Besides taking down Bin Laden, is there anything Republicans take responsibility for?

Trying to get a republican to take responsibility is like trying to make cat love a bath

since january of 2007 when the democrat majorities of both chambers of Congress, up until January of THIS YEAR; Democrats have had either all three parts of the law-making process, or 2/3 of the process; that being both chambers of congress, both chambers of congress AND the White House, or the Senate and the White House

and you have the gall to accuse others of not wanting to take responsiblity?

since you nutjobs in clownface are soooooooooooooooooooooooo predictable, remember that from january of 2007 on that Democrat majority was BIGGER than Bush's majority the previous years.
you didnt have a filibuster or veto-proof majority and neither did Bush. actually Democrats DID have a filibuster-proof majority for about 13 weeks

idiots and hypocrites

Wow, nothing like putting up evidence of majorities and getting nothing done, you already know all about that. Why don't you call John Boehner and Mitch McConnel and get a immigration bill done before the recess?

why doesnt your idiot president and party enforce current immigration law?

For the same reason none of your idiot presidents did.
It was Republicans who provided false information. Republicans who lied. Republicans who tricked the country into supporting them. Now it's the fault of Democrats because they should have known better than supporting the Republicans???????????????????????????????????? That's the GOP defense? What nerve those stains have.
Are you insinuating that Democrats are stupid??????
I'm stating that Republicans are traitors. The ones that aren't are dupes.
All the mess that was created under Bush. The mess in Iraq, destabilizing the Middle East, the economy, the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, protecting BP and so on. What do Republicans take responsibility for? Anything? Why do they think they can blame everything, even Iraq, on Obama and the Democrats?

Spoken like a true brainwashed Liberal Socialist... WHERE do we begin?! Oh yeah....

1. The economy:
Liberals love to blame the bad economy on Bush, declaring that the last 2 years of the Bush administration is where the economy began to nose-dive. These are the same Liberals who agree that it is Congress that cotrols the purse strings, not the President, and thus the economy. What you will NEVER hear them admit AFTER this, though, is how the economy started to nose dive under DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTROL. The DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, thus the purse strings / the economy, during the last 2 years of the Bush administration.

The 1st law that effected the US economy under Obama was the disasterous 'STIMULUS' Bill. This nearly $1 TRILLION dollar nightmare consisted of over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork (despite Obama's promise to NOT allow pork into legislation he would sign). It contained failed spending like 'shovel-ready' construction projects - that Obama was forced to admit did not exist, the 'used-car' bomb, and the socialistic act of 'nationalizing' GM (resulting in a partial sell-off of the US-owned car maker to a foreign owner, violating US Bankruptcy law..), and the eventual LOSS of millions of tax dollars when the govt sold off MOST of their GM stock at a loss. In the end, the failed 'jobs bill' ended up cost tax payers over $774,000 PER JOB reported as 'created' / 'saved'. )It was also reported by many companies that in its final talley the govt was falsely claiming numbers of jobs created / saved. One company Obama claimed to have SAVED more jobs at his company than total people who actually worked there.)

Prior to becoming President, Obama call Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 Trillion in debt over 8 years during 9/11/01, the economic shutdown that followed, and during 8 (EIGHT) years of war. Ironically, after becoming President, Obama added OVER $6 TRILLION in debt in over 4 (FOUR) years! Obama set new U.S. RECORDS for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending during that time. Not long after Obama was warned that if he did not accept some of the GOP's recommended budget cuts as a sign that he took his growing debt seriously the bank would down-grade the US Credit rating. Obama - not the Republicans - rejected the proposed budget cuts ... and as promised, the Bank initiated the 1st down-grade of the US Credit Rating in U.S. History. How did Obama react? He sent several govt agencies to audit, inspeact, and intimidate the bank that had the NERVE to do what they warned they would do.

More people are now on Food Stamps, Welfare, and use other government social programs than any any other time in US history. Over 93 MILLION Americans are out of work, full-time employment is at its lowest in decades, the unemployment rate for blacks is more than DOUBLE that of whites (which is higher than reported because Obama refuses to use the numer of 93+ millions out of work to calculate his unemployment it isn't so high)..... The Obama administration has also passes a RECORD number of highly-restrictive business-destroying regulations... And let's not forget Obama's own personal illegal invasion and his recently granting approx 11 million Illegals the authority to compete with the 93+ million Americans for available jobs AND the massive finacial burden of supporting the millions of illegals Obama is responsible for having illegally brought / allowed into this country. WHY would the Liberals, who have been in control of the US Economy since the beginning of the last 2 years of Bush's last term in office, be blamed for the failing economy?
That is so ridiculous. An economy as big as ours takes years to nose dive. Then you add in the major changes to the economy. From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs moved to China and over 40,000 factories closed. Did Republicans try to stop that or did they help to make it happen? Be careful, I've posted dozens of times those facts. Then the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts for the rich. Remember, if someone's job moved to China, what do they care about paying taxes?

Add in the GOP deregulation.

And you know that Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you remember for what?

And I suspect, illegals are less costly than fat and old unemployed Republicans.
All the mess that was created under Bush. The mess in Iraq, destabilizing the Middle East, the economy, the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, protecting BP and so on. What do Republicans take responsibility for? Anything? Why do they think they can blame everything, even Iraq, on Obama and the Democrats?

Spoken like a true brainwashed Liberal Socialist... WHERE do we begin?! Oh yeah....

1. The economy:
Liberals love to blame the bad economy on Bush, declaring that the last 2 years of the Bush administration is where the economy began to nose-dive. These are the same Liberals who agree that it is Congress that cotrols the purse strings, not the President, and thus the economy. What you will NEVER hear them admit AFTER this, though, is how the economy started to nose dive under DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTROL. The DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, thus the purse strings / the economy, during the last 2 years of the Bush administration.

The 1st law that effected the US economy under Obama was the disasterous 'STIMULUS' Bill. This nearly $1 TRILLION dollar nightmare consisted of over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork (despite Obama's promise to NOT allow pork into legislation he would sign). It contained failed spending like 'shovel-ready' construction projects - that Obama was forced to admit did not exist, the 'used-car' bomb, and the socialistic act of 'nationalizing' GM (resulting in a partial sell-off of the US-owned car maker to a foreign owner, violating US Bankruptcy law..), and the eventual LOSS of millions of tax dollars when the govt sold off MOST of their GM stock at a loss. In the end, the failed 'jobs bill' ended up cost tax payers over $774,000 PER JOB reported as 'created' / 'saved'. )It was also reported by many companies that in its final talley the govt was falsely claiming numbers of jobs created / saved. One company Obama claimed to have SAVED more jobs at his company than total people who actually worked there.)

Prior to becoming President, Obama call Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 Trillion in debt over 8 years during 9/11/01, the economic shutdown that followed, and during 8 (EIGHT) years of war. Ironically, after becoming President, Obama added OVER $6 TRILLION in debt in over 4 (FOUR) years! Obama set new U.S. RECORDS for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending during that time. Not long after Obama was warned that if he did not accept some of the GOP's recommended budget cuts as a sign that he took his growing debt seriously the bank would down-grade the US Credit rating. Obama - not the Republicans - rejected the proposed budget cuts ... and as promised, the Bank initiated the 1st down-grade of the US Credit Rating in U.S. History. How did Obama react? He sent several govt agencies to audit, inspeact, and intimidate the bank that had the NERVE to do what they warned they would do.

More people are now on Food Stamps, Welfare, and use other government social programs than any any other time in US history. Over 93 MILLION Americans are out of work, full-time employment is at its lowest in decades, the unemployment rate for blacks is more than DOUBLE that of whites (which is higher than reported because Obama refuses to use the numer of 93+ millions out of work to calculate his unemployment it isn't so high)..... The Obama administration has also passes a RECORD number of highly-restrictive business-destroying regulations... And let's not forget Obama's own personal illegal invasion and his recently granting approx 11 million Illegals the authority to compete with the 93+ million Americans for available jobs AND the massive finacial burden of supporting the millions of illegals Obama is responsible for having illegally brought / allowed into this country. WHY would the Liberals, who have been in control of the US Economy since the beginning of the last 2 years of Bush's last term in office, be blamed for the failing economy?
You spent so much time typing out that fantastical bullshit. Why? The true facts have come up again and again on the USMB WITH LINKS. We know the truth. And what you wrote isn't it.
Just the fact that from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China, over 40,000 factories were closed and the GOP had TOTAL control over the entire government. They even used reconciliation three times. Do you know what for? And how did that add to the deficit?

See how easy it is to dispute what you wrote? You didn't use any provable facts, but I did.
Nuhuh: You ignore the fact that Obama has deported more illegal criminals than anyone else.
- Since my original statement was how Obama illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug cartels, you talking about deportations is evidence of how desperately seek to change the subject. You brought up alien criminals in post #46 you really need to keep track of your own propaganda.

The Egyptian military was the benefactor in the $1.5 billion in military aid that the right tried to say was going to the brotherhood. They were wrong then and they are wrong as a point of history.
- The Egyptian military did take over the money and equipment gave to the Muslim Brotherhood when they were ousted. You declaring the Egyptian military was WRONG to overthrow the TERRORIST Government Obama helped put in place says all we need to know about you. That is probably why you seem to have no problem with Obama having several M.B.-associated members on his Cabinet as ‘advisors. You are harping over a non-issue, the brotherhood is gone and everything they owned has been confiscated. The so-called "advisors" are good Americans and their backgrounds have been vetted and established, smearing them is more infantile propaganda from the whiny right.

Nope. Almost any article you will find is supposition and guesswork since all documents concerning this are held by the CIA and are not available for view.
- DESPITE the article outlining how Obama spent approx. $1 billion on Libya’s revolution and helped secretly with everything from ammo to surveillance planes, you STILL claim this is false, in the face of facts, without offering anything to support your claim. LOL … NEXT! Two and two does not equal five. When you have evidence I guarantee there will be an investigation. There isn't so your frieds in Congress must not have anything.

Sorry, there is no record of a terrorist attack on that day, period. You are contrasting protests with terrorism. That is wrong on many levels.
-- I am contrasting 'protests' with 'terrorism' the SAME WAY Obama does... The Cairo Embassy was OVERRUN, and the Embassy had to be EVACUATED. This attack was ONLY a 'protest' the way Benghazi was, which resulted in a destroyed compound and 4 dead Americans! You and Obama re 2 nutjobs, man.You are making things up and now you are moving the goal posts. YOU said that there were 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on the anniversary of Sept 11th, there weren't. You made that up.

Despite providing the link to the story about how the embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked on 9/11/12, you again declare ‘nuhuh’ without anything to support your delusional post. Wow! So now it is one terrorist attack?

As long as I have been alive the military does what it thinks best for itself first and beyond anything else.
- Spoken like obne who has obviously never served in the military…and while you continue to talk about the military, I post FACTS on how OBAMA declared the TERRORIST ATTACK to be a case of ‘workplace violence’. Oh man, I am a veteran and a veteran of combat, I have bled for this country and have sacrificed in ways you would never know. Since you brought it up have you served? The Department of Defense and the Department of Justice declared the incident one of workplace violence, they got justice, in fact everyone got justice and care. More right wing doodoo.

I could go down your whole pathetic trip down ‘DeNile’, one opinion after another, in the face of facts, links, etc, without your offering one piece of evidence or link to support any of your diatribe… but I am tired of arguing with a highy opinionated delusional person. The FACTS has been repeatedly made by YOU that all you have is opinion and delusion.You haven't proven a single allegation. All you have put up is fringe ideas and innuendo. I would be more than happy to agree with you but you have brought nothing to the table.

Have fun with that.

you're simply a clown that cant admit he was bested

Bested ?

Got his ass kicked.......
All the mess that was created under Bush. The mess in Iraq, destabilizing the Middle East, the economy, the disastrous and deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts, protecting BP and so on. What do Republicans take responsibility for? Anything? Why do they think they can blame everything, even Iraq, on Obama and the Democrats?

Spoken like a true brainwashed Liberal Socialist... WHERE do we begin?! Oh yeah....

1. The economy:
Liberals love to blame the bad economy on Bush, declaring that the last 2 years of the Bush administration is where the economy began to nose-dive. These are the same Liberals who agree that it is Congress that cotrols the purse strings, not the President, and thus the economy. What you will NEVER hear them admit AFTER this, though, is how the economy started to nose dive under DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTROL. The DEMOCRATS controlled Congress, thus the purse strings / the economy, during the last 2 years of the Bush administration.

The 1st law that effected the US economy under Obama was the disasterous 'STIMULUS' Bill. This nearly $1 TRILLION dollar nightmare consisted of over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork (despite Obama's promise to NOT allow pork into legislation he would sign). It contained failed spending like 'shovel-ready' construction projects - that Obama was forced to admit did not exist, the 'used-car' bomb, and the socialistic act of 'nationalizing' GM (resulting in a partial sell-off of the US-owned car maker to a foreign owner, violating US Bankruptcy law..), and the eventual LOSS of millions of tax dollars when the govt sold off MOST of their GM stock at a loss. In the end, the failed 'jobs bill' ended up cost tax payers over $774,000 PER JOB reported as 'created' / 'saved'. )It was also reported by many companies that in its final talley the govt was falsely claiming numbers of jobs created / saved. One company Obama claimed to have SAVED more jobs at his company than total people who actually worked there.)

Prior to becoming President, Obama call Bush 'UN-Patriotic' for adding $4 Trillion in debt over 8 years during 9/11/01, the economic shutdown that followed, and during 8 (EIGHT) years of war. Ironically, after becoming President, Obama added OVER $6 TRILLION in debt in over 4 (FOUR) years! Obama set new U.S. RECORDS for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending during that time. Not long after Obama was warned that if he did not accept some of the GOP's recommended budget cuts as a sign that he took his growing debt seriously the bank would down-grade the US Credit rating. Obama - not the Republicans - rejected the proposed budget cuts ... and as promised, the Bank initiated the 1st down-grade of the US Credit Rating in U.S. History. How did Obama react? He sent several govt agencies to audit, inspeact, and intimidate the bank that had the NERVE to do what they warned they would do.

More people are now on Food Stamps, Welfare, and use other government social programs than any any other time in US history. Over 93 MILLION Americans are out of work, full-time employment is at its lowest in decades, the unemployment rate for blacks is more than DOUBLE that of whites (which is higher than reported because Obama refuses to use the numer of 93+ millions out of work to calculate his unemployment it isn't so high)..... The Obama administration has also passes a RECORD number of highly-restrictive business-destroying regulations... And let's not forget Obama's own personal illegal invasion and his recently granting approx 11 million Illegals the authority to compete with the 93+ million Americans for available jobs AND the massive finacial burden of supporting the millions of illegals Obama is responsible for having illegally brought / allowed into this country. WHY would the Liberals, who have been in control of the US Economy since the beginning of the last 2 years of Bush's last term in office, be blamed for the failing economy?
You spent so much time typing out that fantastical bullshit. Why? The true facts have come up again and again on the USMB WITH LINKS. We know the truth. And what you wrote isn't it.
Just the fact that from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China, over 40,000 factories were closed and the GOP had TOTAL control over the entire government. They even used reconciliation three times. Do you know what for? And how did that add to the deficit?

See how easy it is to dispute what you wrote? You didn't use any provable facts, but I did.

You didn't dispute anything with anything of substance.

You never do.
Nuhuh: You ignore the fact that Obama has deported more illegal criminals than anyone else.
- Since my original statement was how Obama illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug cartels, you talking about deportations is evidence of how desperately seek to change the subject.

The Egyptian military was the benefactor in the $1.5 billion in military aid that the right tried to say was going to the brotherhood. They were wrong then and they are wrong as a point of history.
- The Egyptian military did take over the money and equipment gave to the Muslim Brotherhood when they were ousted. You declaring the Egyptian military was WRONG to overthrow the TERRORIST Government Obama helped put in place says all we need to know about you. That is probably why you seem to have no problem with Obama having several M.B.-associated members on his Cabinet as ‘advisors.

Nope. Almost any article you will find is supposition and guesswork since all documents concerning this are held by the CIA and are not available for view.
- DESPITE the article outlining how Obama spent approx. $1 billion on Libya’s revolution and helped secretly with everything from ammo to surveillance planes, you STILL claim this is false, in the face of facts, without offering anything to support your claim. LOL … NEXT!

Sorry, there is no record of a terrorist attack on that day, period. You are contrasting protests with terrorism. That is wrong on many levels.
-- I am contrasting 'protests' with 'terrorism' the SAME WAY Obama does... The Cairo Embassy was OVERRUN, and the Embassy had to be EVACUATED. This attack was ONLY a 'protest' the way Benghazi was, which resulted in a destroyed compound and 4 dead Americans! You and Obama re 2 nutjobs, man.

Despite providing the link to the story about how the embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked on 9/11/12, you again declare ‘nuhuh’ without anything to support your delusional post. Wow!

As long as I have been alive the military does what it thinks best for itself first and beyond anything else.
- Spoken like obne who has obviously never served in the military…and while you continue to talk about the military, I post FACTS on how OBAMA declared the TERRORIST ATTACK to be a case of ‘workplace violence’.

I could go down your whole pathetic trip down ‘DeNile’, one opinion after another, in the face of facts, links, etc, without your offering one piece of evidence or link to support any of your diatribe… but I am tired of arguing with a highy opinionated delusional person. The FACTS has been repeatedly made by YOU that all you have is opinion and delusion.

Have fun with that.
Ever so often, Republicans come up with something that so stupid, they believe it must be true because, otherwise, no one could possibly make the claim. Why? Because it's so stupid.

To think the Obama was gunrunning to Mexico is stupid and tarded beyond belief. It's about ten thousand times more stupid than the birther thing. And you went there. Do you know how that makes you look?
Besides taking down Bin Laden, is there anything Republicans take responsibility for?

Obama took down bin Laden. Republicans weren't up to the task.

Besides taking down Bin Laden, is there anything Republicans take responsibility for?

Obama took down bin Laden. Republicans weren't up to the task.

Or else, for reasons only they can explain, they didn't want to.

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