Better to have a straight parent in jail than gay parents at home


That is a cute picture of you on the right. However it seems you have grown up a bit from Dot Com to Blob Com. :badgrin:
And in relation to this discussion means what??

You and your religous tyrants would have him in a mental institution.
At least in a mental institution or psychiatric ward homosexuals could receive the treatments they so desperately need in order to cure them of their disease ridden vile affliction and free them from their perverted and self degrading lifestyle.

It's the least we can do for them as a caring society that values human life and believes that all people are entitled to having a normal standard of both physical and mental health.

You do not care for them. You label them as less than human.
Quit the BS.

As suspected...not peer reviewed and thoroughly debunked...

“Children of Homosexuals” Researcher More Apt To Ape Paul Cameron

Our kids are fine. In fact, I'm certain that our kids are doing MUCH better than children who have a father in jail despite what frothy Santorum says. Kids need parents that love them, period. The sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Review by Christopher Rosik, Ph.D. - Study Suggests Children Raised by LGBT Parents More Likely to Grow Up Gay or Bisexual.

He is a NARTH whore.
NARTH is a legitimate organization that shows people that are trapped in the homosexual lifestyle that there is hope and an avenue of escape.

That homosexuality is a choice and not a genetic anomaly.

And thru psychiatric therapy and behavior modification homosexuals can become a normal functioning human beings.
At least in a mental institution or psychiatric ward homosexuals could receive the treatments they so desperately need in order to cure them of their disease ridden vile affliction and free them from their perverted and self degrading lifestyle.

It's the least we can do for them as a caring society that values human life and believes that all people are entitled to having a normal standard of both physical and mental health.

Wow. Talk about projecting!
I personally do not hate homos.

They are just like people who are caught up into alcoholism or drugs.

And won't admit or recognize that they have a serious problem and need help.

Just like AA for alcoholics; NARTH provides the same type of escape for homosexuals that have come to the realization they need to be cured in order to become normal functioning people.
I personally do not hate homos.

They are just like people who are caught up into alcoholism or drugs.

And won't admit or recognize that they have a serious problem and need help.

Just like AA for alcoholics; NARTH provides the same type of escape for homosexuals that have come to the realization they need to be cured in order to become normal functioning people.

If they want to FINE.
But no one should be forced into it like you want to do.
As suspected...not peer reviewed and thoroughly debunked...

“Children of Homosexuals” Researcher More Apt To Ape Paul Cameron

Our kids are fine. In fact, I'm certain that our kids are doing MUCH better than children who have a father in jail despite what frothy Santorum says. Kids need parents that love them, period. The sexual orientation is irrelevant.

Review by Christopher Rosik, Ph.D. - Study Suggests Children Raised by LGBT Parents More Likely to Grow Up Gay or Bisexual.

He is a NARTH whore.

Yep. His research reminds me of the Then-Considered-Research in the late 1800s that concluded women were too frail and their minds too simple to handle some of the new technology like sewing machines and typewriters. :lol::lol::lol:
Basically, what you are saying; is that pro-gay research is scientific; but anti-gay research has no validity.
Basically, what you are saying; is that pro-gay research is scientific; but anti-gay research has no validity.

No actually, what we are saying is that NARTH has been debunked more times that a mangy mutt has fleas. They aren't reputable by any stretch of the imagination. They've even been completely and thoroughly debunked in court. (Prop 8 hearings)
I personally do not hate homos.

They are just like people who are caught up into alcoholism or drugs.

And won't admit or recognize that they have a serious problem and need help.

Just like AA for alcoholics; NARTH provides the same type of escape for homosexuals that have come to the realization they need to be cured in order to become normal functioning people.

And what about being gay prevents a person from being "functional" as a person? Does it stop you from waking up in the morning and going to work? Does it reduce your ability to be mobile, to detect the world around you? Does it prevent you from cooking dinner, washing your laundry, paying your bills?
I just read all of their studies and they all state that folks are born with their sexual attractions.
All they state is that they can change it. They do not call it a choice.
They know that is bogus.
NARTH has many Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Ph'D's and other professional on it's board of directors'

So I don't see how you can completely dismiss their research or academic studies as somehow not reputable?
Basically, what you are saying; is that pro-gay research is scientific; but anti-gay research has no validity.

Anti Muslim research has no validity as not all Muslims are bad people.
I never heard of anti-muslim research?

At what University do they do this type of scientific research??

All kinds of research going on as there is a European Muslim Research Centre does studies on hate crimes and hate groups that hate Muslims.
You didn't know that there are folks that hate Muslims and lots of them???
And most of the study groups outside of that, their TOP TWO STUDY AREAS?
Homophobia and Isamophobia.
Hate is hate.
NARTH has many Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Ph'D's and other professional on it's board of directors'

So I don't see how you can completely dismiss their research or academic studies as somehow not reputable?

You dismiss their research and do not even know it.
They state people are born with their sexual attractions.
You claim otherwise.
You cherry pick what you like and point that out only.
You never read their research.

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