered “liar” as the word voters associate with her most.


At this point, Sanders had clearly had it with this line of questioning.

“I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. And I know her to be a very hardworking, intelligent person, somebody I worked with in the Senate,” he said. “So I am sorry, I am not going to get into the media game, Andrea, of attacking, making personal attacks, against Hillary Clinton. I just am not going to do that. I don’t think that’s what the American people want. I think we have got to focus on the real issues. Why is the middle class disappearing and almost all new income and wealth going to the top 1 percent? Why don’t we have a trade policy that works for the American worker and not the CEOs of large corporations? Why do we have a system where families cannot afford to send their kids to college?”

“A lot of issues to talk about,” Sanders added. “You’ll forgive me but I’m not going to get into attacking Hillary Clinton personally.”

Mitchell did not bring up her name again.

Earlier this year, Sanders faced a similar situation during an interview with...

<read the full article here:>

Sanders is a class act, if totally misguided
I saw Bernie trying to give a speech, and then some BlackLivesMatters people pushed him aside to take over the microphone.

I have never seen a more disgusting display of cowardice. How can such a man be the leader of the free world?

He had no idea how many were out there in the audience & what the result could have been... he also doesn't have the 'security' money can buy or have crazy ass teabagger supporters packing 'because they can' to back him up either.
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The OP really should have put liberal media in quotes. There is no liberal media. The media is corporate and they want a fight and a horse race.
Imagine a Republican saying anything remotely like this, and what would happen...well matter of Fact Senatorial candidate Richard Mourdock did, and the fucking MSM was all over him, but Bernie and the Hildebeast given huge passes...


So, one sentence from an entire essay, written decades b4 he was in public office... that has zero to do with making policy & law is being compared to a nut who thinks conception through rape is 'what God intended' as if they are equal in thought? Holy Cow.... compare who is an real advocate for women's rights....

I am no Hillary fan, but while doing legal aide work, she was appointed to take on that case, & although she tried to get out of it- she ultimately had to fulfill her obligation. Lawyers, by nature, have to remove themselves emotionally when defending someone- whether they think there is guilt or not, & perform their duty to the best of their ability.
You can respect the man while not supporting his policy. I'm old so my comparison may not be known to you. He reminds me a bit of Hubert Humphrey.
Yeah, Humphrey didn't know how whacked out liberals were either.
Remember the last time a riot broke out during their convention.
Chicago 68. The brawl got so bad the police had to be called. Have NO doubt their sh8t stinks. BLM will be AT that convention. The Black Panthers were in Chicago.

Democrats can laugh all they want but they got problems. Tons of problems from ALL directions. IF they choose Sanders they will be socialist democrats BECAUSE that is what HE is. So the moniker is theirs.

The wonks don't want him but the people do. Same issue Trump faces. The wonks want Bush like their wonks want Hillary. Bush AND Hillary need to take the bus home.

It's over for both of them and the wonks just need to start dealing with.

That's probably true, but we both know, in the end, the party bosses will get their way, even if they have to rig the process. Most grass roots observers are pretty sure they rigged the process last time with Romney. None of the "people" liked who they picked. The press made their minds up for them. The folks that read about the candidates, understood their positions, and weren't influenced by the media. . . like, say, the soldiers over seas? You do know who they overwhelmingly broke for? And you do know whose delegates weren't even seated at the convention?

So yeah, in the end, the party bosses decide everything. We might as well get used to the idea of a Bush/Clinton run off now. And a Bush victory already. lol
Are you forgetting that Trump is funding his own campaign? The status quo is null and void this time.

Trump is not funding it alone anymore, he is taking on donors--- said it a couple weeks back & there's a big DONATE button, plain as day on his campaign website.
You can respect the man while not supporting his policy. I'm old so my comparison may not be known to you. He reminds me a bit of Hubert Humphrey.

Hubert Humphrey??

Humphrey was a pandering whore. Never took a principled stand since he drove the Dixiecrats out in 1948. The two could not possibly be more dissimilar.

Hubert Humphrey --- SMFH...
You can respect the man while not supporting his policy. I'm old so my comparison may not be known to you. He reminds me a bit of Hubert Humphrey.
Yeah, Humphrey didn't know how whacked out liberals were either.
Remember the last time a riot broke out during their convention.
Chicago 68. The brawl got so bad the police had to be called. Have NO doubt their sh8t stinks. BLM will be AT that convention. The Black Panthers were in Chicago.

Democrats can laugh all they want but they got problems. Tons of problems from ALL directions. IF they choose Sanders they will be socialist democrats BECAUSE that is what HE is. So the moniker is theirs.

The wonks don't want him but the people do. Same issue Trump faces. The wonks want Bush like their wonks want Hillary. Bush AND Hillary need to take the bus home.

It's over for both of them and the wonks just need to start dealing with.

That's probably true, but we both know, in the end, the party bosses will get their way, even if they have to rig the process. Most grass roots observers are pretty sure they rigged the process last time with Romney. None of the "people" liked who they picked. The press made their minds up for them. The folks that read about the candidates, understood their positions, and weren't influenced by the media. . . like, say, the soldiers over seas? You do know who they overwhelmingly broke for? And you do know whose delegates weren't even seated at the convention?

So yeah, in the end, the party bosses decide everything. We might as well get used to the idea of a Bush/Clinton run off now. And a Bush victory already. lol
Are you forgetting that Trump is funding his own campaign? The status quo is null and void this time.

Trump is not funding it alone anymore, he is taking on donors--- said it a couple weeks back & there's a big DONATE button, plain as day on his campaign website.
It's one thing to take small donations from individuals, another to take large donations from big corporations who expect special favors in return. Trump isn't out doing $5,000 a plate fund raisers from fat cats the way the establishment candidates do.
Yeah, Humphrey didn't know how whacked out liberals were either.
Remember the last time a riot broke out during their convention.
Chicago 68. The brawl got so bad the police had to be called. Have NO doubt their sh8t stinks. BLM will be AT that convention. The Black Panthers were in Chicago.

Democrats can laugh all they want but they got problems. Tons of problems from ALL directions. IF they choose Sanders they will be socialist democrats BECAUSE that is what HE is. So the moniker is theirs.

The wonks don't want him but the people do. Same issue Trump faces. The wonks want Bush like their wonks want Hillary. Bush AND Hillary need to take the bus home.

It's over for both of them and the wonks just need to start dealing with.

That's probably true, but we both know, in the end, the party bosses will get their way, even if they have to rig the process. Most grass roots observers are pretty sure they rigged the process last time with Romney. None of the "people" liked who they picked. The press made their minds up for them. The folks that read about the candidates, understood their positions, and weren't influenced by the media. . . like, say, the soldiers over seas? You do know who they overwhelmingly broke for? And you do know whose delegates weren't even seated at the convention?

So yeah, in the end, the party bosses decide everything. We might as well get used to the idea of a Bush/Clinton run off now. And a Bush victory already. lol
Are you forgetting that Trump is funding his own campaign? The status quo is null and void this time.

Trump is not funding it alone anymore, he is taking on donors--- said it a couple weeks back & there's a big DONATE button, plain as day on his campaign website.
It's one thing to take small donations from individuals, another to take large donations from big corporations who expect special favors in return. Trump isn't out doing $5,000 a plate fund raisers from fat cats the way the establishment candidates do.

lol, In other words, I want an ignorant tool that plays to the base, like Failin Palin, the Trumpster, Loser Libertarian Paul, etc
Remember the last time a riot broke out during their convention.
Chicago 68. The brawl got so bad the police had to be called. Have NO doubt their sh8t stinks. BLM will be AT that convention. The Black Panthers were in Chicago.

Democrats can laugh all they want but they got problems. Tons of problems from ALL directions. IF they choose Sanders they will be socialist democrats BECAUSE that is what HE is. So the moniker is theirs.

The wonks don't want him but the people do. Same issue Trump faces. The wonks want Bush like their wonks want Hillary. Bush AND Hillary need to take the bus home.

It's over for both of them and the wonks just need to start dealing with.

That's probably true, but we both know, in the end, the party bosses will get their way, even if they have to rig the process. Most grass roots observers are pretty sure they rigged the process last time with Romney. None of the "people" liked who they picked. The press made their minds up for them. The folks that read about the candidates, understood their positions, and weren't influenced by the media. . . like, say, the soldiers over seas? You do know who they overwhelmingly broke for? And you do know whose delegates weren't even seated at the convention?

So yeah, in the end, the party bosses decide everything. We might as well get used to the idea of a Bush/Clinton run off now. And a Bush victory already. lol
Are you forgetting that Trump is funding his own campaign? The status quo is null and void this time.

Trump is not funding it alone anymore, he is taking on donors--- said it a couple weeks back & there's a big DONATE button, plain as day on his campaign website.
It's one thing to take small donations from individuals, another to take large donations from big corporations who expect special favors in return. Trump isn't out doing $5,000 a plate fund raisers from fat cats the way the establishment candidates do.

lol, In other words, I want an ignorant tool that plays to the base, like Failin Palin, the Trumpster, Loser Libertarian Paul, etc
Dude, you make so sense. Put the bottle down.

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