Bernie: We don't talk about it very much, but there is more income & wealth inequality than at any time in America in the last 100 years

I meant something else, but if that's the opinion you've inferred, run with it. ;)
The whole implication is that anyone who has a different opinion is an asshole. Of course that could make both, or all, parties to the question assholes if they all differ in their opinions.

Mark Twain was kinder, imputing insanity to those with different opinions.
CEOs and large corporations make over 350 times more than their average workers...Meanwhile, working families are struggling...i could give stats all day about how unfair the gap between the rich and the poor is


There is also likely more opportunity than in the last 100 years.
CEOs and large corporations make over 350 times more than their average workers...Meanwhile, working families are struggling...i could give stats all day about how unfair the gap between the rich and the poor is


/-----/ Don't talk about it very much? Don't talk about it very much? You Libtards never shut up about it. GEEEEZE.
What do you base this opinion on?
The history of the last 100 years compared to today. Even in the decade after WW2 opportunities were scarce, wages low. Today one can work at McDonald's and get help for college. Same with the military. There are good paying jobs everywhere today.
CEOs and large corporations make over 350 times more than their average workers...Meanwhile, working families are struggling...i could give stats all day about how unfair the gap between the rich and the poor is


He is right.
During Obama's Presidency, the wealth gap grew at a faster pace than anytime in American history. Mot just some random claim, it is simply a fact. 2008 crushed the middle class. But the bailouts enriched the investor class handsomely. As it was intended.
And then came Covid. The wealthy have made mad money off Covid shutdowns.
American $billionaires increased their wealth by 62% between 2020-2021. 62%!!!
Our way of life is rapidly decreasing while the Oligarchy is devouring all the wealth this country creates.
But no worries!! Biden passed a law allowing transgender surgeries on minors, Important stuff like that.
Hunter actually worked for George W. Bush and Bill Clinton before Biden was V.P. , so those hiring Hunter are looking for a way to get to the Clinton, Bush and Biden family…
Can't disagree with that--------SWAMP creatures---working together to rob the rest of us. JOe was Hilliary's insistance for Obama's VP--her demand for her conceding the primary to Obama. The Bushes have been part of that group---as Romney and McCain---all crooks chosen by the puppet masters.

It's why the swamp hated and had to go after Trump like they did---they won't allow an outsider.

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