Bernie Sanders Shows Up To Challenge Wall Street/clinton


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
Bernie Sanders would run for president against Wall Street, not Hillary Clinton
Bernie Sanders would run for president against Wall Street not Hillary Clinton - The Washington Post

"The truth is, there is profound anger at both political parties," Sanders told Todd.
"I think Citizens United will go down in history as one of the worst Supreme Court decisions ever. I think it is opening up the road to oligarchy in the United States of America," Sanders said of the role of money in politics. He called out the billionaire Koch brothers specifically. "Nobody in America wants them besides the billionaire class," Sanders said. "Anybody who speaks to the needs of the working class and the middle class of this country and shows the courage to take on the billionaire class — I think that candidate will do pretty well."
You're gonna' get The Fat Lesbian whether you like it or not. The media just needs to line up some fake opposition to her. Like in 2000 when they made that really wimpy guy run to make Algore LOOK like an Alpha Male in comparison.
Hillary's a corporate neocon, so I'll likely vote for a third-party candidate if she gets the nomiation.
The more the merrier.

This could be real bad news for Clinton.

I am so sick of Hillary Clinton I want to hurl when I see her on the tube. Her coy bullshit in Iowa this weekend should be a wake up call. Bernie Sanders has the balls to go on MTP this weekend and flat out say he is running. WTF is her problem?

Hillary is a chickenshit. What would she do in the event of a major crisis if she were POTUS? Say, "That's not what I'm here for but I'm thinking about it"?
The more the merrier.

This could be real bad news for Clinton.

I am so sick of Hillary Clinton I want to hurl when I see her on the tube. Her coy bullshit in Iowa this weekend should be a wake up call. Bernie Sanders has the balls to go on MTP this weekend and flat out say he is running. WTF is her problem?

Hillary is a chickenshit. What would she do in the event of a major crisis if she were POTUS? Say, "That's not what I'm here for but I'm thinking about it"?

Yeah, we wouldn't want her to sit there and read My Pet Goat after being told America is Under Attack by her COS. It's an unfair characterization of GWB but with his braggadocio and "swagger" he invites such a comment. I have no reservations about Clinton in a crisis or anyone who is in the senior levels of government.

My reservation is with the politics of not having to fight for a nomination and getting your ass handed to you in the General Election. Clinton made Obama a better candidate/opponent for McCain and likewise, Obama made Hillary a better candidate for 2016. She isn't going to run an inevitability strategy again; I hope.

If I'm a Clinton supporter, what Sanders does that causes me fits is that he comes at her from the left. A problem Democrats haven't had in about 30 years is defining themselves while the GOP candidates have had to pretend to be something they are not. Forcing her towards the left and then having to pivot to the center in the General is unsure footing.
He speaks for the middle class and that is why he is hated so much by those with a superiority complex. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. But sticking up for the middle class is looked down upon by those at the top.

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