Bernie’s Comrades Fidel Castro Was Worth $900M When He Died

Your excuse that democracy is required is pure balony. If a dictator can't do it, what makes you believe majority rule will work any better?
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Wow, are you just historically retarded or purposely deceitful ? The Nazi's were socialist.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. If your just retarded I can translate that, if your deceitful I don't have to.
I have a masters in history and one of the concentrations is about Nazi Germany between the wars etc.the Nazis were pure capitalist who Loved CEOs and aristocrats. Not socialist. Add like I said people who speak German and French and Spanish and Italian know the difference between socialist and communist. England and the United States have been spewing capitalist propaganda for centuries. The GOP and the Tories are the worst parties in the modern world.

Still better than the demrats and labor parties.
Your excuse that democracy is required is pure balony. If a dictator can't do it, what makes you believe majority rule will work any better?
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Wow, are you just historically retarded or purposely deceitful ? The Nazi's were socialist.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. If your just retarded I can translate that, if your deceitful I don't have to.
Yes yes, the Nazi said they were socialists and they never lied. Absolute idiocy. Socialists are not for dictators or wars or racist or any thing but Fair capitalism with a good safety net end of the story. Countries like France and Italy Sweden Germany have had communist and socialist parties since the 1920s. Only the English-speaking world is so confused about the meaning. And Communists and socialists in Germany in the 20s and they were the first people that went into the concentration camps. But the Communists were very few by that time because the USSR was obviously not socialist either. But communist and obviously a crap dictatorship. Any chance you could talk about what is so terrible about a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share? You people are just so misinformed so brainwashed.
"Fair capitalism". Socialism is the fucking polar opposite of capitalism you loon.
Housing in Cuba:


healthcare in Cuba
Total baloney. But I'm sure Cuba and Venezuela's problems have nothing to do with totally crippling sanctions by the United States for ever In Cuba and for 20 years in Venezuela and especially now they can't even sell their oil. Details details LOL. Can't imagine why they think the United States is the great Satan LOL.... But it's only the GOP isn't it? Way to keep the Communists in power for 60 years... Dumbasses.
Why is it Capitalist USA can singlehandedly bring down your Commie utopias?
That is communism dumbass. Okay that's enough arguing with brainwashed functional morons...this has nothing to do with what they have in every other modern country which is what Bernie wants here. Healthcare living wage daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training for opportunity and upward mobility, great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share. You live on another planet dumbass.
You avoided the question.
How is it that you claim Capitalist USA can single handily take down Commie nations?
Communist countries are so screwed up they fall on their own. Gorbachev gave the USSR glass nose and perestroika and say good night. We're lucky idiotic Ronald Reagan did not bring back their hardliners with all his garbage blustering bologna...
Ronald Reagan defeated the Evil Empire.

American leftists have never forgiven him for that.

Some, like you, even flailingly and laughably try to rewrite history to hide that simple fact.

Rational people know better.
That is communism not socialism, everywhere in the world but GOP idiot planet. Who says Fidel was worth 900 million anyway LOL? And of course communist government which is always a dictatorship and has never been put in without a real revolution, has nothing to do with Bernie Sanders or socialism. "We are all socialists now!"--president of Finland when ObamaCare passed.
Nice quote but Finland isn't a socialist country and it didn't take long before the old "That's not Socialism" excuse was used. Communism is a form of socialism.
yes communism is pure socialism a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has been totally discredited. And nobody in the world wants it but the poor people with guns to their heads in China Cuba and North Korea. many people and I would argue that there has to be some democracy for it to be socialism. USSR proclaimed that they had democracy in the Soviets or committees. It took awhile to figure out that that was total garbage.

Your excuse that democracy is required is pure balony. If a dictator can't do it, what makes you believe majority rule will work any better?
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Well, except for the Bern Victims working for him who want to put dissidents (i.e., normal people) into gulags.
Nice quote but Finland isn't a socialist country and it didn't take long before the old "That's not Socialism" excuse was used. Communism is a form of socialism.
yes communism is pure socialism a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has been totally discredited. And nobody in the world wants it but the poor people with guns to their heads in China Cuba and North Korea. many people and I would argue that there has to be some democracy for it to be socialism. USSR proclaimed that they had democracy in the Soviets or committees. It took awhile to figure out that that was total garbage.

Your excuse that democracy is required is pure balony. If a dictator can't do it, what makes you believe majority rule will work any better?
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Communist countries are so screwed up they fall on their own. Gorbachev gave the USSR glass nose and perestroika and say good night. We're lucky idiotic Ronald Reagan did not bring back their hardliners with all his garbage blustering bologna...
And communism has nothing to do with politics in the modern world today, brainwashed functional there any chance we could talk about actual politics of Sanders instead of your idiocy?
Communism is what you and Bernie are pushing, so it has everything to do with the modern world.
We just need to do it right.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Everybody HAS equal opportunity dysfunctional moron. Equality of RESULTS is not guaranteed. If I work harder than you (not hard to do) I’ll have more. Then you’ll whine that’s not fair. People like you want things by stealing from those who actually work for,them.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

You do realize we haven’t had Reagan’s tax rates for a long time right? Demise of t(e middle class? They’re getting better under Trump with more money and more upward mobility chances than ever. Your total disconnect from reality is shocking.
yes yes cutting taxes on the mega rich and services and programs to help the rest have had absolutely no effect. People have just gotten lazy and stupid. wake up and smell the coffee, brainwashed functional moron.
And that totally debunked bullshit has absolutely ZERO to do with everybody having equal opportunity you uneducated dysfunctional idiot. Over 80% of people got a tax cut under Trump. The RICH paid more with the SALT eliminations. That’s what you claim to want. But that was proven to be just more hot air. Again (I’ll type slowly so you can understand). Everybody has equal opportunity. Equal results are not guaranteed. Understand now? Doubtful.....
so how do you explain the worst inequality in our history and anywhere in the modern world along with the worst upward mobility dittoafter 35 years of tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services for everyone else? LOL. Yes everyone has shity opportunity and only the rich can afford to overcome it, Brainwashed functional moron. Thanks GOP great job. only propaganda makes this incredible mess possible.... Reagan cut the top tax rate from 70% to 50% and had success, then going out the door he cut it to 28%, the kiss of death. Only morons don't know it....

Hahahah! Now deflecting to Reagan? You mean the man who oversaw a doubling of revenue coming into the government? Oops. If you have shitty RESULTS that’s because you’re a lazy prick. Again idiot, everybody has equal opportunity. The middle classes s doing great under Trump. The rich? They got richer under Obozo than under anybody. You truly are an uninformed uneducated moron.
Yes, inequality will continue to grow as long as we have Reagan tax rates duh. And when the GOP has their usual corrupt bubble and bust great recession or depression, it gets even worse like under Obama duh. Reagan also tripled the deficit in Good times and gave us the s & l recession. W bush doubled the deficit in supposedly good times and gave us a world depression. So where do you think Trump's deregulation corruption cronyism bubble and bust will come this time if he gets re-elected? Middle class is doing no better under Trump than it did under Obama. Obama produced more jobs and growth his last 3 years than Trump has in his three years, brainwashed functional moron. And the middle class is still going to hell just like it has since Reagan. Who also gave us your ridiculous disgraceful POS propaganda machine that produces total functional morons like you. Google the only tax graph you need to know and see that we have a flat tax system. Google the demise of the middle class fact left and see that all this inequality and ruin of the middle class started with Reagan and continues. But of course you have no curiosity or interest because you are a brainwashed functional moron.

You do realize we haven’t had Reagan’s tax rates for a long time right? Demise of t(e middle class? They’re getting better under Trump with more money and more upward mobility chances than ever. Your total disconnect from reality is shocking.
What is the top tax rate now Einstein what was it when Reagan left? Another brainwashed functional moron.....
And communism has nothing to do with politics in the modern world today, brainwashed functional there any chance we could talk about actual politics of Sanders instead of your idiocy?
Communism is what you and Bernie are pushing, so it has everything to do with the modern world.
We just need to do it right.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Wow, are you just historically retarded or purposely deceitful ? The Nazi's were socialist.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. If your just retarded I can translate that, if your deceitful I don't have to.
Yes yes, the Nazi said they were socialists and they never lied. Absolute idiocy. Socialists are not for dictators or wars or racist or any thing but Fair capitalism with a good safety net end of the story. Countries like France and Italy Sweden Germany have had communist and socialist parties since the 1920s. Only the English-speaking world is so confused about the meaning. And Communists and socialists in Germany in the 20s and they were the first people that went into the concentration camps. But the Communists were very few by that time because the USSR was obviously not socialist either. But communist and obviously a crap dictatorship. Any chance you could talk about what is so terrible about a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share? You people are just so misinformed so brainwashed.
"Fair capitalism". Socialism is the fucking polar opposite of capitalism you loon.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP propaganda knows the difference. Socialist parties around the world want democratic socialism with a good safety net and the rest of the modern world already has it, but not the United States because of the scumbag GOP and their garbage propaganda.
yes communism is pure socialism a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and has been totally discredited. And nobody in the world wants it but the poor people with guns to their heads in China Cuba and North Korea. many people and I would argue that there has to be some democracy for it to be socialism. USSR proclaimed that they had democracy in the Soviets or committees. It took awhile to figure out that that was total garbage.

Your excuse that democracy is required is pure balony. If a dictator can't do it, what makes you believe majority rule will work any better?
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Wow, are you just historically retarded or purposely deceitful ? The Nazi's were socialist.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. If your just retarded I can translate that, if your deceitful I don't have to.
Yes yes, the Nazi said they were socialists and they never lied. Absolute idiocy. Socialists are not for dictators or wars or racist or any thing but Fair capitalism with a good safety net end of the story. Countries like France and Italy Sweden Germany have had communist and socialist parties since the 1920s. Only the English-speaking world is so confused about the meaning. And Communists and socialists in Germany in the 20s and they were the first people that went into the concentration camps. But the Communists were very few by that time because the USSR was obviously not socialist either. But communist and obviously a crap dictatorship. Any chance you could talk about what is so terrible about a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share? You people are just so misinformed so brainwashed.
"Fair capitalism". Socialism is the fucking polar opposite of capitalism you loon.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP propaganda knows the difference. Socialist parties around the world want democratic socialism with a good safety net and the rest of the modern world already has it, but not the United States because of the scumbag GOP and their garbage propaganda.
Socialism is government control of a countries economy and production. The opposite of capitalism. You should probably stop calling others "brainwashed functional moron".
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Wow, are you just historically retarded or purposely deceitful ? The Nazi's were socialist.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. If your just retarded I can translate that, if your deceitful I don't have to.
Yes yes, the Nazi said they were socialists and they never lied. Absolute idiocy. Socialists are not for dictators or wars or racist or any thing but Fair capitalism with a good safety net end of the story. Countries like France and Italy Sweden Germany have had communist and socialist parties since the 1920s. Only the English-speaking world is so confused about the meaning. And Communists and socialists in Germany in the 20s and they were the first people that went into the concentration camps. But the Communists were very few by that time because the USSR was obviously not socialist either. But communist and obviously a crap dictatorship. Any chance you could talk about what is so terrible about a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share? You people are just so misinformed so brainwashed.
"Fair capitalism". Socialism is the fucking polar opposite of capitalism you loon.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP propaganda knows the difference. Socialist parties around the world want democratic socialism with a good safety net and the rest of the modern world already has it, but not the United States because of the scumbag GOP and their garbage propaganda.
Socialism is government control of a countries economy and production. The opposite of capitalism. You should probably stop calling others "brainwashed functional moron".
Government ownership control or regulation of a country's economy...Democratic socialism or socialism everywhere in the modern world but GOP/Tory world is simply well regulated always Democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Ask anyone in the modern world who calls themselves a socialist.... instead of bought off propagandizing Savage capitalist swine...
Wow, are you just historically retarded or purposely deceitful ? The Nazi's were socialist.
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. If your just retarded I can translate that, if your deceitful I don't have to.
Yes yes, the Nazi said they were socialists and they never lied. Absolute idiocy. Socialists are not for dictators or wars or racist or any thing but Fair capitalism with a good safety net end of the story. Countries like France and Italy Sweden Germany have had communist and socialist parties since the 1920s. Only the English-speaking world is so confused about the meaning. And Communists and socialists in Germany in the 20s and they were the first people that went into the concentration camps. But the Communists were very few by that time because the USSR was obviously not socialist either. But communist and obviously a crap dictatorship. Any chance you could talk about what is so terrible about a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share? You people are just so misinformed so brainwashed.
"Fair capitalism". Socialism is the fucking polar opposite of capitalism you loon.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP propaganda knows the difference. Socialist parties around the world want democratic socialism with a good safety net and the rest of the modern world already has it, but not the United States because of the scumbag GOP and their garbage propaganda.
Socialism is government control of a countries economy and production. The opposite of capitalism. You should probably stop calling others "brainwashed functional moron".
Government ownership control or regulation of a country's economy...Democratic socialism or socialism everywhere in the modern world but GOP/Tory world is simply well regulated always Democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Ask anyone in the modern world who calls themselves a socialist.... instead of bought off propagandizing Savage capitalist swine...
I always crack up when you claim socialism is capitalism.

Communism is what you and Bernie are pushing, so it has everything to do with the modern world.
We just need to do it right.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Your excuse that democracy is required is pure balony. If a dictator can't do it, what makes you believe majority rule will work any better?
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
We just need to do it right.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
Democratic Socialism!

Like Russia, Cuba, NAZI Germany, Venezuela.....
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
We just need to do it right.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
the only natural resources brainwashed functional morons think about is coal and oil LOL no. We've got everything else too LOL.we are the greatest country in the world if we bring everybody on board and stop being a bunch of brainwashed functional morons like you.

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