Bernie Sanders Says He Would Let Boston Marathon Bomber, Sex Predators And Murderers Vote

Couple of points. Doing "his time" or "paying his debt to society" in the case of the surviving Boston Marathon Bomber means death since that's his sentence, so questioning how he might vote once released is mute and hysterical to begin with. He's never getting out. Second, in the video, Bernie never actually mentions the Boston Marathon Bomber. He says things like "terrible people" instead because he knows it's a loaded question. So, as usual, the title (accusation) is bullshit. A deliberate mischaracterization manufactured to maximally sensationalize a huge nothing burger.
And we all know the dead vote Democrat.
You talk to the Dead now?
I have voiced this opinion in this forum before, but I again ask all to consider the import of three words: "Quality of voters."

Can you deny that the Democrat party is bound and determined to minimize the Quality of Voters - AS A MATTER OF POLICY.


  • 18-year-olds,
  • college students (who have never worked, paid taxes, supported themselves, etc.),
  • criminals,
  • people who don't care enough to register to vote in advance of voting day,
  • people who need a ride to the polls (and don't care enough to get there on their own),
  • people too lazy to register to vote in the conventional way, and can be registered when applying for a drivers' license.
What can you say about a political party that constantly mines the population for people whose votes inevitably lower the Quality of the overall voter pool, thus making it better for charlatans, fakes, fraudsters, and kooks.

And look at the score of announced Democrat candidates for President. It all makes sense.
What can you say about a political party that is scared shitless whenever the number of people who vote goes up
Why are almost all felons Democrats?
You have linked evidence to back that up, right?
Some people not any terrorist or anyone that commits mass murder.
Based on what?

Breaking the law is breaking the law when it comes to losing your civic rights.

Let me clarify, no one currently in prison should be allowed to vote, when they are released non violent not including rapists or pedo's should be allowed to vote.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
I have voiced this opinion in this forum before, but I again ask all to consider the import of three words: "Quality of voters."

Can you deny that the Democrat party is bound and determined to minimize the Quality of Voters - AS A MATTER OF POLICY.


  • 18-year-olds,
  • college students (who have never worked, paid taxes, supported themselves, etc.),
  • criminals,
  • people who don't care enough to register to vote in advance of voting day,
  • people who need a ride to the polls (and don't care enough to get there on their own),
  • people too lazy to register to vote in the conventional way, and can be registered when applying for a drivers' license.
What can you say about a political party that constantly mines the population for people whose votes inevitably lower the Quality of the overall voter pool, thus making it better for charlatans, fakes, fraudsters, and kooks.

And look at the score of announced Democrat candidates for President. It all makes sense.
What can you say about a political party that is scared shitless whenever the number of people who vote goes up
Why are almost all felons Democrats?
You have linked evidence to back that up, right?
Thanks for looking to me once again to educate you.
I’m always her for you.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
I have voiced this opinion in this forum before, but I again ask all to consider the import of three words: "Quality of voters."

Can you deny that the Democrat party is bound and determined to minimize the Quality of Voters - AS A MATTER OF POLICY.


  • 18-year-olds,
  • college students (who have never worked, paid taxes, supported themselves, etc.),
  • criminals,
  • people who don't care enough to register to vote in advance of voting day,
  • people who need a ride to the polls (and don't care enough to get there on their own),
  • people too lazy to register to vote in the conventional way, and can be registered when applying for a drivers' license.
What can you say about a political party that constantly mines the population for people whose votes inevitably lower the Quality of the overall voter pool, thus making it better for charlatans, fakes, fraudsters, and kooks.

And look at the score of announced Democrat candidates for President. It all makes sense. wonder many of those groups vote Democrat when the GOP denigrates:
- 18 year olds
- college students
- those who register to vote the day of the election BECAUSE THEY CAN
- people who don't have their own vehicles
- people who register in what the GOP has determined are "unconventional" ways...whatever that means.
Illegals should be able to vote, huh.
Besides Vermont, Maine is the only state in the US where a felon does not need to restore their right to vote once they have been released from jail or prison. Instead, they can vote while they are still incarcerated.
Based on what?

Breaking the law is breaking the law when it comes to losing your civic rights.

Let me clarify, no one currently in prison should be allowed to vote, when they are released non violent not including rapists or pedo's should be allowed to vote.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Paula Jones.
Based on what?

Breaking the law is breaking the law when it comes to losing your civic rights.

Let me clarify, no one currently in prison should be allowed to vote, when they are released non violent not including rapists or pedo's should be allowed to vote.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Juanita Broaddrick claims that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor.
Besides Vermont, Maine is the only state in the US where a felon does not need to restore their right to vote once they have been released from jail or prison. Instead, they can vote while they are still incarcerated.
give 'em some guns while we're at it.
I have voiced this opinion in this forum before, but I again ask all to consider the import of three words: "Quality of voters."

Can you deny that the Democrat party is bound and determined to minimize the Quality of Voters - AS A MATTER OF POLICY.


  • 18-year-olds,
  • college students (who have never worked, paid taxes, supported themselves, etc.),
  • criminals,
  • people who don't care enough to register to vote in advance of voting day,
  • people who need a ride to the polls (and don't care enough to get there on their own),
  • people too lazy to register to vote in the conventional way, and can be registered when applying for a drivers' license.
What can you say about a political party that constantly mines the population for people whose votes inevitably lower the Quality of the overall voter pool, thus making it better for charlatans, fakes, fraudsters, and kooks.

And look at the score of announced Democrat candidates for President. It all makes sense.
What can you say about a political party that is scared shitless whenever the number of people who vote goes up
Why are almost all felons Democrats?
You have linked evidence to back that up, right?
Thanks for looking to me once again to educate you.
I’m always her for you.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
INteresting how your link doesn't say how many felons register at all? Are you asserting that they ALL do?
Let me clarify, no one currently in prison should be allowed to vote, when they are released non violent not including rapists or pedo's should be allowed to vote.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Paula Jones.
Let me clarify, no one currently in prison should be allowed to vote, when they are released non violent not including rapists or pedo's should be allowed to vote.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Juanita Broaddrick claims that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor.
Paula Jones was not raped....Paula Jones never claimed to be raped. Didn't you know that?

And Juanita Broaddrick, the ONLY time she was put under oath, affirmed that Clinton never raped her. Didn't you know that?
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Paula Jones.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Juanita Broaddrick claims that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor.
Paula Jones was not raped....Paula Jones never claimed to be raped. Didn't you know that?

And Juanita Broaddrick, the ONLY time she was put under oath, affirmed that Clinton never raped her. Didn't you know that?
Link to that testimony of Juanita Broadderick.
I have voiced this opinion in this forum before, but I again ask all to consider the import of three words: "Quality of voters."

Can you deny that the Democrat party is bound and determined to minimize the Quality of Voters - AS A MATTER OF POLICY.


  • 18-year-olds,
  • college students (who have never worked, paid taxes, supported themselves, etc.),
  • criminals,
  • people who don't care enough to register to vote in advance of voting day,
  • people who need a ride to the polls (and don't care enough to get there on their own),
  • people too lazy to register to vote in the conventional way, and can be registered when applying for a drivers' license.
What can you say about a political party that constantly mines the population for people whose votes inevitably lower the Quality of the overall voter pool, thus making it better for charlatans, fakes, fraudsters, and kooks.

And look at the score of announced Democrat candidates for President. It all makes sense.
What can you say about a political party that is scared shitless whenever the number of people who vote goes up
Why are almost all felons Democrats?
You have linked evidence to back that up, right?
Thanks for looking to me once again to educate you.
I’m always her for you.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
nice try, but the people in JAIL are not in PRISON, where convicted felons serve.

People in jail, are primarily the innocent until proven guilty, they have not had a trial yet for their alleged crimes, which also could be just misdemeanors, not paid parking tickets and the like, and not felonies?

The title of your article implies felons, are in jail....??? That seems wrong, not correct, misleading.... felons would be in PRISON....?

At the most basic level, the fundamental difference between jail and prison is the length of stay for inmates. Think short-term and long-term. Jails are usually run by local law enforcement and/or local government agencies, and are designed to hold inmates awaiting trial or serving a short sentence.
What is the Difference Between Jail and Prison? -
Besides Vermont, Maine is the only state in the US where a felon does not need to restore their right to vote once they have been released from jail or prison. Instead, they can vote while they are still incarcerated.
give 'em some guns while we're at it.
ALL STATES allowed qualified white male prisoners to vote from the time of our founding fathers, until after the Civil War, when black men were given the right to vote in the 15th Amendment.

After 1870, Southern States began changing their laws to prevent men imprisoned from voting, then all other states but 2, Maine and Vermont, followed these southern states, and banned prisoners from voting..... they did this, because they wanted to keep mostly black men, from voting.

At the time, these black men, would have been primarily Republicans....

Maine and Vermont did not change their laws, like all other States.... not because they did not want to disenfranchise Blacks from voting, but because these 2 states had less than 1% of their population that were Black, few in prison that were Black...
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Paula Jones.
Why not rapists or pedos, in particular?
You mean Roy Moore or Dennis Hastert?
Yeah, and Bill Clinton. You're a Democrat, be "inclusive".
Who did Clinton rape? And when was he a pedophile?
Juanita Broaddrick claims that Clinton raped her during his 1978 campaign for Arkansas governor.
Paula Jones was not raped....Paula Jones never claimed to be raped. Didn't you know that?

And Juanita Broaddrick, the ONLY time she was put under oath, affirmed that Clinton never raped her. Didn't you know that?
Where's your link, liar.
we also need as Bernie is proposing a 21st century Marshall Plan for Central and South America so people can find safety, security and opportunity in their home countries. We need to invest more, not less as Trump suggests, in order to lower the amount of families needing asylum.
The dems took the house running on healthcare. They pulled a bait-and-switch on the American people and all they are now doing is attacking Trump.

Americans don't like bait and switch. They are assuring the repubs take the house in 2020 and keep the WH. Works for me.

I beg you from the bottom of my heart....PLEASE IMPEACH TRUMP.
Besides Vermont, Maine is the only state in the US where a felon does not need to restore their right to vote once they have been released from jail or prison. Instead, they can vote while they are still incarcerated.
give 'em some guns while we're at it.
ALL STATES allowed qualified white male prisoners to vote from the time of our founding fathers, until after the Civil War, when black men were given the right to vote in the 15th Amendment.

After 1870, Southern States began changing their laws to prevent men imprisoned from voting, then all other states but 2, Maine and Vermont, followed these southern states, and banned prisoners from voting..... they did this, because they wanted to keep mostly black men, from voting.

At the time, these black men, would have been primarily Republicans....

Maine and Vermont did not change their laws, like all other States.... not because they did not want to disenfranchise Blacks from voting, but because these 2 states had less than 1% of their population that were Black, few in prison that were Black...

so give 'em some guns while we're at it.
What a sad commentary on the condition of the United States of America. We're turning into a third world shithole.
And yet no Democrat on here is smart enough to understand why letting felons vote is a terrible thing.

Explain it to us, professor.

I will since you’re dumb. In many areas the prison population represents the majority for the town. So now there prisoners can vote in mayors, selectmen, etc. Probably not the best idea. The fact that you cannot figure that out is mind boggling.
Are you thinking that letting felons vote means allowing them to vote while they are in prison?


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