Bernie Sanders has heart surgery. Campaign on hold

"Wishing Bernie Sanders a full and speedy recovery and so glad he wasn't in a socialist country depending on that type of medical care or we might be reading his obituary. Thank goodness he was in Las Vegas, the most capitalist place on earth with excellent hospitals." - TRUMP!
Have the liberals both in government and the public declared the election postponed until Bernie gets better?
The Election Delay Committe in the House will soon issue subpoenas
If Sanders croaks, Tulsi Gabbard can always take his place. Politically, she's a younger female version of him.
How so?
Just peruse her web site for five minutes and you can see for yourself.

It's always struck me as bizarre how many people support someone based on shit they heard and parrot, without ever actually looking into the candidate.

"People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan. Right there in plain sight on Gabbard's web site.
So he choose to have his procedures in one of the third world countries he admires so much and that he wants to turn the USA into?????
If Sanders croaks, Tulsi Gabbard can always take his place. Politically, she's a younger female version of him.
How so?
Just peruse her web site for five minutes and you can see for yourself.

It's always struck me as bizarre how many people support someone based on shit they heard and parrot, without ever actually looking into the candidate.

"People Before Profits". An age-old socialist slogan. Right there in plain sight on Gabbard's web site.
Every Democrat parrots Socialist Propaganda.

I predict Pocahontas gets the bulk of Sanders's support. But we'll see.
Elective or emergency? It's a good excuse to bow out without losing face.

It sounded like it was somewhere along the lines of "urgent, but not an emergency . . . yet". Although obviously, his campaign has motive to downplay it.
Good thing Sanders lives in the United States instead of one of the Socialist nations he loves to promote as being better than the United States; otherwise, he might have died waiting months to see a specialist and to have surgery...


This is why Canadians, for example, prefer coming to the US for medical care.

Sen. Bernie Sanders has stents ‘successfully inserted’ after doctors find blockage in artery, campaign says

Nah. Socialism always takes care of the people at the top. It's the rest of the country that gets screwed.
Why didn't he go to Cuba or Venezuela?

May have something to do with the fact that he was in the United States.

Sanders is rich. If Cuba or Venezuela has better health care, he’d be there.

In all fairness, if Sanders had been visiting Cuba or Venezuela when this happened, he'd have still gotten top of the line health care, because he's rich and influential. I don't doubt the leaders of those countries would have put their personal physicians on the case.

The problem with the socialist systems Bernie advocates is that most people aren't Bernie Sanders.
He will say that he preferred to receive his treatment in Kenya but that he could not make the flight and blah...blah...blah
He is a hypocrite.
False impeachment is not possible.

Lying about the reason is why they should all resign.

But if lying disqualified politicians we would have no government.
Bernie could be enjoying a nice relaxing and peaceful retirement. Instead he is fighting for me and you and everyone you know. He’s putting it all on the line because he has a vision for the future and purpose. Thank you Bernie

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