Bernie’s Comrades Fidel Castro Was Worth $900M When He Died

This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
$12,000 a year for healthcare?

Man, Obamacare sux.
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
Because they don’t know how to pay for all their free shit, Moron.
Yes yes, the Nazi said they were socialists and they never lied. Absolute idiocy. Socialists are not for dictators or wars or racist or any thing but Fair capitalism with a good safety net end of the story. Countries like France and Italy Sweden Germany have had communist and socialist parties since the 1920s. Only the English-speaking world is so confused about the meaning. And Communists and socialists in Germany in the 20s and they were the first people that went into the concentration camps. But the Communists were very few by that time because the USSR was obviously not socialist either. But communist and obviously a crap dictatorship. Any chance you could talk about what is so terrible about a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share? You people are just so misinformed so brainwashed.
"Fair capitalism". Socialism is the fucking polar opposite of capitalism you loon.
That is communism, brainwashed functional moron. Everyone outside your bubble of GOP propaganda knows the difference. Socialist parties around the world want democratic socialism with a good safety net and the rest of the modern world already has it, but not the United States because of the scumbag GOP and their garbage propaganda.
Socialism is government control of a countries economy and production. The opposite of capitalism. You should probably stop calling others "brainwashed functional moron".
Government ownership control or regulation of a country's economy...Democratic socialism or socialism everywhere in the modern world but GOP/Tory world is simply well regulated always Democratic capitalism with a good safety net. Ask anyone in the modern world who calls themselves a socialist.... instead of bought off propagandizing Savage capitalist swine...
I always crack up when you claim socialism is capitalism.

no material is thicker than the skull of brainwashed GOP functional morons like you. Do you see anyone in the modern world who calls himself a socialist wanting a dictatorship that has no capitalism? Fair capitalism always Democratic with a good safety net. In the foreign language speaking world they don't have this problem with socialism. Only in super capitalist Savage capitalist monopolist English-speaking world. Because they are brainwashed functional morons LOL. Ask a God damn socialists instead of a lying thieving GOP mega Rich idiot or bought off pundit or brainwashed functional moron like you LOL ask Bernie or any socialist party in the modern world. Outside the English-speaking dumbbells anyway LOL... Oops brainwashed English speaking functional dumbbells LOL. And that brings us to Francois mitterrand my favorite socialist. Unlike Americans and English these days you might not want to have a beer with him, but his policies were great and in no way communist duh. The part I liked about him was when he died, another wife and family showed up at the funeral and there was no problem between the two families. And nobody gave a damn. All you idiots get is the best liar and scumbag looking for that beer buddy.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
Look, I know math isn't your strong suit. Socialists don't do math.

Your entire post is horseshit. ALL of your posts are horseshit.
Brainwashed right-wing insanity. End of the story if you think that's anything like every other modern country and Sanders and all his followers who are not interested in dictatorships idiot.
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
Oh hush, you old fool.
This time it will work because we have the right people!
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
the only natural resources brainwashed functional morons think about is coal and oil LOL no. We've got everything else too LOL.we are the greatest country in the world if we bring everybody on board and stop being a bunch of brainwashed functional morons like you.
No, I will NOT join your socialist cult.
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.

He's a joke just like those that voted for him and will vote for him!
yeah who needs healthcare a living wage cheap college and training and fair capitalism? We love the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. You people are so misinformed fear-mongered, brainwashed functional morons to be succinct.
If we have the “worst inequality”, wouldn’t that be the “best equality”?

Ah yes the old nonpositive negative. A very ept comment.
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
What scares the shit out of me is the ignorant bastards that support him.

Oh that's propagandistic mythology. Although yes it is quite reasonable to view mythologists with suspicion.
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Hilarious. I’m voting for Bernie Tuesday.
Guess why.

:desk: Lush Rimjob ordered you to?
So, you are saying that college grads who could not find work after graduating due to the Great Recession and having to live with their parents at the time, was not true?

It wasn't a great recession.
It was a market correction of, what should be illegal, massive housing bubble created in cooperation of the FED, SEC, Wall Street and both houses of the government and both parties.
Virtually ALL institutions that created the bubble were not only bailed out 100% (including profits) by the Obama administration, but were also given bottomless interest free loans to the tune of $70 BILLION PER MONTH by the Obama administration that they used to invest in markets, many foreign interests - all the while 9,000,000 people lost their homes. The people lost their homes - the investment firms that held the mortgages were 100% bailed out by Obama.

Talk about that.
Which... of course you will not.
Absolute b*******, brainwashed functional moron. Wall Street and scumbag real estate GOP moguls were bailed out by Bush under tarp. The big three car companies and main Street and local government were bailed out by Obama. Market correction my ass, cost about 8 trillion dollars to avert a full-blown recession depression. way to go GOP. Every time they get eight years they wreck the world economy with corrupt cronyism deregulation and another bubble and bust. only propaganda and silly ignoramuses like you make it possible. So what do you think will be Trump's giant bubble and bust if he gets re-elected?

Yeah.... Barney Frank... had no fault in the creation of it :rolleyes:
Larry Summers had no fault :rolleyes:
Robert Rubin had no fault :rolleyes:
Alan Greenspan was such an honest man for the people :rolleyes:
The crises was a culmination of government and Wall Street, investment banks that began in the 90s.
You are a complete hack if you think the housing crash started in 2000.
View attachment 309519
Absolutely correct LOL. It was all about garbage oversight and deregulation and cronyism with the private real estate institutions that took over the market in 2003. Fannie and Freddy's share went from 75% to 30% in two years, brainwashed functional moron.

Here's a nickle kid.... that should cover the education you have on economics

Here's a guy who offers money to give somebody else an edumacation, yet can't spell the word "nickel".

Maybe you'd best hang onto that coinage.
.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.
Commie Bernie isn't scaring the shit out of anyone but the Dimsocialist Party leaders.:21::21::21::21::21:

Stop lying. You guys are petrified of Bernie and you know it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why I should support a guy who wants to destroy the American economy.

If you really believe that then you shouldn’t.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not understanding why so many people ignore reality. Lazy? Stupid? Both?

Never a truer post from your pen Daveward.

For instance. Where is the Bronx?
Plus every educated person knows that Nazi Germany was fascist right-wing capitalist. Your dream come true.
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
Because they don’t know how to pay for all their free shit, Moron.
of course they do and there is no problem since every other modern country in the world has all this. Every modern country but us because of idiots like you. Poop spray and wash functional idiots
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
the only natural resources brainwashed functional morons think about is coal and oil LOL no. We've got everything else too LOL.we are the greatest country in the world if we bring everybody on board and stop being a bunch of brainwashed functional morons like you.
No, I will NOT join your socialist cult.
If you think everyone should have healthcare for crying out loud you are a socialist. You hate the term because you are a brainwashed English-speaking functional moron. LOL no. You know what Churchill said about socialists write etcetera etcetera that's where we are. He talks about socialist as Communists to. Wake up and smell the coffee monolingual functional dirtbag. LOL.
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
$12,000 a year for healthcare?

Man, Obamacare sux.
too bad you have no evidence than anybody the Sanders campaign or anything else is communist and wants a dictatorship. Could you by any chance talk about the actual policies he's for? So many brainwashed functional morons....
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
$12,000 a year for healthcare?

Man, Obamacare sux.
That's for someone earning over $120,000 or so full price the. That's the way it goes what is the word when your health care costs 18% of GDP we are. Medicare for all would probably get it down to 12% within a few years. Like every other country. England of course has a pretty shity version because they only pay 8% of GDP thanks to the bloody tories.....
Last edited:
Just under a billion dollars so Bernie is cool with it. Just like EVERY Commie leader in history, Fidel lived like Royalty while the people lived in squalor.

Which is Multi-Millionaire 3 Home Bernie’s dream.

10 Surprises About Fidel Castro's Extravagant Life

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.

He's a joke just like those that voted for him and will vote for him!
yeah who needs healthcare a living wage cheap college and training and fair capitalism? We love the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. You people are so misinformed fear-mongered, brainwashed functional morons to be succinct.
If we have the “worst inequality”, wouldn’t that be the “best equality”?

Ah yes the old nonpositive negative. A very ept comment.
Your inability to construct a coherent sentence isn’t my problem, Sport,
Remember, kids, conservatives -- people who want government to leave them alone -- are "fascists".

Can you not be retarded for two minutes in a row?
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
Because they don’t know how to pay for all their free shit, Moron.
of course they do and there is no problem since every other modern country in the world has all this. Every modern country but us because of idiots like you. Poop spray and wash functional idiots
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
the only natural resources brainwashed functional morons think about is coal and oil LOL no. We've got everything else too LOL.we are the greatest country in the world if we bring everybody on board and stop being a bunch of brainwashed functional morons like you.
No, I will NOT join your socialist cult.
If you think everyone should have healthcare for crying out loud you are a socialist. You hate the term because you are a brainwashed English-speaking functional moron. LOL no. You know what Churchill said about socialists write etcetera etcetera that's where we are. He talks about socialist as Communists to. Wake up and smell the coffee monolingual functional dirtbag. LOL.
Show us how Fauxcohontas is paying for Medicare for all, free tuition and the New Green Deal. Be specific, show the math.

You need an estimated $120 TRILLION.

.Bernie scares the shit outta you doesn't he. :lmao:

AOC gonna be so jealous.

He's a joke just like those that voted for him and will vote for him!
yeah who needs healthcare a living wage cheap college and training and fair capitalism? We love the worst inequality and upward mobility ever. You people are so misinformed fear-mongered, brainwashed functional morons to be succinct.
If we have the “worst inequality”, wouldn’t that be the “best equality”?

Ah yes the old nonpositive negative. A very ept comment.
Your inability to construct a coherent sentence isn’t my problem, Sport,

Here's a guy who gets a compliment, can't figure it out, and then posts about coherent sentences in a sentence ending with a comma.
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
$12,000 a year for healthcare?

Man, Obamacare sux.
I've talked about them, and the impossibility of paying for them.

You stuck your fingers in your ears and screeched LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU.
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
Wrong again, brainwashed functional moron. The only possible tax they would put on the middle class would not be a tax really at all but payment for Medicare for all. About $1,200 a year instead of 12000 at a salary of 60000 a year. Besides that, the only tax any Democrat wants is on the rich the bloated Rich we have today along with the bloated corporate Giants that pay no taxes. Republicans have been raising taxes on you for 30 years. State and local taxes go up when they cut federal aid to the states and localities so they can give giant tax cuts to the greedy idiot GOP rich and their pals in big oil big health big pharma. Wake up and smell the coffee. Google the only tax graph you need to know and stop being a chump.
$12,000 a year for healthcare?

Man, Obamacare sux.
That's for someone earning over $120,000 or so full price the. That's the way it goes what is the word when your health care costs 18% of GDP we are. Medicare for all would probably get it down to 12% within a few years. Like every other country. England of course has a pretty shity version because they only pay 8% of GDP thanks to the bloody tories.....
You are just pulling numbers out of your ass.

Do you have a clue how accurate the Govt was on cost projections for Medicaid? They were low by over 700%.
Oh no not getting paid enough to live on and healthcare and have good vacations and good infrastructure and cheap college and training for good jobs oh no horrible. What the hell is wrong with you? LOL
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
Because they don’t know how to pay for all their free shit, Moron.
of course they do and there is no problem since every other modern country in the world has all this. Every modern country but us because of idiots like you. Poop spray and wash functional idiots
Every other modern country has what he is talking about and they managed it, brainwashed functional moron. This would be the greatest country in the world again with a healthy middle and working class. We have the natural resources to do it.
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
the only natural resources brainwashed functional morons think about is coal and oil LOL no. We've got everything else too LOL.we are the greatest country in the world if we bring everybody on board and stop being a bunch of brainwashed functional morons like you.
No, I will NOT join your socialist cult.
If you think everyone should have healthcare for crying out loud you are a socialist. You hate the term because you are a brainwashed English-speaking functional moron. LOL no. You know what Churchill said about socialists write etcetera etcetera that's where we are. He talks about socialist as Communists to. Wake up and smell the coffee monolingual functional dirtbag. LOL.
Show us how Fauxcohontas is paying for Medicare for all, free tuition and the New Green Deal. Be specific, show the math.

You need an estimated $120 TRILLION.

They do it in every other modern country so they can do it here in the richest one. The GOP has no solution of this mess and give away to the rich.
There is nothing wrong with me. You can tell because I don't agree with you.

I'm serious, dood. You need an extensive neurological workup.
So why do you keep voting for a party that is against healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and mainly taxing the rich their fair share like every other modern country? Brainwashed functional moron troll.... And against an ID card that is the only solution for the illegals problem? Snap out of it then dingbat.
Because they don’t know how to pay for all their free shit, Moron.
of course they do and there is no problem since every other modern country in the world has all this. Every modern country but us because of idiots like you. Poop spray and wash functional idiots
Natural resources Democrat oppose expoiting.

And every single Democrat candidates' plans will increase taxes on the middle class.

You really should stop now.
the only natural resources brainwashed functional morons think about is coal and oil LOL no. We've got everything else too LOL.we are the greatest country in the world if we bring everybody on board and stop being a bunch of brainwashed functional morons like you.
No, I will NOT join your socialist cult.
If you think everyone should have healthcare for crying out loud you are a socialist. You hate the term because you are a brainwashed English-speaking functional moron. LOL no. You know what Churchill said about socialists write etcetera etcetera that's where we are. He talks about socialist as Communists to. Wake up and smell the coffee monolingual functional dirtbag. LOL.
Show us how Fauxcohontas is paying for Medicare for all, free tuition and the New Green Deal. Be specific, show the math.

You need an estimated $120 TRILLION.

They do it in every other modern country so they can do it here in the richest one. The GOP has no solution of this mess and give away to the rich.
So, your claim that they have put forth exactly how they will pay for all the shit they are promising was a lie.

Thanks for the confirmation, liar.

Run along kid, you are no match.

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