Beware! Precious Children Are In The Crosshairs Of The Homosexuals Radical Sex Agenda

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is another Steve McGarrett public service announcement about how dangerous homosexuals are. It has been concluded that homosexuals were sexually abused as children by other predatory homosexuals.

Now they seek to normalize their behavior to attain better access to molest YOUR children!

>Yes, Childhood Sexual Abuse Often Does Contribute to Homosexuality | The Stream<

>The LGBT fraud has been exposed, and they’re definitely not happy about it<

As a moral heterosexual southern Baptist Christian conservative, protect your children by shaming gays back into the closet. It is your God given duty.

Precious Children in the Crosshairs of Radical Sex Agenda

It's amazing what religious fanatics can come up with in their laboratories in their Christian fundamentalist universities, isn't it..
Yes! It's called the truth.

No, see, if it's the truth, you don't have to make shit up to prove it.
I'm not making anything up!
As a moral heterosexual southern Baptist Christian conservative, protect your children by shaming gays back into the closet. It is your God given duty.

You are racist, anti-semite bigot asshole- you have no morals and you reject everything Jesus taught.

You want to protect your children?

Then take care of them, teach them, play with them, love them, give them rules- don't blame homosexuals for your failures.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is another Steve McGarrett public service announcement about how dangerous homosexuals are. It has been concluded that homosexuals were sexually abused as children by other predatory homosexuals.

Now they seek to normalize their behavior to attain better access to molest YOUR children!

>Yes, Childhood Sexual Abuse Often Does Contribute to Homosexuality | The Stream<

>The LGBT fraud has been exposed, and they’re definitely not happy about it<

As a moral heterosexual southern Baptist Christian conservative, protect your children by shaming gays back into the closet. It is your God given duty.

Precious Children in the Crosshairs of Radical Sex Agenda

It's amazing what religious fanatics can come up with in their laboratories in their Christian fundamentalist universities, isn't it..
Yes! It's called the truth.

No, see, if it's the truth, you don't have to make shit up to prove it.
I'm not making anything up!

You pull crap out of your ass and call it the words of Jesus- making crap up is all you do.
Morals? Don't worry, no one will EVER accuse you of having "morals".
I'm the epitome of being moral.

Stand outside while uttering those words so God can smite you.
What are you doing to protect the children from homosexuals aka child predators/pedophiles?

Pointing out that you are an asshole and a liar.

Assholes like you- who lie and say that homosexuals are the child molesters- endanger children- assholes like you put children at risk- and you don't give a damn that you are putting children at risk.

You tell people "Beware the homosexuals"- and then idiot parents leave their kids with good upstanding heterosexuals like Dennis Hastert or Jerry Sandinsky- because they aren't homosexuals so according to what you tell them- those guys were safe- and their kids get raped.

You are a danger to children.
You are an asshole.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. This is another Steve McGarrett public service announcement about how dangerous homosexuals are. It has been concluded that homosexuals were sexually abused as children by other predatory homosexuals.

Now they seek to normalize their behavior to attain better access to molest YOUR children!

>Yes, Childhood Sexual Abuse Often Does Contribute to Homosexuality | The Stream<

>The LGBT fraud has been exposed, and they’re definitely not happy about it<

As a moral heterosexual southern Baptist Christian conservative, protect your children by shaming gays back into the closet. It is your God given duty.

Precious Children in the Crosshairs of Radical Sex Agenda
Homosexuality is about attraction for a same sex.

A homosexual would have no more desire to molest children than a heterosexual.

Sexual attraction to children is a different than homosexuality.

Pedal your hate & bigotry elsewhere.
Morals? Don't worry, no one will EVER accuse you of having "morals".
I'm the epitome of being moral.

Stand outside while uttering those words so God can smite you.
What are you doing to protect the children from homosexuals aka child predators/pedophiles?

Pointing out that you are an asshole and a liar.

Assholes like you- who lie and say that homosexuals are the child molesters- endanger children- assholes like you put children at risk- and you don't give a damn that you are putting children at risk.

You tell people "Beware the homosexuals"- and then idiot parents leave their kids with good upstanding heterosexuals like Dennis Hastert or Jerry Sandinsky- because they aren't homosexuals so according to what you tell them- those guys were safe- and their kids get raped.

You are a danger to children.
You are an asshole.
I'm protecting the children from homosexuals through the power and love of God. Our blessed children are being preyed upon by Satan's sinners aka homosexuals. As a man of the Christian faith, I feel rewarded as my kind generous soul is enveloped in the Almighty's love for doing such a wonderous deed. Our children are the future of America and the type people the founders specifically created this country for via the Naturalization Act of 1790. Won't you help me in this quest to protect the children from the evil entities known as Homosexuals aka pedophiles?
You guys make my skin crawl
Gee sorry about that Nuddly, but here is a video that will cheer you up]

Unlike you, I am pleased whenever a child molester is arrested and convicted- regardless of whether his victim is a girl or a boy.
It's just that the homo's do it much more often.

Unlike you, I am pleased whenever a child molester is arrested and convicted- regardless of whether his victim is a girl or a boy.
Morals? Don't worry, no one will EVER accuse you of having "morals".
I'm the epitome of being moral.

Stand outside while uttering those words so God can smite you.
What are you doing to protect the children from homosexuals aka child predators/pedophiles?

Pointing out that you are an asshole and a liar.

Assholes like you- who lie and say that homosexuals are the child molesters- endanger children- assholes like you put children at risk- and you don't give a damn that you are putting children at risk.

You tell people "Beware the homosexuals"- and then idiot parents leave their kids with good upstanding heterosexuals like Dennis Hastert or Jerry Sandinsky- because they aren't homosexuals so according to what you tell them- those guys were safe- and their kids get raped.

You are a danger to children.
You are an asshole.
I'm protecting the children

You are endangering our children- and you don't give a flying fuck.

Assholes like you- who lie and say that homosexuals are the child molesters- endanger children- assholes like you put children at risk- and you don't give a damn that you are putting children at risk.

You tell people "Beware the homosexuals"- and then idiot parents leave their kids with good upstanding heterosexuals like Dennis Hastert or Jerry Sandinsky- because they aren't homosexuals so according to what you tell them- those guys were safe- and their kids get raped.

You are a danger to children.
You are an asshole.

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