Best Summary of Hamas' Thinking and Objectives

Then it's up to the government of Israel to build bridges with the Palestinians in Gaza and give them a choice in who they select as leaders. So they don't turn to the worst elements.
Don't want to do that?...things stay the same. ^Shrug^.
Marxists and double talk go hand in hand.
He says as he looks in the mirror and realizes he is that which he posteth about. :auiqs.jpg:
No thinking and feeling human being supports a terrorist organization.
You lie about it because you believe it strengthens your chances of winning in November.

It won't. :)
He says as he looks in the mirror and realizes he is that which he posteth about. :auiqs.jpg:
No thinking and feeling human being supports a terrorist organization.
You lie about it because you believe it strengthens your chances of winning in November.

It won't. :)
No thinking and feeling human supports Hamas, but you and millions of other regressive democrats do.
No thinking and feeling human supports Hamas, but you and millions of other regressive democrats do.

NO one supports Hamas, but I certainly understand how Hamas happened. While Arafat, Abbas, and Fatah were stealing western aid and selling out to the Zionists, Hamas was out there providing services and charities in some of the poorest parts of Palestine.
Sure there is. The European Squatters go back to Europe where they came from and leave the Palestinians alone.

Will they fight among themselves? Sure. Not our problem.

Small mind little sense.

Yea. Before racist Arabization the area was different.

So "palestinisans" should get to back their original ARABIA. And why ask for a separate state anyhow???
Except the Palestinians are the descendents of the people who lived their originally and converted to Islam.

The replaced Aramaic with Arabic. (No one was speaking Hebrew at that point.)

The European Squatters, on the other hand, and just colonists from Europe. They can go back there.
Except the Palestinians are the descendents of the people who lived their originally and converted to Islam.

The replaced Aramaic with Arabic. (No one was speaking Hebrew at that point.)

The European Squatters, on the other hand, and just colonists from Europe. They can go back there.
You are lying.

The sad thing is that you KNOW you are lying.
You are lying.

The sad thing is that you KNOW you are lying.

He's telling the truth, The "Palestinians" are descendants of the people who lived in the region thousands of years ago, before any Jews existed. In fact all Jews are descended from Judah who descended from Abraham who migrated from Ur now inside modern Iraq - they are foreigners.

Furthermore "Jew" means a descendant of Judah or Benjamin, its excludes the other ten Israelite tribes. So calling the state today "Israel" is at very least disingenuous. The historic record shows too, that the Kingdom of Judah was even at war once with the Kingdom of Israel!

So naming the place "Israel" and only inviting Jews is about as idiotic as one can get. Modern Israel should be called "Judah" or their Basic Laws of Israel should be amended so the word "Jew" is replaced with the word "Israelite" but they won't do that because the racial supremacy doctrine would then be unworkable!

So we have land that to which Israelites migrated, now named Judah when historically Judah itself never occupied Israel it occupied the orange part here:


So the tribes of Judah or "Jews" even based on their own recorded history only ever occupied the region to the East of Gaza and South pf Jericho, the green part was occupied by the other tribes but these were not Jews and the Israeli "constitution" only recognizes Jews none of the other Israelite tribes, that's some racism right there, even excluding fellow Israelites.

Huge numbers of Palestinians are likely descended from these twelve tribes too, the Zionists are deranged monster and killing their own brethren.
He's telling the truth, The "Palestinians" are descendants of the people who lived in the region thousands of years ago, before any Jews existed. In fact all Jews are descended from Judah who descended from Abraham who migrated from Ur now inside modern Iraq - they are foreigners.

Furthermore "Jew" means a descendant of Judah or Benjamin, its excludes the other ten Israelite tribes. So calling the state today "Israel" is at very least disingenuous. The historic record shows too, that the Kingdom of Judah was even at war once with the Kingdom of Israel!

So naming the place "Israel" and only inviting Jews is about as idiotic as one can get. Modern Israel should be called "Judah" or their Basic Laws of Israel should be amended so the word "Jew" is replaced with the word "Israelite" but they won't do that because the racial supremacy doctrine would then be unworkable!

So we have land that to which Israelites migrated, now named Judah when historically Judah itself never occupied Israel it occupied the orange part here:

View attachment 970072

So the tribes of Judah or "Jews" even based on their own recorded history only ever occupied the region to the East of Gaza and South pf Jericho, the green part was occupied by the other tribes but these were not Jews and the Israeli "constitution" only recognizes Jews none of the other Israelite tribes, that's some racism right there, even excluding fellow Israelites.

Huge numbers of Palestinians are likely descended from these twelve tribes too, the Zionists are deranged monster and killing their own brethren.
After the advent of Zionism, hundreds of thousands of Arabs moved into the area from surrounding lands.

Most of the so- called "palestinians are descended from these immigrants.

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