Bernie Sanders: 'We Now Have A President Of The United States Who Is A Racist

Trump is one of those "elites" that donated to Democrats, at least, until he decided to become a Republican and take over the GOP.

By the way....................for all you conservatives who are against the "elites", why in the hell do you like Trump? He constantly tells you that he's been to the best schools, is extremely rich, has the best words, is smarter than everyone else, and nobody has ever been better. He also reminds people that he is president and they aren't. Trump CONSTANTLY talks about his being elite, yet you conservatives give him a pass on it, while constantly berating Democrats for being "elite". What gives?
It’s very simple. Which is why you had to ask.

Trump isn’t a phony-assed elite. What you see is what you get. For example, prior to his Air Force One days he flew around in his own big private jet. But unlike lots of lefty elites you never heard him lecturing others about polluting and whatnot.

And the biggest thing....? His wealth did not come from using government office to generate bribes and power.......unlike every other democrat running for office....especially AOC who is now a millionaire.......
I said this in the Russia threads. Once that Russia was proven to be an utter HOAX, the Democrats would use the Deplorables tactic to go after Trump and Trump supporters. We are all Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic. Biden called us the DREGS recently with these accusations.

This will fail just like it did for Hillary as she LOST.
Bernie Sanders is apart of Hillary's clan. He and everyone else knows that Hillary has been taking money from the Elites. The Pay to Play scandal. But he denounces his surrogate for saying that, even though that it is true. But he get out of line with the President of the United States, and call him a racist, loud and clear. But he even knows about Hillary rigging the elections and so on..
They are pretending to be enemies to make themselves look good in front of the public. In order to gain the their trust.

The RACIST PRESIDENT left office Jan 21st 2017.

Yes......the biggest racist, who sat in a racist church for 20 years, who has the support of the racists, al sharpton and louis farakhan..........

But he's the right kind of racist.
Well played, Bernie, you old hypocritical money grubbing clown. Extra points given to democrat presidential candidates who can vilify the president the most. It's game on for the rest of the gang.

Collective noun for the democrat presidential hopefuls: A disappointment of candidates.
That's nice and all, but what has it got to do with tRump being a racist?
He is calling Pres.Trump a racist just to throw the public from off of his trail. When someone calls the other a racist. That they are really the racist.

Twitter Has Words For Bernie Sanders Saying ‘Niggardly’ In 1986

View attachment 254237 View attachment 254236
Yeah, pretty sure that's not what he's doing.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
He is calling Pres.Trump a racist just to throw the public from off of his trail. When someone calls the other a racist. That they are really the racist.

Twitter Has Words For Bernie Sanders Saying ‘Niggardly’ In 1986

View attachment 254237 View attachment 254236
Yeah, pretty sure that's not what he's doing.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Actually he has.
He has been accused of swimming in the nude in front of Secret Service agents.

And I think it's clear that most of the accusers in Trump's case were persuaded to come forward by the Hillary Campaign. They offered one bimbo $750k. Her lawyer just got arrested for fraud the other day. I forget her name right now. She specializes in stripping and other forms of perversion.
Yeah, pretty sure that's not what he's doing.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Actually he has.
He has been accused of swimming in the nude in front of Secret Service agents.

And I think it's clear that most of the accusers in Trump's case were persuaded to come forward by the Hillary Campaign. They offered one bimbo $750k. Her lawyer just got arrested for fraud the other day. I forget her name right now. She specializes in stripping and other forms of perversion.
Lol, and all these people jumping up with Biden accusations has nothing to do with his possible presidential run?
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Actually he has.
He has been accused of swimming in the nude in front of Secret Service agents.

And I think it's clear that most of the accusers in Trump's case were persuaded to come forward by the Hillary Campaign. They offered one bimbo $750k. Her lawyer just got arrested for fraud the other day. I forget her name right now. She specializes in stripping and other forms of perversion.
Lol, and all these people jumping up with Biden accusations has nothing to do with his possible presidential run?
It's pretty much the same source, but in this case we don't have to just take some whore's word for it. We have video evidence of it everywhere.

The source is the same because somebody is trying to collude with the media to pick who runs for president. When you get that thru your head maybe you might open your eyes. Trump wasn't even supposed to win the nomination much less the WH.
Trump is one of those "elites" that donated to Democrats, at least, until he decided to become a Republican and take over the GOP.

By the way....................for all you conservatives who are against the "elites", why in the hell do you like Trump? He constantly tells you that he's been to the best schools, is extremely rich, has the best words, is smarter than everyone else, and nobody has ever been better. He also reminds people that he is president and they aren't. Trump CONSTANTLY talks about his being elite, yet you conservatives give him a pass on it, while constantly berating Democrats for being "elite". What gives?
It’s very simple. Which is why you had to ask.

Trump isn’t a phony-assed elite. What you see is what you get. For example, prior to his Air Force One days he flew around in his own big private jet. But unlike lots of lefty elites you never heard him lecturing others about polluting and whatnot.

And the biggest thing....? His wealth did not come from using government office to generate bribes and power.......unlike every other democrat running for office....especially AOC who is now a millionaire.......

AOC is now a millionaire? Really? Because all the stuff I've been able to find says that she's not. I provided a link showing that she's not a millionaire. You got one that says she is? Because all the other links that I've read said her PROJECTED worth by 2020 COULD BE a million, not that it already is.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t rich. There’s no reason to talk about it.

After Ocasio-Cortez defeated Rep. Joe Crowley in the primary in June and won the general election in November, she said in an interview with the New York Times that she was worried about paying for an apartment in Washington, DC, before her $174,000 annual congressional salary kicks in.

Fox News subsequently pointed out that, according to public records, she had at least $15,000 in her savings, apparently making the case that the amount should be sufficient to foot the bill for a DC apartment, where the median rent is $2,700 per month.

This was the inspiration for the CNBC follow-up last week, which reported that, according to her communications director, Ocasio-Cortez now has less than $7,000 in savings. She made about $26,600 in 2018, and she’s paying off somewhere between $15,000 and $50,000 on her student loan debt.

The CNBC story then lays out how Ocasio-Cortez “stacks up to other millennials”: The median millennial has just $2,430 in savings. So in fact, Ocasio-Cortez is above the median compared to her generational peers.
He is calling Pres.Trump a racist just to throw the public from off of his trail. When someone calls the other a racist. That they are really the racist.

Twitter Has Words For Bernie Sanders Saying ‘Niggardly’ In 1986

View attachment 254237 View attachment 254236
Yeah, pretty sure that's not what he's doing.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Yes and there is no evidence that trump is a racist
Yeah, pretty sure that's not what he's doing.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Yes and there is no evidence that trump is a racist
they're just repeating that lie hoping that enough idiots will believe it.
Yeah, pretty sure that's not what he's doing.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Yes and there is no evidence that trump is a racist
That's just funny right there.
So he just likes about trump being a racist the same way you do.

Got it

No soup for you liar.
But I don't like tRump being a rapist.......
Has Trump been charged with rape?
Do you think they might find rape charges in his taxes????
That was actually an autocorrect fail. Should have read "racist".

But on that subject, Biden hasn't been accused of anything sexual.

How many accusers for tRump now?
Yes and there is no evidence that trump is a racist
That's just funny right there.
Because it is fact.

You cannot refute it

Suck on it

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