Bernie's college loan forgiveness trick.

If someone never went to the Government School system, and their kids didn't do it either, should they have to pay school tax?

Although I did attend Government kindergarten, my mum thought I needed instruction in nap time, and I excelled in that as well as in playing with clay and painting on the easels.
So, children are not assured of an education, cannot contribute as much to gross domestic product, and we all pay for the shortfall.
Why, do people think, that 'free' (paid for collectively for the collective good) compulsory (so children spend time learning instead of serving) education was started in the first place, pure altruism?

My idea is to have the PARENTS provide for the education of their own children

Right now, in many liberal areas, the children don't learn shit in the government schools. 47% of all high school GRADUATES in the city of Detroit are totally and completely, Functionally Illiterate. They would do better to have their parents teach them

What parents? The one in jail for drugs or the crack whore?
sure why not? tax their ass in jail. chain gang them. you think that would deter?

They are already in jail. retard. When I taught in an inner city school, I nearly fell out of my chair when both Mom and Dad showed up for a conference.

When I taught high school, they had to stop presenting the names of the parents because almost every kid had two sets of parents, none of which was worth a shit. It took twice as long as if they were actually with their birth parents.

The only parents who showed up for conferences were the ones you didn't need to see.
guess you don't pay local taxes.

Actually a lot of people don't pay school tax, as you have to own real estate to get assessed for it.

That's the one thing which they need to change. Even if you don't pay school tax, you still get to vote for it, the school districts need to implement a head tax so that a lot more voters have to pony up for it.

You may not directly pay property tax but you pay it indirectly when you rent. Also the cost of property taxes will always be indirectly included in the price you pay for goods and services from businesses that have to pay the tax.

However, I like your idea of a head tax. If you go to a public school then you pay your portion. If you don't attend a public school then you don't have to pay. That would really force the public schools to be competitive.
Logically, therefore, what we pay for collective defense should also be voluntary and according to how much we judge our share of 'defense' to be worth.

Not exactly logical.

Defense is a national requirement and one of the very few legitimate functions of the Federal government. You shouldn't be able to opt out if you are protected by the government.

However I don't like progressive taxation. The defense bill should be divided up equally among all citizens and taxed accordingly.

Since I have general Libertarian views I would argue that if you shouldn't have to pay for public education if you don't have children attending school. I certainly would argue that you should be able to opt out paying for public education if there is a better alternative available for your kids.

If we had a market based education system it would put an end to all this wasteful government spending for education that usually results in high taxation with piss poor results.
flash, ending corrupt administrations is the only way to save our schools

That would be the responsibility of your LOCAL school boards.
Logically, therefore, what we pay for collective defense should also be voluntary and according to how much we judge our share of 'defense' to be worth.

Every one benefits from the common defense.

A lot of Americans don't use the government schools, so they get Zero benefit.
I don't use the schools. however if I have a good school district it does affect my property value.

That's certainly a good point. But if you have relatively high school taxes, it can affect your property values negatively.
and i'm also positive if i have to read your bullshit, it will impact me negatively also.

ergo - bye.
well there is truth to that. I live in Illinois. people are leaving due to, high property taxes. Just saying, closing your eyes don't make it not.
Again, I don't get you all. you have no fking clue.

This morning on the Mankow morning show, Blaggo was on. ManKow asks Blaggo, I thought the lottery was suposed to pay for the schools. Blaggo replies, they do, the state pulled all of the other money away from the schools and only use the money from the lotto to fund them. So, basically, no additional money to help, just replacement money to spend the property tax money on "Pensions" this state is the most corrupt. Even more than CA or NY. Just know that.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
Every one benefits from the common defense.

A lot of Americans don't use the government schools, so they get Zero benefit.
I don't use the schools. however if I have a good school district it does affect my property value.

That's certainly a good point. But if you have relatively high school taxes, it can affect your property values negatively.
and i'm also positive if i have to read your bullshit, it will impact me negatively also.

ergo - bye.
well there is truth to that. I live in Illinois. people are leaving due to, high property taxes. Just saying, closing your eyes don't make it not.
Again, I don't get you all. you have no fking clue.

This morning on the Mankow morning show, Blaggo was on. ManKow asks Blaggo, I thought the lottery was suposed to pay for the schools. Blaggo replies, they do, the state pulled all of the other money away from the schools and only use the money from the lotto to fund them. So, basically, no additional money to help, just replacement money to spend the property tax money on "Pensions" this state is the most corrupt. Even more than CA or NY. Just know that.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
an entire state is big.
I don't use the schools. however if I have a good school district it does affect my property value.

That's certainly a good point. But if you have relatively high school taxes, it can affect your property values negatively.
and i'm also positive if i have to read your bullshit, it will impact me negatively also.

ergo - bye.
well there is truth to that. I live in Illinois. people are leaving due to, high property taxes. Just saying, closing your eyes don't make it not.
Again, I don't get you all. you have no fking clue.

This morning on the Mankow morning show, Blaggo was on. ManKow asks Blaggo, I thought the lottery was suposed to pay for the schools. Blaggo replies, they do, the state pulled all of the other money away from the schools and only use the money from the lotto to fund them. So, basically, no additional money to help, just replacement money to spend the property tax money on "Pensions" this state is the most corrupt. Even more than CA or NY. Just know that.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
Actually a lot of people don't pay school tax, as you have to own real estate to get assessed for it.

That's the one thing which they need to change. Even if you don't pay school tax, you still get to vote for it, the school districts need to implement a head tax so that a lot more voters have to pony up for it.

You may not directly pay property tax but you pay it indirectly when you rent. Also the cost of property taxes will always be indirectly included in the price you pay for goods and services from businesses that have to pay the tax.

However, I like your idea of a head tax. If you go to a public school then you pay your portion. If you don't attend a public school then you don't have to pay. That would really force the public schools to be competitive.
Logically, therefore, what we pay for collective defense should also be voluntary and according to how much we judge our share of 'defense' to be worth.

Not exactly logical.

Defense is a national requirement and one of the very few legitimate functions of the Federal government. You shouldn't be able to opt out if you are protected by the government.

However I don't like progressive taxation. The defense bill should be divided up equally among all citizens and taxed accordingly.

Since I have general Libertarian views I would argue that if you shouldn't have to pay for public education if you don't have children attending school. I certainly would argue that you should be able to opt out paying for public education if there is a better alternative available for your kids.

If we had a market based education system it would put an end to all this wasteful government spending for education that usually results in high taxation with piss poor results.
flash, ending corrupt administrations is the only way to save our schools

That would be the responsibility of your LOCAL school boards.
yes it would. The parents like the teachers wayyyyyy too much to do anything such as that. The spiral cannot be stopped. My own daughters praise the teachers. The teachers unions cry foul they all stand up for the teachers. It's sad.
That's certainly a good point. But if you have relatively high school taxes, it can affect your property values negatively.
and i'm also positive if i have to read your bullshit, it will impact me negatively also.

ergo - bye.
well there is truth to that. I live in Illinois. people are leaving due to, high property taxes. Just saying, closing your eyes don't make it not.
Again, I don't get you all. you have no fking clue.

This morning on the Mankow morning show, Blaggo was on. ManKow asks Blaggo, I thought the lottery was suposed to pay for the schools. Blaggo replies, they do, the state pulled all of the other money away from the schools and only use the money from the lotto to fund them. So, basically, no additional money to help, just replacement money to spend the property tax money on "Pensions" this state is the most corrupt. Even more than CA or NY. Just know that.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
If someone never went to the Government School system, and their kids didn't do it either, should they have to pay school tax?

Although I did attend Government kindergarten, my mum thought I needed instruction in nap time, and I excelled in that as well as in playing with clay and painting on the easels.
So, children are not assured of an education, cannot contribute as much to gross domestic product, and we all pay for the shortfall.
Why, do people think, that 'free' (paid for collectively for the collective good) compulsory (so children spend time learning instead of serving) education was started in the first place, pure altruism?

My idea is to have the PARENTS provide for the education of their own children

Right now, in many liberal areas, the children don't learn shit in the government schools. 47% of all high school GRADUATES in the city of Detroit are totally and completely, Functionally Illiterate. They would do better to have their parents teach them

What parents? The one in jail for drugs or the crack whore?
sure why not? tax their ass in jail. chain gang them. you think that would deter?

They are already in jail. retard. When I taught in an inner city school, I nearly fell out of my chair when both Mom and Dad showed up for a conference.

When I taught high school, they had to stop presenting the names of the parents because almost every kid had two sets of parents, none of which was worth a shit. It took twice as long as if they were actually with their birth parents.

The only parents who showed up for conferences were the ones you didn't need to see.
so the obvious correction is to make jail bad not good.

You gain the benefit of an educated society that is not left to a life of crime to support their bad habits.

Did you ever think this through or are you merely repeating the talking point lies you have heard?

The problem is that the public schools cost a ton of money but aren't educating a great many of the students that attend. They are diploma mills for minorities and many students graduate and are functionally illiterate.

Most schools district have a two tier system of academic and non academic curriculum. The White students do the upper tier and the minority students do the lower tier. The lower tier graduates minorities than can't read or do math or know anything useful to the workplace.

Meanwhile everybody is taxed heavily for that shit sandwich.

Most people, even Libertarians like me, wouldn't mind contributing to a fund to provide literacy education for those that couldn't afford it providing the money was spent wisely and produced real results.

You gain the benefit of an educated society that is not left to a life of crime to support their bad habits.

Did you ever think this through or are you merely repeating the talking point lies you have heard?

The problem is that the public schools cost a ton of money but aren't educating a great many of the students that attend. They are diploma mills for minorities and many students graduate and are functionally illiterate.

Most schools district have a two tier system of academic and non academic curriculum. The White students do the upper tier and the minority students do the lower tier. The lower tier graduates minorities than can't read or do math or know anything useful to the workplace.

Meanwhile everybody is taxed heavily for that shit sandwich.

Most people, even Libertarians like me, wouldn't mind contributing to a fund to provide literacy education for those that couldn't afford it providing the money was spent wisely and produced real results.
flash, if a kid is held back, the school is punished. so just push em through.
and i'm also positive if i have to read your bullshit, it will impact me negatively also.

ergo - bye.
well there is truth to that. I live in Illinois. people are leaving due to, high property taxes. Just saying, closing your eyes don't make it not.
Again, I don't get you all. you have no fking clue.

This morning on the Mankow morning show, Blaggo was on. ManKow asks Blaggo, I thought the lottery was suposed to pay for the schools. Blaggo replies, they do, the state pulled all of the other money away from the schools and only use the money from the lotto to fund them. So, basically, no additional money to help, just replacement money to spend the property tax money on "Pensions" this state is the most corrupt. Even more than CA or NY. Just know that.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
well there is truth to that. I live in Illinois. people are leaving due to, high property taxes. Just saying, closing your eyes don't make it not.
Again, I don't get you all. you have no fking clue.

This morning on the Mankow morning show, Blaggo was on. ManKow asks Blaggo, I thought the lottery was suposed to pay for the schools. Blaggo replies, they do, the state pulled all of the other money away from the schools and only use the money from the lotto to fund them. So, basically, no additional money to help, just replacement money to spend the property tax money on "Pensions" this state is the most corrupt. Even more than CA or NY. Just know that.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?

Illinois loses population for 6th straight year — and it lost more residents than any state this decade

guess what happens as a result? higher tax payments for us who are still here. just sTFU cause you have no fking clue.
i'm sure they will. there's always extremes out there that cause people to do extreme things.

yet, they are still extreme and doesn't impact nearly the people that we think they do in order to make it a OH NOs event. i prefer to keep extreme situations where they are vs pretend they're representative of what happens daily.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
you didn't. you actually avoided the illinois piece I stated. Therefore, I gave it to you. you're welcome.

you even outsmart your ownself.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
you didn't. you actually avoided the illinois piece I stated. Therefore, I gave it to you. you're welcome.
i could do the same for illinois and you'd still insist you are correct and i am the idiot. also YOU SAID CA AND NY were included in your rant. when i disprove them, you ignore your own baseline. lord dude. stop trying to be right on every little fucking detail and stop and see what you are saying now. it's circular.

how about you go prove your point vs. me having to disprove them so you can tell me i'm stupid? you're being emotional and that's usually what you mock the left for.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
you didn't. you actually avoided the illinois piece I stated. Therefore, I gave it to you. you're welcome.
i could do the same for illinois and you'd still insist you are correct and i am the idiot.

how about you go prove your point vs. me having to disprove them so you can tell me i'm stupid? you're being emotional and that's usually what you mock the left for.
well I live here. I get the facts from my local taxes. Look it up on facebook. it's there as well. his name is Pritzger. They're taxing everything now, because people left the state and there aren't enough taxes being collected now. You're just the know it all dude on a message board. you don't know anything, cause you play close to your cuffs.

You gain the benefit of an educated society that is not left to a life of crime to support their bad habits.

Did you ever think this through or are you merely repeating the talking point lies you have heard?

The problem is that the public schools cost a ton of money but aren't educating a great many of the students that attend. They are diploma mills for minorities and many students graduate and are functionally illiterate.

Most schools district have a two tier system of academic and non academic curriculum. The White students do the upper tier and the minority students do the lower tier. The lower tier graduates minorities than can't read or do math or know anything useful to the workplace.

Meanwhile everybody is taxed heavily for that shit sandwich.

Most people, even Libertarians like me, wouldn't mind contributing to a fund to provide literacy education for those that couldn't afford it providing the money was spent wisely and produced real results.
flash, if a kid is held back, the school is punished. so just push em through.

True and also if all the minorities graduate then the NAACP won't bitch about discrimination and the White pussies running the system won't be intimidated..
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
you didn't. you actually avoided the illinois piece I stated. Therefore, I gave it to you. you're welcome.
i could do the same for illinois and you'd still insist you are correct and i am the idiot.

how about you go prove your point vs. me having to disprove them so you can tell me i'm stupid? you're being emotional and that's usually what you mock the left for.
well I live here. I get the facts from my local taxes. Look it up on facebook. it's there as well. his name is Pritzger. They're taxing everything now, because people left the state and there aren't enough taxes being collected now. You're just the know it all dude on a message board. you don't know anything, cause you play close to your cuffs.
then they should be easy to provide. i did 2 of your 3 LOOK HERE's and it was bullshit.

do your own work from here. i'm the one backing up what i am saying. you're the one screaming NO DAMMIT I'M RIGHT.

yet i'm the know it all. got it.
an entire state is big.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
what that doesn't show is the working populace. so, any number can be manipulated.
so the entire state has moved? here in dallas, it sure seems like it but i do believe there are still people there.
go look at the numbers leaving. Those leaving the state of Illinois leads the country. Even CA and NY. dude, the fact that you just spout shit without research is amazing.
800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

will leave. have not left yet.

california population: 37.25 million
California Population demographics 2020, 2019

new york population: 19.4 million

total: 56.65 million

total people projected to leave in the next few years: 800,000
800,000 / 56,640,000 = 0.0141%

they'll never recover.
800,000 who are all workers. tax payers. guess who that leaves to pay the taxes? the illegals?
not going to dovetail off and follow you down this rat hole. you bitched at me for doing no research OF WHICH i did look into it. i posted an article about how many are projected to leave, then the population of 2 states in question.


i'm going to stand by this being an extreme view of the situation you're choosing to play up so you have a bullet for your gun. if you can show me more numbers to prove this is as "extreme" as you're making it out to be - show me. til then, you're just as bad as those on the left making mountains out of their own mole hills so you can cry THE OTHER SIDE SUCKS.
what that doesn't show is the working populace. so, any number can be manipulated.
so - let's be clear. you bitch at me cause i just spout stuff w/o looking it up.
i look it up and show you that you are wrong in your dire warnings.
you rant and rave and say i left YOUR city off of YOUR list so i'm scared to face the truth
i ask you, since you live there, to provide the #'s so we can have something of substance to talk about
i'm called a know it all on a message board
i tell you at least i'm showing my work and AGAIN ask you to do the same.

instead of doing the very thing you whined at me for not doing, you go off on an emotional rant about how numbers can't be trusted OF WHICH you were also bitching no one went and got them for you.

you sure you're not liberal?

then go manipulate them vs. making bullshit excuses for your emotional rants.

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