Better to have a straight parent in jail than gay parents at home

And what about being gay prevents a person from being "functional" as a person? Does it stop you from waking up in the morning and going to work? Does it reduce your ability to be mobile, to detect the world around you? Does it prevent you from cooking dinner, washing your laundry, paying your bills?
A lot of alcoholics and drug users also manage to function within the larger society; many without detection for years.

But that doesn't negate the fact that they have a problem that need to be addressed with psychological therapy and other professional help.

Homos are no different in this respect. :doubt:
NARTH has many Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Ph'D's and other professional on it's board of directors'

So I don't see how you can completely dismiss their research or academic studies as somehow not reputable?

You dismiss their research and do not even know it.
They state people are born with their sexual attractions.
You claim otherwise.
You cherry pick what you like and point that out only.
You never read their research.
Yes, I do disagree with them on the issue of homosexuality being a choice.

But there are many other factors that I do agree with them on.

In essence, many homos need help to escape their sordid lifestyle.

And NARTH is just one of many organizations that recognizes this fact and provides a path to recovery.

So why is helping them become normal a bad thing in your eyes? :doubt:
NARTH has many Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Ph'D's and other professional on it's board of directors'

So I don't see how you can completely dismiss their research or academic studies as somehow not reputable?

You dismiss their research and do not even know it.
They state people are born with their sexual attractions.
You claim otherwise.
You cherry pick what you like and point that out only.
You never read their research.
Yes, I do disagree with them on the issue of homosexuality being a choice.

But there are many other factors that I do agree with them on.

In essence, many homos need help to escape their sordid lifestyle.

And NARTH is just one of many organizations that recognizes this fact and provides a path to recovery.

So why is helping them become normal a bad thing in your eyes? :doubt:

so tell me dear...when did you decide to be hetro?

no one decides...and why on the earth would someone decide to take a hard path?
so tell me dear...when did you decide to be hetro?

no one decides...and why on the earth would someone decide to take a hard path?
Heck, you live in the country Bones.

So you see the evidence all around you that being hetro is the natural order of animals.

But some people "choose" to go against nature

Sure a dog may some times hump a persons leg; but they are just confused. :eusa_angel:
NARTH has many Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Ph'D's and other professional on it's board of directors'

So I don't see how you can completely dismiss their research or academic studies as somehow not reputable?

You dismiss their research and do not even know it.
They state people are born with their sexual attractions.
You claim otherwise.
You cherry pick what you like and point that out only.
You never read their research.
Yes, I do disagree with them on the issue of homosexuality being a choice.

But there are many other factors that I do agree with them on.

In essence, many homos need help to escape their sordid lifestyle.

And NARTH is just one of many organizations that recognizes this fact and provides a path to recovery.

So why is helping them become normal a bad thing in your eyes? :doubt:

I do agree that being Muslim is a choice.

In essence, many Muslims need help to escape their sordid lifestyle.

Again - Your article only covers lesbian women, because only lesbian mothers produce good quality children because one of them is the biological mother. This is not the case for gay men. It is not the case for the majority of adopted babies or children. Peer reviewed science proves that gay families produce more gay offspring. This increases adoption rates which decreases the quality of offspring. It multiplies every generation & harms society.

Just be glad you live in the USA.

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Friend of mine, career Army man now retired.
Carl has a sister married to a black man in deep rural south Georgia. And he was an officer in the Army for 25 years. He stated he had numerous gays and lesbians over the years.
"one day forty years from now the next generation will look back and see how ridiculous this gay phobia crap is. By then it will definitely be a non issue."
Carl played a part in me changing my mind about 20 years ago.
I just worked a case here where a man beat his 2 year old and caved his skull in. They took the kid to Scottish Rite Hospital in Atlanta last week.
While there they saw bruising on the 5 year old.
The mother is supporting the husband.
The 5 year old is a foster kid, passed around for the last 3 years 4 times.

Again, only lesbian mothers produce good quality children because one of them is the biological mother. This is not the case for gay men. It is not the case for the majority of adopted babies or children.

Just be glad you live in the USA.

Oh, I see. Because "at least we don't hang our homosexuals like Iran" we're supposed to be GRATEFUL?


Again - Your article only covers lesbian women, because only lesbian mothers produce good quality children because one of them is the biological mother. This is not the case for gay men. It is not the case for the majority of adopted babies or children. Peer reviewed science proves that gay families produce more gay offspring. This increases adoption rates which decreases the quality of offspring. It multiplies every generation & harms society.

Just be glad you live in the USA.

Oh, I see. Because "at least we don't hang our homosexuals like Iran" we're supposed to be GRATEFUL?


Because we support gays Iran refuses all Western influence & believe we are a morally degraded society. They would rather fight to the death than let our influence infect them. They hang & kill gays to eradicate this scourge from their population. This is a huge point of political tension between the USA, Iran & the rest of the Middle-East. It is a leading cause of war & escalating tensions with Iran. Soon many more will die so gays can live free.
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Iran's laws are a little excessive; but it's their country, so they should be allowed to have any laws they want without interference from the West. :cool:
There is little negotiating or cooperating with Iran because of our culture clash. They don't get the funny in "Will & Grace".

Iran would not enjoy the musical stylings of Freddie Mercury, Men at Work or Elton John.
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There is little negotiating or cooperating with Iran because of our culture clash. They don't get the funny in "Will & Grace".

Iran would not enjoy the musical stylings of Freddie Mercury, Men at Work or Elton John.

Iran suffers from an oppressive, theocratic government. I think given the chance, the people of Iran would welcome the funny in "Will & Grace". Most people in this world want to get married, raise kids and enjoy life. It's the religious rulers and government officials who wage the wars.
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Again - Your article only covers lesbian women, because only lesbian mothers produce good quality children because one of them is the biological mother. This is not the case for gay men. It is not the case for the majority of adopted babies or children. Peer reviewed science proves that gay families produce more gay offspring. This increases adoption rates which decreases the quality of offspring. It multiplies every generation & harms society.

Just be glad you live in the USA.

Oh, I see. Because "at least we don't hang our homosexuals like Iran" we're supposed to be GRATEFUL?


Because we support gays Iran refuses all Western influence & believe we are a morally degraded society. They would rather fight to the death than let our influence infect them. They hang & kill gays to eradicate this scourge from their population. This is a huge point of political tension between the USA, Iran & the rest of the Middle-East. It is a leading cause of war & escalating tensions with Iran. Soon many more will die so gays can live free.

Ah...gays are to blame for the Tensions between our two countries.....? :lmao: :lmao: Gee. Without them there dang gays, Iran and the U.S. would be busom buddies. :lmao: :lmao:

What a tool you are. :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
There is little negotiating or cooperating with Iran because of our culture clash. They don't get the funny in "Will & Grace".

Iran would not enjoy the musical stylings of Freddie Mercury, Men at Work or Elton John.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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