Besides taking down Bin Laden, is there anything Republicans take responsibility for?

when left-wing nutjobs are down to the last dozen or so MSNBC viewers they'll all be down at Starbucks crying in their Double-foam soymilk latte about how they represent the "real" majority

idiots and hypocrites
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.

i know i know leftard; your community activist first found out about the plot when watching Fox News..................again???

No one in the history of the electronic world ever got smarter from watching Fox News. Look at yourself for instance....

yes loon; we need left-wing talking heads to show us failure really means success; or to openly dream of taking a dump in sarah paliin's mouth. thank God for "serious" left-wing journalism

like i said ur a joke

That's a pretty good example of "unhinged" journalism right there. Have you written for Fox News before?
Bagofwind writes illegible stupidity again. The very simple fact remains that if the Russians had shared intelligence the Boston Bombings may have been prevented. You're going to get run over barking at tires.

i know i know leftard; your community activist first found out about the plot when watching Fox News..................again???

No one in the history of the electronic world ever got smarter from watching Fox News. Look at yourself for instance....

yes loon; we need left-wing talking heads to show us failure really means success; or to openly dream of taking a dump in sarah paliin's mouth. thank God for "serious" left-wing journalism

like i said ur a joke

That's a pretty good example of "unhinged" journalism right there. Have you written for Fox News before?

nice deflection leftard!
nuhuh, post: 12032732, member: 54967: easyt65 responses in RED

Well easyt65, I bet you must be full of yourself after projecting that vomit all over the threads.

Funny that you bring up illegal drug running when not a single person was charged or convicted for it.
-- Please look at my post and READ it this time. I did not mention 'drug running' - YOU did. I mentioned how Obama ILLEGALLY RAN GUNS TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, a fact that is NOT questioned. Sorry, same thing though, no convictions, no charges.

Funny how the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood angle was debunked by more fraudulent claims that we were giving a billion and a half dollars to the Egyptian government when in reality that wasn't the case at all.
- The EMB 'angle'?! Do some research! After we helped oust Mubarak it was the Obama administration that pressured to move their elections up...and it just so happens, as Obama was warned, that the only group organizaed a nd prepared for such an event was the muslim Brotherhood. So tell me how is the Egyptian Brotherhood doing today?

How about a link to a reliable claim that Obama ran guns to Libyans?
- OK...NO PROBLEM: "The U.S. military has spent about $1 billion on Libya’s revolution, and secretly helped NATO with everything from munitions to surveillance aircraft. John Barry provides an exclusive look at Obama’s emerging 'covert intervention' strategy."
- America s Secret Libya War U.S. Spent 1 Billion on Covert Ops Helping NATO - The Daily Beast Really? The Daily Beast? How about a legitimate news source, even a foreign one?

You really need to offer a source for 20 SIMULTANEOUS attacks on embassies throughout the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11,because it doesn't exist except in some ratheads minds.
-- Where were you, in the secret underground bunker with Obama and Hillary?
-- "The Arab Spring President Barack Hussein Obama built, failed in a wave of riots and violence spanning 20+ countries throughout the Middle East and North Africa on 9/11/2012."
-- HERE'S JUST ONE: Family Security Matters (Let me guess, this is not a reliable source because YOU say so... lol) You claimed there were 20 simultaneous attacks in the Middle East on the same day. That is false the ONLY attack was at Benghazi.

You also need to substantiate the claim that Obama ran guns to Libyan terrorists out of Benghazi because without access to top secret intelligence it is just another lie.
-- You REALLY need to learn to READ! I said Obama ran weapons to SYRIAN Rebels out of Benghazi...
-- BREAKING REPORT SMOKING GUN US Was Running Weapons Thru Benghazi to Syria - The Gateway Pundit Please. The Gateway Pundit is the same as if I used Saturday Night Live as a source.

Your claim about Iranians seen in Yemen was a joke also S Arabia s claim on Iranian troops in Yemen a joke Analyst Veterans Today
- BREAKING U.S. Embassy EVACUATED in Yemen The Right Scoop -
- A Howling Success - WSJ You offer sources by "soopermexican" to qualify your article, Really?

The Ft Hood Massacre claim was not a terrorist attack was wrong also, the Pentagon said that by calling it a terrorist attack the military prosecutor hands were tied because under military justice rules the claim would be hard to prove. Also Purple Heart medal were awarded allowing victims access to military and veteran facilities. Another debunked claim.
- Obama and his administration were the ones to call the Ft. Hood Attack a case of 'work-place violence', which 1st prevented victims from receiving the Purple Heart and other status...changed ONLY due to public pressure.
-- I explained the Pentagon logic in avoiding charges of terrorism. All you have done is turned it into an opportunity to spread disinformation. Public pressure did end in victims receiving PHM and military care, but that's the way the system works at times. this point you SHOULD be embarassed and extremely tired of being proven wrong...I'm not embarrassed by a single thing, all you have done is offer weak fringe sites as backup for your claims. I'm not impressed by that, if you were a serious thinker you wouldn't be reading fringe material.

The real truth behind Russian intelligence and Tsarnaev, was the Russians kept the information from the FBI Russia hid info from FBI on Boston Marathon bombers - NY Daily News
- "Russia Warned FBI About Tamerlan Tsarnaev Before ..." / "Russia Told America To Detain Tamerlan Tsarnaev Years Ago" /
-,d.dmo Well that was a bunch of crap as well. Free Republic discussion over a NYT article. Why bother?

Afterwards, OBAMA claimed the Russians had kept info from which point Putin fired back and called 'B$' on Obama: "
Russia: US claims on Boston bombing a 'low blow" --- "Moscow (AFP) - Russia Saturday dismissed as a "low blow" claims that Moscow had failed to provide intelligence over one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, blaming anti-Russian sentiment in Washington over Ukraine."
-- Russia US claims on Boston bombing a low blow So superpowers disagree! Where in that is proof that the U.S. had info supplied by Russia?

Then you save the sourest part of your vomitus on your claim that Obama violated law by using Executive Order for the very same process that other presidents have used.
- I did say Obama appropriately used his authority in the War Powers Act to take the country to war on his own against Qadaffi. Tell me, though, was Qadaffi SUCH an immediate threat that Obama had to go it ALONE rather than go to Congress to gain support? Bush went to Congress to get approval to take the country to war against Iraq and Afghanistan...buyt you are telling us Qadaffi and Libya were a much greater threat, so much so that he could not wait to get Congressional approval / support! ROFLOL!
- And YES, when his time limit under the War Powers act expired he violated his authority by STILL refusing to go to Congress to make his case on why he should be allowed more time to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. As I made my point, he refused to because he couldn't sell Congress on helping the perpetrators of 9/11/01!I will actually agree with you about Gaddaffi, Democrats complained about Bush doing the very same type of cowboy foreign policy.

I won't bother to debunk your original claims, I really don't enjoy wading hip deep in shit. I would however appreciate that you source this crap as soon as possible so that others can see the truth behind your very dubious claims.

- You 'WON'T bother to because, as proven with all of your failed attempts, your opinionated rant is full of BUNK! You kept telling me I 'HAD TO' prove 'this', prove 'that', supply 'this', and supply 'that'. Unlike your long-winded highly-opinionated diatribe where you offered NOTHNG to support your own propaganda, I DID provide you with everything you asked for and more. And as your name implies, the only thing I expect from you now is the same thing your post here turned out to be: 'nuhuh!'Look, I pulled your pants down and everyone saw that your underwear was dirty. You should have listened to your mom. Next time give authoritative sources not dumb citations from places like the "Gateway Pundit" who has been debunked so many times it frankly isn't funny.
nuhuh, post:

Sorry, same thing though, no convictions, no charges.
-- You still avoided the fact I posted. And under Obama and his administration-supported illegal invasion, the FBI confirms 30% of violent murders is being perpetrated by violent illegals, that criminals, gangs, drug cartel members, and even terrorists have been able to and have crossed into the US as a direct result of his actions. He then 'doubles-down' by protecting the cities that provide Safe haven for these, further refusing to enforce existing law and protect US citizens.

So tell me how is the Egyptian Brotherhood doing today?
-- The Muslim Brotherhood, thanks to the Egyptian Military, has been overthrown, and - after they began to kill Chrsitians and others while they were in power - the new Egyptian Govt / military has banned them / made them illegal in I would hope our government would do to any terrorist organization that tried to take over our country.

NUHUH: How about a link to a reliable claim that Obama ran guns to Libyans?
EASY: OK...NO PROBLEM: "The U.S. military has spent about $1 billion on Libya’s revolution, and secretly helped NATO with everything from munitions to surveillance aircraft. John Barry provides an exclusive look at Obama’s emerging 'covert intervention' strategy."
nuhuh: The Daily Beast? How about a legitimate news source, even a foreign one?
-- easy: AS PREDICTED, not only did you immediately attempt to de-legitimize a source used because IT PROVED YOU WRONG, you made no effort to do any research and see the MANY OTHER sources that proved the same thing. You also made NO EFFORT to provide anything that backs your argument. "nuhuh" = OPINION versus FACTS provided.

easy: HERE'S JUST ONE: Family Security Matters (Let me guess, this is not a reliable source because YOU say so... lol) You claimed there were 20 simultaneous attacks in the Middle East on the same day.
nuhuh: "That is false the ONLY attack was at Benghazi."

-- I provided you with LINKS to the stories. You COULD have read FOR YOUSELF hoe, for example, the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt was not only attacked but was over-run on 9/11/12. I provide FACTS and LINKS...and you respond by saying, "nuhuh!' lol

*** Here's a couple of HEADLINES:
- "Muslims Attack US Embassy, Burn American Flag on 9/1112"
- "US Embassy attacked in Yemen on 9/11/12"

nuhuh: "The Gateway Pundit Please. The Gateway Pundit is the same as if I used Saturday Night Live as a source."
-- Once AGAIN you simply discard ONE of the links I provided, and there are many more, none of which you bothered to check out...because they inconveniently disprove what you are saying.

nuhuh: "soopermexican" to qualify your article, Really?
-- AGAIN, I posted a link to the Wall Street Journal, which you completely ignore in your response, probably because trying to decree the WSJ as 'not credible' is too much of a stretch even for you. lol

nuhuh (regarding the The Ft Hood Massacre claim): All you have done is turned it into an opportunity to spread disinformation. Public pressure did end in victims receiving PHM and military care, but that's the way the system works at times.
-- We do not disagree on how the system works...but it the American people should NOT have had to apply pressure to the Obama administration - who declared the Ft. hood Terrorist attack to be a case of 'workplace violence - to get troops wounded and killed in a blatant terrorist attack their earned benefits and status! This is just ANOTHER example of Obama's Islamic Extremist sympathizing and B$! this point you SHOULD be embarassed and extremely tired of being proven wrong...
- nuhuh: I'm not embarrassed by a single thing, all you have done is offer weak fringe sites as backup for your claims. I'm not impressed by that, if you were a serious thinker you wouldn't be reading fringe material.
-- EVERY propaganda-filled opinionated statement was DIS-PROVEN. Links, facts, and information was IGNORED by you, responded to by opinion and denial. And I read a LOT of things across the spectrum, which is the ONLY way you will every get anywhere near the truth. I posted the WSJ for you, and you refused to read / look at IT! It's not differen 'sources' you are AFRAID of / REFUSE to look at - it's anything that says anything that underminds your opinionated, liberal-brainwashing.

easy provided: Rssia Saturday dismissed as a "low blow" claims that Moscow had failed to provide intelligence over one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, blaming anti-Russian sentiment in Washington over Ukraine."
-- (Link) Ruussia says US claims on Boston bombing a low blow So superpowers disagree!
*** nuhuh responds: Where in that is proof that the U.S. had info supplied by Russia?

IF you had bothered to open up and read the link...or done any of your research would have seen how Putin / Russia told exactly what they had warned Obama about, would have seen the references and supporting sources / information. It is much easier to dismiss anyhting that undermies your opinion, though.

- easy: And YES, when his time limit under the War Powers act expired he violated his authority by STILL refusing to go to Congress to make his case on why he should be allowed more time to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. As I made my point, he refused to because he couldn't sell Congress on helping the perpetrators of 9/11/01!

- nuhuh: "I will actually agree with you about Gaddaffi, Democrats complained about Bush doing the very same type of cowboy foreign policy."
- You STILL can't admit to Obama doing anything wrong without trying to blame Bush for SOMETHING! The FACT is Bush did NOT engage in 'Cowboy Foreign Policy' in regards to Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush went to Congress and got approval to go to war from both Democrats AND Republicans!
-- OBAMA took the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya
-- Obama ran weapons to them in Libya on his own.
-- Obama was running guns to Syrian Rebels / ISIS from Benghazi

-- Obama took the agreement he made with Iran to the U.N. 1st before it had been ratified, UN-Constitutionally by-passaing Congress in doing so, so that he could get the UN to approve it BEFORE all the insane / disasterous secret imbedded agreements began coming to life like they are now!

nuhuh: (I won't bother to debunk...blah, blah, blah...) Look, I pulled your pants down and everyone saw that your underwear was dirty.
- You gave NOTHING except OPINION! Yu offered NO links, NO proof, NO evidence to support ANYTHING you stated..except for your own opinion. Your avatar is weel named, as people now see - Your entire response / post can be summed up with it: "Nuhuh!"
Last edited:
nuhuh, post:

Sorry, same thing though, no convictions, no charges.
-- You still avoided the fact I posted. And under Obama and his administration-supported illegal invasion, the FBI confirms 30% of violent murders is being perpetrated by violent illegals, that criminals, gangs, drug cartel members, and even terrorists have been able to and have crossed into the US as a direct result of his actions. He then 'doubles-down' by protecting the cities that provide Safe haven for these, further refusing to enforce existing law and protect US citizens. You ignore the fact that Obama has deported more illegal criminals than anyone else.

So tell me how is the Egyptian Brotherhood doing today?
-- The Muslim Brotherhood, thanks to the Egyptian Military, has been overthrown, and - after they began to kill Chrsitians and others while they were in power - the new Egyptian Govt / military has banned them / made them illegal in I would hope our government would do to any terrorist organization that tried to take over our country.The Egyptian military was the benefactor in the $1.5 billion in military aid that the right tried to say was going to the brotherhood. They were wrong then and they are wong as a point of history.

NUHUH: How about a link to a reliable claim that Obama ran guns to Libyans?
EASY: OK...NO PROBLEM: "The U.S. military has spent about $1 billion on Libya’s revolution, and secretly helped NATO with everything from munitions to surveillance aircraft. John Barry provides an exclusive look at Obama’s emerging 'covert intervention' strategy."
nuhuh: The Daily Beast? How about a legitimate news source, even a foreign one?
-- easy: AS PREDICTED, notonly did you immediately attempt to de-legitimize a source used because IT PROVED YOU WRONG, you made no effort to do any research and see the MANY OTHER sources that proved the same thing. "nuhuh" = OPINION versus FACTS provided. Nope. Almost any article you will find is supposition and guesswork since all documents concerning this are held by the CIA and are not available for view.

easy: HERE'S JUST ONE: Family Security Matters (Let me guess, this is not a reliable source because YOU say so... lol) You claimed there were 20 simultaneous attacks in the Middle East on the same day.
nuhuh: "That is false the ONLY attack was at Benghazi."

-- I provided you with LINKS to the stories. You COULD have read FOR YOUSELF hoe, for example, the US Embassy in Cairo, Egypt was not only attacked but was over-run on 9/11/12. I provide FACTS and LINKS...and you respond by saying, "nuhuh!' lol Sorry, there is no record of a terrorist attack on that day, period. You are contrasting protests with terrorism. That is wrong on many levels.

nuhuh: "The Gateway Pundit Please. The Gateway Pundit is the same as if I used Saturday Night Live as a source."
-- Once AGAIN you simply discard ONE of the links I provided, and there are many more, none of which you bothered to check out...because they inconveniently disprove what you are saying. You cannot source sites that do not cover issues without reporters, that is merely opinion. That is like me using an editorial as a source, it is always an opinion.

nuhuh: "soopermexican" to qualify your article, Really?
-- AGAIN, I posted a link to the Wall Street Journal, which you completely ignore in your response, probably because trying to decree the WSJ as 'not credible' is too much of a stretch even for you. lolLOL yourself, you know as well as I the Wall Street link is to a paid subscription and anything worthwhile is behind a firewall.

nuhuh (regarding the The Ft Hood Massacre claim): All you have done is turned it into an opportunity to spread disinformation. Public pressure did end in victims receiving PHM and military care, but that's the way the system works at times.
-- We do not disagree on how the system works...but it the American people should NOT have had to apply pressure to the Obama administration - who declared the Ft. hood Terrorist attack to be a case of 'workplace violence - to get troops wounded and killed in a blatant terrorist attack their earned benefits and status! This is just ANOTHER example of Obama's Islamic Extremist sympathizing and B$! As long as I have been alive the military does what it thinks best for itself first and beyond anything else. Its job was to get a conviction and the best way to do that was by not using terror claims as a prosecution tool. Had they lost a conviction of terror you would have been beating them over the head with it. this point you SHOULD be embarassed and extremely tired of being proven wrong...
- nuhuh: I'm not embarrassed by a single thing, all you have done is offer weak fringe sites as backup for your claims. I'm not impressed by that, if you were a serious thinker you wouldn't be reading fringe material.
-- EVERY propaganda-filled opinionated statement was DIS-PROVEN. Links, facts, and information was IGNORED by you, responded to by opinion and denial. And I read a LOT of things across the spectrum, which is the ONLY way you will every get anywhere near the truth. I posted the WSJ for you, and you refused to read / look at IT! It's not differen 'sources' you are AFRAID of / REFUSE to look at - it's anything that says anything that underminds your opinionated, liberal-brainwashing.I ignored your links for the reasons I explained. There are plenty of sources that are recognized as legitimate, you chose not to use them, Fox News puts reporters on the ground, The Daily Mail does also, The Washington Times is a legitimate source, but you insisted on using fringe news. The opinionated drool you call sourcing is pitiful and awful, it lacks seriousness, and honesty.

easy provided: Rssia Saturday dismissed as a "low blow" claims that Moscow had failed to provide intelligence over one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects, blaming anti-Russian sentiment in Washington over Ukraine."
-- (Link) Ruussia says US claims on Boston bombing a low blow So superpowers disagree!
*** nuhuh responds: Where in that is proof that the U.S. had info supplied by Russia?

IF you had bothered to open up and read the link...or done any of your research would have seen how Putin / Russia told exactly what they had warned Obama about, would have seen the references and supporting sources / information. It is much easier to dismiss anyhting that undermies your opinion, though. Don't you get it? There was nothing offered as proof. Putin said in an interview, it was denied by sources in the U.S. that amounts to nothing.

- easy: And YES, when his time limit under the War Powers act expired he violated his authority by STILL refusing to go to Congress to make his case on why he should be allowed more time to help Al Qaeida take over Libya. As I made my point, he refused to because he couldn't sell Congress on helping the perpetrators of 9/11/01! The AUMF originates from Congress, if they seriously wanted war they would have pushed and voted for it. Congress tied his hands fighting ISIS not the other way around.

- nuhuh: "I will actually agree with you about Gaddaffi, Democrats complained about Bush doing the very same type of cowboy foreign policy."
- You STILL can't admit to Obama doing anything wrong without trying to blame Bush for SOMETHING! The FACT is Bush did NOT engage in 'Cowboy Foreign Policy' in regards to Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush went to Congress and got approval to go to war from both Democrats AND Republicans! Bush was a cowboy and that's why he can't travel internationally by himself for fear of arrest for war crimes. That my friend is the definition of "cowboy"
-- OBAMA took the country to war on his own to help Al Qaeida take over Libya
-- Obama ran weapons to them in Libya on his own.
-- Obama was running guns to Syrian Rebels / ISIS from Benghazi

-- Obama took the agreement he made with Iran to the U.N. 1st before it had been ratified, UN-Constitutionally by-passaing Congress in doing so, so that he could get the UN to approve it BEFORE all the insane / disasterous secret imbedded agreements began coming to life like they are now!
You prove you are as bad as the links you provide.

nuhuh: (I won't bother to debunk...blah, blah, blah...) Look, I pulled your pants down and everyone saw that your underwear was dirty.
- You gave NOTHING except OPINION! Yu offered NO links, NO proof, NO evidence to support ANYTHING you stated..except for your own opinion. Your avatar is weel named, as people now see - Your entire response / post can be summed up with it: "Nuhuh!"
Nuhuh: You ignore the fact that Obama has deported more illegal criminals than anyone else.
- Since my original statement was how Obama illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug cartels, you talking about deportations is evidence of how desperately seek to change the subject.

The Egyptian military was the benefactor in the $1.5 billion in military aid that the right tried to say was going to the brotherhood. They were wrong then and they are wrong as a point of history.
- The Egyptian military did take over the money and equipment gave to the Muslim Brotherhood when they were ousted. You declaring the Egyptian military was WRONG to overthrow the TERRORIST Government Obama helped put in place says all we need to know about you. That is probably why you seem to have no problem with Obama having several M.B.-associated members on his Cabinet as ‘advisors.

Nope. Almost any article you will find is supposition and guesswork since all documents concerning this are held by the CIA and are not available for view.
- DESPITE the article outlining how Obama spent approx. $1 billion on Libya’s revolution and helped secretly with everything from ammo to surveillance planes, you STILL claim this is false, in the face of facts, without offering anything to support your claim. LOL … NEXT!

Sorry, there is no record of a terrorist attack on that day, period. You are contrasting protests with terrorism. That is wrong on many levels.
-- I am contrasting 'protests' with 'terrorism' the SAME WAY Obama does... The Cairo Embassy was OVERRUN, and the Embassy had to be EVACUATED. This attack was ONLY a 'protest' the way Benghazi was, which resulted in a destroyed compound and 4 dead Americans! You and Obama re 2 nutjobs, man.

Despite providing the link to the story about how the embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked on 9/11/12, you again declare ‘nuhuh’ without anything to support your delusional post. Wow!

As long as I have been alive the military does what it thinks best for itself first and beyond anything else.
- Spoken like obne who has obviously never served in the military…and while you continue to talk about the military, I post FACTS on how OBAMA declared the TERRORIST ATTACK to be a case of ‘workplace violence’.

I could go down your whole pathetic trip down ‘DeNile’, one opinion after another, in the face of facts, links, etc, without your offering one piece of evidence or link to support any of your diatribe… but I am tired of arguing with a highy opinionated delusional person. The FACTS has been repeatedly made by YOU that all you have is opinion and delusion.

Have fun with that.
Hey nuhuh...we never did talk about Obama's UN-Constitutional EPA that has already passed its own LAWS (which ONLY Congress can do) and that is waging Obama's war against fossil fuels.

Today is NOT a good day to be Obama's EPA, either --

An 80-mile length of mustard-colored water -- laden with arsenic, lead, copper, aluminum and cadmium -- is working its way south toward New Mexico and Utah, following Wednesday's accidental release from the Gold King Mine, near Durango, when an EPA cleanup crew destabilized a dam of loose rock lodged in the mine. The crew was supposed to pump out and decontaminate the sludge, but instead released it into tiny Cement Creek. From there, it flowed into the Animas River and made its way into larger tributaries, including the San Juan and Colorado rivers.

Visible from the air, the toxic slick prompted EPA Region 8 administrator Shaun McGrath to acknowledge the possibility of long-term damage from toxic metals. "The magnitude of it, you can’t even describe it," she said. "It’s like when I flew over the fires, your mind sees something it’s not ready or adjusted to see."

The infiltration of toxic material is a haunting memory for the Navajos who are still reeling and experiencing the adverse health effects of a uranium waste spill into a river outside of Gallup, N.M., some 36 years ago. On July 16, 1979, a dam failed in a uranium waste pond spilling 1,100 tons of solid radioactive mill waste and approximately 93 million U.S. gallons of acidic and radioactive tailings solution into a nearby river tributary.

So much for caring so much about the environement....the EPA just F* UP the environment far more than humans can do through carbon emissions! ROFLOL! Obama's administration strikes again!
Stop the presses: After violating both Constitution and Law, after engaging in Human Trafficking, after being found GUILTY of Contempt of Court for refusing to release documents, after vowing to protect Sanctuary Cities that violate US Federal law by providing Safe Haven for illegals that rape, rob, molest, and murder American citizens....Obama has FINALLY decided to get tough with Illegals:

Obama is going to launch a very serious PR Campaign to stop millions more illegals from crossing our borders! (More wasted tax dollars!) Obama's administration sttikes again! ROFLOL!

Obama Admin. Launches Media Campaign To Deter Illegal Immigration
Trying to get a republican to take responsibility is like trying to make cat love a bath
Trying to get a republican to take responsibility is like trying to make cat love a bath

since january of 2007 when the democrat majorities of both chambers of Congress, up until January of THIS YEAR; Democrats have had either all three parts of the law-making process, or 2/3 of the process; that being both chambers of congress, both chambers of congress AND the White House, or the Senate and the White House

and you have the gall to accuse others of not wanting to take responsiblity?

since you nutjobs in clownface are soooooooooooooooooooooooo predictable, remember that from january of 2007 on that Democrat majority was BIGGER than Bush's majority the previous years.
you didnt have a filibuster or veto-proof majority and neither did Bush. actually Democrats DID have a filibuster-proof majority for about 13 weeks

idiots and hypocrites
Nuhuh: You ignore the fact that Obama has deported more illegal criminals than anyone else.
- Since my original statement was how Obama illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug cartels, you talking about deportations is evidence of how desperately seek to change the subject. You brought up alien criminals in post #46 you really need to keep track of your own propaganda.

The Egyptian military was the benefactor in the $1.5 billion in military aid that the right tried to say was going to the brotherhood. They were wrong then and they are wrong as a point of history.
- The Egyptian military did take over the money and equipment gave to the Muslim Brotherhood when they were ousted. You declaring the Egyptian military was WRONG to overthrow the TERRORIST Government Obama helped put in place says all we need to know about you. That is probably why you seem to have no problem with Obama having several M.B.-associated members on his Cabinet as ‘advisors. You are harping over a non-issue, the brotherhood is gone and everything they owned has been confiscated. The so-called "advisors" are good Americans and their backgrounds have been vetted and established, smearing them is more infantile propaganda from the whiny right.

Nope. Almost any article you will find is supposition and guesswork since all documents concerning this are held by the CIA and are not available for view.
- DESPITE the article outlining how Obama spent approx. $1 billion on Libya’s revolution and helped secretly with everything from ammo to surveillance planes, you STILL claim this is false, in the face of facts, without offering anything to support your claim. LOL … NEXT! Two and two does not equal five. When you have evidence I guarantee there will be an investigation. There isn't, so your friends in Congress must not have anything.

Sorry, there is no record of a terrorist attack on that day, period. You are contrasting protests with terrorism. That is wrong on many levels.
-- I am contrasting 'protests' with 'terrorism' the SAME WAY Obama does... The Cairo Embassy was OVERRUN, and the Embassy had to be EVACUATED. This attack was ONLY a 'protest' the way Benghazi was, which resulted in a destroyed compound and 4 dead Americans! You and Obama re 2 nutjobs, man.You are making things up and now you are moving the goal posts. YOU said that there were 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on the anniversary of Sept 11th, there weren't. You made that up.

Despite providing the link to the story about how the embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked on 9/11/12, you again declare ‘nuhuh’ without anything to support your delusional post. Wow! So now it is one terrorist attack?

As long as I have been alive the military does what it thinks best for itself first and beyond anything else.
- Spoken like obne who has obviously never served in the military…and while you continue to talk about the military, I post FACTS on how OBAMA declared the TERRORIST ATTACK to be a case of ‘workplace violence’. Oh man, I am a veteran and a veteran of combat, I have bled for this country and have sacrificed in ways you would never know. Since you brought it up have you served? The Department of Defense and the Department of Justice declared the incident one of workplace violence, they got justice, in fact everyone got justice and care. More right wing doodoo.

I could go down your whole pathetic trip down ‘DeNile’, one opinion after another, in the face of facts, links, etc, without your offering one piece of evidence or link to support any of your diatribe… but I am tired of arguing with a highy opinionated delusional person. The FACTS has been repeatedly made by YOU that all you have is opinion and delusion.You haven't proven a single allegation. All you have put up is fringe ideas and innuendo. I would be more than happy to agree with you, but you have brought nothing to the table.

Have fun with that.
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Nuhuh: You ignore the fact that Obama has deported more illegal criminals than anyone else.
- Since my original statement was how Obama illegally ran guns to Mexican Drug cartels, you talking about deportations is evidence of how desperately seek to change the subject. You brought up alien criminals in post #46 you really need to keep track of your own propaganda.

The Egyptian military was the benefactor in the $1.5 billion in military aid that the right tried to say was going to the brotherhood. They were wrong then and they are wrong as a point of history.
- The Egyptian military did take over the money and equipment gave to the Muslim Brotherhood when they were ousted. You declaring the Egyptian military was WRONG to overthrow the TERRORIST Government Obama helped put in place says all we need to know about you. That is probably why you seem to have no problem with Obama having several M.B.-associated members on his Cabinet as ‘advisors. You are harping over a non-issue, the brotherhood is gone and everything they owned has been confiscated. The so-called "advisors" are good Americans and their backgrounds have been vetted and established, smearing them is more infantile propaganda from the whiny right.

Nope. Almost any article you will find is supposition and guesswork since all documents concerning this are held by the CIA and are not available for view.
- DESPITE the article outlining how Obama spent approx. $1 billion on Libya’s revolution and helped secretly with everything from ammo to surveillance planes, you STILL claim this is false, in the face of facts, without offering anything to support your claim. LOL … NEXT! Two and two does not equal five. When you have evidence I guarantee there will be an investigation. There isn't so your frieds in Congress must not have anything.

Sorry, there is no record of a terrorist attack on that day, period. You are contrasting protests with terrorism. That is wrong on many levels.
-- I am contrasting 'protests' with 'terrorism' the SAME WAY Obama does... The Cairo Embassy was OVERRUN, and the Embassy had to be EVACUATED. This attack was ONLY a 'protest' the way Benghazi was, which resulted in a destroyed compound and 4 dead Americans! You and Obama re 2 nutjobs, man.You are making things up and now you are moving the goal posts. YOU said that there were 20 simultaneous terrorist attacks on the anniversary of Sept 11th, there weren't. You made that up.

Despite providing the link to the story about how the embassy in Cairo, Egypt was attacked on 9/11/12, you again declare ‘nuhuh’ without anything to support your delusional post. Wow! So now it is one terrorist attack?

As long as I have been alive the military does what it thinks best for itself first and beyond anything else.
- Spoken like obne who has obviously never served in the military…and while you continue to talk about the military, I post FACTS on how OBAMA declared the TERRORIST ATTACK to be a case of ‘workplace violence’. Oh man, I am a veteran and a veteran of combat, I have bled for this country and have sacrificed in ways you would never know. Since you brought it up have you served? The Department of Defense and the Department of Justice declared the incident one of workplace violence, they got justice, in fact everyone got justice and care. More right wing doodoo.

I could go down your whole pathetic trip down ‘DeNile’, one opinion after another, in the face of facts, links, etc, without your offering one piece of evidence or link to support any of your diatribe… but I am tired of arguing with a highy opinionated delusional person. The FACTS has been repeatedly made by YOU that all you have is opinion and delusion.You haven't proven a single allegation. All you have put up is fringe ideas and innuendo. I would be more than happy to agree with you but you have brought nothing to the table.

Have fun with that.

you're simply a clown that cant admit he was bested
Trying to get a republican to take responsibility is like trying to make cat love a bath

since january of 2007 when the democrat majorities of both chambers of Congress, up until January of THIS YEAR; Democrats have had either all three parts of the law-making process, or 2/3 of the process; that being both chambers of congress, both chambers of congress AND the White House, or the Senate and the White House

and you have the gall to accuse others of not wanting to take responsiblity?

since you nutjobs in clownface are soooooooooooooooooooooooo predictable, remember that from january of 2007 on that Democrat majority was BIGGER than Bush's majority the previous years.
you didnt have a filibuster or veto-proof majority and neither did Bush. actually Democrats DID have a filibuster-proof majority for about 13 weeks

idiots and hypocrites

Wow, nothing like putting up evidence of majorities and getting nothing done, you already know all about that. Why don't you call John Boehner and Mitch McConnel and get a immigration bill done before the recess?
Trying to get a republican to take responsibility is like trying to make cat love a bath

since january of 2007 when the democrat majorities of both chambers of Congress, up until January of THIS YEAR; Democrats have had either all three parts of the law-making process, or 2/3 of the process; that being both chambers of congress, both chambers of congress AND the White House, or the Senate and the White House

and you have the gall to accuse others of not wanting to take responsiblity?

since you nutjobs in clownface are soooooooooooooooooooooooo predictable, remember that from january of 2007 on that Democrat majority was BIGGER than Bush's majority the previous years.
you didnt have a filibuster or veto-proof majority and neither did Bush. actually Democrats DID have a filibuster-proof majority for about 13 weeks

idiots and hypocrites

Wow, nothing like putting up evidence of majorities and getting nothing done, you already know all about that. Why don't you call John Boehner and Mitch McConnel and get a immigration bill done before the recess?

why doesnt your idiot president and party enforce current immigration law?
Fort Hood shooting victims will soon be eligible to receive ...
The Washington Times
Dec 3, 2014 - Victims of the Fort Hood shooting will soon be eligible to receive the ... a policy change that would officially recognize domestic terrorism as an issue, rather than the "workplace violence" designation the Obama administration had used. ... officials also worried deeming the shooting an act of terrorism while ...
We already discussed that.

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