Bernie Sanders Says He Would Let Boston Marathon Bomber, Sex Predators And Murderers Vote

Once you pay your debt to society the convicted person should have certain rights restored.
What about prisoners? Should they vote?
In Maine they can, and they have always been able to. I believe Vermont is the same.
Do you support felons getting back their rights?
Lets not forget that in normal times, even a President must get Congressional approval to pass a bill, and I'm not sure this would pass, and I doubt if I would vote for it without a lot of thought. But I support Bernie in his contempt for eligible voters not voting. It's a shame that so many have died for this right, and so many who benefit from those sacrifices just don't bother, often because the decision is a tough one so they just opt out. But that's blatant cowardice at a time when what's best for the country is vital. So, like a candidate or not, it is important to choose to the best of one's ability what would be best for America, not who is most popular.
What a sad commentary on the condition of the United States of America. We're turning into a third world shithole.
And yet no Democrat on here is smart enough to understand why letting felons vote is a terrible thing.

Explain it to us, professor.

I will since you’re dumb. In many areas the prison population represents the majority for the town. So now there prisoners can vote in mayors, selectmen, etc. Probably not the best idea. The fact that you cannot figure that out is mind boggling.
Are you thinking that letting felons vote means allowing them to vote while they are in prison?

That's what Bernie said watch an excerpt this morning.
What a sad commentary on the condition of the United States of America. We're turning into a third world shithole.
And yet no Democrat on here is smart enough to understand why letting felons vote is a terrible thing.

Explain it to us, professor.

I will since you’re dumb. In many areas the prison population represents the majority for the town. So now there prisoners can vote in mayors, selectmen, etc. Probably not the best idea. The fact that you cannot figure that out is mind boggling.

Thats it? That's your explanation? That in no way addresses state or federal elections, dope.
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Once you pay your debt to society the convicted person should have certain rights restored.
Paying your debt to society should be more than just being locked up and working out. You should do community service and apologize to the victims for your crimes. And if they forgive you, only then should you get back some of your rights.
So you tack on extra conditions that are not part of the sentencing.......
We have this sort of thing in everyday life. Specific conditions for everything that aren't in bold print.
Why should criminals get an easy way out on everything?
I figure if you make the punishment strict, fewer people will break the law.
In Germany if you speed, have too many accidents, or break traffic laws you lose your license. No exceptions. That's why German truckers are really damn good.
I have voiced this opinion in this forum before, but I again ask all to consider the import of three words: "Quality of voters."

Can you deny that the Democrat party is bound and determined to minimize the Quality of Voters - AS A MATTER OF POLICY.


  • 18-year-olds,
  • college students (who have never worked, paid taxes, supported themselves, etc.),
  • criminals,
  • people who don't care enough to register to vote in advance of voting day,
  • people who need a ride to the polls (and don't care enough to get there on their own),
  • people too lazy to register to vote in the conventional way, and can be registered when applying for a drivers' license.
What can you say about a political party that constantly mines the population for people whose votes inevitably lower the Quality of the overall voter pool, thus making it better for charlatans, fakes, fraudsters, and kooks.

And look at the score of announced Democrat candidates for President. It all makes sense.

All citizens. "Quality" is your make believe standard.

Prison reform and criminal justice reforms are a big policy initiatives currently. Of course inmates should get to vote.
What a sad commentary on the condition of the United States of America. We're turning into a third world shithole.
And yet no Democrat on here is smart enough to understand why letting felons vote is a terrible thing.

Explain it to us, professor.

I will since you’re dumb. In many areas the prison population represents the majority for the town. So now there prisoners can vote in mayors, selectmen, etc. Probably not the best idea. The fact that you cannot figure that out is mind boggling.

Thats it? That's your explanation? That in no way addresses state or federal elections, dope.

No way? So every vote doesn’t count? So I should not bother?
Besides Vermont, Maine is the only state in the US where a felon does not need to restore their right to vote once they have been released from jail or prison. Instead, they can vote while they are still incarcerated.
give 'em some guns while we're at it.
ALL STATES allowed qualified white male prisoners to vote from the time of our founding fathers, until after the Civil War, when black men were given the right to vote in the 15th Amendment.

After 1870, Southern States began changing their laws to prevent men imprisoned from voting, then all other states but 2, Maine and Vermont, followed these southern states, and banned prisoners from voting..... they did this, because they wanted to keep mostly black men, from voting.

At the time, these black men, would have been primarily Republicans....

Maine and Vermont did not change their laws, like all other States.... not because they did not want to disenfranchise Blacks from voting, but because these 2 states had less than 1% of their population that were Black, few in prison that were Black...

so give 'em some guns while we're at it.
the founding fathers did not think that was a good idea, back then... so no such thing was allowed by them or the States, yet voting was allowed when in prison...

Makes sense though.... early in our creation, people were much more aware of the power of government officials, and the tyranny they could impose with their power, especially if they were corrupted by it... allowing prisoners to be heard thru their vote, when they think they have legitimate grievances with the laws or judicial system that put them there, seems like a check on the system, so to say...

I think murderers probably got the death penalty back then, via hanging, so it's likely they were not around to vote...
Besides Vermont, Maine is the only state in the US where a felon does not need to restore their right to vote once they have been released from jail or prison. Instead, they can vote while they are still incarcerated.
give 'em some guns while we're at it.
ALL STATES allowed qualified white male prisoners to vote from the time of our founding fathers, until after the Civil War, when black men were given the right to vote in the 15th Amendment.

After 1870, Southern States began changing their laws to prevent men imprisoned from voting, then all other states but 2, Maine and Vermont, followed these southern states, and banned prisoners from voting..... they did this, because they wanted to keep mostly black men, from voting.

At the time, these black men, would have been primarily Republicans....

Maine and Vermont did not change their laws, like all other States.... not because they did not want to disenfranchise Blacks from voting, but because these 2 states had less than 1% of their population that were Black, few in prison that were Black...

so give 'em some guns while we're at it.
the founding fathers did not think that was a good idea, back then... so no such thing was allowed by them or the States, yet voting was allowed when in prison...

Makes sense though.... early in our creation, people were much more aware of the power of government officials, and the tyranny they could impose with their power, especially if they were corrupted by it... allowing prisoners to be heard thru their vote, when they think they have legitimate grievances with the laws or judicial system that put them there, seems like a check on the system, so to say...

I think murderers probably got the death penalty back then, via hanging, so it's likely they were not around to vote...
then why give a shit if they do now?
The dems took the house running on healthcare. They pulled a bait-and-switch on the American people and all they are now doing is attacking Trump.

Americans don't like bait and switch. They are assuring the repubs take the house in 2020 and keep the WH. Works for me.

I beg you from the bottom of my heart....PLEASE IMPEACH TRUMP.
And the 2020 presidential election is going to make the 2016 election look like a victory for Democrats.

“Bernie or Bust” is ALREADY a thing again before the primaries have even started and in 2016 it took until the Democratic National Convention for that happen.

They think because they won in 2018 that they can stop Trump’s re-election and win the Senate, but the reality is that Republicans are probably going to reverse all of that in 2020 and be in a very good spot to do it again in 2022.
Wow! Cher gets another one right! She has since deleted it. Must not be able to take the Dem backlash
Of course. They are evil therefore vote Democrat.

Communists and Socialists need votes.
Even from criminals.
The desperation is pretty clear when you listen to Bernie ramble on about what he believes.
The right to vote doesn't exist.
If you abuse the privilege you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is what happens when you let criminals vote.

While I can certainly see the logic behind not letting the incarcerated vote. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for keeping those who’ve served their time from voting. In fact I can think of numerous nefarious reasons for keeping such people from voting. But I haven’t heard a “good” one yet...
Of course. They are evil therefore vote Democrat.

Communists and Socialists need votes.
Even from criminals.
The desperation is pretty clear when you listen to Bernie ramble on about what he believes.
The right to vote doesn't exist.
If you abuse the privilege you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is what happens when you let criminals vote.

While I can certainly see the logic behind not letting the incarcerated vote. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for keeping those who’ve served their time from voting. In fact I can think of numerous nefarious reasons for keeping such people from voting. But I haven’t heard a “good” one yet...
Well, because they have proved to have poor judgement....what makes you think they will be any better at voting?
What makes you think a criminal will vote for anything other than bad candidates and bad ideas?
Of course. They are evil therefore vote Democrat.

Communists and Socialists need votes.
Even from criminals.
The desperation is pretty clear when you listen to Bernie ramble on about what he believes.
The right to vote doesn't exist.
If you abuse the privilege you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is what happens when you let criminals vote.

While I can certainly see the logic behind not letting the incarcerated vote. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for keeping those who’ve served their time from voting. In fact I can think of numerous nefarious reasons for keeping such people from voting. But I haven’t heard a “good” one yet...
Well, because they have proved to have poor judgement....what makes you think they will be any better at voting?
What makes you think a criminal will vote for anything other than bad candidates and bad ideas?
Non convicted do all the time. Not sure I see the connection...
Many convicted felons return to their life of crime. They are also given a chance to petition for the restoration of their rights. Keep your nose clean, they could be.
Criminals don’t usually have the best interests of the country in mind.
Of course. They are evil therefore vote Democrat.

Communists and Socialists need votes.
Even from criminals.
The desperation is pretty clear when you listen to Bernie ramble on about what he believes.
The right to vote doesn't exist.
If you abuse the privilege you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is what happens when you let criminals vote.

While I can certainly see the logic behind not letting the incarcerated vote. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for keeping those who’ve served their time from voting. In fact I can think of numerous nefarious reasons for keeping such people from voting. But I haven’t heard a “good” one yet...
Many convicted felons return to their life of crime. They are also given a chance to petition for the restoration of their rights. Keep your nose clean, they could be.
Criminals don’t usually have the best interests of the country in mind.
Of course. They are evil therefore vote Democrat.

Communists and Socialists need votes.
Even from criminals.
The desperation is pretty clear when you listen to Bernie ramble on about what he believes.
The right to vote doesn't exist.
If you abuse the privilege you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is what happens when you let criminals vote.

While I can certainly see the logic behind not letting the incarcerated vote. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for keeping those who’ve served their time from voting. In fact I can think of numerous nefarious reasons for keeping such people from voting. But I haven’t heard a “good” one yet...
Lots of voters don’t have what I perceive to be in “the best interest” of the country in mind. That’s wholly subjective; person to person Not very compelling...
Very true, many don’t, but criminals are pretty assuredly not going to have. The recidivism rates of felons is high. If they vote, they will not vote according to sound judgement, but will more than likely vote against it. And in so doing, step on the rights of those that have chosen to follow the laws of the land, through sound judgement, so as to be able retain their voting rights, as they see fit, even though we may not agree to their decisions. It steps on the rights of their victims, as well.

When you take away all incentive to obey our laws, it leads to disenfranchisement of all others that do, and gives free reign to the criminal.
Many convicted felons return to their life of crime. They are also given a chance to petition for the restoration of their rights. Keep your nose clean, they could be.
Criminals don’t usually have the best interests of the country in mind.
Of course. They are evil therefore vote Democrat.

Communists and Socialists need votes.
Even from criminals.
The desperation is pretty clear when you listen to Bernie ramble on about what he believes.
The right to vote doesn't exist.
If you abuse the privilege you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

This is what happens when you let criminals vote.

While I can certainly see the logic behind not letting the incarcerated vote. I’ve yet to hear a compelling argument for keeping those who’ve served their time from voting. In fact I can think of numerous nefarious reasons for keeping such people from voting. But I haven’t heard a “good” one yet...
Lots of voters don’t have what I perceive to be in “the best interest” of the country in mind. That’s wholly subjective; person to person Not very compelling...
So you support felons getting back all rights?
Bernie Sanders is saying even people still serving time should vote BTW
Yes, I believe in felons getting their voting rights back -- if those felons paid their debt to society and are back out in society, paying their taxes -- why shouldn't they have a say in who represents them?

If a person is currently, serving time, their voting rights are forfeited until they complete their sentence and restitution.
I said ALL rights back. For consistencies sake, i assume you would support a violent offender, even a murderer, getting their gun rights back after they give their debt to society, correct?
I said voting rights -- unless you feel an ex felon voting is more dangerous than an ex felon with a gun; especially the black ones....which perhaps you do....

Maybe when you trumpers do your fake justice reform, yall can campaign on making sure ex-felons can't ever vote again....make sure to make the concept of felons voting real scary -- Willie Horton it up
So you dont believe they should get back all rights, just ones you think they deserve lol. What a fucking loser.
Only racists invoke racism into everything.
You are also fuckin pathetic.
Voting for legislation thats effects everyone in the country is better than owning a gun?
You are also fucking stupid.
Well, I don't believe violent felons should have gun rights back until a number of years -- and I wouldnt be upset if they never got them back...besides, they would get them anyway, because their felons..isn't that your excuse any other time gun restriction laws are brought up?

Do ex-felons voting make you afraid? why?

Or if you’re a democrat, Russians.
Alright, you serve your time and pay your debt to society, so now you can vote. Can you also own a gun?
But isn't a law to stop ex-felons from owning a gun pointless because they are criminals who will break the law anyway?

So maybe them not having the right to vote is pointless too -- since they all will vote illegally anyway -- which is great because now you have a new boogeyman to blame losing future elections on...minorities, illegals and felons

There is no such thing as an ex-felon.
You might as well shoot everyone sentenced to jail or prison then, because with an attitude like yours, no one who is ever released will have a chance at living their life legally and normally.

Once again you prove your ignorance. I said nothing of the sort. I stated there is no such thing as an ex-felon. It is like being pregnant! You either are or you are not, dumbass!
Pregnancy ends, moron. So do prison sentences. So should judgment.

Why is it that you cannot resist the urge to prove your stupidity at every opportunity?

You are either a felon or you are not. There are no shades of gray, just like you can be pregnant or not pregnant. There is no middle ground.
we also need as Bernie is proposing a 21st century Marshall Plan for Central and South America so people can find safety, security and opportunity in their home countries. We need to invest more, not less as Trump suggests, in order to lower the amount of families needing asylum.

Take it out of your taxes, not mine. I am sure there is a charity out there that will take your excess funds to help out if you don't want your taxes raised.

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