Bernie Sanders thinks our government should be more like the ones found in Scandanavia

The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.
OK, so let's look back at the data. In 2012, Obama raised $716M to Romney's $416M, but lagged Romney's spending by $130M. Obama's top 5 contributors included University of CA, Google, Microsoft, Harvard, and US Government (not sure if this is an organization or the actual government, I'll dig more). Romney's top 5 were all major banks. In 2008, Obama doubled McCain's contributions, and although 2 of Obama's top 5 were Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan, 4 out McCain's top 5 were banks. A similar contributor pattern occurred in 2004 with Bush/Kerry - all banks and financial services in Bush's top 5.(source:

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

Now we're beginning to delve into conspiracy theory a bit, and I'll admit that's not an area I'm too well versed in. But there isn't a successful society on the planet that hasn't found a way to fuse at least a little socialism into the framework of their ideology. Our own society was never founded on the principle of "You go your way and I'll go mine" - only that if you wanted to go your own way, you were free to do so (and at that, within certain limits).

I don't agree with the idea behind your statement: "We actually need less Government in our lives." This implies that there is never a need for government to take on a larger role. Hardly ever does it grow without an underlying need. IMO, momentum prevents large programs from shrinking after the need is past - organizations hang on just in case that need presents itself again, and THAT'S the problem that people attribute to large government. Scope and objective is very important, and has always been omitted from the legislation enabling governmental growth.

As far as bringing freedom back to the people goes, it's OUR government. If we wanted the freedoms, we would have kept them. "Liberty, once lost, is lost forever" (John Adams). If freedom is something that can be given or taken away, is that really a freedom?

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.

And to this, I still have to ask:

Which Scandinavian country?

Norway and Denmark are controlled by right wing governments that restrict immigration, cut spending, and cut taxes. Sweden is a cultural marxist shithole being flooded by over a hundred thousand third world refugees a year, that is going into massive debt. In Sweden, income inequality that is rising even faster than that in the US at the moment due to the influx of cheap foreign labor in part. I thought Sanders opposes income inequality?
Countries that have strong social safety nets often find nearly half their populations out of work living off the public dole.
IN order to make sure menial tasks are done, unskilled laborers are imported. Wiht wages unable to keep up with the ever rising cost of living due to inflationary government monetary policies( which are driven by more and more funding to social safety nets) the migrant workers find themselves falling behind. History shows us that this is a recipe for disaster

This post is bullshit.

I live in a country with a strong social safety net and since I know of no time that half the population had been out of work and living on government assistance.

We don't import large numbers of foreign workers to do menial tasks either. Our minimum wage is sufficient for a single person to support him/herself, and our healthcare is $25 per month per worker, with employers paying 1% of your income as a health tax.

It's the U.S. which has always relied on cheap labor. First it was slavery, then "guest" workers who could be sent home when not needed, and today its undocumented immigrants.

Right wingers constantly lie about conditions in other countries, trying to make the U.S. look better than it is. But as the U.S. continues to lose ranking in education, healthcare, safety and liveability, the right keeps ramping up the lies about how everyone is trying to get in.

The Canada/US border is the longest in defended border in the world. If the U.S. is so great, why aren't Canadians swarming across the border? What's to stop us?

Maybe it's because we're happier, healthier, and safer living where we are and we know how much better it is here. Our cities are cleaner, our children are getting a better education, and we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

American Exceptionalism is a myth.
Canadians aren't flocking here but we Americans love to flock there to catch the walleye. I must give Canada kudos for the way they protect their fisheries. I admire their strict laws and how they are enforced. TOO MANY FISH? gOTTA BE A GLUTTON? wE'RE GONNA TAKE YOUR TRUCK.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
Like what? What failed programs exactly? Be specific.

Obamacare and other assorted agencies that got stuffed into one big bouquet of horseshit, HS. Its amazing how y'all love and need govt to lead you by the nose.
Which Scandinavian country?

Norway and Denmark are controlled by right wing governments that restrict immigration, cut spending, and cut taxes. Sweden is a cultural marxist shithole being flooded by over a hundred thousand third world refugees a year, that is going into massive debt. In Sweden, income inequality that is rising even faster than that in the US at the moment due to the influx of cheap foreign labor in part. I thought Sanders opposes income inequality?
Countries that have strong social safety nets often find nearly half their populations out of work living off the public dole.
IN order to make sure menial tasks are done, unskilled laborers are imported. Wiht wages unable to keep up with the ever rising cost of living due to inflationary government monetary policies( which are driven by more and more funding to social safety nets) the migrant workers find themselves falling behind. History shows us that this is a recipe for disaster

This post is bullshit.

I live in a country with a strong social safety net and since I know of no time that half the population had been out of work and living on government assistance.

We don't import large numbers of foreign workers to do menial tasks either. Our minimum wage is sufficient for a single person to support him/herself, and our healthcare is $25 per month per worker, with employers paying 1% of your income as a health tax.

It's the U.S. which has always relied on cheap labor. First it was slavery, then "guest" workers who could be sent home when not needed, and today its undocumented immigrants.

Right wingers constantly lie about conditions in other countries, trying to make the U.S. look better than it is. But as the U.S. continues to lose ranking in education, healthcare, safety and liveability, the right keeps ramping up the lies about how everyone is trying to get in.

The Canada/US border is the longest in defended border in the world. If the U.S. is so great, why aren't Canadians swarming across the border? What's to stop us?

Maybe it's because we're happier, healthier, and safer living where we are and we know how much better it is here. Our cities are cleaner, our children are getting a better education, and we have the fastest growing middle class in the world.

American Exceptionalism is a myth.

No, its not a myth and we are exceptional. Y'all can't even defend yourself if you were attacked.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

Why don't y'all just move over there. You hate the US....move. Nobody is stopping you.
That's actually untrue. Most of us love our country so much that we're willing to risk our wallets to make it better - even for the socially challenged. Personally, what I hate about the US is that it has to be home to so many people who think that THEY are 100% self-sufficient and screw those who stumble along the way. I hate that I have to support so many who are so intellectually stunted that they feel the need to close off discussions about the POSSIBILITY of bettering our entire country by muttering a magic word ("socialist", "communist", "liberal") because it hurts their tiny little brains to actually ponder pros and cons.

So, how much do YOU love your country? 1% of us risk their lives for it, what about the other 99%? Do you love it enough to at least risk your wallet?

I risk my wallet every year when I pay taxes. I'm then rewarded by failed govt programs.
Like what? What failed programs exactly? Be specific.

Obamacare and other assorted agencies that got stuffed into one big bouquet of horseshit, HS. Its amazing how y'all love and need govt to lead you by the nose.
I don expect the gov to lead my life. I just appreciate the many functions you take for granted. I am all for paying my taxes to continue those functions. And no, I don't expect welfare.
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace... He has a long shot...

Yeah, Americans are stupid sheeple and only you and Bernie and his 18 supporters know anything.
Loony lefties are the most pompously ignorant jackasses in America. No wonder poor Bernie can't win.
The Canada/US border is the longest in defended border in the world. If the U.S. is so great, why aren't Canadians swarming across the border? What's to stop us?

If life is so wonderful up there, why aren't Americans swarming into Canada?
What's to stop us?
He's right. Sander's entire political position is dictated by FACTS. You know those pesky things republicans try to avoid to win over a stupid American populace.

Bernie Sanders I can beat Hillary Clinton - CBS News

He has a long shot. I know that. He probably ultimately won't become president, but you know his message will at least be heard. Hopefully something comes out of that.

The Koch brothers donated close to a billion to the republican campaign. Thats twice as much of the funding for the entire 2012 republican campaign. Two guys essentially comprise an entire third party.

Why are average joe republicans okay with that?

How about you and that commie asshole Sanders get the fuck out of America and move to Scandanavia if it's so great.
Bernie Sanders thinks our government should be more like the ones found in Scandanavia

Of course he does. Idiots do that.
Scandinavian governments work because everyone there wants to have nice things and for their neighbors to also have nice things. America is too dog-eat-dog for that anytime soon, for that the boomers must finally die out.

Nonsense. Any comparison to Scandinavia and the US is ABSURD.

Scandinavian countries are very small countries.

  • Sweden - 9,230,000
  • Denmark - 5,510,000
  • Finland - 5,330,000 (includes Åland with a population of 27,000)
  • Norway - 4,755,000
  • Iceland - 320,000
  • Greenland - 57,000
  • Faroe Islands - 49,000
That means that those countries are familial. Meaning that most people in Scandinavian countries, are born, live and die in the same town.

Any comparison to Scandinavia and the US is ABSURD. The US has 300 million people. California and Texas EACH have more people living in the respective states than ALL of Scandinavia combined.

I was born and raised in the town I live in... but that is very rare. I'm asked several times a week where I am from and when I say "Here...", the most common response is: "Wow... I've never met anyone from here before."

Point being that the US is a very mobile nation. People are constantly moving from place to place to find a better job.

It's rare that people in the US have any idea of what the name of their neighbor is. This excepts the mid-west and old south.
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The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.
OK, so let's look back at the data. In 2012, Obama raised $716M to Romney's $416M, but lagged Romney's spending by $130M. Obama's top 5 contributors included University of CA, Google, Microsoft, Harvard, and US Government (not sure if this is an organization or the actual government, I'll dig more). Romney's top 5 were all major banks. In 2008, Obama doubled McCain's contributions, and although 2 of Obama's top 5 were Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan, 4 out McCain's top 5 were banks. A similar contributor pattern occurred in 2004 with Bush/Kerry - all banks and financial services in Bush's top 5.(source:

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

Now we're beginning to delve into conspiracy theory a bit, and I'll admit that's not an area I'm too well versed in. But there isn't a successful society on the planet that hasn't found a way to fuse at least a little socialism into the framework of their ideology. Our own society was never founded on the principle of "You go your way and I'll go mine" - only that if you wanted to go your own way, you were free to do so (and at that, within certain limits).

I don't agree with the idea behind your statement: "We actually need less Government in our lives." This implies that there is never a need for government to take on a larger role. Hardly ever does it grow without an underlying need. IMO, momentum prevents large programs from shrinking after the need is past - organizations hang on just in case that need presents itself again, and THAT'S the problem that people attribute to large government. Scope and objective is very important, and has always been omitted from the legislation enabling governmental growth.

As far as bringing freedom back to the people goes, it's OUR government. If we wanted the freedoms, we would have kept them. "Liberty, once lost, is lost forever" (John Adams). If freedom is something that can be given or taken away, is that really a freedom?

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.

And to this, I still have to ask:


The Globalist Elites, especially the International Banker Elites, own both American Political Parties. They threw a Communist like Obama in there to calm the 'Riffraff.' Just give em their Freebies and they'll stay relatively calm. In the end, the Globalist Elites do run the show. Both Party's Nominees will receive a massive amount of cash.

And as far as Sanders goes, he's not offering anything new or original. His Party is already pushing for Bigger Big Government. It's actually time for smaller and less Government intrusion in our lives. Hopefully, that's what the People will vote for. But i won't count on it.
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You cannot govern a nation of 300,000,000 people, which has the world's most powerful army with a small limited government.

But then you've already proven you're completely lacking in education or common sense by referring to Obama as s communist.

Go and take a beginner course in politics and economics and get a clue.
The Canada/US border is the longest in defended border in the world. If the U.S. is so great, why aren't Canadians swarming across the border? What's to stop us?

If life is so wonderful up there, why aren't Americans swarming into Canada?
What's to stop us?

Lots of them do. We have a lot of Americans who come here. We took in a lot of American draft dodgers during the Vietnam War era.

The founders of Roots are Americans who moved to Canada.

Some of my husband's family came here from Pennsylvania.
The Democratic Nominee will take in as much, if not more money than the Republican Nominee. For example, Barack Obama received more money from Banks than John McCain and Mitt Romney did. So you're working off an old false paradigm.
OK, so let's look back at the data. In 2012, Obama raised $716M to Romney's $416M, but lagged Romney's spending by $130M. Obama's top 5 contributors included University of CA, Google, Microsoft, Harvard, and US Government (not sure if this is an organization or the actual government, I'll dig more). Romney's top 5 were all major banks. In 2008, Obama doubled McCain's contributions, and although 2 of Obama's top 5 were Goldman-Sachs and JP Morgan, 4 out McCain's top 5 were banks. A similar contributor pattern occurred in 2004 with Bush/Kerry - all banks and financial services in Bush's top 5.(source:

Both Parties are owned by large Corporations and run by NWO Globalist Elites. And we're already a Socialist/Capitalist hybrid. So Sanders really isn't offering anything new. We actually need less Government in our lives. Right now we need Candidates who are willing to scale back Big Government and bring Freedom back to the People. But obviously that's not gonna happen. I understand that. Bernie Sanders isn't the answer.

Now we're beginning to delve into conspiracy theory a bit, and I'll admit that's not an area I'm too well versed in. But there isn't a successful society on the planet that hasn't found a way to fuse at least a little socialism into the framework of their ideology. Our own society was never founded on the principle of "You go your way and I'll go mine" - only that if you wanted to go your own way, you were free to do so (and at that, within certain limits).

I don't agree with the idea behind your statement: "We actually need less Government in our lives." This implies that there is never a need for government to take on a larger role. Hardly ever does it grow without an underlying need. IMO, momentum prevents large programs from shrinking after the need is past - organizations hang on just in case that need presents itself again, and THAT'S the problem that people attribute to large government. Scope and objective is very important, and has always been omitted from the legislation enabling governmental growth.

As far as bringing freedom back to the people goes, it's OUR government. If we wanted the freedoms, we would have kept them. "Liberty, once lost, is lost forever" (John Adams). If freedom is something that can be given or taken away, is that really a freedom?

The NWO Globalist Elites are truly devious. They might throw a Communist like Obama in there, or even Sanders. They feel that calms the Sheeple who rely on Big Brother Freebies.

But in the end, the NWO Globalist Elites still run the show. Both Nominees will receive massive funding from the Elites, especially from International Banker Elites. Bet on that.

And to this, I still have to ask:


The Globalist Elites, especially the International Banker Elites, own both American Political Parties. They threw a Communist like Obama in there to calm the 'Riffraff.' Just give em their Freebies and they'll stay relatively calm. In the end, the Globalist Elites do run the show. Both Party's Nominees will receive a massive amount of cash.

And as far as Sanders goes, he's not offering anything new or original. His Party is already pushing for Bigger Big Government. It's actually time for smaller and less Government intrusion in our lives. Hopefully, that's what the People will vote for. But i won't count on it.

^He starts making sense and then goes full Obama missing the point. He forgets Bush sent us actual checks in the mail for "stimulus".

It's obvious this troll hasn't researched Sanders at all because "his party" is not Democratic.

The rest of us are mad and ready to hear different perspectives. It doesn't mean we want a different style of Government.

Fun to watch a "Paulatitician" want to silence a Socialist. I would think he would want to stop the obstruction of information if he follows Ron Paul.
If Scandinavia is so great nothing is stopping him from going there. If you want the freedom and protections of the constitution then stay here.
Why would Sanders, a Socialist, want to move to Scandinavia, which Steinlight describes as Right Wing? See post #12
Scandinavia isn't a country. Learn to read faggot.
My God, you have trouble keeping up. :asshole:
Post where I said Scandinavia was right wing. Oh right, I never said that faggot.
Sweden are a bunch of self hating cucks. In 50 years, Swedes will be a minority in their own country with their current immigration policy if they even survive that long with their unsustainable debt. Though thankfully our income inequality isn't rising as quickly as Sweden's, yet. US is becoming more like Sweden in these ways every day at this rate. And this is not a good thing. Sanders would just speed up our process to becoming a bananda republic.
If Scandinavia is so great nothing is stopping him from going there. If you want the freedom and protections of the constitution then stay here.
Why would Sanders, a Socialist, want to move to Scandinavia, which Steinlight describes as Right Wing? See post #12
Scandinavia isn't a country. Learn to read faggot.
My God, you have trouble keeping up. :asshole:
Post where I said Scandinavia was right wing. Oh right, I never said that faggot.
Which Scandinavian country?

Norway and Denmark are controlled by right wing governments that restrict immigration, cut spending, and cut taxes. Sweden is a cultural marxist shithole being flooded by over a hundred thousand third world refugees a year, that is going into massive debt. In Sweden, income inequality that is rising even faster than that in the US at the moment due to the influx of cheap foreign labor in part. I thought Sanders opposes income inequality?

There you go, numb nuts. Denying it makes you a liar as well as stupid.

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