Beto O’Rourke’s Charitable Donations Last Year: 0.3% Of His Income

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
Show proof he hasn't paid any taxes, or shut up.

Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
Lol, I think you need to reread that before you start calling names. You're so TDS you can't comprehend.

Read what dumbass?

I say Trump's family defrauded United States on their inheritance and skirted the law on paying taxes.

You say prove he didn't pay any taxes, while thats not at all what I said.

You want to talk to me? Fine, stop making up bullshit about what I say.
You really can't be that stupid? Lol, yes you are! You'e the one that's saying Trump skirted paying taxes. Are you saying he did now? Lol

There you go, now that you dropped the strawman time for some education:

Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show. Records indicate that Mr Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth ms more. He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of ms of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

These manoeuvres met with little resistance from the IRS, The New York Timesfound. The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1bn in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550m under the 55 per cent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

The Trumps paid a total of $52.2m, or about 5 per cent, tax records show.

Trump dodged hundreds of millions in inheritance taxes, documents show

Judge Barry had been a co-owner of a shell company — All County Building Supply & Maintenance — created by the [Trump] family to siphon cash from their father’s empire by marking up purchases already made by his employees, The Times investigation found. Judge Barry, her siblings and a cousin split the markup, free of gift and estate taxes, which at the time were levied at a much higher rate than income taxes.

Former prosecutors told The Times that if the authorities had discovered at the time how the Trumps were using All County, their actions would have warranted a criminal investigation for defrauding tenants, tax fraud and filing false documents.

Retiring as a Judge, Trump’s Sister Ends Court Inquiry Into Her Role in Tax Dodges
Show proof he hasn't paid any taxes, or shut up.

Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
Lol, I think you need to reread that before you start calling names. You're so TDS you can't comprehend.

Read what dumbass?

I say Trump's family defrauded United States on their inheritance and skirted the law on paying taxes.

You say prove he didn't pay any taxes, while thats not at all what I said.

You want to talk to me? Fine, stop making up bullshit about what I say.
You really can't be that stupid? Lol, yes you are! You'e the one that's saying Trump skirted paying taxes. Are you saying he did now? Lol

There you go, now that you dropped the strawman time for some education:

Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show. Records indicate that Mr Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth ms more. He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of ms of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

These manoeuvres met with little resistance from the IRS, The New York Timesfound. The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1bn in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550m under the 55 per cent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

The Trumps paid a total of $52.2m, or about 5 per cent, tax records show.

Trump dodged hundreds of millions in inheritance taxes, documents show

Judge Barry had been a co-owner of a shell company — All County Building Supply & Maintenance — created by the [Trump] family to siphon cash from their father’s empire by marking up purchases already made by his employees, The Times investigation found. Judge Barry, her siblings and a cousin split the markup, free of gift and estate taxes, which at the time were levied at a much higher rate than income taxes.

Former prosecutors told The Times that if the authorities had discovered at the time how the Trumps were using All County, their actions would have warranted a criminal investigation for defrauding tenants, tax fraud and filing false documents.

Retiring as a Judge, Trump’s Sister Ends Court Inquiry Into Her Role in Tax Dodges
How much jail time did he get?
Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
Lol, I think you need to reread that before you start calling names. You're so TDS you can't comprehend.

Read what dumbass?

I say Trump's family defrauded United States on their inheritance and skirted the law on paying taxes.

You say prove he didn't pay any taxes, while thats not at all what I said.

You want to talk to me? Fine, stop making up bullshit about what I say.
You really can't be that stupid? Lol, yes you are! You'e the one that's saying Trump skirted paying taxes. Are you saying he did now? Lol

There you go, now that you dropped the strawman time for some education:

Trump and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show. Records indicate that Mr Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth ms more. He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of ms of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

These manoeuvres met with little resistance from the IRS, The New York Timesfound. The president’s parents, Fred and Mary Trump, transferred well over $1bn in wealth to their children, which could have produced a tax bill of at least $550m under the 55 per cent tax rate then imposed on gifts and inheritances.

The Trumps paid a total of $52.2m, or about 5 per cent, tax records show.

Trump dodged hundreds of millions in inheritance taxes, documents show

Judge Barry had been a co-owner of a shell company — All County Building Supply & Maintenance — created by the [Trump] family to siphon cash from their father’s empire by marking up purchases already made by his employees, The Times investigation found. Judge Barry, her siblings and a cousin split the markup, free of gift and estate taxes, which at the time were levied at a much higher rate than income taxes.

Former prosecutors told The Times that if the authorities had discovered at the time how the Trumps were using All County, their actions would have warranted a criminal investigation for defrauding tenants, tax fraud and filing false documents.

Retiring as a Judge, Trump’s Sister Ends Court Inquiry Into Her Role in Tax Dodges
How much jail time did he get?

None, it's been more than 10 years, so no criminal charge could be brought for those specific actions. Trump's sister however was under professional (non-criminal) investigation that is not subject to statue of limitations and was forced into retirement to close it.

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