Bernie Responds to Rand Paul's Budget Proposal "that calls for tax breaks for the wealthy and massive cuts to programs the American people need"

Money supply?


M2 growth rate peaked in February 2021, one month after Biden took office and it has been shrinking ever since, outside a little bit of a bump in March. I mean voicing concern over Biden's growing the money supply just exhibits an extraordinary amount of ignorance. Again, three out of the four new dollars that have been put in circulation over the last two years came from Trump, not Biden. And the thing is, Biden is actually getting something for his dollars, Trump just handed the shit out.

Think about that for a moment. If Biden spends a billion dollars on building a new road, repairing bridges, or even constructing some new runways at a regional airport, is that really inflationary? I mean we are getting something for those dollars. But when Trump stroked check after check, boosted unemployment compensation even past the point of what someone working would make, we got nothing. Hell, we got less than nothing. Trump did that, not Biden, TRUMP.

And we both know, the government is borrowing that money. So let's look and see how much that costs.

Last 30 year bond auction was back in February, .125%, note, that is .00125. Who the fawk buys these things? Hell, I would buy some crisp new notes and bury them in the backyard so 30 years later I could sell them "mint" to currency collectors. But hey, let's go back to February 2017, .825%.

Flippin Trump borrowed money at SIX TIMES THE COST of Biden, handed it out for NOTHING, and you want to bitch about Biden. Partisan much? Just like bitching about the "temporary middle class tax deductions". Was Trump's permanent? Refining capacity, yep, Biden is considering utilizing the War Powers Act to ramp up refining capacity, did you not understand that is what he meant when he threatened to invoke it? Did you bitch about Trump invoking the WPA to increase the production of ventilators? Nope.

Honestly, it is time we get off this rat wheel. Republicans take power, screw things up, like both Bushes, like Trump. I mean wars, recessions, they breed the damn things. You can't argue, Trump totally muffed handling of Covid, hell his hero in North Korea has probably done better. And he absolutely poured money into the economy, FOR NOTHING. So he pissed in the well, and don't even get me started on how much he has divided this nation. Now his compadres are sitting on their hands doing nothing in the hopes of retaining power again, for what, to screw us up even worse? Deregulation, more tax cuts for the wealthy, hell, they will probably float another corporate tax cut, which is like pouring gasoline on a fire. Again, they don't give two shits about you, or anyone else but themselves for that matter. Honestly, they have abandoned the strategy of reducing the government to a baby that they drown in the bathtub, now they are hellbent on getting the government broke. Fawking every economist that knows jackshit about public finance will tell you taxes should be about 17.5% of GDP, that is the sweet spot. Anything more and it siphons off efficiencies. Anything less and it breeds ineffective resource allocation and rent seeking. Well we ain't even at ten percent.

And there in is the rub. You live in, what was once the finest nation in all the world. Now it is turning to shit and for one simple ass reason. You dumbshit boomers are too damn cheap to pay for that right. As far as I am concerned, you can't die off soon enough.

M2 growth rate peaked in February 2021, one month after Biden took office and it has been shrinking ever since, outside a little bit of a bump in March.

Sounds like Biden has it all under control.

Again, three out of the four new dollars that have been put in circulation over the last two years came from Trump, not Biden.

Again, your math is wrong.

Last 30 year bond auction was back in February, .125%, note, that is .00125.

The last 30 year bond was issued June 15th.

Just like bitching about the "temporary middle class tax deductions".

I know, first Obama and then Biden. Why won't they give us permanent middle class tax cuts?

Refining capacity, yep, Biden is considering utilizing the War Powers Act to ramp up refining capacity, did you not understand that is what he meant when he threatened to invoke it?

It meant he realized he fucked up. Attack Big Oil and then cry when gas prices go up. Hilarious!

Fawking every economist that knows jackshit about public finance will tell you taxes should be about 17.5% of GDP, that is the sweet spot. Anything more and it siphons off efficiencies. Anything less and it breeds ineffective resource allocation and rent seeking. Well we ain't even at ten percent.

There you are with more bad numbers.
Last year the Feds collected a bit over $4 trillion.
18.1% of GDP.

You dumbshit boomers are too damn cheap to pay for that right.

I'm not a boomer, but you're certainly a dumbshit.

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