Bernie’s Comrades Fidel Castro Was Worth $900M When He Died

And the State you live in can offer all that, so why make a Federal Case out of it?
The states can't do it because it would be an unfair disadvantage. We need the federal government to do it. Duh...

Sell that nonsense to someone that is brainwashed like you.

A State can introduce Universal Healthcare, Free State ran Colleges, raise their minimum wage and pass laws requiring paternity leave, so again what is stopping your State?

If your State refuses to do it then why force the rest of the Country to do it?

We are a Republic which mean Fifty States and each State can pass many things you want and yet they fail to do so...
One state cannot have a great infrastructure program or universal health Care or cheap college and training all on its own. The GOP has been cutting federal aid to the states for so long everyone is poverty stricken at this point. Also why state and local taxes hit the non Rich twice as hard as the rich and we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich, right, brainwashed functional moron?
Why do people leave high tax state areas or high tax areas in high tax states? If they are so good.
Mainly the weather and the fact that blue states are subsidizing red States...

Your idiotic assumption that "blue states are subsiding the red states" was debunked a long time ago. It doesn't hold water.

The Myth of Red State Welfare
Nobody wants equality accept equality of opportunity, brainwashed functional moron. What we want is less than equality because this is ridiculous. 50% or 18000 or less a year and 70% live paycheck to paycheck. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass.

Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.
Who the hell wants "equality" anyway? You are not nor will you ever be my "equal."
Nobody wants equality accept equality of opportunity, brainwashed functional moron. What we want is less than equality because this is ridiculous. 50% or 18000 or less a year and 70% live paycheck to paycheck. Wake up and smell the coffee dumbass.

Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.

Brainwashed functioning moron..............BWAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brainwashed functioning moron..............BWAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brainwashed functioning moron..............BWAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brainwashed functioning moron..............BWAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brainwashed functioning moron..............BWAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brainwashed functioning moron..............BWAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get a new schtick..................

francoHFW's song and dance has never made any sense: Brainwashed morons are not "functional". They are "dysfunctional", as are most brainwashed moron Democrats who believe Bernie could actually make a good President.
Brainwashed morons are functional compared to window lickers like Francis.
Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

. Reagan also tripled the deficit

Your lies are too easy to expose, crayon eater. Reagan didn't even double the deficit, which was only $155 Billion when he left office.
And that is the result of Tip O'Neill lying about giving Reagan spending cuts he wanted.

  • 1988 - $155.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1987 - $149.7 billion budget deficit
  • 1986 - $221.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1985 - $212.3 billion budget deficit
  • 1984 - $185.4 billion budget deficit
  • 1983 - $207.8 billion budget deficit
  • 1982 - $128 billion budget deficit
  • 1981 - $79 billion budget deficit
US Budget Deficit by Year Since 1969
Last edited:
The bought off big health big pharma GOP are totally full of s*** and have proven they will never vote for anything that might possibly harm Doctors Hospital insurers big pharma etc etc etc. Let people die has always been their plan....

Cmon Franco, Superstar, Leftist! Spit it out. Prove the math wrong, it is easy to figure out, hell just use a calculator.

Defend Castro, BERNARD, and yourself-) It is post 157, in case you tried to eliminate it from your feeble mind-)
What Bernie and I have said about illiteracy and healthcare and housing in Cuba is truthful but no one wants communism except people with a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What you say about Bernie and me and what socialism means today is pure poppycock propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. And Cuba Venezuela have nothing to do with what socialism wants in the United States and has already given to the original EU Canada Australia New Zealand Japan and the UK. a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share..Brainwashed functional idiot.

There is no socialist western nation in Europe.
Not one.
Bernie in the 2016 race constantly referred to Switzerland, but he doesn't anymore for good reason.
A Swiss economist called him out and correctly showed that Switzerland became a successful nation after embracing capitalism and defeating the leftist in the 1980's.
SWITZERLAND is a fine example of the success of capitalism, not socialism.

Here Franco, for ONCE in your pathetic, Leftist, life, EDUCATE your self before you spout nonsense! People like you go round, and round, and round, never knowing WHAT IN THE HELL you are talking about because, YOU BELIEVE in REVOLUCION!

Get with it dumba**, you are spouting absolute nonsense, and wasting your time, doing it!

I haven't really ran in to Franco much, knew he was a left rock thrower, I believe today was the first time I have ever conversed with him.
And the last.
All he does is post up nonsense and call you names.
A true low information rock thrower.

Too bad you can't actually argue politics about what Sanders wants.... A society like every other modern country. Just like we have today but add a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. Brainwashed functional moron.

The Problem with Student Loan Forgiveness No Liberal DARES Talk About
Naturally since the Sanders plan would apply to everyone with debt, it would be even more lopsided in who it benefits. The Warren plan won’t let a doctor earning six figures with a six figure debt load off the hook, but Sanders does.

Bernie proposes paying for this plan with new taxes on Wall Street including a 0.5% tax on stock trades (50 cents per $100 of stock value), a 0.1% fee on bonds, and a 0.005% fee on derivatives. Ironically those on Wall Street would be best equipped to avoid such a tax. Sweden introduced an identical 0.5% tax on stock transactions in 1984, and later implemented smaller taxes on bonds and derivatives (which only garnered 5% of the revenue expected). Trading in futures fell 98%, the options market practically disappeared, and by 1990 half of all stock trading in Sweden had moved offshore to London. The tax was later repealed in 1991.
Seems like the people who don't understand what Sanders wants are Sanders and his supporters
Obama said it would be cheaper. Why should we believe anything Democrats claim about controlling costs?

It will be a lot cheaper when you let people die.
Actually they said the cost curve rise would bend down and it has. It is a framework that will be tinkered with forever like all health systems everywhere... Only GOP dupes believed there was going to be a gigantic savings immediately... At the same time 75% of people on the exchanges paid less than $100 a month.....
So Obama lied about the savings then? Now tell us why anyone should believe these commies who claim UHC would save money?

BTW, Obamacare wanted me to pay $1800/month.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.
the heritage foundation is run by the Koch brothers and is totally full of crap, brainwashed functional moron.
Disprove it. Chickenshit.

Meanwhile, your unwillingness to accept reality in no way disproves reality.

ABC News:
Why Health Care Premiums Are Rising Under Obamacare

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, part of HHS:
After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations took effect in 2014, average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on in 2017, an increase of $2,928 or 105 percent.
USA Today:
Despite the slight decline in the national average premium, the typical 2019 plan sold through the exchange will still likely cost more than twice as much as the average individual market plan in 2013, the year before most Obamacare provisions went into effect.

Until Obamacare's incoherent rules and regulations are loosened, there will be no sustained relief for everyday Americans.

Hefty premium increases are the new normal. Americans who shopped for Obamacare-compliant coverage off the exchanges fared just as poorly as those who watched rates soar on the exchanges. The average individual market plan sold through eHealth, an online insurance marketplace, cost $197 per month in 2013. In 2018, the average plan on eHealth was $440 per month — a 123 percent increase.
Forbes: Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums
However, once we remove the self-sorting into different plan types, and average each age group and household type (i.e., family or individual), the results are very consistent – in the four years before the ACA, every age group and family type either experienced a premium decrease, or an increase of 9.2% or less. However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.
The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Stop talking.


2. Continue looking like a moron.
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why I should support a guy who wants to destroy the American economy.

If you really believe that then you shouldn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why so many people ignore reality. Lazy? Stupid? Both?
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

. Reagan also tripled the deficit

Your lies are too easy to expose, crayon eater. Reagan didn't even double the deficit, which was only $155 Billion when he left office.
And that is the result of Tip O'Neill lying about giving Reagan spending cuts he wanted.

  • 1988 - $155.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1987 - $149.7 billion budget deficit
  • 1986 - $221.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1985 - $212.3 billion budget deficit
  • 1984 - $185.4 billion budget deficit
  • 1983 - $207.8 billion budget deficit
  • 1982 - $128 billion budget deficit
  • 1981 - $79 billion budget deficit
US Budget Deficit by Year Since 1969
Sorry, he tripled the debt. Of course
.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why I should support a guy who wants to destroy the American economy.

If you really believe that then you shouldn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why so many people ignore reality. Lazy? Stupid? Both?
They only listen to The GOP propaganda machine. Poor brainwashed functional moron chumps of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. Poor America.
And whoever took the first dollar of debt... more than tripled the debt.

Idiot leftists who can't do math believe the multiplier matters. What matters is how much debt was taken, and there Obama is the king.
It will be a lot cheaper when you let people die.
Actually they said the cost curve rise would bend down and it has. It is a framework that will be tinkered with forever like all health systems everywhere... Only GOP dupes believed there was going to be a gigantic savings immediately... At the same time 75% of people on the exchanges paid less than $100 a month.....
So Obama lied about the savings then? Now tell us why anyone should believe these commies who claim UHC would save money?

BTW, Obamacare wanted me to pay $1800/month.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.
the heritage foundation is run by the Koch brothers and is totally full of crap, brainwashed functional moron.
Disprove it. Chickenshit.

Meanwhile, your unwillingness to accept reality in no way disproves reality.

ABC News:
Why Health Care Premiums Are Rising Under Obamacare

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, part of HHS:
After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations took effect in 2014, average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on in 2017, an increase of $2,928 or 105 percent.
USA Today:
Despite the slight decline in the national average premium, the typical 2019 plan sold through the exchange will still likely cost more than twice as much as the average individual market plan in 2013, the year before most Obamacare provisions went into effect.

Until Obamacare's incoherent rules and regulations are loosened, there will be no sustained relief for everyday Americans.

Hefty premium increases are the new normal. Americans who shopped for Obamacare-compliant coverage off the exchanges fared just as poorly as those who watched rates soar on the exchanges. The average individual market plan sold through eHealth, an online insurance marketplace, cost $197 per month in 2013. In 2018, the average plan on eHealth was $440 per month — a 123 percent increase.
Forbes: Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums
However, once we remove the self-sorting into different plan types, and average each age group and household type (i.e., family or individual), the results are very consistent – in the four years before the ACA, every age group and family type either experienced a premium decrease, or an increase of 9.2% or less. However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.
The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Stop talking.


2. Continue looking like a moron.
yep definitely time for Sanders and Medicare for all and aggressively going after costs. Obamacare is the very basic framework for reform and too easily obstructed by scumbag Republicans. Most of your crap propaganda compares Obamacare guaranteed healthcare to the 2013 crap GOP scam system. The other ones are actual journalists talking about insurers fear-mongering huge increases that were not allowed to happen...
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why I should support a guy who wants to destroy the American economy.

If you really believe that then you shouldn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why so many people ignore reality. Lazy? Stupid? Both?
They only listen to The GOP propaganda machine. Poor brainwashed functional moron chumps of the greedy idiot Rich GOP. Poor America.
You're such a fucking idiot.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

. Reagan also tripled the deficit

Your lies are too easy to expose, crayon eater. Reagan didn't even double the deficit, which was only $155 Billion when he left office.
And that is the result of Tip O'Neill lying about giving Reagan spending cuts he wanted.

  • 1988 - $155.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1987 - $149.7 billion budget deficit
  • 1986 - $221.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1985 - $212.3 billion budget deficit
  • 1984 - $185.4 billion budget deficit
  • 1983 - $207.8 billion budget deficit
  • 1982 - $128 billion budget deficit
  • 1981 - $79 billion budget deficit
US Budget Deficit by Year Since 1969
Sorry, he tripled the debt. Of course
Don't throw your back out running around with those goal posts, Moron.

You are still lying.

Actually they said the cost curve rise would bend down and it has. It is a framework that will be tinkered with forever like all health systems everywhere... Only GOP dupes believed there was going to be a gigantic savings immediately... At the same time 75% of people on the exchanges paid less than $100 a month.....
So Obama lied about the savings then? Now tell us why anyone should believe these commies who claim UHC would save money?

BTW, Obamacare wanted me to pay $1800/month.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.
the heritage foundation is run by the Koch brothers and is totally full of crap, brainwashed functional moron.
Disprove it. Chickenshit.

Meanwhile, your unwillingness to accept reality in no way disproves reality.

ABC News:
Why Health Care Premiums Are Rising Under Obamacare

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, part of HHS:
After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations took effect in 2014, average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on in 2017, an increase of $2,928 or 105 percent.
USA Today:
Despite the slight decline in the national average premium, the typical 2019 plan sold through the exchange will still likely cost more than twice as much as the average individual market plan in 2013, the year before most Obamacare provisions went into effect.

Until Obamacare's incoherent rules and regulations are loosened, there will be no sustained relief for everyday Americans.

Hefty premium increases are the new normal. Americans who shopped for Obamacare-compliant coverage off the exchanges fared just as poorly as those who watched rates soar on the exchanges. The average individual market plan sold through eHealth, an online insurance marketplace, cost $197 per month in 2013. In 2018, the average plan on eHealth was $440 per month — a 123 percent increase.
Forbes: Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums
However, once we remove the self-sorting into different plan types, and average each age group and household type (i.e., family or individual), the results are very consistent – in the four years before the ACA, every age group and family type either experienced a premium decrease, or an increase of 9.2% or less. However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.
The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Stop talking.


2. Continue looking like a moron.
yep definitely time for Sanders and Medicare for all and aggressively going after costs. Obamacare is the very basic framework for reform and too easily obstructed by scumbag Republicans. Most of your crap propaganda compares Obamacare guaranteed healthcare to the 2013 crap GOP scam system. The other ones are actual journalists talking about insurers fear-mongering huge increases that were not allowed to happen...
Wrong. Obamacare did what it was designed to do: Raise everyone's rates.

And it passed solely with Democrat votes. Not one single Republican voted for it.

You're dismissed.
And whoever took the first dollar of debt... more than tripled the debt.

Idiot leftists who can't do math believe the multiplier matters. What matters is how much debt was taken, and there Obama is the king.
And 80% at least of his debt is the stimulus and programs to fight unemployment and of course huge amounts for welfare and unemployment for the victims of the GOP corrupt economic meltdown. The welfare and unemployment cost eight hundred billion dollars for at least a couple of years and still 100 billion dollars a year. great job GOP, way to destroy the world economy every time you get 8 years for corrupt cronyism deregulation and crap oversight. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You idiots actually believe there was just a small market correction or some crap. Whatever you do don't change the channel
And whoever took the first dollar of debt... more than tripled the debt.

Idiot leftists who can't do math believe the multiplier matters. What matters is how much debt was taken, and there Obama is the king.
And 80% at least of his debt is the stimulus and programs to fight unemployment and of course huge amounts for welfare and unemployment for the victims of the GOP corrupt economic meltdown. The welfare and unemployment cost eight hundred billion dollars for at least a couple of years and still 100 billion dollars a year. great job GOP, way to destroy the world economy every time you get 8 years for corrupt cronyism deregulation and crap oversight. You are a brainwashed functional moron. You idiots actually believe there was just a small market correction or some crap. Whatever you do don't change the channel
Look everyone, this fuckwit has been owned 15 ways to Sunday by multiple posters.............and now we get to witness this incoherent meltdown.

So Obama lied about the savings then? Now tell us why anyone should believe these commies who claim UHC would save money?

BTW, Obamacare wanted me to pay $1800/month.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.
the heritage foundation is run by the Koch brothers and is totally full of crap, brainwashed functional moron.
Disprove it. Chickenshit.

Meanwhile, your unwillingness to accept reality in no way disproves reality.

ABC News:
Why Health Care Premiums Are Rising Under Obamacare

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, part of HHS:
After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations took effect in 2014, average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on in 2017, an increase of $2,928 or 105 percent.
USA Today:
Despite the slight decline in the national average premium, the typical 2019 plan sold through the exchange will still likely cost more than twice as much as the average individual market plan in 2013, the year before most Obamacare provisions went into effect.

Until Obamacare's incoherent rules and regulations are loosened, there will be no sustained relief for everyday Americans.

Hefty premium increases are the new normal. Americans who shopped for Obamacare-compliant coverage off the exchanges fared just as poorly as those who watched rates soar on the exchanges. The average individual market plan sold through eHealth, an online insurance marketplace, cost $197 per month in 2013. In 2018, the average plan on eHealth was $440 per month — a 123 percent increase.
Forbes: Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums
However, once we remove the self-sorting into different plan types, and average each age group and household type (i.e., family or individual), the results are very consistent – in the four years before the ACA, every age group and family type either experienced a premium decrease, or an increase of 9.2% or less. However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.
The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Stop talking.


2. Continue looking like a moron.
yep definitely time for Sanders and Medicare for all and aggressively going after costs. Obamacare is the very basic framework for reform and too easily obstructed by scumbag Republicans. Most of your crap propaganda compares Obamacare guaranteed healthcare to the 2013 crap GOP scam system. The other ones are actual journalists talking about insurers fear-mongering huge increases that were not allowed to happen...
Wrong. Obamacare did what it was designed to do: Raise everyone's rates.

And it passed solely with Democrat votes. Not one single Republican voted for it.

You're dismissed.
Yes Republicans love the scam system that gives us big health big pharma and ridiculous profits for hospitals. and won't vote for anything that helps the people, they just bullshit you people with total garbage... 75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month oh, for the first time people with pre-existing conditions can get healthcare for Christ's sake. And working class people get free Medicaid instead of dying. Except in scumbag red States Any way pass medicare-for-all go after costs.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.
the heritage foundation is run by the Koch brothers and is totally full of crap, brainwashed functional moron.
Disprove it. Chickenshit.

Meanwhile, your unwillingness to accept reality in no way disproves reality.

ABC News:
Why Health Care Premiums Are Rising Under Obamacare

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, part of HHS:
After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations took effect in 2014, average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on in 2017, an increase of $2,928 or 105 percent.
USA Today:
Despite the slight decline in the national average premium, the typical 2019 plan sold through the exchange will still likely cost more than twice as much as the average individual market plan in 2013, the year before most Obamacare provisions went into effect.

Until Obamacare's incoherent rules and regulations are loosened, there will be no sustained relief for everyday Americans.

Hefty premium increases are the new normal. Americans who shopped for Obamacare-compliant coverage off the exchanges fared just as poorly as those who watched rates soar on the exchanges. The average individual market plan sold through eHealth, an online insurance marketplace, cost $197 per month in 2013. In 2018, the average plan on eHealth was $440 per month — a 123 percent increase.
Forbes: Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums
However, once we remove the self-sorting into different plan types, and average each age group and household type (i.e., family or individual), the results are very consistent – in the four years before the ACA, every age group and family type either experienced a premium decrease, or an increase of 9.2% or less. However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.
The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Stop talking.


2. Continue looking like a moron.
yep definitely time for Sanders and Medicare for all and aggressively going after costs. Obamacare is the very basic framework for reform and too easily obstructed by scumbag Republicans. Most of your crap propaganda compares Obamacare guaranteed healthcare to the 2013 crap GOP scam system. The other ones are actual journalists talking about insurers fear-mongering huge increases that were not allowed to happen...
Wrong. Obamacare did what it was designed to do: Raise everyone's rates.

And it passed solely with Democrat votes. Not one single Republican voted for it.

You're dismissed.
Yes Republicans love the scam system that gives us big health big pharma and ridiculous profits for hospitals. and won't vote for anything that helps the people, they just bullshit you people with total garbage... 75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month oh, for the first time people with pre-existing conditions can get healthcare for Christ's sake. And working class people get free Medicaid instead of dying. Except in scumbag red States Any way pass medicare-for-all go after costs.
The seismic effects of the Affordable Care Act on insurance markets continue to be felt nearly eight years after its enactment. Premiums for individual coverage more than doubled between 2013 and 2017.

There is no rational way to blame Republicans for this. This is solely on Democrats.

Of course, Comrade Frankie will not accept it. He's stupid that way.
the heritage foundation is run by the Koch brothers and is totally full of crap, brainwashed functional moron.
Disprove it. Chickenshit.

Meanwhile, your unwillingness to accept reality in no way disproves reality.

ABC News:
Why Health Care Premiums Are Rising Under Obamacare

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, part of HHS:
After the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) regulations took effect in 2014, average individual market premiums more than doubled from $2,784 per year in 2013 to $5,712 on in 2017, an increase of $2,928 or 105 percent.
USA Today:
Despite the slight decline in the national average premium, the typical 2019 plan sold through the exchange will still likely cost more than twice as much as the average individual market plan in 2013, the year before most Obamacare provisions went into effect.

Until Obamacare's incoherent rules and regulations are loosened, there will be no sustained relief for everyday Americans.

Hefty premium increases are the new normal. Americans who shopped for Obamacare-compliant coverage off the exchanges fared just as poorly as those who watched rates soar on the exchanges. The average individual market plan sold through eHealth, an online insurance marketplace, cost $197 per month in 2013. In 2018, the average plan on eHealth was $440 per month — a 123 percent increase.
Forbes: Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums
However, once we remove the self-sorting into different plan types, and average each age group and household type (i.e., family or individual), the results are very consistent – in the four years before the ACA, every age group and family type either experienced a premium decrease, or an increase of 9.2% or less. However, in the first four years of the ACA, every age group and household type experienced an increase of between 56.0% and 63.2%. For something as complex as health care, that’s a pretty narrow range. The dollar amounts of the increase varied from $2,524 for an individual between the ages of 31 and 40, to $12,040 for a family headed by someone over age 60. But the percentages are remarkably consistent: The ACA raised premiums by about 60 percent.
The way I see it, you have two options:

1. Stop talking.


2. Continue looking like a moron.
yep definitely time for Sanders and Medicare for all and aggressively going after costs. Obamacare is the very basic framework for reform and too easily obstructed by scumbag Republicans. Most of your crap propaganda compares Obamacare guaranteed healthcare to the 2013 crap GOP scam system. The other ones are actual journalists talking about insurers fear-mongering huge increases that were not allowed to happen...
Wrong. Obamacare did what it was designed to do: Raise everyone's rates.

And it passed solely with Democrat votes. Not one single Republican voted for it.

You're dismissed.
Yes Republicans love the scam system that gives us big health big pharma and ridiculous profits for hospitals. and won't vote for anything that helps the people, they just bullshit you people with total garbage... 75% of people on the exchanges pay less than $100 a month oh, for the first time people with pre-existing conditions can get healthcare for Christ's sake. And working class people get free Medicaid instead of dying. Except in scumbag red States Any way pass medicare-for-all go after costs.
You need to use your taxpayer-subsidized Obamacare to get a CAT scan.

Because there is something vastly wrong in your head.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

. Reagan also tripled the deficit

Your lies are too easy to expose, crayon eater. Reagan didn't even double the deficit, which was only $155 Billion when he left office.
And that is the result of Tip O'Neill lying about giving Reagan spending cuts he wanted.

  • 1988 - $155.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1987 - $149.7 billion budget deficit
  • 1986 - $221.2 billion budget deficit
  • 1985 - $212.3 billion budget deficit
  • 1984 - $185.4 billion budget deficit
  • 1983 - $207.8 billion budget deficit
  • 1982 - $128 billion budget deficit
  • 1981 - $79 billion budget deficit
US Budget Deficit by Year Since 1969
Sorry, he tripled the debt. Of course

Folks who have no clue what the difference between the national debt and a yearly deficit are often referred to as "brainwashed functional morons".


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