Beto O’Rourke’s Charitable Donations Last Year: 0.3% Of His Income

I thought he was a Socialist. Shouldn't he be giving more like $100,000 of his nearly $400,000 Salary to Charity instead of just $1,000?

They need to ask people like Bernie and Beto how will they keep their current standard of living paying 50-70% taxes?
They need to ask why if they are so big in to Socialism why they don't give more than 2-4% of their income to charity.
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates. Because, in the words of Animal Farm, they are more equal than you.

Read more at ^

The guy lives in a 4,700-square-foot home, according to the AP, and as of 2015 had a personal net worth of $9 million. His father-in-law is a bona fide real-estate tycoon who’s worth around $500 million by Forbes’s estimate. According to his newly released tax returns, he and his wife had income in 2017 of $370,412. Asked recently whether he’d support a wealth tax, O’Rourke answered in the affirmative: “I think fundamental to this experiment of America and democracy is ensuring we don’t have princes and princesses, kings and queens, a concentration of wealth and power and privilege, and that’s exactly what we have in this country right now.”

Total amount donated to charity in 2017: $1,166. Or 0.3 percent.

If you’re wondering whether that was an off-year for him in charitable giving, let Andrew Stiles set you straight:

O’Rourke, who released ten years worth of tax returns, has done well for himself over the years, but has not made a habit of donating a significant portion of his income to charity. Despite reporting an average annual income of $340,613 between 2008 and 2017, the candidate donated an average of just $2,430 to charity per year during that time, or 0.7 percent.

That’s considerably less than the average donation by Americans in lower income brackets. According to IRS data from 2016, Americans earning between $200,000 and $250,000 reported an average of $5,472 in charitable contributions, or about 2 percent of total income. It’s also less than half of what Joe Biden reported on his 2011 tax return (1.5 percent of total income in charitable donations), which resulted in the former veep being ridiculed as a cheapskate.

Per Stiles, in 2015 O’Rourke donated just $867 to charity, a rate of just 0.2 percent. How does he stack up with other Democratic candidates? Not well:

@JHWeissmann Here's how much of their income 2020 Dems gave to charity in 2017:

Beto - 0.31% (no, that's not a typo)
Harris - 1.4%
Gillibrand - 1.7%
Klobuchar - 1.9%
Sanders - 3.4%
Inslee - 4%
Warren - 5.5%

Why does it not surprise me that Warren leads the pack?

The Daily 202: Tax returns show 2020 candidates gave to charity, but not a ton Beto O’Rourke gave one-third of 1 percent.
I bet if we ever get to see Trump's donations it won't be much either.

Yes he donates his WHOLE SALARY as president....How many hundreds of thousands do the others donate?....You are too easy, that is why I rarely answer a troll for the DemonRATS!
0.3 percent

More than Trump donated

TRUMP donates his POTUS salary, and both Jarad and Ivanka don't take a salary.

While Bernie and Beto take full advantage of tax breaks they don't support and not one of the democrats running for 2020 who have released their taxes has charitable donations to balance out the difference. In other words if they support taxing themselves 25-50% more, their charitable giving should equal that amount.
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates.

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
Show proof he hasn't paid any taxes, or shut up.

Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates.

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
HIS OWN CHARITY......What do you NOT understand about that?......And since I run a cat rescue WAY MORE than you MY ABNORMAL friend!

Yes dumbass, not even his own charity - a scam ordered to cease its bullshit little existence by the state.
Yes, a DeathRAT controlled state....ROTFLMFAO

Jesus you are retarded. Democrats can’t just close charities they don’t happen to like.
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates.

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
HIS OWN CHARITY......What do you NOT understand about that?......And since I run a cat rescue WAY MORE than you MY ABNORMAL friend!

Yes dumbass, not even his own charity - a scam ordered to cease its bullshit little existence by the state.
Yes, a DeathRAT controlled state....ROTFLMFAO

Jesus you are retarded. Democrats can’t just close charities they don’t happen to like.
Of course they can when they are in charge of a states judicial system and the defendant is Trump.... Damn you are slow!
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates. Because, in the words of Animal Farm, they are more equal than you.

Read more at ^

The guy lives in a 4,700-square-foot home, according to the AP, and as of 2015 had a personal net worth of $9 million. His father-in-law is a bona fide real-estate tycoon who’s worth around $500 million by Forbes’s estimate. According to his newly released tax returns, he and his wife had income in 2017 of $370,412. Asked recently whether he’d support a wealth tax, O’Rourke answered in the affirmative: “I think fundamental to this experiment of America and democracy is ensuring we don’t have princes and princesses, kings and queens, a concentration of wealth and power and privilege, and that’s exactly what we have in this country right now.”

Total amount donated to charity in 2017: $1,166. Or 0.3 percent.

If you’re wondering whether that was an off-year for him in charitable giving, let Andrew Stiles set you straight:

O’Rourke, who released ten years worth of tax returns, has done well for himself over the years, but has not made a habit of donating a significant portion of his income to charity. Despite reporting an average annual income of $340,613 between 2008 and 2017, the candidate donated an average of just $2,430 to charity per year during that time, or 0.7 percent.

That’s considerably less than the average donation by Americans in lower income brackets. According to IRS data from 2016, Americans earning between $200,000 and $250,000 reported an average of $5,472 in charitable contributions, or about 2 percent of total income. It’s also less than half of what Joe Biden reported on his 2011 tax return (1.5 percent of total income in charitable donations), which resulted in the former veep being ridiculed as a cheapskate.

Per Stiles, in 2015 O’Rourke donated just $867 to charity, a rate of just 0.2 percent. How does he stack up with other Democratic candidates? Not well:

@JHWeissmann Here's how much of their income 2020 Dems gave to charity in 2017:

Beto - 0.31% (no, that's not a typo)
Harris - 1.4%
Gillibrand - 1.7%
Klobuchar - 1.9%
Sanders - 3.4%
Inslee - 4%
Warren - 5.5%

Why does it not surprise me that Warren leads the pack?

The Daily 202: Tax returns show 2020 candidates gave to charity, but not a ton Beto O’Rourke gave one-third of 1 percent.
what was yours?
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates. Because, in the words of Animal Farm, they are more equal than you.

Read more at ^

The guy lives in a 4,700-square-foot home, according to the AP, and as of 2015 had a personal net worth of $9 million. His father-in-law is a bona fide real-estate tycoon who’s worth around $500 million by Forbes’s estimate. According to his newly released tax returns, he and his wife had income in 2017 of $370,412. Asked recently whether he’d support a wealth tax, O’Rourke answered in the affirmative: “I think fundamental to this experiment of America and democracy is ensuring we don’t have princes and princesses, kings and queens, a concentration of wealth and power and privilege, and that’s exactly what we have in this country right now.”

Total amount donated to charity in 2017: $1,166. Or 0.3 percent.

If you’re wondering whether that was an off-year for him in charitable giving, let Andrew Stiles set you straight:

O’Rourke, who released ten years worth of tax returns, has done well for himself over the years, but has not made a habit of donating a significant portion of his income to charity. Despite reporting an average annual income of $340,613 between 2008 and 2017, the candidate donated an average of just $2,430 to charity per year during that time, or 0.7 percent.

That’s considerably less than the average donation by Americans in lower income brackets. According to IRS data from 2016, Americans earning between $200,000 and $250,000 reported an average of $5,472 in charitable contributions, or about 2 percent of total income. It’s also less than half of what Joe Biden reported on his 2011 tax return (1.5 percent of total income in charitable donations), which resulted in the former veep being ridiculed as a cheapskate.

Per Stiles, in 2015 O’Rourke donated just $867 to charity, a rate of just 0.2 percent. How does he stack up with other Democratic candidates? Not well:

@JHWeissmann Here's how much of their income 2020 Dems gave to charity in 2017:

Beto - 0.31% (no, that's not a typo)
Harris - 1.4%
Gillibrand - 1.7%
Klobuchar - 1.9%
Sanders - 3.4%
Inslee - 4%
Warren - 5.5%

Why does it not surprise me that Warren leads the pack?

The Daily 202: Tax returns show 2020 candidates gave to charity, but not a ton Beto O’Rourke gave one-third of 1 percent.
what was yours?
You writing a book, ABNORMAL?....Leave that chapter out ....And yours?
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates.

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
Show proof he hasn't paid any taxes, or shut up.

Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
Lol, I think you need to reread that before you start calling names. You're so TDS you can't comprehend.
Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
HIS OWN CHARITY......What do you NOT understand about that?......And since I run a cat rescue WAY MORE than you MY ABNORMAL friend!

Yes dumbass, not even his own charity - a scam ordered to cease its bullshit little existence by the state.
Yes, a DeathRAT controlled state....ROTFLMFAO

Jesus you are retarded. Democrats can’t just close charities they don’t happen to like.
Of course they can when they are in charge of a states judicial system and the defendant is Trump.... Damn you are slow!

You are clearly a separated from reality conspiracy nutter.

This is not a Banna Republic, this is United States of America with a judiciary well insulated from partisan politics. When the state sends a cease and desist letter to an organization you bet your sweet little nutter cheeks that letter will be thrown right in the garbage bin unless it is backed by evidence that can stand the legal scrutiny.

On June 14, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a civil lawsuit against the foundation as well as Trump himself and Trump's three adult children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr., alleging "persistently illegal conduct" with respect to the foundation's money.[9][10][11] She asked the court for an order dissolving the charity and imposing $2.8 million in restitution and penalties. She also made referrals to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).[12] On June 18, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's office announced that the governor would refer the civil case to New York's Department of Taxation and Finance if it is requested to do so by the Attorney General's office.[13] Given the violations alleged in the civil case, some experts believe a tax investigation could lead to state criminal charges filed against Trump.[13][14] On December 18, 2018, Attorney General Underwood announced that the foundation had agreed to shut down under court supervision and distribute its remaining assets to court-approved charities, although she did not end investigations of the foundation and its directors.[15]

Donald J. Trump Foundation - Wikipedia
HIS OWN CHARITY......What do you NOT understand about that?......And since I run a cat rescue WAY MORE than you MY ABNORMAL friend!

Yes dumbass, not even his own charity - a scam ordered to cease its bullshit little existence by the state.
Yes, a DeathRAT controlled state....ROTFLMFAO

Jesus you are retarded. Democrats can’t just close charities they don’t happen to like.
Of course they can when they are in charge of a states judicial system and the defendant is Trump.... Damn you are slow!

You are clearly a separated from reality conspiracy nutter.

This is not a Banna Republic, this is United States of America with a judiciary well insulated from partisan politics. When the state sends a cease and desist letter to an organization you bet your sweet little nutter cheeks that letter will be thrown right in the garbage bin unless it is backed by evidence that can stand the legal scrutiny.

On June 14, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a civil lawsuit against the foundation as well as Trump himself and Trump's three adult children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr., alleging "persistently illegal conduct" with respect to the foundation's money.[9][10][11] She asked the court for an order dissolving the charity and imposing $2.8 million in restitution and penalties. She also made referrals to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).[12] On June 18, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's office announced that the governor would refer the civil case to New York's Department of Taxation and Finance if it is requested to do so by the Attorney General's office.[13] Given the violations alleged in the civil case, some experts believe a tax investigation could lead to state criminal charges filed against Trump.[13][14] On December 18, 2018, Attorney General Underwood announced that the foundation had agreed to shut down under court supervision and distribute its remaining assets to court-approved charities, although she did not end investigations of the foundation and its directors.[15]

Donald J. Trump Foundation - Wikipedia
Barbara Underwood
Solicitor General of New York


Office: Solicitor General of New York since 2019
Party: Democratic Party

I believe you have proven my point....and NOTHING about the Clinton Crime Family Foundation......ROTFLMFAO
The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates.

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
Show proof he hasn't paid any taxes, or shut up.

Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
Lol, I think you need to reread that before you start calling names. You're so TDS you can't comprehend.

Read what dumbass?

I say Trump's family defrauded United States on their inheritance and skirted the law on paying taxes.

You say prove he didn't pay any taxes, while thats not at all what I said.

You want to talk to me? Fine, stop making up bullshit about what I say.
Yes dumbass, not even his own charity - a scam ordered to cease its bullshit little existence by the state.
Yes, a DeathRAT controlled state....ROTFLMFAO

Jesus you are retarded. Democrats can’t just close charities they don’t happen to like.
Of course they can when they are in charge of a states judicial system and the defendant is Trump.... Damn you are slow!

You are clearly a separated from reality conspiracy nutter.

This is not a Banna Republic, this is United States of America with a judiciary well insulated from partisan politics. When the state sends a cease and desist letter to an organization you bet your sweet little nutter cheeks that letter will be thrown right in the garbage bin unless it is backed by evidence that can stand the legal scrutiny.

On June 14, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a civil lawsuit against the foundation as well as Trump himself and Trump's three adult children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr., alleging "persistently illegal conduct" with respect to the foundation's money.[9][10][11] She asked the court for an order dissolving the charity and imposing $2.8 million in restitution and penalties. She also made referrals to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).[12] On June 18, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's office announced that the governor would refer the civil case to New York's Department of Taxation and Finance if it is requested to do so by the Attorney General's office.[13] Given the violations alleged in the civil case, some experts believe a tax investigation could lead to state criminal charges filed against Trump.[13][14] On December 18, 2018, Attorney General Underwood announced that the foundation had agreed to shut down under court supervision and distribute its remaining assets to court-approved charities, although she did not end investigations of the foundation and its directors.[15]

Donald J. Trump Foundation - Wikipedia
Barbara Underwood
Solicitor General of New York
View attachment 256392


Office: Solicitor General of New York since 2019
Party: Democratic Party

I believe you have proven my point....and NOTHING about the Clinton Crime Family Foundation......ROTFLMFAO

Yes, a DeathRAT controlled state....ROTFLMFAO

Jesus you are retarded. Democrats can’t just close charities they don’t happen to like.
Of course they can when they are in charge of a states judicial system and the defendant is Trump.... Damn you are slow!

You are clearly a separated from reality conspiracy nutter.

This is not a Banna Republic, this is United States of America with a judiciary well insulated from partisan politics. When the state sends a cease and desist letter to an organization you bet your sweet little nutter cheeks that letter will be thrown right in the garbage bin unless it is backed by evidence that can stand the legal scrutiny.

On June 14, 2018, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood filed a civil lawsuit against the foundation as well as Trump himself and Trump's three adult children, Ivanka, Eric, and Donald Jr., alleging "persistently illegal conduct" with respect to the foundation's money.[9][10][11] She asked the court for an order dissolving the charity and imposing $2.8 million in restitution and penalties. She also made referrals to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).[12] On June 18, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's office announced that the governor would refer the civil case to New York's Department of Taxation and Finance if it is requested to do so by the Attorney General's office.[13] Given the violations alleged in the civil case, some experts believe a tax investigation could lead to state criminal charges filed against Trump.[13][14] On December 18, 2018, Attorney General Underwood announced that the foundation had agreed to shut down under court supervision and distribute its remaining assets to court-approved charities, although she did not end investigations of the foundation and its directors.[15]

Donald J. Trump Foundation - Wikipedia
Barbara Underwood
Solicitor General of New York
View attachment 256392


Office: Solicitor General of New York since 2019
Party: Democratic Party

I believe you have proven my point....and NOTHING about the Clinton Crime Family Foundation......ROTFLMFAO

DemonRAT JUDGE....Come on jackass hand picked to get the right decision....never hear of judge shopping?

Think not?


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The biggest liberals and socialists are also the biggest cheapskates.

Are they?

Donald Trump hasn't donated to his own charity since 2008...and let's not forget how he and his family defraud United States and skirt the law on paying taxes.

And by the way, how much did you donate mr.Charity?
Show proof he hasn't paid any taxes, or shut up.

Idiot, you are the only one here that brought up NO taxes.
Lol, I think you need to reread that before you start calling names. You're so TDS you can't comprehend.

Read what dumbass?

I say Trump's family defrauded United States on their inheritance and skirted the law on paying taxes.

You say prove he didn't pay any taxes, while thats not at all what I said.

You want to talk to me? Fine, stop making up bullshit about what I say.
You really can't be that stupid? Lol, yes you are! You'e the one that's saying Trump skirted paying taxes. Are you saying he did now? Lol
As it has long been said, liberals are people who are "generous" with other people's money.

Embarrassingly accurate. These asshole liberals constantly blather on about fairness and fair share and the poor while hoarding every dollar they can scrape together.

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