Better to have a straight parent in jail than gay parents at home

A mentally ill woman killed her kid.

So what's you point??

Step up to the challenge or admit you are wrong.
Wrong about what?

It's really very simple. Children imitate their parents.

If 2 fudge packers adopt a young boy then they will be his role models.

If the child observes his two daddy's swishing when they walk, with limp wrists, and speaking with a pronounced lisp.

Then he will think that is the normal way that an adult man is supposed to act and will imitate their behavior.

Now other kids at school will asume he is gay and refuse to interact with him.

Which will make him think he has no choice but to become a fudge packer himself.

Sadly, a child that could have grown up to be a normal and mentally healthy adult.

Will now be doomed to a life of self degradation, disease, and even death.

99% of all gays and lesbians have straight parents.
Try again with something, anything of substance.
I am listening and waiting.
I just finished a large fraud case involving millions of counterfeit bootlegged designer clothes and accesories.
Lead detective is a gay man and he made 7 cases against Chinese nationals.
How could that be?
99% of all gays and lesbians have straight parents.
Try again with something, anything of substance.
I am listening and waiting.
I just finished a large fraud case involving millions of counterfeit bootlegged designer clothes and accesories.
Lead detective is a gay man and he made 7 cases against Chinese nationals.
How could that be?

This has nothing to do with this discussion.

It is interesting how for someone who just worked on a case involving accessories can't spell the word.
99% of all gays and lesbians have straight parents.
Try again with something, anything of substance.
I am listening and waiting.
I just finished a large fraud case involving millions of counterfeit bootlegged designer clothes and accesories.
Lead detective is a gay man and he made 7 cases against Chinese nationals.
How could that be?

This has nothing to do with this discussion.

It is interesting how for someone who just worked on a case involving accessories can't spell the word.

Oh shit he missed an "s" as part of a double consonant, his argument is instantly invalid!

Grow up.
Well so much for staying on topic.

(although I still can't figure out what a fraud case involving foreign nationals has to do with this thread??)

Anyway, letting any child be raised by a homo parent(s) is just outright child abuse.

Because there is no way that the kid will grow up to be a normal mentally healthy adult and be able to function in society.

And also there is a high probability that the child will be molested by one or both of the so called parents or one of their gay friends.

Which will basically doom the kid to a life of pain and shame.

Why any normal caring person would want a child to suffer the mental and physical torture of being raised by homos is disgusting. :evil:
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.

As suspected...not peer reviewed and thoroughly debunked...

“Children of Homosexuals” Researcher More Apt To Ape Paul Cameron

Our kids are fine. In fact, I'm certain that our kids are doing MUCH better than children who have a father in jail despite what frothy Santorum says. Kids need parents that love them, period. The sexual orientation is irrelevant.
Any person with even an ounce of common sense.

Would know that a child would be better off growing up in an orphanage or foster home.

Than to be raised in a house by homo parents. :doubt:
Really intersting line of thought by Santorum. He will probably be out of the race in about two weeks anyways and then nobody has to care about this whatever-you-want-to-call-it anymore.

Has he actually ever visited or talked to gay couples raising children before?
Where are your peer reviewed studies that prove ANY of what you are claiming?

Gay parents, statistically, have just as many gay and/or straight kids that heterosexual parents do. I did see one study that showed that the children of gays and lesbians are more likely to experiment, but that did not increase the likelihood of the child identifying as gay.

Wrong - Peer Reviewed Study: Children of homosexuals more apt to be homosexuals.

As suspected...not peer reviewed and thoroughly debunked...

“Children of Homosexuals” Researcher More Apt To Ape Paul Cameron

Our kids are fine. In fact, I'm certain that our kids are doing MUCH better than children who have a father in jail despite what frothy Santorum says. Kids need parents that love them, period. The sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Review by Christopher Rosik, Ph.D. - Study Suggests Children Raised by LGBT Parents More Likely to Grow Up Gay or Bisexual.
I just finished a large fraud case involving millions of counterfeit bootlegged designer clothes and accesories.
Lead detective is a gay man and he made 7 cases against Chinese nationals.
How could that be?
And in relation to this discussion means what??

You and your religous tyrants would have him in a mental institution.
At least in a mental institution or psychiatric ward homosexuals could receive the treatments they so desperately need in order to cure them of their disease ridden vile affliction and free them from their perverted and self degrading lifestyle.

It's the least we can do for them as a caring society that values human life and believes that all people are entitled to having a normal standard of both physical and mental health.

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