Better Go See Saul


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Saul Alinsky was and is Hillary's mentor His Book 'Rules for Radicals' shows how to change a free society to Socialism. He deadacated his book to Satan Now I understand why it's Hillary's and democRats rules to live by. It gives the steps to change a free nation to Socialism. Now you rabid leftist need to keep up. but if you don't you deserve what you get.

First you must control health care. If you control the people's health care you also control the people. and democrats passed that law lying through their teeth not taking no for an answer. Over doubling my cost for half the benefits and a deductible I could never reach. I know for a fact there is a death squad because my daughter has a heart pace maker. She is 100% dependent on it.2 years ago to get a doctor to change the battery We had to wait till the emergency beeper was going off in her devise. I wonder how much money government saved from batteries going dead killing the person waiting for the last minute and how lucky these democrat tyrants are one wasn't my daughter.

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. We now spend a trillion a year and it's 10 times more than it was when democRats started their control of the poor and that is why they did it. Tell me did this setoff any bells in your head democrats? I didn't think so. YOU NEED TO START READING FROM THE BEGINING AGAIN AS MANY TIMES AS IT TAKES BECAUSE YOU WILL DIE IF YOU MISS THIS BOAT WHEN THE CASH VANISHES

3) Debt —The democrat plan was never to end poverty. Both parties have spent money like it was someone else who owned it. There hasn't been a bill passed that wasn't loaded with pork and when has a program not run over budget, not a few dollars over budget but some 10 times over budget as the freeway and tunnel project in New York Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Did this set off any bells in your head? I didn't think so. SO GO NO FURTHER UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE.

4) Gun Control —MAYBE YOU HAVE FORMED A CLUE OF WHY THESE TYRANTS WANT THE GUNS USED LESS THAN A HAMMER TO KILL WHEN HAND GUNS KILLED TENS OF THOUSANDS IN THE US. BECAUSE NO HAND GUN HAS THE STOPPING POWER TO TAKE DOWN A HUMAN every time. Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government that was our one right all founders took extra steps to explain but they never though Americans would get so stupid they would ignore all the warnings they left us.
Some even sing the tyrants song of disarm and bow down That way you are able to create a police state. Once you get their gun then you can do what ever. Some of these democrats support this madness and if you are one of these people you need to kill yourself to raise the IQ level average by 10 to 15 points.
I hope no one thinks Crusty Joe is doing this to save anybody or anyone As everything else it is to control. IF YOUR HOME IS SMASHED IN BY INVADERS IN THE DARK OF NIGHT WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE IN YOUR HAND A CELL PHONE OR A GUN. Do you think the police will save you? Everyone that has sued a police department because of someone who should be alive but dead to police mismanagement has lost. Police have no duty to save you as they are there to protect the population as a whole. Making the citizen a subject of the state now doing what ever government says as you have no means of disagreeing. Government owns you and can send Jack Booted Thugs to jail you or kill you. Governments have killed more humans that war, sickness, accidents. and all other causes of death. Patrict Henry said once you give up your arms you are ruined. FREEDOM IS WHEN A GOVERNMENT FEAR IT'S PEOPLE.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). If you can't stand on your own two feet government owns you and you will do it's biding with no other option. There were 70 different welfare program. Only one showed to improve a person's life. It was called workfare As you were helped you were also required to work. As you worked you were learning a trade and over time you became one responsible for your own life. But more times than not this wisdom lead to Democrats changing to Republicans so 0bama illegally ended this program.

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school. Let's face it our children's education is a far cry from 30 years ago. If you doughty this ask your child a few questions about our founders or about the documents that founded this nation. If you are a young family you may have to seek out the answers before you ask the questions.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.Taking religion and God out of the schools and government has already happened. It was the single worst thing that happened. It removed all morality from our youth. Killing by our young at the drop of a hat and the ones doing the killing put no value on their own life. What young man could beat on the elderly as we all saw on the tube this last year, an issue 30 years ago was never done or though of. Abortion on demand. We call it a woman's right. I'm sure God has another word for it.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.Democrats have use this in many ways. Not by only rich and poor but by race, gender, and left and right handed if they could get away with. I am the average person and race has never been a problem with me. Anyone that has a problem with race drilled into their head by government needs to take a step backwards and ask them self one question. Out of the tens of thousands of people I have crossed paths in my life how many were the same? IF ANYONE SEES A WHITE SUPREMEST LET ME KNOW. I have never seen one.

Ask yourself one more question. Which party has these 8 policies in their party as unwritten law and has fought to imply them for 50 years?


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Saul Alinsky was and is Hillary's mentor His Book 'Rules for Radicals' shows how to change a free society to Socialism. He deadacated his book to Satan Now I understand why it's Hillary's and democRats rules to live by. It gives the steps to change a free nation to Socialism. Now you rabid leftist need to keep up. but if you don't you deserve what you get.

First you must control health care. If you control the people's health care you also control the people. and democrats passed that law lying through their teeth not taking no for an answer. Over doubling my cost for half the benefits and a deductible I could never reach. I know for a fact there is a death squad because my daughter has a heart pace maker. She is 100% dependent on it.2 years ago to get a doctor to change the battery We had to wait till the emergency beeper was going off in her devise. I wonder how much money government saved from batteries going dead killing the person waiting for the last minute and how lucky these democrat tyrants are one wasn't my daughter.

2) Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. We now spend a trillion a year and it's 10 times more than it was when democRats started their control of the poor and that is why they did it. Tell me did this setoff any bells in your head democrats? I didn't think so. YOU NEED TO START READING FROM THE BEGINING AGAIN AS MANY TIMES AS IT TAKES BECAUSE YOU WILL DIE IF YOU MISS THIS BOAT WHEN THE CASH VANISHES

3) Debt —The democrat plan was never to end poverty. Both parties have spent money like it was someone else who owned it. There hasn't been a bill passed that wasn't loaded with pork and when has a program not run over budget, not a few dollars over budget but some 10 times over budget as the freeway and tunnel project in New York Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. Did this set off any bells in your head? I didn't think so. SO GO NO FURTHER UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE.

4) Gun Control —MAYBE YOU HAVE FORMED A CLUE OF WHY THESE TYRANTS WANT THE GUNS USED LESS THAN A HAMMER TO KILL WHEN HAND GUNS KILLED TENS OF THOUSANDS IN THE US. BECAUSE NO HAND GUN HAS THE STOPPING POWER TO TAKE DOWN A HUMAN every time. Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government that was our one right all founders took extra steps to explain but they never though Americans would get so stupid they would ignore all the warnings they left us.
Some even sing the tyrants song of disarm and bow down That way you are able to create a police state. Once you get their gun then you can do what ever. Some of these democrats support this madness and if you are one of these people you need to kill yourself to raise the IQ level average by 10 to 15 points.
I hope no one thinks Crusty Joe is doing this to save anybody or anyone As everything else it is to control. IF YOUR HOME IS SMASHED IN BY INVADERS IN THE DARK OF NIGHT WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE IN YOUR HAND A CELL PHONE OR A GUN. Do you think the police will save you? Everyone that has sued a police department because of someone who should be alive but dead to police mismanagement has lost. Police have no duty to save you as they are there to protect the population as a whole. Making the citizen a subject of the state now doing what ever government says as you have no means of disagreeing. Government owns you and can send Jack Booted Thugs to jail you or kill you. Governments have killed more humans that war, sickness, accidents. and all other causes of death. Patrict Henry said once you give up your arms you are ruined. FREEDOM IS WHEN A GOVERNMENT FEAR IT'S PEOPLE.

5) Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income). If you can't stand on your own two feet government owns you and you will do it's biding with no other option. There were 70 different welfare program. Only one showed to improve a person's life. It was called workfare As you were helped you were also required to work. As you worked you were learning a trade and over time you became one responsible for your own life. But more times than not this wisdom lead to Democrats changing to Republicans so 0bama illegally ended this program.

6) Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school. Let's face it our children's education is a far cry from 30 years ago. If you doughty this ask your child a few questions about our founders or about the documents that founded this nation. If you are a young family you may have to seek out the answers before you ask the questions.

7) Religion — Remove the belief in God from the Government and schools.Taking religion and God out of the schools and government has already happened. It was the single worst thing that happened. It removed all morality from our youth. Killing by our young at the drop of a hat and the ones doing the killing put no value on their own life. What young man could beat on the elderly as we all saw on the tube this last year, an issue 30 years ago was never done or though of. Abortion on demand. We call it a woman's right. I'm sure God has another word for it.

8) Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.Democrats have use this in many ways. Not by only rich and poor but by race, gender, and left and right handed if they could get away with. I am the average person and race has never been a problem with me. Anyone that has a problem with race drilled into their head by government needs to take a step backwards and ask them self one question. Out of the tens of thousands of people I have crossed paths in my life how many were the same? IF ANYONE SEES A WHITE SUPREMEST LET ME KNOW. I have never seen one.

Ask yourself one more question. Which party has these 8 policies in their party as unwritten law and has fought to imply them for 50 years?
Much denigrated, often imitated, tRumplings love Saul Alinsky.


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