Beto Sells America Out


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Beto O'Rourke gets endorsement from a Mexican President Vincente Fox who admitted that money sent from Mexican workers in the USA reached $12 billion in 2003, and that remittances were their "biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism, or foreign investment."

Money sent from Mexican workers in the United States to their families back home has reached a record $12 billion in 2003, Mexican President Vicente Fox said Wednesday. Remittances "are our biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism or foreign investment."

The flattery that turned Beto south of the border: ‘Fantastic’ Beto O’Rourke gets endorsement from former Mexican President Vicente Fox

Remittance history on President Fox's presidency: Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

What say you?
In 2004, Mexico's remittances from Mexican-America workers was $16.6 billion American dollars.
In 2005, Mexico's remittances from Mexican-America workers was projected at $21 billion American dollars.
From 2006 - 2018, and counting the years before 2004, for all the money we've had to dole out to educate, medicate, incarcerate, Mexico has enriched itself by a trillion dollars, and American taxpayers pay that much per annum to take care of these folks, while we underpay our own.

No wonder Mexico encourages their hardened criminals to take early release, cross the border, and never come back to Mexico.

Do we really want someone in the Senate who wants an open border with this parasitic yen for free money from people who were peons in Mexico before crossing the border? It keeps migrants poor over here, too. Not only that, but millions of jobless Mexicans came over here, because the government there has a system that makes the rich richer and the poor so poor they despise them if they can't afford to buy a tortillia. So they save money by dumping their problems on our border, so we have to jail serial rapists, murderers, thieves, and hospitalize mentally ill and handicapped Mexicans because the rich over there are relentlessly selfish to the point they deny their citizens educations, medical treatment, jobs, and food, plus they expose children to drug usage and sales marketeers and teach them how to donkey other poor people to America and sneak them in like thieves in the night awaiting generous Americans to be drained of their resources while they take those able to do physical labor to farms where they do the hardest labor for the least amount of wages possible where jointly, they can send billions of dollars back to Mexico, which is now so dependent on these billions of dollars they're going to drain this country of resources that should be going to our handicapped and elderly people who furnished social security dollars for their retirement by forced deductions from their paychecks for 30 or 40 years of their lives, only now to have no interest and the meagerest of money that can't support one person, much less two due to having to support all of Mexico's dumped people.

Those drugs they sent over here? Every one of us has an extended family member who died or was disabled from an early age on Mexican cartel drugs sent over with donkeys carrying illegal aliens.

Beto wants more of our money to go there, while border states tax their citizens to death with unbelievable taxes and no services for our people. All that money we are charged for owning property is not for us, no, it's for DNC pet rock projects to gain voters for themselves.

In fact, Beto if he can unseat Cruz, will not be paying attention to the money except what others do in his place. He's at risk for destroying the financial structure President Trump is building. I hope we're smarter now, when we look at the bottom line, and tell Mexico to take care of their own people.

IOW, we are a slave state to Mexico as long as we have to overpay taxes for creepy politicians to give away to a state that uses us like … I'll let someone else fill in the blank.
News flash, Rep O'Rourke did not say he wants an open boarder. Vote Cruz out!!
So far, the inexperienced Mr. O'Rourke is plowing with the wrong cow. He's associating himself heavily with people who profit their brains out on American taxpayers' losses, and I doubt America First has ever crossed his mind.

OTOH, Cruz is on-the-job steady, he's open conversation with his constituents, and he keeps taxes low, supports the Constitution, and works hard.

Beto just doesn't measure up to Senator Cruz, and never will with his head so far up his butt he thinks voters won't notice he wants them to pay for his pet rock project of supporting the wealth of Mexico on the backs of American taxpayers, and he will have to reduce further the paltry benefits of American citizens in order to spend billions more on emptying all Mexico's problems for his personal pleasure.

I ain't buyin' what Mr. O'Rourke is selling.
I can't vote in TX but I would vote Cruz out in a flash. I watched his town hall last night and I liked what I seen.
Beto O'Rourke gets endorsement from a Mexican President Vincente Fox who admitted that money sent from Mexican workers in the USA reached $12 billion in 2003, and that remittances were their "biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism, or foreign investment."

Money sent from Mexican workers in the United States to their families back home has reached a record $12 billion in 2003, Mexican President Vicente Fox said Wednesday. Remittances "are our biggest source of foreign income, bigger than oil, tourism or foreign investment."

The flattery that turned Beto south of the border: ‘Fantastic’ Beto O’Rourke gets endorsement from former Mexican President Vicente Fox

Remittance history on President Fox's presidency: Vicente Fox Says Remittances Largest Source Of Revenue Since 2003, Gloats At Getting Illegals And Matricula Consular Into US : Diggers Realm

What say you?

That money is a big part of the Mexican economy. The Govt. of Mexico wants more illegals in America to send more dollars home.

If the wall is built and illegals can't get across the border then the economy will be in bad shape.

At for Beto. No way will he get elected. He's just pissing up a rope.
News flash, Rep O'Rourke did not say he wants an open boarder. Vote Cruz out!!
So far, the inexperienced Mr. O'Rourke is plowing with the wrong cow. He's associating himself heavily with people who profit their brains out on American taxpayers' losses, and I doubt America First has ever crossed his mind.

OTOH, Cruz is on-the-job steady, he's open conversation with his constituents, and he keeps taxes low, supports the Constitution, and works hard.

Beto just doesn't measure up to Senator Cruz, and never will with his head so far up his butt he thinks voters won't notice he wants them to pay for his pet rock project of supporting the wealth of Mexico on the backs of American taxpayers, and he will have to reduce further the paltry benefits of American citizens in order to spend billions more on emptying all Mexico's problems for his personal pleasure.

I ain't buyin' what Mr. O'Rourke is selling.

You are right, he does not measure up to Cruz, he is way above him.
You people need to understand something before it's too late --

We're Not Battling Craziness. We're Battling Evil.

As Selwyn Duke alluded to recently, and others noted more directly years ago, modern liberalism – aided and abetted by the Democratic Party – is a dastardly tool of the enemy of all mankind. It's like a modern-day Mephistopheles luring hordes of Faustian fools with promises of worldly pleasure – especially sex – and perpetual provision from a paternalistic, godless nanny state. Such dark pursuits consume their personal lives and thus their politics as well. This is what results when one makes a god of government.
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