Bernie Responds to Rand Paul's Budget Proposal "that calls for tax breaks for the wealthy and massive cuts to programs the American people need"

Rand Paul's proposal balances the budget in five years on the backs of the middle class with cuts to medicare, medicaid, and education

these two senators were just agreeing on drug pricing reform the other day, now they're not bro's anymore again

That's the way politics and government work. Allies on one issue heated rivals on another. The trick is to keep it civil.
Rand is a stupid ass piece of shit. You know, he doesn't even have a college degree. Yeah, he is a doctor, but he went to medical school, at Duke no less, when they took students that didn't have an undergraduate degree. But he is a fawking eye doctor. I mean that is a damn joke. To be honest, a phlebotomist probably has more training. And obviously, he ain't worth a shit at that because if he was halfway decent, he could make more money working at flippin Walmart.

But hey, thanks for stepping out from behind the curtain. Paul has unwittingly revealed the true goal of the Republicans. They have to make the Trump income tax cuts permanent, they sunset on January 1, 2026. So while Rand's proposal cuts Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food assistance, it also slyly makes the Trump income tax cuts permanent, at a cost of 2 trillion dollars over ten years.

Wait, did I say cost? Yep, sure bud did. See, they had to sunset those tax cuts because the COST would have been significantly higher if they made them permanent. So much for claiming the tax cuts paid for themselves. And the worse part, well the tax cut at the highest bracket, it don't sunset. So hey, no worries if you are part of the one percent.

Rand's own website kind of reveals his ignorance. He proclaims that the federal deficit has doubled, and I guess it has. But in the very next sentence he says that the interest expense on the debt has increased by 32%. It is like, wait, our debt as doubled and our interest cost has only went up by a third. Hell, they call that a buy one get TWO free sale where I come from.

But Ryan's proposal has given me an epiphany. Republicans cannot possible do anything about inflation, they have to oppose democrat proposals at every turn. Their entire existence is dependent on this midterm election. They don't need majorities in both the house and the senate, they need veto proof majorities. They absolutely have to make those tax cuts permanent.

I mean imagine. Hell, perhaps they even take back the executive office in 2024 and swear in a new president in 2025, shit, it might even be Trump, LOL. January 2026 rolls around and those tax cuts sunset. The effect is immediate as withholding rates increase the very first week. All those morons that voted for Trump and Republicans will immediately feel the impact as their check from the chicken plant drops by double digits. And from every rooftop there will be Democrats reminding everyone that Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerberg got to keep their tax cut. Finally, the Republican party will be wearing no clothes and parading through the streets. The midterms in 2026 will be like the those of 1854 and will signal the end of the Republican party.

The historical similarities are stark. The death knell of the Whig party were the Know Nothings, aptly named and could easily be applied to the new Republican "Trump party". Opposition of immigration their primary position. The Know Nothings were called the American Party, and in 1854 they ran 76 candidates for Congress, 35 won. The Whigs ran six, they all lost.

The Trump Republican party has now positioned itself as the American party. The old guard of the Republican party, like Cheney, are destined to be replaced, we have seen as much in the midterm primaries. They will have victories in 2022, just like the American party in 1854. But with Filmore's loss in 1856 and a SCOTUS decision called Dred Scott, they were done for, and by 1860 they were delegated to the trash heap of history, the Republican party's ultimate destination. Happy traveling.
When you announce to the world you’re a fucking retard you sure get long winded about it.
Rand Paul's proposal balances the budget in five years on the backs of the middle class with cuts to medicare, medicaid, and education

these two senators were just agreeing on drug pricing reform the other day, now they're not bro's anymore again

To balance the budget cuts, large cuts, have to be made. It’s not possible to tax our way out of it.
Rand Paul's proposal balances the budget in five years on the backs of the middle class with cuts to medicare, medicaid, and education

these two senators were just agreeing on drug pricing reform the other day, now they're not bro's anymore again

We are $30 trillion in debt. THIRTY FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS!

We can't afford to give the Illegals and Negros welfare. We can't afford the bloated worthless Federal agencies. We can't afford foreign aid or funding these anti American agencies like WHO.

Hell, that stupid Biden sonofabitch said today that he was going to give money to Venezuela to help bail out the failure of Socialism. The same kind of destructive Socialism he wants here the US. How stupid is that?

As usual Paul is right. We can't afford not to do what he suggest.
Well, interest rates have been pretty low lately. It was in all the papers.

Hell, they call that a buy one get TWO free sale where I come from.

Hell, that only works until interest rates go up. Like they did today. LOL!
How does interest rates going up matter. Those treasury bonds, they are not sold with a variable rate. And Biden has actually cut the deficit, so we have to borrow less. And while inflation might be bad for consumers, it is damn good for debtors who pay back debts with dollars valued much less than when they were borrowed.

Which makes opposition to the Build Back better plan is just stupid. Any legitimate economist has came out proclaiming that bill would actually alleviate inflation. Increased efficiency and productivity, it's a no brainer in light of low interest rates and high inflation. I mean this really isn't rocket science. But we are quickly missing a window of opportunity.

My son refinanced his home last year at less than three percent. Cut the term from 30 to 15. Now, with inflation decreasing the value of the dollars he is paying to the mortgage company while home prices in his area have doubled, he is making out like a bandit.
Trump cut middle class taxes? Cool!
He cut taxes on the wealthy PERMANENTLY. On the middle class, well only temporarily. Honestly, that in and of itself should tell you all you need to know. Besides, his tariffs easily ate up all the savings the middle class got from those tax cuts. I mean you have been swindled. The difference between you and I is I realize my ass has been had, you just bend over and ask for another.
We are $30 trillion in debt. THIRTY FUCKING TRILLION DOLLARS!

We can't afford to give the Illegals and Negros welfare. We can't afford the bloated worthless Federal agencies. We can't afford foreign aid or funding these anti American agencies like WHO.

Hell, that stupid Biden sonofabitch said today that he was going to give money to Venezuela to help bail out the failure of Socialism. The same kind of destructive Socialism he wants here the US. How stupid is that?

As usual Paul is right. We can't afford not to do what he suggest.
No, what we can not afford is making the Trump tax cuts permanent. How can we not afford all those things but we can afford a two trillion dollar tax cut?
How does interest rates going up matter. Those treasury bonds, they are not sold with a variable rate. And Biden has actually cut the deficit, so we have to borrow less. And while inflation might be bad for consumers, it is damn good for debtors who pay back debts with dollars valued much less than when they were borrowed.

Which makes opposition to the Build Back better plan is just stupid. Any legitimate economist has came out proclaiming that bill would actually alleviate inflation. Increased efficiency and productivity, it's a no brainer in light of low interest rates and high inflation. I mean this really isn't rocket science. But we are quickly missing a window of opportunity.

My son refinanced his home last year at less than three percent. Cut the term from 30 to 15. Now, with inflation decreasing the value of the dollars he is paying to the mortgage company while home prices in his area have doubled, he is making out like a bandit.

How does interest rates going up matter.

You know they have Treasury auctions every week. To fund new deficit
spending as well as rolling over maturing debt. So you can say that old debt was
like a "buy one get TWO free sale", but when you roll it over at double....triple the old rate
it might not be such a good deal.

And while inflation might be bad for consumers, it is damn good for debtors who pay back debts with dollars valued much less than when they were borrowed.

Except we're not "paying back debts". And inflating away your debt could make future potential lenders a little nervous about buying your debt in the future.

You buy any Venezuelan or Syrian bonds recently?

Which makes opposition to the Build Back better plan is just stupid. Any legitimate economist has came out proclaiming that bill would actually alleviate inflation.

OMFG! Just stop!

Increased efficiency and productivity, it's a no brainer

If you think trillions in new, wasteful government spending is ever going to increase our
economy's efficiency and productivity, you're even dumber than you first appeared.
No, what we can not afford is making the Trump tax cuts permanent. How can we not afford all those things but we can afford a two trillion dollar tax cut?
How come the answer you Moon Bats always come up with is "increase taxes"?

How about reducing spending? Ever think of that?

Ron Paul came up with a solid plan in 2012 that would have reduced Federal spending a trillion year and still maintain defense spending, Medicare and Social Security and most necessary government programs. it would balance the budget in three years but the stupid Democrats and RINOS wouldn't do it. How dumb was that?

It would probably be two trillion by now.

Everything in the plan is reasonable for a country that has bloated spending and is $30 trillion in debt.

Ron Paul’s ‘Plan to Restore America’​

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has released a fiscal reform plan that would dramatically cut spending and rein in the size and scope of the federal government. My reaction to the proposal can be summed up in one word: hallelujah.

The following are some of the plan’s highlights:
  • Paul would immediately eliminate five cabinet‐level departments: Commerce, Education, Energy, HUD, and Interior.
  • Paul says his plan would cut spending by $1 trillion in the first year alone, and balance the budget in three years without increasing taxes.
  • Funding for the wars would end. That’s not isolationism – it’s a common sense position that also reflects popular opinion. In addition, foreign aid spending would be zeroed out.
  • Intelligent government reforms are proposed, including privatizing the Federal Aviation Administration and repealing costly Davis‐Bacon rules.
  • On entitlements, younger people would be given the freedom to opt out of Social Security and Medicare. Spending would be frozen for Medicaid and other welfare programs and they would be converted to block‐grant programs.
He cut taxes on the wealthy PERMANENTLY. On the middle class, well only temporarily. Honestly, that in and of itself should tell you all you need to know. Besides, his tariffs easily ate up all the savings the middle class got from those tax cuts. I mean you have been swindled. The difference between you and I is I realize my ass has been had, you just bend over and ask for another.

He cut taxes on the wealthy PERMANENTLY. On the middle class, well only temporarily.

Biden has been in office nearly a year and a half now. Why hasn't he made the middle class cuts permanent yet? Talk about bipartisan legislation!!!! He'd get every single Republican vote.
He might even get a couple of Democrats to vote for it.

Honestly, that in and of itself should tell you all you need to know.

It told me that the Dems didn't want to cut middle class taxes in 2018 and they don't want to cut middle class taxes in 2022.
He cut taxes on the wealthy PERMANENTLY. On the middle class, well only temporarily.

Biden has been in office nearly a year and a half now. Why hasn't he made the middle class cuts permanent yet? Talk about bipartisan legislation!!!! He'd get every single Republican vote.
He might even get a couple of Democrats to vote for it.

Honestly, that in and of itself should tell you all you need to know.

It told me that the Dems didn't want to cut middle class taxes in 2018 and they don't want to cut middle class taxes in 2022.

But you want a present day example, what about lifting the federal tax on gasoline. Would that not be a "middle class tax cut"? I mean not really seeing a downside, more like a win/win. Consumers save a little bit of money, oil companies see their profits increase.

Rick Scott is a dumbass, besides being a damn con man that swindled the federal government out of millions of dollars. He openly admitted that inflation was a "gold mine" for Republicans. You really believe they want to tackle that issue. And what really kills me, McConnell has openly stated that the Republican party will not even reveal their plans to address inflation until AFTER the midterms.

I don't see why it is not perfectly clear. The Republican party, even before Trump, never gave two shits about you. Now, they sure as hell don't.

I mean it used to be said that if you make less than a quarter of a million dollars a year you are an idiot if you vote Republican. But hey, inflation has had an effect. And while I am willing to say I don't make that much I do have a couple of children that do. And they don't come out under the current Republican party.

But you want a present day example, what about lifting the federal tax on gasoline. Would that not be a "middle class tax cut"? I mean not really seeing a downside, more like a win/win. Consumers save a little bit of money, oil companies see their profits increase.

Rick Scott is a dumbass, besides being a damn con man that swindled the federal government out of millions of dollars. He openly admitted that inflation was a "gold mine" for Republicans. You really believe they want to tackle that issue. And what really kills me, McConnell has openly stated that the Republican party will not even reveal their plans to address inflation until AFTER the midterms.

I don't see why it is not perfectly clear. The Republican party, even before Trump, never gave two shits about you. Now, they sure as hell don't.

I mean it used to be said that if you make less than a quarter of a million dollars a year you are an idiot if you vote Republican. But hey, inflation has had an effect. And while I am willing to say I don't make that much I do have a couple of children that do. And they don't come out under the current Republican party.

But you want a present day example, what about lifting the federal tax on gasoline. Would that not be a "middle class tax cut"?

Have the Dems done that?

He openly admitted that inflation was a "gold mine" for Republicans.

It's true. The party in charge is gonna lose big when we have the highest inflation in 40 years.

And what really kills me, McConnell has openly stated that the Republican party will not even reveal their plans to address inflation until AFTER the midterms.

Have the Dems revealed their plans yet?

The Republican party, even before Trump, never gave two shits about you. Now, they sure as hell don't.

The Republicans have cut middle class taxes several times. When is the last time the Dems did?
But you want a present day example, what about lifting the federal tax on gasoline. Would that not be a "middle class tax cut"?

Have the Dems done that?

He openly admitted that inflation was a "gold mine" for Republicans.

It's true. The party in charge is gonna lose big when we have the highest inflation in 40 years.

And what really kills me, McConnell has openly stated that the Republican party will not even reveal their plans to address inflation until AFTER the midterms.

Have the Dems revealed their plans yet?

The Republican party, even before Trump, never gave two shits about you. Now, they sure as hell don't.

The Republicans have cut middle class taxes several times. When is the last time the Dems did?
The lack of knowledge indicated by your questions is mind numbing. Yes, Democrats have proposed temporarily eliminating the gas tax. It passed in the House and was killed in the Senate. Not a single Republican senator supported it and a couple of DINO's, yeah, I used the term, like Manchin, opposed. Bought and bossed they are.

Democrats have attempted to pass several initiatives to address inflation, most economists believe the Build Back Better bill would alleviate inflation. Biden has issued numerous EO's addressing inflation. Republican have blocked any efforts to address inflation, and perhaps worse, refused to reveal any plans they have to address it.

Obama cut middle class taxes three times during his tenure. I am really surprised that you don't know that. In fact, it was Obama that made the Bush tax cuts permanent, just like it will probably be a Democrat that will make the Trump tax cuts permanent.

I really like how an op-ed at FOX news described Republican actions concerning inflation. He compared them to the fireman that refuses to hold the water hose to put out a fire, while the democrats are right there in front of the fire hanging on to that water hose with all they have. Or the job candidate that refuses to say what he will do if he gets the job. He is like, "just hire me and find out". Sorry, nope, next candidate.

The sad reality is that the Republican party is depending upon uninformed individuals like yourself to retain power. Two hundred years ago that would not have been possible. I mean the party doesn't give two shits about you are the problems this nation faces other than their ability to extort those problems to gain power. That, in and of itself, should be enough to disqualify them from consideration.
The lack of knowledge indicated by your questions is mind numbing. Yes, Democrats have proposed temporarily eliminating the gas tax. It passed in the House and was killed in the Senate. Not a single Republican senator supported it and a couple of DINO's, yeah, I used the term, like Manchin, opposed. Bought and bossed they are.

Democrats have attempted to pass several initiatives to address inflation, most economists believe the Build Back Better bill would alleviate inflation. Biden has issued numerous EO's addressing inflation. Republican have blocked any efforts to address inflation, and perhaps worse, refused to reveal any plans they have to address it.

Obama cut middle class taxes three times during his tenure. I am really surprised that you don't know that. In fact, it was Obama that made the Bush tax cuts permanent, just like it will probably be a Democrat that will make the Trump tax cuts permanent.

I really like how an op-ed at FOX news described Republican actions concerning inflation. He compared them to the fireman that refuses to hold the water hose to put out a fire, while the democrats are right there in front of the fire hanging on to that water hose with all they have. Or the job candidate that refuses to say what he will do if he gets the job. He is like, "just hire me and find out". Sorry, nope, next candidate.

The sad reality is that the Republican party is depending upon uninformed individuals like yourself to retain power. Two hundred years ago that would not have been possible. I mean the party doesn't give two shits about you are the problems this nation faces other than their ability to extort those problems to gain power. That, in and of itself, should be enough to disqualify them from consideration.

Democrats have attempted to pass several initiatives to address inflation, most economists believe the Build Back Better bill would alleviate inflation.

Only the bad economists believe that shoveling trillions in new spending on liberal wish-lists is going to reduce inflation. Even Joe Scarborough and Steve Rattner just admitted that Mancin stopped even higher inflation and interest rates.

Biden has issued numerous EO's addressing inflation.

Like the Executive Orders attacking fossil fuels? LOL!
Those were very helpful when it came to inflation.

What other helpful EOs can you list?

Obama cut middle class taxes three times during his tenure. I am really surprised that you don't know that. In fact, it was Obama that made the Bush tax cuts permanent,

The Bush tax cuts that Dems said for ten years, didn't cut middle class taxes, are Obama's big claim to fame as far as cutting middle class taxes? That's hilarious!!!

I really like how an op-ed at FOX news described Republican actions concerning inflation. He compared them to the fireman that refuses to hold the water hose to put out a fire, while the democrats are right there in front of the fire hanging on to that water hose with all they have.

With all the liberal whining, you can't hear what the Republican firefighters are saying.
"Hey, idiots, this hose has gasoline in it, you don't want to pour this on the fire, do you?"
Rand Paul's proposal balances the budget in five years on the backs of the middle class with cuts to medicare, medicaid, and education

these two senators were just agreeing on drug pricing reform the other day, now they're not bro's anymore again

None of those programs are the responsibility of the Federal government . If people in your State want to institute programs the middle class end up paying for after the Government taxes the successful into moving. That's your problem.
Bernie Sanders and Politicians are the only people ever to get a job from poor people who have gotten and kept jobs from poor people.

If he and Democrats want to do something for the poor and middle class people:

1. Stop shitting on them

2. Stop telling them they are too stupid to understand the brilliance of your failed policies

3. Stop peeing on us and telling us itsxraining - 'The economy is doing great and you really have it good right now'

4. Stop threatening the USSC Justices, inciting assassinations attempts and leftist domestic terrorist bombings

5. Forget your never-ending obsession with Trump and start working on getting us out of Bidrn's Inflation, Stop the wiping out of our retirements, the economic pay cuts, etc...

6. Stop with the forced transition from fossil fuel when there is nothing to transition to ... Stop begging our enemies (Russia, Iran, Venezuela + Saudi) for oil we have an abundance of

7. Lower the damn gas prices, which is destroying the economy and causing prices to sky-rocket

8. Why are we having to buy tons of baby formula from Switzerland but sending pallets of baby formula to the border for illegals - Put our priority back on America's needs 1st

9. We now have a feminine hygiene product shortage? Are you f*ing serious? Women should be outraged to discover they and their vmvabies are such a low priority in this Democrat / Biden administration

10. Stop with the CRT training, secret transgender training / indoctrination, Declaring Drag Queens is what America is all about (Pelosi), taking our kids to male gay clubs to dance with Drag Queens AND GET BACK TO TEACHING OUR KIDS ENGLISH, RADING, MZTH, SCIENCE, HISTORY, CIVICS

11. STOP officially declaring parents who oppose the above liberal sexualizing of our small chdren CRT training, trying to teach kids to lie and hide things from mom/dad so the govt can replace parents & raise our kids to be good little Nazi youth

12. Stop trying to force children to participate in the left's alternate gender universe, forcing them to call people by their preferred pronouns instead if referring to them as what they are, by wanting to harshly punish them.

13. Fix the supply chain, food shortages, baby formula shortages, feminine hygiene product shortages, rolling lockouts, etc...WHICH ATE ALL PROBLEMS DEMOCRATS' / BIDEN'S FAILED POLICIES HAVE CAUSED

14. Stop Biden's violations of Constitution, US Law, & oath of office by facilitating and engaging in criminal illegal immigration, drug / human / child / sex trafficking, illegally transporting illegals across state borders, etc..
Impeachable offenses.

15. Stop burdening states / citizens with having to pay for millions of illegals' medical, housing, food, transportation, etc... while trying to survive Biden's inflation and retirements.being wiped out.
Democrats have attempted to pass several initiatives to address inflation, most economists believe the Build Back Better bill would alleviate inflation.

Only the bad economists believe that shoveling trillions in new spending on liberal wish-lists is going to reduce inflation. Even Joe Scarborough and Steve Rattner just admitted that Mancin stopped even higher inflation and interest rates.

Biden has issued numerous EO's addressing inflation.

Like the Executive Orders attacking fossil fuels? LOL!
Those were very helpful when it came to inflation.

What other helpful EOs can you list?

Obama cut middle class taxes three times during his tenure. I am really surprised that you don't know that. In fact, it was Obama that made the Bush tax cuts permanent,

The Bush tax cuts that Dems said for ten years, didn't cut middle class taxes, are Obama's big claim to fame as far as cutting middle class taxes? That's hilarious!!!

I really like how an op-ed at FOX news described Republican actions concerning inflation. He compared them to the fireman that refuses to hold the water hose to put out a fire, while the democrats are right there in front of the fire hanging on to that water hose with all they have.

With all the liberal whining, you can't hear what the FirsRepublican firefighters are saying.
"Hey, idiots, this hose has gasoline in it, you don't want to pour this on the fire, do you?"
I will start with the Economists and Build Back Better

15 Nobel prize winners. I mean De-yam, kind of hard to argue against that. Besides, it makes sense, BBB creates a more efficient economy, it lowers the cost of production and enhances productivity.

Then, I told you Obama cut taxes on the middle class THREE TIMES, only one of those made the Bush tax cuts permanent. Besides, you create a strawman when you proclaim that Democrats have said Bush didn't cut taxes on the middle class. They never made that proclamation, they have merely claimed that the Bush tax cuts, like the Trump tax cuts, disproportionally affected the wealthy.

EO's, how about 14017, 14025, 14036, 14052, and 14057. I mean look them up, I know you won't bother.

But quite honestly, the whole gasoline in the fire hose is just sheer horseshit. Trump dumps 3 trillion dollars into an anemic economy with people too afraid to leave their homes. The federal reserve is purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of debt every month during that same time period. The bill of inflation concerning those actions was bound to come due at some point, hard to blame Biden, who has actually reduced the deficit and spent most of his money on improving efficiency and productivity through an infrastructure act, for inflation. In fact, Republicans making that claim are disingenuous at best, and downright liars at the worst. You have made no argument to rebute my claim that they don't give two shits about you, are fully willing to let you and the rest of Americans suffer with rampant inflation, in order to gain back control of the legislature and serve their masters, the plutocracy that really rules this nation.
I will start with the Economists and Build Back Better

15 Nobel prize winners. I mean De-yam, kind of hard to argue against that. Besides, it makes sense, BBB creates a more efficient economy, it lowers the cost of production and enhances productivity.

Then, I told you Obama cut taxes on the middle class THREE TIMES, only one of those made the Bush tax cuts permanent. Besides, you create a strawman when you proclaim that Democrats have said Bush didn't cut taxes on the middle class. They never made that proclamation, they have merely claimed that the Bush tax cuts, like the Trump tax cuts, disproportionally affected the wealthy.

EO's, how about 14017, 14025, 14036, 14052, and 14057. I mean look them up, I know you won't bother.

But quite honestly, the whole gasoline in the fire hose is just sheer horseshit. Trump dumps 3 trillion dollars into an anemic economy with people too afraid to leave their homes. The federal reserve is purchasing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of debt every month during that same time period. The bill of inflation concerning those actions was bound to come due at some point, hard to blame Biden, who has actually reduced the deficit and spent most of his money on improving efficiency and productivity through an infrastructure act, for inflation. In fact, Republicans making that claim are disingenuous at best, and downright liars at the worst. You have made no argument to rebute my claim that they don't give two shits about you, are fully willing to let you and the rest of Americans suffer with rampant inflation, in order to gain back control of the legislature and serve their masters, the plutocracy that really rules this nation.

15 Nobel prize winners. I mean De-yam, kind of hard to argue against that.

I can argue against that.
How many of the 15, a year ago, predicted inflation over 8%?

Besides, it makes sense, BBB creates a more efficient economy, it lowers the cost of production and enhances productivity.


Which individual parts of BBB are going to make the economy more productive?
Which parts are going to lower the cost of production? Be specific.

Then, I told you Obama cut taxes on the middle class THREE TIMES, only one of those made the Bush tax cuts permanent.

Yes, that's what you told me. Were the other two times a temporary payroll tax cut?

Besides, you create a strawman when you proclaim that Democrats have said Bush didn't cut taxes on the middle class. They never made that proclamation,

Sure they did. Just like they said Trump's tax cut was only for millionaires and billionaires.

EO's, how about 14017, 14025, 14036, 14052, and 14057.

EO 14017: Therefore, it is the policy of my Administration to strengthen the resilience of America's supply chains.

How? By attacking CEOs? Threatening price controls? War Powers? DURR

EO 14025: Therefore, it is the policy of my Administration to encourage worker organizing and collective bargaining

More unions is gonna fix inflation. LOL!

EO 14036: Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy

Sounds great!
Higher taxes and more regulations always improves competition and lowers inflation.


EO 14057:

This EO affirms that it is the policy of the United States that the Federal Government leads by example to achieve a carbon pollution-free electricity sector by 2035 and net-zero emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050.

More expensive, less reliable energy is going to fix inflation?

Did you bump your head? You are much more amusing since your brain injury.

The bill of inflation concerning those actions was bound to come due at some point, hard to blame Biden,

Except for his continued "stimulus" spending after the economy reopened.
And his continued push for even more.

Biden, who has actually reduced the deficit

Hilarious. But really, you should probably get your head examined. I'm worried about you.

Biden......deficit hawk, now I've heard it all.
I can argue against that.
How many of the 15, a year ago, predicted inflation over 8%?
Did you predict inflation over 8%? I like Stiglitz, and what he warned against happening has happened. You are your fellow Republicans can bear most of the responsibility. Last year he said that temporary price hikes should be expected as the supply chain started recovering post pandemic. And the savings rate, which was through the roof under Trump started falling. Basically, pent up demand facing continued supply restrictions. But inflation has two components. the actual price increases and inflationary expectations. All you yahoos running around like chicken little screaming, "inflation, inflation, inflation" have achieved precisely what Stiglitz warned against, inflationary expectations fueling inflation momentum. It becomes self-fulfilling, like perceived gas shortages when everyone and their brother tops off their tanks and fills their pickup truck with gasoline containers and fills them up to.


Which individual parts of BBB are going to make the economy more productive?
Which parts are going to lower the cost of production? Be specific.
Stiglitz mentions the increased child tax credits, daycare credits, and long term care assistance. That would get more women into the workforce and thereby alleviate the shortage of workers. But the tax increases and spending offsets used to finance the bill would also dampen inflation..
Yes, that's what you told me. Were the other two times a temporary payroll tax cut?
No, that was only one time, it was called "Make Work Pay", and unlike Democrats, who extended the Bush taxcuts, Republican's failed to extend that one. And then, during the Trump administration, they proposed doing the very same thing. But it also included an expanded Child Tax Credit that included adult children in college.
Sure they did. Just like they said Trump's tax cut was only for millionaires and billionaires.
Well then source it. Show me, and be specific. LOL
EO's, how about 14017, 14025, 14036, 14052, and 14057.

How? By attacking CEOs? Threatening price controls? War Powers? DURR
More unions is gonna fix inflation. LOL!
Sounds great!
Higher taxes and more regulations always improves competition and lowers inflation.
Actually, yes, more unions will help alleviate the worker shortage. I mean have you not figured out, demonizing unions and worshiping CEO's ain't working out so well. For years corporations have treated workers as disposable, and guess what, they ain't coming back so easily. And CEO's have manipulated their compensation through stock options, buying back corporate stock to drive up the price, and then selling at the high point. Not to mention their golden parachutes that grants them millions of dollars after leaving a company turned to shit. I mean a CEO has one job really. He is supposed to be a glorified cheerleader. He is suppose to increase the value of the company's stock by stoking excitement, motivating workers. Now, just do a stock buyback, gut the company's assets, and leave with your parachute. Hell, a third grader could do it.
More expensive, less reliable energy is going to fix inflation?

Did you bump your head? You are much more amusing since your brain injury.
Look, you are barking up the wrong tree here hoss. Yes, there is nothing more reliable than coal, but it can generate electricity rather cleanly when structured correctly. It is really all about temperature. Combining super temperature coal with renewables like solar and wind, is the ticket. In fact, at this very moment my son is in Prague, just left the Netherlands. And that dynamic is precisely what he does. The key here is adequate investment, and that is precisely what BBB does. We cannot continue to depend upon decades old technology and expect to move forward.

Except for his continued "stimulus" spending after the economy reopened.
And his continued push for even more.

This is where you hit the stupid level. Biden spending amounts to .8% of GDP, and most of it has not even hit the economy yet. Trump's Covid relief spending, of which most of it was saved, amounts to almost 3% of GDP. I have said it time and time again, three out of four of the "new dollars" in our economy was generated under Trump. He fueled this inflation in his attempt to "buy" allegiance. Hell, he all but dropped money from helicopters. Quantitative easing, supplemental unemployment benefits, Covid relief credits, sure some people needed them, but others, like myself and every one of my six kids, banked it and waited till things opened up.
Hilarious. But really, you should probably get your head examined. I'm worried about you.

Biden......deficit hawk, now I've heard it all.
Yes, Biden has reduced the deficit. And will reduce it going forward. Amazing how you and your ilk ignore that reality.

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