Bernie Sanders: Israel Is Run By A Racist Government


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

You knucklehead. The Palestinians are NOT a can they have a military?

Sheesh, your level of ignorance NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Good for Bernie...he is 100% correct on this.

Bibi is staggeringly racist and a fucking pig who treats the Palestinians like shit.
Wait, Bernie looks like one of those white men taking privileges that thing in another thread was talking about. Careful Bernie, you may need to hide out in Israel some day.
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

You knucklehead. The Palestinians are NOT a can they have a military?

Sheesh, your level of ignorance NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Good for Bernie...he is 100% correct on this.

Bibi is staggeringly racist and a fucking pig who treats the Palestinians like shit.

So there's no such country as Palestine. Thank you.
But Jews are the racists.

Make up your mind. Did he say Jews are racist, or did he say the Israeli government is racist? Also, is Bernie racist for saying it?

Not racist. Bernie is what you call "anti-semitic. As with Pre-WW2 Germany and the Bolshevik Revolution, Jews were only useful in that they helped put them into power. Same with the Democrat Party: They rely on the Jewish vote, yet they're anti-semitic.
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

These days if you hope to get the Democratic nomination you have to be anti Israel and defend anti semitism whenever it comes from any minority. Bernie is just another ambitious politician who will say anything to get votes.
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

You knucklehead. The Palestinians are NOT a can they have a military?

Sheesh, your level of ignorance NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Good for Bernie...he is 100% correct on this.

Bibi is staggeringly racist and a fucking pig who treats the Palestinians like shit.

So there's no such country as Palestine. Thank you.

If fake Jews speaking Yiddish German can claim to be "Israelites"
If fake Egyptians speaking Arabic can claim to be "Ancient Egyptians"

Then comes the matter, that Ancient Egyptians held Israel / Jerusalem before ancient Israelites had.

Ultimately speaking, by your own logic, of being able to displace people living on land, Egypt should be able to displace Israel, and Mexico the USA.

What's the difference of half breed Natives speaking Spanish taking back USA territories because of Aztlan, as opposed to half breed Semite Jews speaking Yiddish taking back Palestinian territories because of Israel?

Yeah, maybe so called Republicans should really think things through, rather than looking like hypocrites.
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

You knucklehead. The Palestinians are NOT a can they have a military?

Sheesh, your level of ignorance NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Good for Bernie...he is 100% correct on this.

Bibi is staggeringly racist and a fucking pig who treats the Palestinians like shit.

So you want to get technical and THEN imply palestinians are a race? :lol:
how can they have a military?

Looks like a military to me...

Muslims havent liked jews for millennia
Are they "racist" too?
You people are fuckin dumb
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

You knucklehead. The Palestinians are NOT a can they have a military?

Sheesh, your level of ignorance NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Good for Bernie...he is 100% correct on this.

Bibi is staggeringly racist and a fucking pig who treats the Palestinians like shit.

Who were those men in uniform with AK-47’s when I was in the West Bank? Girl Scouts selling cookies?
Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

You knucklehead. The Palestinians are NOT a can they have a military?

Sheesh, your level of ignorance NEVER ceases to amaze me.

Good for Bernie...he is 100% correct on this.

Bibi is staggeringly racist and a fucking pig who treats the Palestinians like shit.

Who were those men in uniform with AK-47’s when I was in the West Bank? Girl Scouts selling cookies?

Tour guides!

Arabs in their Parliament and military and number of Jews in the Palestinian government and military zero.

And Lord help a Jew who tries to move in next door to a Palestinian in the West Bank.

But Jews are the racists.

Good to see Bernie working hard in the Sub-Committee for Trump’s Re-Election.

Jewish state or democratic state?
Trump has made his choice.
What's yours?


Israel’s ‘racist’ Nation-State Law condemned in Westminster

"The Nation-State Law effectively codifies discrimination against Palestinians through the exclusive recognition of Jewish rights to self-determination in the land of Israel, thus forcing the issue of the legitimate right of return off the agenda of future Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.

"Furthermore, it entrenches an apartheid system in Israel through the selective status awarded to Hebrew and the removal of Arabic as an official language, and leads to the marked complication of the two-state solution through its classification of Jerusalem as the 'complete and united capital of Israel'.

"According to international law, the city of Jerusalem — all of it — is occupied territory, having been declared to be subject to a 'Special International Regime' in the 1947 UN Partition Plan from which Israel takes its legitimacy. Israel’s annexation of Jerusalem has never been recognised by the international community.."

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