best moments and most notable quotes from 2018 midterm debates/speeches/town halls


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
let me begin our journey by producing the debate where President Trump praised Kevin Cramer for dominating Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota Senate debate)

"under a single payer plan, that'll make the VA system look like the fast pass at Disneyworld" - Ron DeSantis
"The neighborhoods that I came from, not a lot of people got second chances... I wanted to make the most of my first chance.” - Alexandria Ocasio-Chavez
"Ron DeSantis had a great debate victory tonight against Andrew Gillum, a mayor who presides over one of the worst run, and most corrupt, cities in Florida. Ron will build on the great job done by Governor Rick Scott. Gillum will make Florida the next Venezuela!"
If you really investigate Scott, you will find now what is considered normal political behavior, increase personal wealth by lie, cheating, & not working for the best solutions for your state.
Pundits: McCaskill can’t win in rural Missouri. It’s just too red, the numbers aren’t there

Rural Missouri: Hold my Beer

We’re 15 days out and the energy is palpable
"The Fake News Media has been talking about recent approval ratings of me by countries around the world, including the European Union, as being very low

I say of course they’re low - because for the first time in 50 years I am making them pay a big price for doing business with America. Why should they like me? — But I still like them!" - President Trump
i'm paraphrasing slightly but Bannon basically said this in an interview with Australian TV: "these are not really 'midterms'...this is a battle to save Trump's presidency and to save Western civilization...if we lose, everything grinds to a halt"
The Republicans’ only hope of salvaging these elections—well, aside from cheating, which they’re also doing, most transparently in Georgia, but everywhere they can get away with it—is for their base to be absolutely panic-stricken with fear.
Seems like several races in the "Leans R" House column are appearing shakier for Rs: VA-5, OH-12, FL-15, PA-10 are some of them.

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