Bernie Sanders thinks our government should be more like the ones found in Scandanavia

Almost all of Europe, Scandanavian countries included, are social democracys. Cradle to grave care for all payed for by those who work.

Why would anyone want to have drive and determination to better themselves. No need. The Govt will take care of you payed for by those that work. Those that don't get the same rights, privileges and care as those that do.

Good deal for the freeloaders and those that work don't seem to know the difference.

Bernie should move to Scandanavia. His utipian dreams would be answered.
Unless you can provide some actual welfare statistics in scandanavia, you are just parroting typical republican, American exceptionalism non sense.

I get so tired of the typical bullshit that repubs spew about America being the best country in the world. Sure militarily and GDP speaking we are, but America sucks in every other way especially in terms of public education.

I'm sure it makes you feel superior and validated when you assume these "governments take care of everything for their citizens", but you're just spewing non sense. Norway, for instance, has a strong democracy and is a capitalist nation. In fact, their private economy is one of the best in the world.
The far left socialist Bernie Sanders wants the US to be like the far left ruled Europe.. Go figure!

Anyone trying to compare a country the size of New York to all of the US is just plain stupid..

I know how you'd prefer to ignore facts and step straight into the "America is Exceptional" rhetoric, but you might want to read this first. And you do know that the combined size of the Scandinavian countries (yes, if you either read the article or listened to the video, Bernie named them all) almost equal the size of the US, right? If you throw Singapore into the mix - as they also have a social democrat running the show there - the population size exceeds the US.

Singapore is one of the least socialist countries on the planet. The biggest problem arguing with liberals is the compulsion to make up their own definitions for words.
lol you people know nothing about Singapore. The reason why their taxes are so low is because the government has a huge stake in the private economy.
HUGGY thinks our government should be more like one that resembles functional.

So you agree that Obama has been horrible.

So why vote to make it worse?

I know you believe in fiction spun out of whole cloth but you really need the writing to others. I never said Obama was the problem in our dysfunctional government.

The name calling and general disrespect spewing from the right vilifying their political opposition is what destroys any possible co-operation both parties must depend upon to pass legislation. Also including riders to bills intended for one legitimate purpose and in effect just turn needed legislation into a vehicle to spread the christian agenda or other aspects that make the needed bills impossible to support or get signed by Obama.

In fact the republicans are dishonest. They do not write honest legislation and the country can be damned for all they care. This has been going on as long as Obama has been in the white house. The republican leadership promised to make Obama's presidency failed. They have dragged the whole nation through unnecessary hardships and disrepair in their quest to ruin Obama.
I used to be a republican but frankly I would never vote for one again after what the Bush's and Raygun did to our nation and the way they miss used the military.

I don't think much of Hillary either but unlike a new neo conservative I am not willing to put the radical christian fascist New American Century agenda ahead of my country's needs.

I really don't believe you can spew hatred toward your political opposition and ever expect co-operation. Newt Gingrich started this method of propagandizing your opponents as evil and the stupid neo cons have carried the Crazy theiving Christian Georgian's word war name calling agenda still into the 21st century.

The Dems are not the name callers. The right will lie and claim they are but that is just their main tactic which is to blame the other guy that of which you are the guilty party.

No...don't be looking for my vote any time soon. The thieves, traitors, Ideologues and Liars will have to muddle along without my support.
HUGGY thinks our government should be more like one that resembles functional.

So you agree that Obama has been horrible.

So why vote to make it worse?

People vote for the "D" or "R" cause they either want to vote for the "working man" or they want to vote against "pinko commies"

In the end, both pretty much wind up doing the same things as they laugh at them all.

The "R's" vote for "the common man"? That is laughable.
Almost all of Europe, Scandanavian countries included, are social democracys. Cradle to grave care for all payed for by those who work.

Why would anyone want to have drive and determination to better themselves. No need. The Govt will take care of you payed for by those that work. Those that don't get the same rights, privileges and care as those that do.

Good deal for the freeloaders and those that work don't seem to know the difference.

Bernie should move to Scandanavia. His utipian dreams would be answered.
Unless you can provide some actual welfare statistics in scandanavia, you are just parroting typical republican, American exceptionalism non sense.

I get so tired of the typical bullshit that repubs spew about America being the best country in the world. Sure militarily and GDP speaking we are, but America sucks in every other way especially in terms of public education.

I'm sure it makes you feel superior and validated when you assume these "governments take care of everything for their citizens", but you're just spewing non sense. Norway, for instance, has a strong democracy and is a capitalist nation. In fact, their private economy is one of the best in the world.
America sucks in those areas that liberals have had the most impact.
Almost all of Europe, Scandanavian countries included, are social democracys. Cradle to grave care for all payed for by those who work.

Why would anyone want to have drive and determination to better themselves. No need. The Govt will take care of you payed for by those that work. Those that don't get the same rights, privileges and care as those that do.

Good deal for the freeloaders and those that work don't seem to know the difference.

Bernie should move to Scandanavia. His utipian dreams would be answered.
Unless you can provide some actual welfare statistics in scandanavia, you are just parroting typical republican, American exceptionalism non sense.

I get so tired of the typical bullshit that repubs spew about America being the best country in the world. Sure militarily and GDP speaking we are, but America sucks in every other way especially in terms of public education.

I'm sure it makes you feel superior and validated when you assume these "governments take care of everything for their citizens", but you're just spewing non sense. Norway, for instance, has a strong democracy and is a capitalist nation. In fact, their private economy is one of the best in the world.

Use that thing you call a brain idiot. There are freeloaders all over the world. If you need stats look em up.

Spewing nonsense my ass. Most of Europe are socialist Democrats. Some run their countries differently than others. All citizens of those countries are treated the same. Those that work pay the freight for all the freeloaders.

Common sense 101, is pretty hard for an Obama loving idiot to see.
Yeap, the liberals and their moronic notion that there is some utopia out there where we can all live in harmony. Perhaps under a big tree and we all turn into blue flying creatures in a distant land.

Of course to the left the illegitimate American ideal is and always has been a false premise. Regardless of the fact that everyone has been granted opportunity.

To them, anything that is unfair, is unrighteous. Of course. Cause somewhere out there, there is a land where everyone is equal and there is no struggle. Everyone can freely smoke pot along with whatever substance that they deem as good.

Of course, yeah America sucks. Which must be the reason why so many from these failed fucking socialist countries are so desperate to get here.

Fucking liberals and their utter fucking mindless bullshit. Let Mexico border those countries, let them have a socialist fuck have an open door policy and let us see how great things will be in those subarctic countries.

You stupid fucking moronic ignorant liberals. You think you are all so fucking smart, while being such deranged fucking morons at the exact same time.

It's always somebody else's fault that America has lost its way. It's the blacks, or the Mexicans or the liberals. It's not the greed, the arrogance, or the abandonment of the principles the founders laid down.

You've lost your equal opportunity for all. Lots of people are working hard all of their lives and ending up with nothing. The game is now rigged against them.

If you don't pull yourselves together and stop blaming others for the situation, you will continue to fall apart.

I live in a country where we don't have to arm ourselves against our neighbours, and our constitution says we have an obligation to help others.

Nobody is successful by themselves. That's a myth. Everyone you ever met who inspired you, taught you, provided you with opportunities, advised you, worked with you or for you, helped you succeed. The infrastructure provided by government gives you a safe, secure environment in which you can work with assurance that you will profit from your success.

It used to be that when a company was successful, its employees were rewarded because their work made that company successful. With the huge corporations today, management is so far removed from workers that they have lost respect or even interest in the people working for them.

When companies were small enough that the owners knew everyone by name, their employees' welfare and well being mattered to them. Americans now work longer hours, for no additional compensation. Corporate executives earn many times more money than they used to by managing for the bottom line.

It's important for businesses to show a profit and a decent return on investment but when corporations are recording record profits year after year, executives recording records pay raises year after year, why isn't any of this money going to the workers who make this success possible? It's because executives never see these people, don't know them and don't care about them.

***Left wing propaganda ALERT***
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
Scandinavian governments work because everyone there wants to have nice things and for their neighbors to also have nice things. America is too dog-eat-dog for that anytime soon, for that the boomers must finally die out.
The problem is that average joe republicans are so brainwashed. Their simple minds make them pawns to the party. It's both terrible and astounding.

All a republican politician has to do is talk about how much he loves freedom; vague generalizations about upholding the constitution; lowering taxes (always for the wealthy btw), and he recruits millions of pawns. It's shocking it is that easy.

They believe Obama is a Communist. That shows how brainwashed they truly are. Outside of the ACA, Obama is about as centrist as Bill Clinton was, and the ACA is not some socialist nirvana.
Not by a long-shot.

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HUGGY thinks our government should be more like one that resembles functional.

So you agree that Obama has been horrible.

So why vote to make it worse?

People vote for the "D" or "R" cause they either want to vote for the "working man" or they want to vote against "pinko commies"

In the end, both pretty much wind up doing the same things as they laugh at them all.

The "R's" vote for "the common man"? That is laughable.

The Ls segregate and exploit race and ethnicity but you're ok with that. Lol.
It's always somebody else's fault that America has lost its way. It's the blacks, or the Mexicans or the liberals. It's not the greed, the arrogance, or the abandonment of the principles the founders laid down.

It's the blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, fags, etc, that vote liberal destroying the Enlightenment principles that the founder laid down.

good day
If deficit is so much of an issue in Scandinavia, then the wealthy simply need to be taxed more.



Show us proof that if the wealthy people there were hypothetically taxed at 100% that they could ever repay their deficit.
I don't know their deficit. Do you? Either way, it would only get worse without more revenue. You do know that is how it works right?

Well, actually, there is more to it than that.

While I agree that we should look at taxing the wealthy more, I am not sure that it does what we want.

There has to also be a discussion on cuts.

Regardless of politics, does it seem all the screaming and yelling over spending and taxes (that was so prevelant in Obama's first term....not his fault) has died down.

Are we any better off ?

I honestly have not seen deficit projections for some time.
Yeap, the liberals and their moronic notion that there is some utopia out there where we can all live in harmony. Perhaps under a big tree and we all turn into blue flying creatures in a distant land.

Of course to the left the illegitimate American ideal is and always has been a false premise. Regardless of the fact that everyone has been granted opportunity.

To them, anything that is unfair, is unrighteous. Of course. Cause somewhere out there, there is a land where everyone is equal and there is no struggle. Everyone can freely smoke pot along with whatever substance that they deem as good.

Of course, yeah America sucks. Which must be the reason why so many from these failed fucking socialist countries are so desperate to get here.

Fucking liberals and their utter fucking mindless bullshit. Let Mexico border those countries, let them have a socialist fuck have an open door policy and let us see how great things will be in those subarctic countries.

You stupid fucking moronic ignorant liberals. You think you are all so fucking smart, while being such deranged fucking morons at the exact same time.

It's always somebody else's fault that America has lost its way. It's the blacks, or the Mexicans or the liberals. It's not the greed, the arrogance, or the abandonment of the principles the founders laid down.

You've lost your equal opportunity for all. Lots of people are working hard all of their lives and ending up with nothing. The game is now rigged against them.

If you don't pull yourselves together and stop blaming others for the situation, you will continue to fall apart.

I live in a country where we don't have to arm ourselves against our neighbours, and our constitution says we have an obligation to help others.

Nobody is successful by themselves. That's a myth. Everyone you ever met who inspired you, taught you, provided you with opportunities, advised you, worked with you or for you, helped you succeed. The infrastructure provided by government gives you a safe, secure environment in which you can work with assurance that you will profit from your success.

It used to be that when a company was successful, its employees were rewarded because their work made that company successful. With the huge corporations today, management is so far removed from workers that they have lost respect or even interest in the people working for them.

When companies were small enough that the owners knew everyone by name, their employees' welfare and well being mattered to them. Americans now work longer hours, for no additional compensation. Corporate executives earn many times more money than they used to by managing for the bottom line.

It's important for businesses to show a profit and a decent return on investment but when corporations are recording record profits year after year, executives recording records pay raises year after year, why isn't any of this money going to the workers who make this success possible? It's because executives never see these people, don't know them and don't care about them.

While I don't agree with your assessment as to why....

I do agree that the points you raised should be squarely in the center of today's discussion.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.
HUGGY thinks our government should be more like one that resembles functional.

So you agree that Obama has been horrible.

So why vote to make it worse?

People vote for the "D" or "R" cause they either want to vote for the "working man" or they want to vote against "pinko commies"

In the end, both pretty much wind up doing the same things as they laugh at them all.

The "R's" vote for "the common man"? That is laughable.

The Ls segregate and exploit race and ethnicity but you're ok with that. Lol.

I'm white. I don't mind being stuck with my own kind. And if they make me hang with those of Irish decent I'm even happier.
Almost all of Europe, Scandanavian countries included, are social democracys. Cradle to grave care for all payed for by those who work.

Why would anyone want to have drive and determination to better themselves. No need. The Govt will take care of you payed for by those that work. Those that don't get the same rights, privileges and care as those that do.

Good deal for the freeloaders and those that work don't seem to know the difference.

Bernie should move to Scandanavia. His utipian dreams would be answered.
I know... but they do. And they love it - even those who work. I suppose that it's due to the fact that everyone has "insurance" against what life throws at you sometimes. You are never guaranteed a job, there are no guarantees that every able body will be working every day. But these "freeloaders" have figured out a way to take care of each other the way a civilized society ought to. I surely hope you never end up broke and seriously sick, out of a job and hungry with little mouths to feed as well. I find it an embarrassment that a good deal of Europe - even if they aren't rich by our standards - will take care of their own populace and yet we, the richest country in the world, seems to enjoy the sport of watching people starve or die from treatable illness.

Your premise is manufactured and unproven, and yet you want to cling to the notion that we need to abuse those who stumble. Like I said, I hope it's never you who trips.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You really believe that we should all bankroll every freeloader out there like we are now??

You might think its a great idea but I don't. I've worked my ass off for everything I have and I sure as shit ain't interested in bankrolling someones life for em.

If thats your idea of a good thing then by all means you and all likeminded need to whip out YOUR wallets, YOUR checkbooks and YOUR debit cards and take care of them and believe me they will take every dime you want to give them and then some. Oh and don't hold your breath for a thank you cause you ain't gonna get on.

Bet you'd be changing your mind in one big hurry when its YOUR money being used instead of all taxpayers.

Oh and I have a job. A job with benifits so sickness doesnt' concern me and I doubt I lose my job because I'm very, very good at what I do. Hell even if I did lose my job I'd have another mayby two. Thats because I'm not expecting the Govt to pay my way.
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He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

To that end, neither are any of the other candidates. There's no way that any of them will do much to change the status quo - there are too many people invested in the way things are. So instead you'd simply get concessions with no teeth and no further movement - but you'd probably still consider it a win, at least until the affected program is simply absorbed into another bureau.

However, direct campaign contributions could actually be close to nothing and still a few billion would be spent by the dark money interests to promote their choice (or disparage their opponent). The biggest issue with that is that there is no one to hold accountable for deliberate misrepresentations. How does a candidate have a debate with a TV ad? We can't vote the distorting organizations out - and in a lot of cases, it takes a real effort to find out exactly where the ads actually came from. Maybe Bernie isn't an answer for you, but he's the first candidate to publicly say "No thank you" to backdoor campaign financing. And if nothing else does, that should speak volumes about his character.
Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

You really believe that we should all bankroll every freeloader out there like we are now??

You might think its a great idea but I don't. I've worked my ass off for everything I have and I sure as shit ain't interested in bankrolling someones life for em.

If thats your idea of a good thing then by all means you and all likeminded need to whip out YOUR wallets, YOUR checkbooks and YOUR debit cards and take care of them and believe me they will take every dime you want to give them and then some. Oh and don't hold your breath for a thank you cause you ain't gonna get on.

Bet you'd be changing your mind in one big hurry when its YOUR money being used instead of all taxpayers.

Oh and I have a job. A job with benifits so sickness doesnt' concern me and I doubt I lose my job because I'm very, very good at what I do.
We don't. And they're not ALL freeloaders. Your premise is one of black and white - either you have a job or you're a lazy scumbag. I would submit to you that there are many shades of gray between those two points. And it works in Europe because they have the wisdom to know that at any time they themselves could be somewhere between black and white. It may never happen, or it may happen with frequent regularity. But, if you know that EVERYONE has your back, you feel just as obligated to support someone else when they're in need when it's your turn.

You may scoff, but those Scandinavian countries that Sanders listed have very little debt, a decent GDP, and a very manageable CPI (Google it if you like, or better yet, check out the raw data with FRED) - which says that the conservative campfire ghost story of how this country would fall apart if we had similar benefits is just that: a myth to scare uneducated and naive minds.

And I'll say this in closing: I once thought that I would be safe from unemployment too. I cross-trained in 2 different technical fields and was also very good at both. Life can suck sometimes, and however much you set yourself up for success there's always something around the corner that can knock you down. In our society, time is your enemy so that once you do manage to pull yourself back to prior glory, the world has moved on and you find yourself simply remembering how good you were while you greet Walmart customers. You'd do well to keep that in the back of your mind. Not that anything like that would EVER happen to you, of course...

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