Between 20-24" of rain have fallen in South Carolina since Thursday...

Sea kelp.
This chick is a lunatic.
The God of Israel laughs at you dumb goyim

I belong to the God of Israel. I am His servant and when you trouble his servants? You can expect Him to bring tribulation into your life. Best thing for you to do? Is wise up and leave the children of God alone, Guno.
Hey...we've got a lot of satan worshippers here in California, Jeri....Why don't you pray some rain "punishment" our way?

The drought is evidence that your satanists do not have the power they claim they have. To be clear, Lucifer doesn't have the power he claims to have. He has to ask permission from God before he can act and the answer? Is quite obviously no. No rain for you.

Listen up. In hell? There won't be a drop of water. Not one drop! So this is acclimating some folks for what they can look forward to if they don't turn away from him, repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ.

Can a satanist be forgiven of their sins even if they have done human sacrifice to Satan? Yes. They can be forgiven of all of their sins and set from free from the demons that are controlling their lives. Absolutely.

Have you invited Jesus into your life yet, Bodie? If not? Why not right now? Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY.
Is that what the voices are telling you in your head? Is that what Benny whispered in your ear?

Probably more like Harvey, the black lab...
Perchance Balaam's ass is talking to Jere and she hears not. That would be a shame.
The God of Israel laughs at you dumb goyim

I belong to the God of Israel. I am His servant and when you trouble his servants? You can expect Him to bring tribulation into your life. Best thing for you to do? Is wise up and leave the children of God alone, Guno.
Hey...we've got a lot of satan worshippers here in California, Jeri....Why don't you pray some rain "punishment" our way?

The drought is evidence that your satanists do not have the power they claim they have. To be clear, Lucifer doesn't have the power he claims to have. He has to ask permission from God before he can act and the answer? Is quite obviously no. No rain for you.

Listen up. In hell? There won't be a drop of water. Not one drop! So this is acclimating some folks for what they can look forward to if they don't turn away from him, repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ.

Can a satanist be forgiven of their sins even if they have done human sacrifice to Satan? Yes. They can be forgiven of all of their sins and set from free from the demons that are controlling their lives. Absolutely.

Have you invited Jesus into your life yet, Bodie? If not? Why not right now? Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY.
Thanks, Jeri....It's raining today. :clap:

God rains on the just and the unjust. It is written:

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
Matthew 5:45

But you'll still have to repent of your sins and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be born again, Bodie. Unless a man be born again he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Hell has no exits. And there is no water and no chance of rain. Ever.
You must be a parody Jeri

My prayer for South Carolina is that God's will be done in each and every life there and that He will bring revival in the churches out of all the suffering they are currently enduring. I pray God purifies His churches there and raises them up in power and authority to take back their State and pray over it and drive out the wickedness. I'm believing for revival in that State. With God all things are possible.
My prayer for South Carolina is that God's will be done in each and every life there and that He will bring revival in the churches out of all the suffering they are currently enduring. I pray God purifies His churches there and raises them up in power and authority to take back their State and pray over it and drive out the wickedness. I'm believing for revival in that State. With God all things are possible.

Pretty sure they don't need your kind of faith and will do just fine without your prayers. Both of which smack of hatred and evil.
Blame Bush

See hope and change

A storm has nothing to do with politics.

Are you drunk?

i guess you missed Katrina.
That was a very sad thing to watch. The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual. Afterwards - some people woke up.
The people into the occult in New Orleans thought it was business as usual.

How insane is that statement!!

Not insane at all. You obviously do not know many people in New Orleans. My best friend was from New Orleans. If she were here she would tell you herself about the wickedness that was going on down there before Katrina hit. The same God that rained fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah is on his throne today. God is not mocked.

Some people believe it was over the deal Bush made in dividing the land of Israel (Gaza) as in this story - others believe it was because of the wickedness of that state. We know that God made clear that his judgment is going to fall on Florida, New York, California and Las Vegas, Nevada - in one hour those places will burn because God says they are like Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Day God Withdrew His Presence from America

I think this belong in religion section? I live here in Florida and California.... I should move to Washington.
I really feel sorry for you Jeri

You shouldn't. I inherited what you turned down, Guno. The blessings of Abraham and salvation through Jesus Christ the Messiah. I'm a daughter of Abraham. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? You'll be lost for ever. Things are not going so well for you. You should wake up and recognize why that is, Guno.

The God of Israel laughs at you dumb goyim

I belong to the God of Israel. I am His servant and when you trouble his servants? You can expect Him to bring tribulation into your life. Best thing for you to do? Is wise up and leave the children of God alone, Guno.

Hey...we've got a lot of satan worshippers here in California, Jeri....Why don't you pray some rain "punishment" our way?

The drought is evidence that your satanists do not have the power they claim they have. To be clear, Lucifer doesn't have the power he claims to have. He has to ask permission from God before he can act and the answer? Is quite obviously no. No rain for you.

Listen up. In hell? There won't be a drop of water. Not one drop! So this is acclimating some folks for what they can look forward to if they don't turn away from him, repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ.

Can a satanist be forgiven of their sins even if they have done human sacrifice to Satan? Yes. They can be forgiven of all of their sins and set from free from the demons that are controlling their lives. Absolutely.

Have you invited Jesus into your life yet, Bodie? If not? Why not right now? Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY.

Seriously...Currently I'm here in Corona, California 5:30pm ( visiting a supplier) and its raining VERY hard.....Jeremiah....WHAT DID YOU DO?
My prayer for South Carolina is that God's will be done in each and every life there and that He will bring revival in the churches out of all the suffering they are currently enduring. I pray God purifies His churches there and raises them up in power and authority to take back their State and pray over it and drive out the wickedness. I'm believing for revival in that State. With God all things are possible.

Pretty sure they don't need your kind of faith and will do just fine without your prayers. Both of which smack of hatred and evil.

Listen, if Jesus were here? You'd probably accuse Him of the same thing. You're problem is not with me. You're problem is with the Word of God.
Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to come beginning on the 24th at church the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!

Sometimes I can't tell whether you are serious or a parody account

I am serious. I posted publicly on this board that I was praying for rain last month. Feel free to look it up, Bro. Do you see the rain reports? The unprecedented rain reports and news of Tomorrow land turning into Dismaland - a total Disaster? That was shut down early because of the rain? That was my prayers, friend.

Tomorrowland made a huge mistake. They advertised their Rave as a concert (expecting 250,000 people or more in their early reports) was the event "that even God could not stop"! How wrong they were. The organizers did such a poor job of planning for this onslaught of rain and mud that the news is there won't be another one next year. Thank God!

Mission accomplished. I've yet to see Jesus Christ lose a battle. He gives the battle plan and His servants pray it through. You see the results. I hope it makes you a believer.

You shouldn't. I inherited what you turned down, Guno. The blessings of Abraham and salvation through Jesus Christ the Messiah. I'm a daughter of Abraham. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? You'll be lost for ever. Things are not going so well for you. You should wake up and recognize why that is, Guno.

The God of Israel laughs at you dumb goyim

I belong to the God of Israel. I am His servant and when you trouble his servants? You can expect Him to bring tribulation into your life. Best thing for you to do? Is wise up and leave the children of God alone, Guno.
Hey...we've got a lot of satan worshippers here in California, Jeri....Why don't you pray some rain "punishment" our way?

The drought is evidence that your satanists do not have the power they claim they have. To be clear, Lucifer doesn't have the power he claims to have. He has to ask permission from God before he can act and the answer? Is quite obviously no. No rain for you.

Listen up. In hell? There won't be a drop of water. Not one drop! So this is acclimating some folks for what they can look forward to if they don't turn away from him, repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ.

Can a satanist be forgiven of their sins even if they have done human sacrifice to Satan? Yes. They can be forgiven of all of their sins and set from free from the demons that are controlling their lives. Absolutely.

Have you invited Jesus into your life yet, Bodie? If not? Why not right now? Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY.

Seriously...Currently I'm here in Corona, California 5:30pm ( visiting a supplier) and its raining VERY hard.....Jeremiah....WHAT DID YOU DO?

You shouldn't. I inherited what you turned down, Guno. The blessings of Abraham and salvation through Jesus Christ the Messiah. I'm a daughter of Abraham. If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? You'll be lost for ever. Things are not going so well for you. You should wake up and recognize why that is, Guno.

The God of Israel laughs at you dumb goyim

I belong to the God of Israel. I am His servant and when you trouble his servants? You can expect Him to bring tribulation into your life. Best thing for you to do? Is wise up and leave the children of God alone, Guno.
Hey...we've got a lot of satan worshippers here in California, Jeri....Why don't you pray some rain "punishment" our way?

The drought is evidence that your satanists do not have the power they claim they have. To be clear, Lucifer doesn't have the power he claims to have. He has to ask permission from God before he can act and the answer? Is quite obviously no. No rain for you.

Listen up. In hell? There won't be a drop of water. Not one drop! So this is acclimating some folks for what they can look forward to if they don't turn away from him, repent of their sins and follow Jesus Christ.

Can a satanist be forgiven of their sins even if they have done human sacrifice to Satan? Yes. They can be forgiven of all of their sins and set from free from the demons that are controlling their lives. Absolutely.

Have you invited Jesus into your life yet, Bodie? If not? Why not right now? Today is the day of Salvation. TODAY.

Seriously...Currently I'm here in Corona, California 5:30pm ( visiting a supplier) and its raining VERY hard.....Jeremiah....WHAT DID YOU DO?

Maybe you have Christians in the neighborhood praying for rain. The prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Enjoy your rain. Get a bucket and save some..
Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to come beginning on the 24th at church the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!

Sometimes I can't tell whether you are serious or a parody account

I am serious. I posted publicly on this board that I was praying for rain last month. Feel free to look it up, Bro. Do you see the rain reports? The unprecedented rain reports and news of Tomorrow land turning into Dismaland - a total Disaster? That was shut down early because of the rain? That was my prayers, friend.

Tomorrowland made a huge mistake. They advertised their Rave as a concert (expecting 250,000 people or more in their early reports) was the event "that even God could not stop"! How wrong they were. The organizers did such a poor job of planning for this onslaught of rain and mud that the news is there won't be another one next year. Thank God!

Mission accomplished. I've yet to see Jesus Christ lose a battle. He gives the battle plan and His servants pray it through. You see the results. I hope it makes you a believer.

Wrong. The bible is clear that the prayers of the righteous availeth much. The rained out Satanic Rave fest stopped many people from being put into serious danger. Not one life was lost. It was a good thing and God shut down the Tomorrowland Belgium Satanist agenda in Georgia. They won't be back next year. They are Finished. With a capitol F.
Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to come beginning on the 24th at church the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!

Sometimes I can't tell whether you are serious or a parody account

I am serious. I posted publicly on this board that I was praying for rain last month. Feel free to look it up, Bro. Do you see the rain reports? The unprecedented rain reports and news of Tomorrow land turning into Dismaland - a total Disaster? That was shut down early because of the rain? That was my prayers, friend.

Tomorrowland made a huge mistake. They advertised their Rave as a concert (expecting 250,000 people or more in their early reports) was the event "that even God could not stop"! How wrong they were. The organizers did such a poor job of planning for this onslaught of rain and mud that the news is there won't be another one next year. Thank God!

Mission accomplished. I've yet to see Jesus Christ lose a battle. He gives the battle plan and His servants pray it through. You see the results. I hope it makes you a believer.

Wrong. The bible is clear that the prayers of the righteous availeth much. The rained out Satanic Rave fest stopped many people from being put into serious danger. Not one life was lost. It was a good thing and God shut down the Tomorrowland Belgium Satanist agenda in Georgia. They won't be back next year. They are Finished. With a capitol F.

Magical thinking
You did not go through Rita or Ike or Charley, did you?
Hugo - '88
Hazel- '54

Those were 2 badass storms

Been thru these big hurricanes

Carol 54 NY
Donna 60 NY
Agnes 72 NY
bell 76 NY
Gloria 85 NY
Hugo 89 SC
Fran 96 NC
Floyd 99 NC

All natural forces of nature , not any gods revenge.

Thinking like that is in line with primitive uneducated thinking , more in line with 2000 years ago when people didn't understand science , as apparently some still don't today,
South Carolina Rainfall Is Worst In A Thousand Years, Gov. Haley Says


Being called the worst storm in 1,000 years, although I am not sure how they can measure it...

Hoping that this too shall pass quickly.

What I heard referring to "a thousand years" was the NOAA predictions describing a "once in a thousand year event" as far as a continuous perfect storm of rain.

We've been getting it here in WNC, as has northeast Georgia. It started Thursday night September 24 and except for half a day on Tuesday 9/29 hasn't stopped. We've got I'd guess at least 15 inches here in that time, probably more.

SC is (generally) lower and flatter land than here so it's going to pile up more there than here. Around here with high elevations and lots of drainage the main concern is landslides. That, and finding oneself on a little mountain-pass road that's suddenly unusable because a tree fell across it, which is why I haven't been out hardly at all.

Never seen this much rain, ever.

Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to start pouring on the 24th at church - I asked them to join me in agreeing for the rain the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) and everyone present did. There is tremendous power in agreement - especially in a very large group of prayer warriors. As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!
South Carolina Rainfall Is Worst In A Thousand Years, Gov. Haley Says


Being called the worst storm in 1,000 years, although I am not sure how they can measure it...

Hoping that this too shall pass quickly.

What I heard referring to "a thousand years" was the NOAA predictions describing a "once in a thousand year event" as far as a continuous perfect storm of rain.

We've been getting it here in WNC, as has northeast Georgia. It started Thursday night September 24 and except for half a day on Tuesday 9/29 hasn't stopped. We've got I'd guess at least 15 inches here in that time, probably more.

SC is (generally) lower and flatter land than here so it's going to pile up more there than here. Around here with high elevations and lots of drainage the main concern is landslides. That, and finding oneself on a little mountain-pass road that's suddenly unusable because a tree fell across it, which is why I haven't been out hardly at all.

Never seen this much rain, ever.

Me neither. God really answered my prayers beyond what I could ever have hoped or imagined, Pogo. I started asking the LORD for this rain some months ago as there was a Satanic rave in Georgia called Tomorrowland which would have (if it had not been for the rain destroying their plans and getting canceled early) very dangerous for the over 150,000 young people who had bought tickets to attend it - it was to go on until September 28th - I was also praying for rain during the anti-Christ Popes visit which fell on the same days (approximately) and so after the rave there was another event which a man at my church told me today that my prayer for rain was certainly answered by God and that God had used the rain to rain out another ungodly event (which I had no idea of!) and he and his wife surely seemed very happy about it. I had asked my church to join me in asking for the rain to start pouring on the 24th at church - I asked them to join me in agreeing for the rain the week before (if I recall the timing correctly) and everyone present did. There is tremendous power in agreement - especially in a very large group of prayer warriors. As I said before, it is the greatest answer to prayer I've received from God concerning rain that I can recall. I'm overwhelmed at His Goodness towards me! He is so wonderful! I'm praising Jesus for it!

Luke 6:11 is for you, Guno. You're hatred of the Messiah and those who follow Him has driven you mad.
The rain fell like it always has. They should have prepared for it.

There is wisdom in being prepared. I agree with you. The time to be prepared for a disaster is before it happens. Not while it is happening and not after it happens. As catastrophic events, floods, hurricanes, fires, earthquakes and such can happen suddenly the answer is to always be prepared. There is a spiritual lesson in that what is true of the natural is true in the spirit realm. If we stay prepared and ready we won't be caught unaware. If our house is built upon the rock which is Jesus Christ the storms won't destroy us and shipwreck our faith. We'll stand. In any situation.

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