Besides taking down Bin Laden, is there anything Republicans take responsibility for?

All the mess that was created under Bush. The mess in Iraq, destabilizing the Middle East, the economy, the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, protecting BP and so on. What do Republicans take responsibility for? Anything? Why do they think they can blame everything, even Iraq, on Obama and the Democrats?

I am not a Democrat, but it appears to me that Republicans tend to automatically criticize anything Demos do, yet they have few serious counter proposals. Repubs just want less government and less taxes, but maximum security ... for their wealth.

There is SO much to criticize, though. Republicans point out all the facts like i have and criticize Liberals for it. Liberals either blame-shift and blame Republicans OR they call the legitimate criticism of their failed Liberal policies / acts 'Racism'.

In 2012 the collective American people PUNISHED Liberals for all their deceit, lies, failed policies, lack of representation, crime, etc... handing Democrats an historic record-setting defeat. Many Liberals were so disgusted with themthey did not show up to defend them / vote for them. Conservatives did not show up to support the GOP and give them any kind of 'mandate - they came to vote and express their same disatisfaction with Liberal 'rule'.

NOW, since then, the GOP Washington Establishment leader-run party has done EXACTLY what the Democrats did to earn their historic loss. It's AMAZING how tone deaf, intentionally ignoring, and dictatorially determined they are to impose their will on others - as were the Liberals - they really are. They are compltely refusing to represent the people...and their time to catch 'hail' is coming, just as it was the Democrats' time in 2012.

Unfortunately for the American people, the pendulum now swings back and forth, from one corrupt, oppressivem non-representing, dictatorial party / leaders to another...
The country rallied around President Bush after 9/11 and gave him complete trust and support. Most of the world did the same. No one ever expected he would let the snakes around him squander and abuse that trust and support. He took the powers given to him to wage war on terrorism and turned it into the longest wars in American history and budget busting nation building schemes as he borrowed trillions of dollars instead of suspending his tax cuts to the rich.
For those who continuously whine about blaming Bush, Presidents have impacts that last for generations. They don't just come and go. What they do in office can last decades and generations. Sometimes their legacies are positive and sometimes their legacies are negative. Bush doesn't have to many in the positive column, but he seems to have a lot in the negative column.

I completely agree with your comments in the 1st column...except the part about the 'budget busting'. Bush added only $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years durig 9/11/01, the economic crash afterwards, and 2 wars...and Democrats controlling the purse strings his last 2 years in office. Obama added more than $6 trillion in his 1st 4 (FOUR) years, setting 'monthly'/'annual'/'total' deficit spending records. Obama added more debt than EVERY US ident from Washingto to Bush COMBI As far as his tax cuts, Democrats hald a 'Super Majority' control of the House and Senate or the last 2 years of Bush's admiistration through the end of Obama's second year in office - they could have RESCINDED or PASSED ANYTHING they wanted to.CHOSE not so. Yet, with all of theam power and failure to do anything but pass the failed Stimulus Bill and the Obamacare law opposed by the majority of the people at the time, Liberals still blame Bush...

And as bad as you point our Bush was, Obama - to Jimmy Carter's great relief - go down as the worst President n US history.
My opinion is that no matter who was in charge during the recession, that is not a good time to increase taxes and so by the time Obama and as you point out, the Democrats could have done away with the tax cuts, it was to late for serious consideration. The time to have done away with the tax cuts and in fact raise taxes was immediately following 9/11 when the nation would have supported whatever Bush called for. Who the heck goes to war without building a war chest? If you answered G W Bush you are correct. If you answered anyone else you would be wrong. He completely ignored and threw away American military tradition and doctrine.

It was too late for the Democrats to get rid of the tax cuts ... but NOT too late to pass a FAILED / HORRIFIC 'Stimulus' bill that cost tax payers nearly $1 trillion dollars, contained over 7,000 pieces of 'Merry Christmas to ME' DNC-ONLY Pork, and ended up costing OVER $774,000 PER JOB?

It was too late, those ast 2 (TWO) YEARS under Bush, to end tax cuts but not too late in the 1st 4 (FOUR) years under Obama to add more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Bush, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records while doing it?

All the mess that was created under Bush. The mess in Iraq, destabilizing the Middle East, the economy, the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, protecting BP and so on. What do Republicans take responsibility for? Anything? Why do they think they can blame everything, even Iraq, on Obama and the Democrats?

I am not a Democrat, but it appears to me that Republicans tend to automatically criticize anything Demos do, yet they have few serious counter proposals. Repubs just want less government and less taxes, but maximum security ... for their wealth.

There is SO much to criticize, though. Republicans point out all the facts like i have and criticize Liberals for it. Liberals either blame-shift and blame Republicans OR they call the legitimate criticism of their failed Liberal policies / acts 'Racism'.

In 2012 the collective American people PUNISHED Liberals for all their deceit, lies, failed policies, lack of representation, crime, etc... handing Democrats an historic record-setting defeat. Many Liberals were so disgusted with themthey did not show up to defend them / vote for them. Conservatives did not show up to support the GOP and give them any kind of 'mandate - they came to vote and express their same disatisfaction with Liberal 'rule'.

NOW, since then, the GOP Washington Establishment leader-run party has done EXACTLY what the Democrats did to earn their historic loss. It's AMAZING how tone deaf, intentionally ignoring, and dictatorially determined they are to impose their will on others - as were the Liberals - they really are. They are compltely refusing to represent the people...and their time to catch 'hail' is coming, just as it was the Democrats' time in 2012.

Unfortunately for the American people, the pendulum now swings back and forth, from one corrupt, oppressivem non-representing, dictatorial party / leaders to another...
And so you have given a good analysis and or synopsis of the Trump - Sanders phenomenon.
The country rallied around President Bush after 9/11 and gave him complete trust and support. Most of the world did the same. No one ever expected he would let the snakes around him squander and abuse that trust and support. He took the powers given to him to wage war on terrorism and turned it into the longest wars in American history and budget busting nation building schemes as he borrowed trillions of dollars instead of suspending his tax cuts to the rich.
For those who continuously whine about blaming Bush, Presidents have impacts that last for generations. They don't just come and go. What they do in office can last decades and generations. Sometimes their legacies are positive and sometimes their legacies are negative. Bush doesn't have to many in the positive column, but he seems to have a lot in the negative column.

I completely agree with your comments in the 1st column...except the part about the 'budget busting'. Bush added only $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years durig 9/11/01, the economic crash afterwards, and 2 wars...and Democrats controlling the purse strings his last 2 years in office. Obama added more than $6 trillion in his 1st 4 (FOUR) years, setting 'monthly'/'annual'/'total' deficit spending records. Obama added more debt than EVERY US ident from Washingto to Bush COMBI As far as his tax cuts, Democrats hald a 'Super Majority' control of the House and Senate or the last 2 years of Bush's admiistration through the end of Obama's second year in office - they could have RESCINDED or PASSED ANYTHING they wanted to.CHOSE not so. Yet, with all of theam power and failure to do anything but pass the failed Stimulus Bill and the Obamacare law opposed by the majority of the people at the time, Liberals still blame Bush...

And as bad as you point our Bush was, Obama - to Jimmy Carter's great relief - go down as the worst President n US history.
My opinion is that no matter who was in charge during the recession, that is not a good time to increase taxes and so by the time Obama and as you point out, the Democrats could have done away with the tax cuts, it was to late for serious consideration. The time to have done away with the tax cuts and in fact raise taxes was immediately following 9/11 when the nation would have supported whatever Bush called for. Who the heck goes to war without building a war chest? If you answered G W Bush you are correct. If you answered anyone else you would be wrong. He completely ignored and threw away American military tradition and doctrine.

It was too late for the Democrats to get rid of the tax cuts ... but NOT too late to pass a FAILED / HORRIFIC 'Stimulus' bill that cost tax payers nearly $1 trillion dollars, contained over 7,000 pieces of 'Merry Christmas to ME' DNC-ONLY Pork, and ended up costing OVER $774,000 PER JOB?

It was too late, those ast 2 (TWO) YEARS under Bush, to end tax cuts but not too late in the 1st 4 (FOUR) years under Obama to add more debt than EVERY US President from Washington to Bush, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records while doing it?

Perhaps the cost of strengthening our economic foundation, Wall Street and bringing the economy to where it is today. It was a slow but steady recovery, but when you look at the global economies, we are doing pretty good in comparison.
My opinion is that no matter who was in charge during the recession, that is not a good time to increase taxes and so by the time Obama and as you point out, the Democrats could have done away with the tax cuts, it was to late for serious consideration. The time to have done away with the tax cuts and in fact raise taxes was immediately following 9/11 when the nation would have supported whatever Bush called for. Who the heck goes to war without building a war chest? If you answered G W Bush you are correct. If you answered anyone else you would be wrong. He completely ignored and threw away American military tradition and doctrine.

WHO goes to war without building a 'War Chest'?

If we answered with anyone else we would be wrong? Sure we would, if we went by your OPINION rather than FACT.

That would be OBAMA! Unlike George Bush, Obama did not go to Congress and ask for the authority to take the nation to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over Libya. No, he took the country to war on his own, using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. When his alloted time under the War Powers ran out, did he go before Congress, as he was Constitutionally obligated to do, to ask for more time to see the war to the end? No! He violated the War POowers act by continuing HIS war on his own without the Constitutional authority to do so.

And WHY do you think Obama refused to go before Congress and get the support of the entire nation to go to war in Libya rather than take the nation to war on his own? Probably because he knew he would have had a hard time convincing ANYONE to use our military to help Al Qaeida / jihadists, who had been recruiting extremists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill Americans for decades, take over Libya ...or that Qadaffi - who had not been a REAL threat to anyone since Reagan bombed Libya decades earlier - was somehow more dangerour to the United States than Al Qaeida - who had perpetrated 9/11/01. (Not long after helping Al Qaeida take over Libya, Al Qaeida repayed us for our help by assassinating the 1st Ambassador in over 30 years + 3 other Americans.)
The country rallied around President Bush after 9/11 and gave him complete trust and support. Most of the world did the same. No one ever expected he would let the snakes around him squander and abuse that trust and support. He took the powers given to him to wage war on terrorism and turned it into the longest wars in American history and budget busting nation building schemes as he borrowed trillions of dollars instead of suspending his tax cuts to the rich.
For those who continuously whine about blaming Bush, Presidents have impacts that last for generations. They don't just come and go. What they do in office can last decades and generations. Sometimes their legacies are positive and sometimes their legacies are negative. Bush doesn't have to many in the positive column, but he seems to have a lot in the negative column.

I completely agree with your comments in the 1st column...except the part about the 'budget busting'. Bush added only $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years durig 9/11/01, the economic crash afterwards, and 2 wars...and Democrats controlling the purse strings his last 2 years in office. Obama added more than $6 trillion in his 1st 4 (FOUR) years, setting 'monthly'/'annual'/'total' deficit spending records. Obama added more debt than EVERY US ident from Washingto to Bush COMBI As far as his tax cuts, Democrats hald a 'Super Majority' control of the House and Senate or the last 2 years of Bush's admiistration through the end of Obama's second year in office - they could have RESCINDED or PASSED ANYTHING they wanted to.CHOSE not so. Yet, with all of theam power and failure to do anything but pass the failed Stimulus Bill and the Obamacare law opposed by the majority of the people at the time, Liberals still blame Bush...

And as bad as you point our Bush was, Obama - to Jimmy Carter's great relief - go down as the worst President n US history.

Stop lying.

When the bush boy became president the debt was 5.5 trillion dollars.

By the time the bush boy left office it was around 13 trillion.

The bush boy kept his wars and prescription drug program off the budget. When Obama became president the cost of those were added to the budget the debit soared to 13 trillion dollars. He tried to claim that it was 11 trillion but when those expenses were added to the budget it was more like 13 trillion.

If you were anywhere honest you wouldn't have posted that the bush boy added only 4 trillion to the debt.

The bush boy more than doubled the national debt.
The country rallied around President Bush after 9/11 and gave him complete trust and support. Most of the world did the same. No one ever expected he would let the snakes around him squander and abuse that trust and support. He took the powers given to him to wage war on terrorism and turned it into the longest wars in American history and budget busting nation building schemes as he borrowed trillions of dollars instead of suspending his tax cuts to the rich.
For those who continuously whine about blaming Bush, Presidents have impacts that last for generations. They don't just come and go. What they do in office can last decades and generations. Sometimes their legacies are positive and sometimes their legacies are negative. Bush doesn't have to many in the positive column, but he seems to have a lot in the negative column.

I completely agree with your comments in the 1st column...except the part about the 'budget busting'. Bush added only $4 trillion to the debt in 8 years durig 9/11/01, the economic crash afterwards, and 2 wars...and Democrats controlling the purse strings his last 2 years in office. Obama added more than $6 trillion in his 1st 4 (FOUR) years, setting 'monthly'/'annual'/'total' deficit spending records. Obama added more debt than EVERY US ident from Washingto to Bush COMBI As far as his tax cuts, Democrats hald a 'Super Majority' control of the House and Senate or the last 2 years of Bush's admiistration through the end of Obama's second year in office - they could have RESCINDED or PASSED ANYTHING they wanted to.CHOSE not so. Yet, with all of theam power and failure to do anything but pass the failed Stimulus Bill and the Obamacare law opposed by the majority of the people at the time, Liberals still blame Bush...

And as bad as you point our Bush was, Obama - to Jimmy Carter's great relief - go down as the worst President n US history.
My opinion is that no matter who was in charge during the recession, that is not a good time to increase taxes and so by the time Obama and as you point out, the Democrats could have done away with the tax cuts, it was to late for serious consideration. The time to have done away with the tax cuts and in fact raise taxes was immediately following 9/11 when the nation would have supported whatever Bush called for. Who the heck goes to war without building a war chest? If you answered G W Bush you are correct. If you answered anyone else you would be wrong. He completely ignored and threw away American military tradition and doctrine.

What the bush boy did had never been done in the history of America and the world.

He cut taxes in the middle of a war.

Even his father didn't do that.
2. National Security / Terrorism Foreign Policy

- Obama illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels, through a program Bush rejected due to the inability to control the weapons once they got into the Cartels' hands, resulting in the deaths of over 300+ citizens, to include a US BPA. The guns were also linked to the terrorist attack on a Military Recruiting station in Tenn recently... No one has ever been held accountable; Obama's US AG was caught perpetrating 4 Felony Counts of Perjury for lying to Congress about the program but was protected from prosecution - a unanimous Congress did vote to Centure Holder, making him the 1st AG in US history to be Centured / unished for a crime (yet still keep his job as 'Top Law Enforcer in the Nation' - wow). The investigation into this crime continue to go on as Obama has refused to provide documents as ordered by the court. Obama has already been found guilty of being in Contempt of Court for doing so. He currently has until 31 August to produce documents or he will again be ound in Contempt of court. Brian Terry, the US BPA, and the 5 American military members who died in Tenn with the weapons this administration provided to Mexican Drug cartels deserve better...they deserve justice.

- Obama assisted the acknowledged terrorist group The Muslim Brotherhood to take over the govt of our ally Egypt and even has associated members of this terrorist group on his Cabinet as 'advisors'.

- Obama ran guns to Libyan terrorists, who for decades had been recruting extremists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill US troops

- Obama took the country to war on his own and even used the US military to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12) - Al Qaeida - take over Libya; even hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador

- Obama / Hillary failed to prevent 20 SIMULTANEOUS attacks on US embassies throughout the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11/01 - 4 were overrun and 4 Americans were murdered - despite warnings of the possible attacks -- this was the largest, coordinated, single/1-day attack on Americans abroad possibly in our history when NOT officially 'at war' (Obama lied to Americans in 2012, just before the election, declaring the 'war oin terrorism is over and Al Qaeida was on the run' ... despite these attacks and 4 Americans, to include the 1st YS Ambassador in over 30 years, bing murdered...all to protect his re-election chances
--- Both he and Hillary went into hiding for the 13 hours the attacks went on, fabricated a lie about a video, modified a CIA report 13 times before releasing it - stripping every refernece of a terrorist attack or terrorism out of the report, the administration blamed a video for the Benghazi attack and spread that lie to all of ther following Sunday morning tak shows. A month later, before the UN, Obama again blamed a video and declared to the world, "The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

- Obama ran guns out of Benghazi to who he called 'Syrian Rebels' - terrorists who eventually joined ISIS, who he down-played and called a 'JV Team'; Obama then allowed ISIS to roll into Iraq UN-opposed to take over much of the country that had already been liberated at great expense by our military...thousands of men, women, and children Christians were SLAUGHTERED as a result.

- Much like 'Baghdad Bob', Obama declared Yemen to be his greatest achievement in the MiddlEast ... while in the background Iranaian troops and their surrogate terrorist army could be seen coming down the streets in Yemen to take it over and drive the Americans out.

- Obama defended Islamic Extremists by declaring the Ft. Hood terrorist attack was a case of 'work-place violence', denying victims and their families of status and assistance they deserved.

- Despite being warned personally by Putin and Russian Intel Obama disregarded the warnings about the Tsarnaev brothers. Obama allowed these terrorists to successfully carry out their attack against US citizens in Boston. AFTERWARDS, the Obama administration plastered their faces on the news and asked the American people to help ID them...despite the FACT that OBAMA ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!

- Obama violated both the Constitution and Rule of Law, refused to enforce existing US Immigration law, created Non-Existent Illegals-Only 'Rights' by ordering his DOJ not to prosecute illegals for crimes found to be less than a Felony; has repeatedly released and refused to dport violent illegal vriminals who have raped, robed, molested, and murdered American citizens; has engaged in criminal Human Trafficking of Persons to bring illegals into the country, has been found guilty of Contempt of Court for refusing to release information regarding where he transported and released illegals into us populations ithout notifying state / local officials they were coming; vows to protect and defend citis that provide Safe Haven to violent illegals who have preyed on / murdered / victimized US citizens.

This is NOT even all of it...but it drives the point home

Well easyt65, I bet you must be full of yourself after projecting that vomit all over the threads.

Funny that you bring up illegal drug running when not a single person was charged or convicted for it.

Funny how the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood angle was debunked by more fraudulent claims that we were giving a billion and a half dollars to the Egyptian government when in reality that wasn't the case at all.

How about a link to a reliable claim that Obama ran guns to Libyans?

You really need to offer a source for 20 SIMULTANEOUS attacks on embassies throughout the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11,because it doesn't exist except in some ratheads minds.

You also need to substantiate the claim that Obama ran guns to Libyan terrorists out of Benghazi because without access to top secret intelligence it is just another lie.

Your claim about Iranians seen in Yemen was a joke also S Arabia s claim on Iranian troops in Yemen a joke Analyst Veterans Today

The Ft Hood Massacre claim was not a terrorist attack was wrong also, the Pentagon said that by calling it a terrorist attack the military prosecutor hands were tied because under military justice rules the claim would be hard to prove. Also Purple Heart medal were awarded allowing victims access to military and veteran facilities. Another debunked claim.

The real truth behind Russian intelligence and Tsarnaev, was the Russians kept the information from the FBI Russia hid info from FBI on Boston Marathon bombers - NY Daily News

Then you save the sourest part of your vomitus on your claim that Obama violated law by using Executive Order for the very same process that other presidents have used.

I won't bother to debunk your original claims, I really don't enjoy wading hip deep in shit. I would however appreciate that you source this crap as soon as possible so that others can see the truth behind your very dubious claims.
My opinion is that no matter who was in charge during the recession, that is not a good time to increase taxes and so by the time Obama and as you point out, the Democrats could have done away with the tax cuts, it was to late for serious consideration. The time to have done away with the tax cuts and in fact raise taxes was immediately following 9/11 when the nation would have supported whatever Bush called for. Who the heck goes to war without building a war chest? If you answered G W Bush you are correct. If you answered anyone else you would be wrong. He completely ignored and threw away American military tradition and doctrine.

WHO goes to war without building a 'War Chest'?

If we answered with anyone else we would be wrong? Sure we would, if we went by your OPINION rather than FACT.

That would be OBAMA! Unlike George Bush, Obama did not go to Congress and ask for the authority to take the nation to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 take over Libya. No, he took the country to war on his own, using our military to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. When his alloted time under the War Powers ran out, did he go before Congress, as he was Constitutionally obligated to do, to ask for more time to see the war to the end? No! He violated the War POowers act by continuing HIS war on his own without the Constitutional authority to do so.

And WHY do you think Obama refused to go before Congress and get the support of the entire nation to go to war in Libya rather than take the nation to war on his own? Probably because he knew he would have had a hard time convincing ANYONE to use our military to help Al Qaeida / jihadists, who had been recruiting extremists to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill Americans for decades, take over Libya ...or that Qadaffi - who had not been a REAL threat to anyone since Reagan bombed Libya decades earlier - was somehow more dangerour to the United States than Al Qaeida - who had perpetrated 9/11/01. (Not long after helping Al Qaeida take over Libya, Al Qaeida repayed us for our help by assassinating the 1st Ambassador in over 30 years + 3 other Americans.)
Now you are going all nutty and conspiracy theory nonsense. Putting spin on stuff to make and support an agenda. Are you going to be one of those posters that contaminates every thread with wacko conspiracy theories?
NUH-NUH; classical left-wing nutjob hypocrite

says of anothers claims "without access to top secret intelligence it is just another lie"

but NUH NUH is the same idiot citing IN THE SAME long-winded post THIS as his reputable source, a government report by the poeple on whose watch the boston Marathon bombings happened, exonerating themselves. Not only that but using the usual yellow journalism shady reporting:

Had the FBI been privy to the red-flag phone call, it would have prompted the bureau to take an extensive look at Tsarnaev, according to The New York Times.

according to the new york times? really???

and this gem from the same article:

“Had they known what the Russians knew, they probably would have been able to do more under our investigative guidelines, but would they have uncovered the plot? That’s very hard to say,” one senior U.S. official told The Times

the ol "senior US official" line huh?

then there's this:

"They found that the Russians did not provide all the information that they had on [Tsarnaev] back then,” a U.S. official briefed on the report told The Times.

i love the way left-wing losers like NUHNUH come thinking they are bringing the heat and they're just posting regurgitated stupidity

anybody can take the "an anyalyst said" route leftard:

A State Department official said the Sunni Arabs in nearby states are opposing the Houthis and seeking to prevent Iran from establishing a foothold on the peninsula.
Estimates put the number of both Iranian and Iraqi Shi’ite forces helping the Houthis in Yemen at around 5,000 people. The number of Lebanese Hezbollah members in Yemen is not known.
On Sunday, Quds Force Deputy Commander, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ghani was quoted as confirming the fact that the IRGC is training Yemenis.
“Each one who is with us comes under the banner of the Islamic Republic and this is our strength,” Ghani said, according to Iran’s Mashregh News, an outlet run by the IRGC. “The defenders of Yemen have been trained under the banner of the Islamic Republic and the enemies cannot deal with Yemeni fighters.”


when a Left-wing nutjob cries about what was created by whom he or she at a minimum ought to be prepared to say what of his own Party's policies they DIDNT use literally THOUSANDS OF VOTES TO CONTINUE, to fund, to even EXTEND.
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.

... says your report from the government on whose watch it happened, the one citing anonymous sources

ur a joke. you have zero business crying about posting illegible stupidity
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.

i know i know leftard; your community activist first found out about the plot when watching Fox News..................again???
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.

i know i know leftard; your community activist first found out about the plot when watching Fox News..................again???

No one in the history of the electronic world ever got smarter from watching Fox News. Look at yourself for instance....
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.

i know i know leftard; your community activist first found out about the plot when watching Fox News..................again???

No one in the history of the electronic world ever got smarter from watching Fox News. Look at yourself for instance....

yes loon; we need left-wing talking heads to show us failure really means success; or to openly dream of taking a dump in sarah paliin's mouth. thank God for "serious" left-wing journalism

like i said ur a joke
nuhuh, post: 12032732, member: 54967: easyt65 responses in RED

Well easyt65, I bet you must be full of yourself after projecting that vomit all over the threads.

Funny that you bring up illegal drug running when not a single person was charged or convicted for it.
-- Please look at my post and READ it this time. I did not mention 'drug running' - YOU did. I mentioned how Obama ILLEGALLY RAN GUNS TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, a fact that is NOT questioned.

Funny how the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood angle was debunked by more fraudulent claims that we were giving a billion and a half dollars to the Egyptian government when in reality that wasn't the case at all.
- The EMB 'angle'?! Do some research! After we helped oust Mubarak it was the Obama administration that pressured to move their elections up...and it just so happens, as Obama was warned, that the only group organizaed and prepared for such an event was the Muslim Brotherhood.

How about a link to a reliable claim that Obama ran guns to Libyans?
- OK...NO PROBLEM: "The U.S. military has spent about $1 billion on Libya’s revolution, and secretly helped NATO with everything from munitions to surveillance aircraft. John Barry provides an exclusive look at Obama’s emerging 'covert intervention' strategy."
- America s Secret Libya War U.S. Spent 1 Billion on Covert Ops Helping NATO - The Daily Beast

You really need to offer a source for 20 SIMULTANEOUS attacks on embassies throughout the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11,because it doesn't exist except in some ratheads minds.
-- Where were you, in the secret underground bunker with Obama and Hillary?
-- "The Arab Spring President Barack Hussein Obama built, failed in a wave of riots and violence spanning 20+ countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa on 9/11/2012."
-- HERE'S JUST ONE: Family Security Matters (Let me guess, this is not a reliable source because YOU say so... lol)

You also need to substantiate the claim that Obama ran guns to Libyan terrorists out of Benghazi because without access to top secret intelligence it is just another lie.
-- You REALLY need to learn to READ! I said Obama ran weapons to SYRIAN Rebels out of Benghazi...
-- BREAKING REPORT SMOKING GUN US Was Running Weapons Thru Benghazi to Syria - The Gateway Pundit

Your claim about Iranians seen in Yemen was a joke also S Arabia s claim on Iranian troops in Yemen a joke Analyst Veterans Today
- BREAKING U.S. Embassy EVACUATED in Yemen The Right Scoop -
- A Howling Success - WSJ: 'Obama claimed Yemen to be his biggest foreign Policy Success while Iranian-nbacked terrorists began Yemen invasion / take-over'

The Ft Hood Massacre claim was not a terrorist attack was wrong also, the Pentagon said that by calling it a terrorist attack the military prosecutor hands were tied because under military justice rules the claim would be hard to prove. Also Purple Heart medal were awarded allowing victims access to military and veteran facilities. Another debunked claim.
- Obama and his administration were the ones to call the Ft. Hood Attack a case of 'work-place violence', which 1st prevented victims from receiving the Purple Heart and other status...changed ONLY due to public pressure.
-- this point you SHOULD be embarassed and extremely tired of being proven wrong...

The real truth behind Russian intelligence and Tsarnaev, was the Russians kept the information from the FBI Russia hid info from FBI on Boston Marathon bombers - NY Daily News
- "Russia Warned FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev Before ..." / "[URL=',d.dmo']Russia Told America To Detain Tamerlan Tsarnaev Years Ago" / [/URL]

Afterwards, OBAMA claimed the Russians had kept info from which point Putin fired back and called 'B$' on Obama: "
Russia: US claims on Boston bombing a 'low blow" --- "Moscow (AFP) - Russia Saturday dismissed as a "low blow" claims that Moscow had failed to provide intelligence over one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, blaming anti-Russian sentiment in Washington over Ukraine."
-- Russia US claims on Boston bombing a low blow

Then you save the sourest part of your vomitus on your claim that Obama violated law by using Executive Order for the very same process that other presidents have used.
- I did say Obama appropriately used his authority in the War Powers Act to take the country to war on his own against Qadaffi. Tell me, though, was Qadaffi SUCH an immediate threat that Obama had to go it ALONE rather than go to Congress to gain support? Bush went to Congress to get approval to take the country to war against Iraq and Afghanistan...buyt you are telling us Qadaffi and Libya were a much greater threat, so much so that he could not wait to get Congressional approval / support! ROFLOL!
- And YES, when his time limit under the War Powers act expired he violated his authority by STILL refusing to go to Congress to make his case on why he should be allowed more time to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. As I made my point, he refused to because he couldn't sell Congress on helping the perpetrators of 9/11/01!

I won't bother to debunk your original claims, I really don't enjoy wading hip deep in shit. I would however appreciate that you source this crap as soon as possible so that others can see the truth behind your very dubious claims.

- You 'WON'T bother to because, as proven with all of your failed attempts, your opinionated rant is full of BUNK! You kept telling me I 'HAD TO' prove 'this', prove 'that', supply 'this', and supply 'that'. Unlike your long-winded highly-opinionated diatribe where you offered NOTHNG to support your own propaganda, I DID provide you with everything you asked for and more. And as your name implies, the only thing I expect from you now is the same thing your post here turned out to be: 'nuhuh!'
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