Bernie’s Comrades Fidel Castro Was Worth $900M When He Died

Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba
Total baloney. But I'm sure Cuba and Venezuela's problems have nothing to do with totally crippling sanctions by the United States for ever In Cuba and for 20 years in Venezuela and especially now they can't even sell their oil. Details details LOL. Can't imagine why they think the United States is the great Satan LOL.... But it's only the GOP isn't it? Way to keep the Communists in power for 60 years... Dumbasses.
Why is it Capitalist USA can singlehandedly bring down your Commie utopias?
That is communism dumbass. Okay that's enough arguing with brainwashed functional morons...this has nothing to do with what they have in every other modern country which is what Bernie wants here. Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity and upward mobility, great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. You live on another planet dumbass.

And the State you live in can offer all that, so why make a Federal Case out of it?
The states can't do it because it would be an unfair disadvantage. We need the federal government to do it. Duh...
So you admit that being saddled with a socialist healthcare system is a burden.

She was right and Bernie was right to support her comment....

Did you not read your own link? Or was it a comprehension of what you read, problem? :)

Nah, it shows Bernie is a doormat.
So, you are saying that college grads who could not find work after graduating due to the Great Recession and having to live with their parents at the time, was not true?

It wasn't a great recession.
It was a market correction of, what should be illegal, massive housing bubble created in cooperation of the FED, SEC, Wall Street and both houses of the government and both parties.
Virtually ALL institutions that created the bubble were not only bailed out 100% (including profits) by the Obama administration, but were also given bottomless interest free loans to the tune of $70 BILLION PER MONTH by the Obama administration that they used to invest in markets, many foreign interests - all the while 9,000,000 people lost their homes. The people lost their homes - the investment firms that held the mortgages were 100% bailed out by Obama.

Talk about that.
Which... of course you will not.
Absolute b*******, brainwashed functional moron. Wall Street and scumbag real estate GOP moguls were bailed out by Bush under tarp. The big three car companies and main Street and local government were bailed out by Obama. Market correction my ass, cost about 8 trillion dollars to avert a full-blown recession depression. way to go GOP. Every time they get eight years they wreck the world economy with corrupt cronyism deregulation and another bubble and bust. only propaganda and silly ignoramuses like you make it possible. So what do you think will be Trump's giant bubble and bust if he gets re-elected?

Yeah.... Barney Frank... had no fault in the creation of it :rolleyes:
Larry Summers had no fault :rolleyes:
Robert Rubin had no fault :rolleyes:
Alan Greenspan was such an honest man for the people :rolleyes:
The crises was a culmination of government and Wall Street, investment banks that began in the 90s.
You are a complete hack if you think the housing crash started in 2000.
View attachment 309519
Absolutely correct LOL. It was all about garbage oversight and deregulation and cronyism with the private real estate institutions that took over the market in 2003. Fannie and Freddy's share went from 75% to 30% in two years, brainwashed functional moron.
Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba
Total baloney. But I'm sure Cuba and Venezuela's problems have nothing to do with totally crippling sanctions by the United States for ever In Cuba and for 20 years in Venezuela and especially now they can't even sell their oil. Details details LOL. Can't imagine why they think the United States is the great Satan LOL.... But it's only the GOP isn't it? Way to keep the Communists in power for 60 years... Dumbasses.
Why is it Capitalist USA can singlehandedly bring down your Commie utopias?
That is communism dumbass. Okay that's enough arguing with brainwashed functional morons...this has nothing to do with what they have in every other modern country which is what Bernie wants here. Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity and upward mobility, great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. You live on another planet dumbass.

And the State you live in can offer all that, so why make a Federal Case out of it?
The states can't do it because it would be an unfair disadvantage. We need the federal government to do it. Duh...

Sell that nonsense to someone that is brainwashed like you.

A State can introduce Universal Healthcare, Free State ran Colleges, raise their minimum wage and pass laws requiring paternity leave, so again what is stopping your State?

If your State refuses to do it then why force the rest of the Country to do it?

We are a Republic which mean Fifty States and each State can pass many things you want and yet they fail to do so...
Nah, it shows Bernie is a doormat.
So, you are saying that college grads who could not find work after graduating due to the Great Recession and having to live with their parents at the time, was not true?

It wasn't a great recession.
It was a market correction of, what should be illegal, massive housing bubble created in cooperation of the FED, SEC, Wall Street and both houses of the government and both parties.
Virtually ALL institutions that created the bubble were not only bailed out 100% (including profits) by the Obama administration, but were also given bottomless interest free loans to the tune of $70 BILLION PER MONTH by the Obama administration that they used to invest in markets, many foreign interests - all the while 9,000,000 people lost their homes. The people lost their homes - the investment firms that held the mortgages were 100% bailed out by Obama.

Talk about that.
Which... of course you will not.
Absolute b*******, brainwashed functional moron. Wall Street and scumbag real estate GOP moguls were bailed out by Bush under tarp. The big three car companies and main Street and local government were bailed out by Obama. Market correction my ass, cost about 8 trillion dollars to avert a full-blown recession depression. way to go GOP. Every time they get eight years they wreck the world economy with corrupt cronyism deregulation and another bubble and bust. only propaganda and silly ignoramuses like you make it possible. So what do you think will be Trump's giant bubble and bust if he gets re-elected?

Yeah.... Barney Frank... had no fault in the creation of it :rolleyes:
Larry Summers had no fault :rolleyes:
Robert Rubin had no fault :rolleyes:
Alan Greenspan was such an honest man for the people :rolleyes:
The crises was a culmination of government and Wall Street, investment banks that began in the 90s.
You are a complete hack if you think the housing crash started in 2000.
View attachment 309519
Absolutely correct LOL. It was all about garbage oversight and deregulation and cronyism with the private real estate institutions that took over the market in 2003. Fannie and Freddy's share went from 75% to 30% in two years, brainwashed functional moron.

Here's a nickle kid.... that should cover the education you have on economics
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am not a Dimsocialist party leader.
The bought off big health big pharma GOP are totally full of s*** and have proven they will never vote for anything that might possibly harm Doctors Hospital insurers big pharma etc etc etc. Let people die has always been their plan....

Cmon Franco, Superstar, Leftist! Spit it out. Prove the math wrong, it is easy to figure out, hell just use a calculator.

Defend Castro, BERNARD, and yourself-) It is post 157, in case you tried to eliminate it from your feeble mind-)
What Bernie and I have said about illiteracy and healthcare and housing in Cuba is truthful but no one wants communism except people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What you say about Bernie and me and what socialism means today is pure poppycock propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. And Cuba Venezuela have nothing to do with what socialism wants in the United States and has already given to the original EU Canada Australia New Zealand Japan and the UK. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share..Brainwashed functional idiot.
Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba

Bernie, AOC and their followers should get a free one way ticket to Cuba
too bad you brainwashed functional morons can't actually talk about what Bernie wants and what every other modern country already has. Absolute right wing idiocy...
You are an idiot. Horrible troll too.
Actually they said the cost curve rise would bend down and it has. It is a framework that will be tinkered with forever like all health systems everywhere... Only GOP dupes believed there was going to be a gigantic savings immediately... At the same time 75% of people on the exchanges paid less than $100 a month.....

Another liar twisting what Obama said and believe Bernie plan is correct...

Why didn't Obama just pass the Nixon/Kennedy plan then?

Simple, could not have a Republican take credit for something Democrats believe they are the sole leader of...
The bought off big health big pharma GOP are totally full of s*** and have proven they will never vote for anything that might possibly harm Doctors Hospital insurers big pharma etc etc etc. Let people die has always been their plan....

Cmon Franco, Superstar, Leftist! Spit it out. Prove the math wrong, it is easy to figure out, hell just use a calculator.

Defend Castro, BERNARD, and yourself-) It is post 157, in case you tried to eliminate it from your feeble mind-)
What Bernie and I have said about illiteracy and healthcare and housing in Cuba is truthful but no one wants communism except people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What you say about Bernie and me and what socialism means today is pure poppycock propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. And Cuba Venezuela have nothing to do with what socialism wants in the United States and has already given to the original EU Canada Australia New Zealand Japan and the UK. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share..Brainwashed functional idiot.

There is no socialist western nation in Europe.
Not one.
Bernie in the 2016 race constantly referred to Switzerland, but he doesn't anymore for good reason.
A Swiss economist called him out and correctly showed that Switzerland became a successful nation after embracing capitalism and defeating the leftist in the 1980's.
SWITZERLAND is a fine example of the success of capitalism, not socialism.

Here Franco, for ONCE in your pathetic, Leftist, life, EDUCATE your self before you spout nonsense! People like you go round, and round, and round, never knowing WHAT IN THE HELL you are talking about because, YOU BELIEVE in REVOLUCION!

Get with it dumba**, you are spouting absolute nonsense, and wasting your time, doing it!

I haven't really ran in to Franco much, knew he was a left rock thrower, I believe today was the first time I have ever conversed with him.
And the last.
All he does is post up nonsense and call you names.
A true low information rock thrower.
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am not a Dimsocialist party leader.

You’re not worth my time, either.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Fidel admired JFK, and vice versa.

there's always been American politicians who like Fidel
Cmon Franco, Superstar, Leftist! Spit it out. Prove the math wrong, it is easy to figure out, hell just use a calculator.

Defend Castro, BERNARD, and yourself-) It is post 157, in case you tried to eliminate it from your feeble mind-)
What Bernie and I have said about illiteracy and healthcare and housing in Cuba is truthful but no one wants communism except people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What you say about Bernie and me and what socialism means today is pure poppycock propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. And Cuba Venezuela have nothing to do with what socialism wants in the United States and has already given to the original EU Canada Australia New Zealand Japan and the UK. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share..Brainwashed functional idiot.
Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba

Bernie, AOC and their followers should get a free one way ticket to Cuba
too bad you brainwashed functional morons can't actually talk about what Bernie wants and what every other modern country already has. Absolute right wing idiocy...
You are an idiot. Horrible troll too.
Sure like I said. Too bad you can't argue against what Sanders and socialists want in the real world.......
Another liar twisting what Obama said and believe Bernie plan is correct...

Why didn't Obama just pass the Nixon/Kennedy plan then?

Simple, could not have a Republican take credit for something Democrats believe they are the sole leader of...
The bought off big health big pharma GOP are totally full of s*** and have proven they will never vote for anything that might possibly harm Doctors Hospital insurers big pharma etc etc etc. Let people die has always been their plan....

Cmon Franco, Superstar, Leftist! Spit it out. Prove the math wrong, it is easy to figure out, hell just use a calculator.

Defend Castro, BERNARD, and yourself-) It is post 157, in case you tried to eliminate it from your feeble mind-)
What Bernie and I have said about illiteracy and healthcare and housing in Cuba is truthful but no one wants communism except people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What you say about Bernie and me and what socialism means today is pure poppycock propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. And Cuba Venezuela have nothing to do with what socialism wants in the United States and has already given to the original EU Canada Australia New Zealand Japan and the UK. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share..Brainwashed functional idiot.

There is no socialist western nation in Europe.
Not one.
Bernie in the 2016 race constantly referred to Switzerland, but he doesn't anymore for good reason.
A Swiss economist called him out and correctly showed that Switzerland became a successful nation after embracing capitalism and defeating the leftist in the 1980's.
SWITZERLAND is a fine example of the success of capitalism, not socialism.

Here Franco, for ONCE in your pathetic, Leftist, life, EDUCATE your self before you spout nonsense! People like you go round, and round, and round, never knowing WHAT IN THE HELL you are talking about because, YOU BELIEVE in REVOLUCION!

Get with it dumba**, you are spouting absolute nonsense, and wasting your time, doing it!

I haven't really ran in to Franco much, knew he was a left rock thrower, I believe today was the first time I have ever conversed with him.
And the last.
All he does is post up nonsense and call you names.
A true low information rock thrower.

Too bad you can't actually argue politics about what Sanders wants.... A society like every other modern country. Just like we have today but add a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Brainwashed functional moron.
Castro had all that wealth? Isn’t that inequality of wealth? It is laughable to site the inequality of wealth in the US.
Just because our inequality is now the worst in our history and the result is the worst upward mobility ditto. Thanks GOP. When did the dupes find out about it?

Who the hell wants "equality" anyway? You are not nor will you ever be my "equal."
Nobody wants equality accept equality of opportunity, brainwashed functional moron. What we want is less than equality because this is ridiculous. 50% or 18000 or less a year and 70% live paycheck to paycheck. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass.

Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
What Bernie and I have said about illiteracy and healthcare and housing in Cuba is truthful but no one wants communism except people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What you say about Bernie and me and what socialism means today is pure poppycock propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. And Cuba Venezuela have nothing to do with what socialism wants in the United States and has already given to the original EU Canada Australia New Zealand Japan and the UK. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share..Brainwashed functional idiot.
Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba

Bernie, AOC and their followers should get a free one way ticket to Cuba
too bad you brainwashed functional morons can't actually talk about what Bernie wants and what every other modern country already has. Absolute right wing idiocy...
You are an idiot. Horrible troll too.
Sure like I said. Too bad you can't argue against what Sanders and socialists want in the real world.......
I don't have to argue against it. It has been a dismal failure everwhere it has been tried, resulting in widespread misery and millions of deaths.
Total baloney. But I'm sure Cuba and Venezuela's problems have nothing to do with totally crippling sanctions by the United States for ever In Cuba and for 20 years in Venezuela and especially now they can't even sell their oil. Details details LOL. Can't imagine why they think the United States is the great Satan LOL.... But it's only the GOP isn't it? Way to keep the Communists in power for 60 years... Dumbasses.
Why is it Capitalist USA can singlehandedly bring down your Commie utopias?
That is communism dumbass. Okay that's enough arguing with brainwashed functional morons...this has nothing to do with what they have in every other modern country which is what Bernie wants here. Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity and upward mobility, great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. You live on another planet dumbass.

And the State you live in can offer all that, so why make a Federal Case out of it?
The states can't do it because it would be an unfair disadvantage. We need the federal government to do it. Duh...

Sell that nonsense to someone that is brainwashed like you.

A State can introduce Universal Healthcare, Free State ran Colleges, raise their minimum wage and pass laws requiring paternity leave, so again what is stopping your State?

If your State refuses to do it then why force the rest of the Country to do it?

We are a Republic which mean Fifty States and each State can pass many things you want and yet they fail to do so...
One state cannot have a great infrastructure program or universal health Care or cheap college and training all on its own. The GOP has been cutting federal aid to the states for so long everyone is poverty stricken at this point. Also why state and local taxes hit the non Rich twice as hard as the rich and we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich, right, brainwashed functional moron?
Castro had all that wealth? Isn’t that inequality of wealth? It is laughable to site the inequality of wealth in the US.
Just because our inequality is now the worst in our history and the result is the worst upward mobility ditto. Thanks GOP. When did the dupes find out about it?

Who the hell wants "equality" anyway? You are not nor will you ever be my "equal."
Nobody wants equality accept equality of opportunity, brainwashed functional moron. What we want is less than equality because this is ridiculous. 50% or 18000 or less a year and 70% live paycheck to paycheck. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass.

Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba

Bernie, AOC and their followers should get a free one way ticket to Cuba
too bad you brainwashed functional morons can't actually talk about what Bernie wants and what every other modern country already has. Absolute right wing idiocy...
You are an idiot. Horrible troll too.
Sure like I said. Too bad you can't argue against what Sanders and socialists want in the real world.......
I don't have to argue against it. It has been a dismal failure everwhere it has been tried, resulting in widespread misery and millions of deaths.
that is communism stupid which no one is in favor of except for the poor people in China Cuba and North Korea with a gun to their heads. Your idiocy is the product of many years of garbage propaganda from conservatives in the UK and the US, the Savage capitalists of the last couple of hundred years at least. The UK was lucky to get all these socialist advantages after world war II when they dumped Savage capitalist Churchill for healthcare etc etc. We managed to put it off by only allowing the GI Bill. Those advantages ended.

Any chance you could actually argue the reality of what Sanders Warren Democrats want and what every other modern rich country already has? Healthcare a living wage cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations daycares paid parental leave and mainly texting the rich their fair share, brainwash functional moron?
Castro had all that wealth? Isn’t that inequality of wealth? It is laughable to site the inequality of wealth in the US.
Just because our inequality is now the worst in our history and the result is the worst upward mobility ditto. Thanks GOP. When did the dupes find out about it?

Who the hell wants "equality" anyway? You are not nor will you ever be my "equal."
Nobody wants equality accept equality of opportunity, brainwashed functional moron. What we want is less than equality because this is ridiculous. 50% or 18000 or less a year and 70% live paycheck to paycheck. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass.

Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
I thought that is what Obamacare was supposed to mean. Are you saying Obama lied to us?
Obamacare is a framework as much as the Democrats could get. It won't work great until we go after costs. Medicare for all would be the way to go. I am retired and would like to travel around the country and it would be a hell of a lot simpler.
Obama said it would be cheaper. Why should we believe anything Democrats claim about controlling costs?

It will be a lot cheaper when you let people die.
Actually they said the cost curve rise would bend down and it has. It is a framework that will be tinkered with forever like all health systems everywhere... Only GOP dupes believed there was going to be a gigantic savings immediately... At the same time 75% of people on the exchanges paid less than $100 a month.....
So Obama lied about the savings then? Now tell us why anyone should believe these commies who claim UHC would save money?

BTW, Obamacare wanted me to pay $1800/month.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.

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