Bernie Sanders wants United States to bail out Greece!

Bernie Sanders demands that we bail out Greece and the ECB, what do you think?

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Sanders is worried about the collapse of the Euro causing a Lehman moment, which is possible. What is not possible is for the US to bail out the insolvent members of the EZ. The PIIGS have unofficially expanded to include France and much of Eastern Europe. As to the German expansion eastwards that goes back to the middle ages.
As a Greek citizen, I would love to see the country pulled out of the flames. If Germany decides not to do it, I can hardly see the American taxpayer doing so.
What ever, it doesn't matter. The whole, "debt based currency" ponzi scheme is doomed.

The whole system is going to collapse soon anyhow. Take your money and investments and head for the hills.

"On November 16, 2014, I covered the fact that the G20 nations passed a joint resolution to get their nation’s central banking system to declare that your bank account was not defined as money. This was done because the G20 central banks are approaching insolvency. This put your assets at the bottom of the list for FDIC compensation in the event a bank failure.

The fact that these two events happened in close proximity to each other is not surprising. However, it is surprising that these two events (i.e. the bank failure drill and the G20 declaration) happened in such close proximity to each other presents clear signs that the banking industry is preparing to hold on to your money in attempt to stave off financial ruin."
American Bank Bail-Ins Are Beginning Dave Hodges 8211 The Common Sense Show
The collapse of Greece is inevitable under the current scenario and position held by those in power. Would it hurt the EU yes as it regards all the Greek sovereign debt floating around.
The fundamental point is it the responsibility of the United States or World Bank to bail them out? no! I agree that the EU needs to decide the economic fate of Greece not the US Senate and American Tax Payers.
Collapse of Greece resulting in a Lehman moment? apparently the esteemed Senator has a few screws missing and considering his track record he would be better served to let Germany and the EU central bank address the issue.
What do you say folks, should our posterity be encumbered by an additional generation of debt to save Greece?

Btw, all he said was "Hitler" and "Nazi Party" to make his case.

Video is in the link:
Sen. Bernie Sanders Greece Is In Midst Of Great Depression Needs Federal Reserve Bailout Video RealClearPolitics

He's talking about the aid that comes from the U.S. that has been in place for years, NOT bailing out Greece.

(...yawn....another misleading O/P)

Here you go, big red type from the link. I know how righties seem to never go beyond a headline.....

"""I want [Federal Reserve Chair Janet] Yellen to make the European Central Bank aware that the Fed has provided significant, and continues to provide significant support to them. That President Obama was very strong saying last week that when a country is in the midst of a Depression like Greece, there is a limit to how far you can squeeze them. And I hope that she would make the ECB aware of that..."""
Bernie Sanders demands that we bail out Greece and the ECB, what do you think?""

That is NOT what he is saying. Read the damn article. If it wasn't for spin you people wouldn't be able to post AT ALL.
Yeah, as though Yellen has a lot of influence on the German taxpayer. The question is not of Greece squeezing the German taxpayer, but of the German taxpayer paying for Greece. Either way, unless the american taxpayer is willing to foot Greece's bill, Sander's comments are useless.
Hey, Bernie. Get back to us when the Greeks start paying their taxes.
Moral hazard.

If we bail out Greece, Spain will be right behind them with their hand out.
What do you say folks, should our posterity be encumbered by an additional generation of debt to save Greece?

Btw, all he said was "Hitler" and "Nazi Party" to make his case.

Video is in the link:
Sen. Bernie Sanders Greece Is In Midst Of Great Depression Needs Federal Reserve Bailout Video RealClearPolitics

He's talking about the aid that comes from the U.S. that has been in place for years, NOT bailing out Greece.

(...yawn....another misleading O/P)

Here you go, big red type from the link. I know how righties seem to never go beyond a headline.....

"""I want [Federal Reserve Chair Janet] Yellen to make the European Central Bank aware that the Fed has provided significant, and continues to provide significant support to them. That President Obama was very strong saying last week that when a country is in the midst of a Depression like Greece, there is a limit to how far you can squeeze them. And I hope that she would make the ECB aware of that..."""

That's pretty much the whole point. We HAVE been funneling money over there already. No audit will show that, there is no back bone in Congress. The FED tells them they have no right to see how much debt they are causing tax payers, as their dealings with the European and international institutions are private matters. But honestly, who foots the bill for the expanded credit line at the ECB? What is the world's reserve currency?

Truth be told, neither political party gives a shit. The chickens will come home to roost though. As no viable system has been put in place in Greece, what happens when they go belly up again?

Sanders is wasting his time. The globalists WANT Greece to go belly up.

What does Soros know that Sanders doesn't?

"Disturbingly, Soros has repeatedly demonstrated that he has had both accurate and advanced knowledge of stock market and banking crashes in the past. Subsequently, savvy investors keep a very close eye on his money movements and resulting holdings as Soros is the “Canary in the mine”. He is the world’s ultimate economic hit man and both bankers and politicians watch his every move with fear and apprehension.

According to a 2014 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it was revealed that Soros sold his holdings in Citigroup, J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. Soros subsequently moved his money and took up new positions in gold and tech stocks associated with Chinese money movement. Soros has moved his money to RF Micro Devices, Nuance Communications, Marvel Technology Group, Nokia Corp., and Cypress Semiconductor. Soros also boosted his stake in Herbalife and took up a new position in Yamana Gold and AuRico Gold, and New Gold Inc. This sent shockwaves among aware investors in the banking and stock market arena.

Soros’ money movements are significant for several reasons. First, he is now betting against both the U.S. Stock Market and now the three major US domestic banks. Second, Soros has obtained a sizable gold portfolio which is something one would want to do if one were expecting, or causing a crash of currency to occur. Finally, and most significantly, Soros is betting against the solvency of the Federal Reserve by running from the three of the major investors (i.e. the three major banks) in the Federal Reserve. This has a lot to do on why the U.S. and Britain practiced for widespread bank failures on November 10th in a drill facilitated by the FDIC. This is also highly significant because this is occurring at a time when the Federal Reserve gave permission to various Chinese interests (i.e. all controlled by the Chinese military) to purchase sizable positions in American banking which serves to underwrite and partially fund the Federal Reserve."
American Bank Bail-Ins Are Beginning Dave Hodges 8211 The Common Sense Show
That foreign assistance has nothing to do with the Greek bailout.

The bailout is implemented via the IMF. The Fed moves it's liquidity over to the IMF, which then moves it into the ECB. All of it is done behind curtains so the citizens via the elected representatives CAN NOT see how much, what amounts, or where it goes.

This corrupt cartel is all perfectly legal.

Guess Who's Paying For The Greece Bailout? That's Right -- YOU

Read more: Guess Who s Paying For The Greece Bailout That s Right -- YOU - Business Insider

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