Bernie Sanders thinks our government should be more like the ones found in Scandanavia

Which Scandinavian country?

Norway and Denmark are controlled by right wing governments that restrict immigration, cut spending, and cut taxes. Sweden is a cultural marxist shithole being flooded by over a hundred thousand third world refugees a year, that is going into massive debt. In Sweden, income inequality that is rising even faster than that in the US at the moment due to the influx of cheap foreign labor in part. I thought Sanders opposes income inequality?
Norwegians enjoy the second-highest GDP per-capita among European countries (after Luxembourg), and the fourth-highestGDP (PPP) per-capita in the world. Today, Norway ranks as the second-wealthiest country in the world in monetary value, with the largest capital reserve per capita of any nation.[89] According to the CIA World Factbook, Norway is a net external creditor of debt.[2] Norway maintained first place in the world in the UNDPHuman Development Index (HDI) for six consecutive years (2001–2006),[8] and then reclaimed this position in 2009, through 2014.[17] The standard of living in Norway is among the highest in the world. Foreign Policy Magazine ranks Norway last in its Failed States Index for 2009, judging Norway to be the world's most well-functioning and stable country.The OECD ranks Norway fourth in the 2013 equalised Better Life Index and third in intergenerational earnings elasticity.[90][91] Based on continued oil and gas exports, coupled with a healthy economy and substantial accumulated wealth, Norway is expected to continue as among the richest countries in the world in the foreseeable future.

Norway - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Granted the source is Wikipedia, but the article provides sources for its information.
Hmm. Why is it people are clamoring to get here? And why not the socialist uptopias in Western Europe?
Why are you still here?
if you don't like here, get the fuck out.
This really is the argument.

Calling stuff "socialism" or "communism" or "Marxism" isn't helping the conservatives' cause, because that's not the goal.

Sanders refers to himself as a "social democrat", not a "socialist".

Same thing...Sanders and his ilk strive for social elitism for themselves. The vessel is central planning.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You really believe that we should all bankroll every freeloader out there like we are now??

You might think its a great idea but I don't. I've worked my ass off for everything I have and I sure as shit ain't interested in bankrolling someones life for em.

If thats your idea of a good thing then by all means you and all likeminded need to whip out YOUR wallets, YOUR checkbooks and YOUR debit cards and take care of them and believe me they will take every dime you want to give them and then some. Oh and don't hold your breath for a thank you cause you ain't gonna get on.

Bet you'd be changing your mind in one big hurry when its YOUR money being used instead of all taxpayers.

Oh and I have a job. A job with benifits so sickness doesnt' concern me and I doubt I lose my job because I'm very, very good at what I do.
We don't. And they're not ALL freeloaders. Your premise is one of black and white - either you have a job or you're a lazy scumbag. I would submit to you that there are many shades of gray between those two points. And it works in Europe because they have the wisdom to know that at any time they themselves could be somewhere between black and white. It may never happen, or it may happen with frequent regularity. But, if you know that EVERYONE has your back, you feel just as obligated to support someone else when they're in need when it's your turn.

You may scoff, but those Scandinavian countries that Sanders listed have very little debt, a decent GDP, and a very manageable CPI (Google it if you like, or better yet, check out the raw data with FRED) - which says that the conservative campfire ghost story of how this country would fall apart if we had similar benefits is just that: a myth to scare uneducated and naive minds.

And I'll say this in closing: I once thought that I would be safe from unemployment too. I cross-trained in 2 different technical fields and was also very good at both. Life can suck sometimes, and however much you set yourself up for success there's always something around the corner that can knock you down. In our society, time is your enemy so that once you do manage to pull yourself back to prior glory, the world has moved on and you find yourself simply remembering how good you were while you greet Walmart customers. You'd do well to keep that in the back of your mind. Not that anything like that would EVER happen to you, of course...

Still LMFAO.

It has happened to me but I'm not one for charity and thats exactly what we have here. Charity though you won't find that word anywhere in the Constitution.

The fucking clowns who run this country decided that those that work should take care of those that don't. No one asked any of us if we were on board.

I've lost my job through no fault of my own. I found other jobs. Sometimes two or three to make ends meet. If I did it then all the welfare freeloaders can do it.

There were many charities out there geared to help. Unfortunately the Govt decided that we taxpayers should take over the charity so many charities no longer exist. The Govt, i.e. the Taxpayers of America now bear that burden.

I pick and chose the charities I give to and it frosts my ass to have my hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves.
I pick and chose the charities I give to and it frosts my ass to have my hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves.

I'll bet you call yourself a Christian too. You, and people like you, are the reason America isn't "exceptional" and will never be "exceptional". Mean spirited, selfish and greedy gets you nowhere. Ayn Rand would be so proud.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
I pick and chose the charities I give to and it frosts my ass to have my hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves.

I'll bet you call yourself a Christian too. You, and people like you, are the reason America isn't "exceptional" and will never be "exceptional". Mean spirited, selfish and greedy gets you nowhere. Ayn Rand would be so proud.

Claudette is right. I'd burn my dollars before I give to someone who refuses to help themself.
I pick and chose the charities I give to and it frosts my ass to have my hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves.

I'll bet you call yourself a Christian too. You, and people like you, are the reason America isn't "exceptional" and will never be "exceptional". Mean spirited, selfish and greedy gets you nowhere. Ayn Rand would be so proud.

Christian? Again LMAO. Another bleeding heart liberal who thinks everyone in America should be overjoyed to have their hard earned money spent on freeloaders and have no say in the matter.

And What the hell does religion have to do with being forced to bankroll freeloaders??

Religion is the bane of the world in my book.

Mean spirited, selfish and greedy?? If that means I'm tired of being forced to assume the resposibility for those who can't or won't take care of themselves then yeah I am. And I'm a person who could give shit one what bleeding heart liberals like you think.

I wonder if your tune would change if you and like minded and ONLY YOU had to bankroll these freeloaders. I think you'd be singing a different tune and in one big hurry.

Loads of taxpayer funded GOVT programs out there that have utterly failed under LBJ's war on poverty. Loads of someone elses hard earned money all to bankroll freeloaders
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He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Problem with these sorts of comparisons, is what works for Denmark population ~6 million, isn't likely to work for the USA population ~315 million. Further, Denmark has been around a lot logner than the US. Much of our problems socially and culturally lie in how young we are as a culture and society. We're very much still working out all the kinks and no where close to becomming a mature grown-up nation yet.

So trying to change a child into an adult by making the child behave more like an adult isn't going to work out very well.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

To that end, neither are any of the other candidates. There's no way that any of them will do much to change the status quo - there are too many people invested in the way things are. So instead you'd simply get concessions with no teeth and no further movement - but you'd probably still consider it a win, at least until the affected program is simply absorbed into another bureau.

However, direct campaign contributions could actually be close to nothing and still a few billion would be spent by the dark money interests to promote their choice (or disparage their opponent). The biggest issue with that is that there is no one to hold accountable for deliberate misrepresentations. How does a candidate have a debate with a TV ad? We can't vote the distorting organizations out - and in a lot of cases, it takes a real effort to find out exactly where the ads actually came from. Maybe Bernie isn't an answer for you, but he's the first candidate to publicly say "No thank you" to backdoor campaign financing. And if nothing else does, that should speak volumes about his character.

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.
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As soon as you say Obama is a communist, you lose all credibility.

Has he nationalized the railroads? The energy sector? The banks? He didn't even establish single payer healthcare, he simply mandated that everyone must purchase health insurance from private insurance companies.

If Obama or any other Democrats aren't advocating the government takeover of critical resources and infrastructure they're not communists and to suggest they are, tells me that you're an idiot who has no idea what you're talking about.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You really believe that we should all bankroll every freeloader out there like we are now??

You might think its a great idea but I don't. I've worked my ass off for everything I have and I sure as shit ain't interested in bankrolling someones life for em.

If thats your idea of a good thing then by all means you and all likeminded need to whip out YOUR wallets, YOUR checkbooks and YOUR debit cards and take care of them and believe me they will take every dime you want to give them and then some. Oh and don't hold your breath for a thank you cause you ain't gonna get on.

Bet you'd be changing your mind in one big hurry when its YOUR money being used instead of all taxpayers.

Oh and I have a job. A job with benifits so sickness doesnt' concern me and I doubt I lose my job because I'm very, very good at what I do.
We don't. And they're not ALL freeloaders. Your premise is one of black and white - either you have a job or you're a lazy scumbag. I would submit to you that there are many shades of gray between those two points. And it works in Europe because they have the wisdom to know that at any time they themselves could be somewhere between black and white. It may never happen, or it may happen with frequent regularity. But, if you know that EVERYONE has your back, you feel just as obligated to support someone else when they're in need when it's your turn.

You may scoff, but those Scandinavian countries that Sanders listed have very little debt, a decent GDP, and a very manageable CPI (Google it if you like, or better yet, check out the raw data with FRED) - which says that the conservative campfire ghost story of how this country would fall apart if we had similar benefits is just that: a myth to scare uneducated and naive minds.

And I'll say this in closing: I once thought that I would be safe from unemployment too. I cross-trained in 2 different technical fields and was also very good at both. Life can suck sometimes, and however much you set yourself up for success there's always something around the corner that can knock you down. In our society, time is your enemy so that once you do manage to pull yourself back to prior glory, the world has moved on and you find yourself simply remembering how good you were while you greet Walmart customers. You'd do well to keep that in the back of your mind. Not that anything like that would EVER happen to you, of course...

Still LMFAO.

It has happened to me but I'm not one for charity and thats exactly what we have here. Charity though you won't find that word anywhere in the Constitution.

The fucking clowns who run this country decided that those that work should take care of those that don't. No one asked any of us if we were on board.

I've lost my job through no fault of my own. I found other jobs. Sometimes two or three to make ends meet. If I did it then all the welfare freeloaders can do it.

There were many charities out there geared to help. Unfortunately the Govt decided that we taxpayers should take over the charity so many charities no longer exist. The Govt, i.e. the Taxpayers of America now bear that burden.

I pick and chose the charities I give to and it frosts my ass to have my hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves.
So you're OK leaning on people when you need help, but don't come looking to you for contributions just about sums up your attitude, right?

I have a real hard time believing that you've ever donated more than a buck in a kettle at Christmastime (and that was only because the bell ringer was making direct eye contact and there was only that single entrance) - especially when you associate helping someone in your own society with having your "hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves."

You have a strange way of seeing things because you already know it all. But you can lose your employment for other reasons than a simple layoff. Some of them preclude you from working other jobs. And I find it particularly interesting that people up the Constitution in this area when, in large bold letters at the very beginning it says:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

No, the Constitution doesn't contain the word "charity". But it does pretty much say "Don't be a dick".
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
Maybe that's due to the overwhelming desire to put thieves and liars in places of power instead of... well... liberals.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
Maybe that's due to the overwhelming desire to put thieves and liars in places of power instead of... well... liberals.

Theyre both thieves and liars and they both love big govt. W started a boondoggle dept, HS. O started worthless obamacare.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You really believe that we should all bankroll every freeloader out there like we are now??

You might think its a great idea but I don't. I've worked my ass off for everything I have and I sure as shit ain't interested in bankrolling someones life for em.

If thats your idea of a good thing then by all means you and all likeminded need to whip out YOUR wallets, YOUR checkbooks and YOUR debit cards and take care of them and believe me they will take every dime you want to give them and then some. Oh and don't hold your breath for a thank you cause you ain't gonna get on.

Bet you'd be changing your mind in one big hurry when its YOUR money being used instead of all taxpayers.

Oh and I have a job. A job with benifits so sickness doesnt' concern me and I doubt I lose my job because I'm very, very good at what I do.
We don't. And they're not ALL freeloaders. Your premise is one of black and white - either you have a job or you're a lazy scumbag. I would submit to you that there are many shades of gray between those two points. And it works in Europe because they have the wisdom to know that at any time they themselves could be somewhere between black and white. It may never happen, or it may happen with frequent regularity. But, if you know that EVERYONE has your back, you feel just as obligated to support someone else when they're in need when it's your turn.

You may scoff, but those Scandinavian countries that Sanders listed have very little debt, a decent GDP, and a very manageable CPI (Google it if you like, or better yet, check out the raw data with FRED) - which says that the conservative campfire ghost story of how this country would fall apart if we had similar benefits is just that: a myth to scare uneducated and naive minds.

And I'll say this in closing: I once thought that I would be safe from unemployment too. I cross-trained in 2 different technical fields and was also very good at both. Life can suck sometimes, and however much you set yourself up for success there's always something around the corner that can knock you down. In our society, time is your enemy so that once you do manage to pull yourself back to prior glory, the world has moved on and you find yourself simply remembering how good you were while you greet Walmart customers. You'd do well to keep that in the back of your mind. Not that anything like that would EVER happen to you, of course...

Still LMFAO.

It has happened to me but I'm not one for charity and thats exactly what we have here. Charity though you won't find that word anywhere in the Constitution.

The fucking clowns who run this country decided that those that work should take care of those that don't. No one asked any of us if we were on board.

I've lost my job through no fault of my own. I found other jobs. Sometimes two or three to make ends meet. If I did it then all the welfare freeloaders can do it.

There were many charities out there geared to help. Unfortunately the Govt decided that we taxpayers should take over the charity so many charities no longer exist. The Govt, i.e. the Taxpayers of America now bear that burden.

I pick and chose the charities I give to and it frosts my ass to have my hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves.
So you're OK leaning on people when you need help, but don't come looking to you for contributions just about sums up your attitude, right?

I have a real hard time believing that you've ever donated more than a buck in a kettle at Christmastime (and that was only because the bell ringer was making direct eye contact and there was only that single entrance) - especially when you associate helping someone in your own society with having your "hard earned dollars given to those who can't or won't help themselves."

You have a strange way of seeing things because you already know it all. But you can lose your employment for other reasons than a simple layoff. Some of them preclude you from working other jobs. And I find it particularly interesting that people up the Constitution in this area when, in large bold letters at the very beginning it says:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

No, the Constitution doesn't contain the word "charity". But it does pretty much say "Don't be a dick".

Thats your interpretation. Mine says there ain't no charity in the Constitution and I'd venture to say the FF would turn over in their graves to see one group of Americans being forced to support another.

Don't be a dick.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

To that end, neither are any of the other candidates. There's no way that any of them will do much to change the status quo - there are too many people invested in the way things are. So instead you'd simply get concessions with no teeth and no further movement - but you'd probably still consider it a win, at least until the affected program is simply absorbed into another bureau.

However, direct campaign contributions could actually be close to nothing and still a few billion would be spent by the dark money interests to promote their choice (or disparage their opponent). The biggest issue with that is that there is no one to hold accountable for deliberate misrepresentations. How does a candidate have a debate with a TV ad? We can't vote the distorting organizations out - and in a lot of cases, it takes a real effort to find out exactly where the ads actually came from. Maybe Bernie isn't an answer for you, but he's the first candidate to publicly say "No thank you" to backdoor campaign financing. And if nothing else does, that should speak volumes about his character.

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

To that end, neither are any of the other candidates. There's no way that any of them will do much to change the status quo - there are too many people invested in the way things are. So instead you'd simply get concessions with no teeth and no further movement - but you'd probably still consider it a win, at least until the affected program is simply absorbed into another bureau.

However, direct campaign contributions could actually be close to nothing and still a few billion would be spent by the dark money interests to promote their choice (or disparage their opponent). The biggest issue with that is that there is no one to hold accountable for deliberate misrepresentations. How does a candidate have a debate with a TV ad? We can't vote the distorting organizations out - and in a lot of cases, it takes a real effort to find out exactly where the ads actually came from. Maybe Bernie isn't an answer for you, but he's the first candidate to publicly say "No thank you" to backdoor campaign financing. And if nothing else does, that should speak volumes about his character.

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
Maybe that's due to the overwhelming desire to put thieves and liars in places of power instead of... well... liberals.

Theyre both thieves and liars and they both love big govt. W started a boondoggle dept, HS. O started worthless obamacare.
I think you're confused here... you seem to think that Obama is a liberal. He's not, he's a Democrat and yes, there IS a difference.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

To that end, neither are any of the other candidates. There's no way that any of them will do much to change the status quo - there are too many people invested in the way things are. So instead you'd simply get concessions with no teeth and no further movement - but you'd probably still consider it a win, at least until the affected program is simply absorbed into another bureau.

However, direct campaign contributions could actually be close to nothing and still a few billion would be spent by the dark money interests to promote their choice (or disparage their opponent). The biggest issue with that is that there is no one to hold accountable for deliberate misrepresentations. How does a candidate have a debate with a TV ad? We can't vote the distorting organizations out - and in a lot of cases, it takes a real effort to find out exactly where the ads actually came from. Maybe Bernie isn't an answer for you, but he's the first candidate to publicly say "No thank you" to backdoor campaign financing. And if nothing else does, that should speak volumes about his character.

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

To that end, neither are any of the other candidates. There's no way that any of them will do much to change the status quo - there are too many people invested in the way things are. So instead you'd simply get concessions with no teeth and no further movement - but you'd probably still consider it a win, at least until the affected program is simply absorbed into another bureau.

However, direct campaign contributions could actually be close to nothing and still a few billion would be spent by the dark money interests to promote their choice (or disparage their opponent). The biggest issue with that is that there is no one to hold accountable for deliberate misrepresentations. How does a candidate have a debate with a TV ad? We can't vote the distorting organizations out - and in a lot of cases, it takes a real effort to find out exactly where the ads actually came from. Maybe Bernie isn't an answer for you, but he's the first candidate to publicly say "No thank you" to backdoor campaign financing. And if nothing else does, that should speak volumes about his character.

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.

Re-read and contemplate it a bit. Sanders isn't the answer.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
Like what? What failed programs exactly? Be specific.
The reality is, Sanders isn't offering anything new or original. He's merely pushing for more and bigger Government. His Party is already pushing that. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid anyway. Hopefully, the People want less Government in their lives. They certainly don't need more. So no, Sanders isn't the answer at this point.

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